Your heart is free

Chapter 206 The Unknown Beast

Chapter 206 The Unknown Beast

A blue sea night pearl is worth millions of gold, and now the two maids beside Nalan Huaxin are each holding one, which is equivalent to taking 200 million taels of gold to dangle here!Bringing this thing is just for lighting!

Look at the greatness of others!So, this is the background of Wentian Mountain.Therefore, people who ask Tianshan Mountain have a feeling of superiority when they go out. Even when they go to break the domain, they feel superior to others.In a way, they have this capital.

Therefore, the people in the Nine Heavens Palace also felt that if their emperor married Nalan Huaxin, it would be a blessing to break the realm. In modern times, this would be a super rich daughter with power at the top of the world.

The Three Cold Autumn Jiaos are afraid of heat and strong light, but the Blue Sea Night Pearl is produced in the depths of the sea. Its light is very soft, even with a faint coldness, so it has no effect on the Three Cold Autumn Jiaos.

This also shows that Nalan Huaxin has really done his homework.Lou Qi didn't believe that Wen Tianshan and Nalan Huaxin would be so selfless, that after spending so much energy, they really just dug up this three-cold autumn jiao plant for Shen Sha unconditionally!She really wanted to know what Nalan Huaxin, or the Great Elder of Tianshan, wanted to get from Shen Sha.

"Saint, you don't know where you went when you asked the sword and ink." A guard frowned and said to Nalan.

Nalan Hua paused, and asked the maids on the left and right to raise the Ye Mingzhu a little higher, so that the range of light would be wider, "Call them."

The guard raised his voice: "Ask the sword, ask Mo! Yu Cong!"

It was quiet all around, and no one responded at all.

Nalan Huaxin frowned all of a sudden, looked around, and said in a deep voice, "Leave them alone, the hour is almost here, let's go!"


A few people walked quickly to the open space, and other people formed a small circle. Nalan Huaxin squatted down gently, waiting intently for the three cold autumn dragons to break out of the ground.

At this time, Nalan Huaxin also knew that something might be wrong. It is impossible for Wenjian Wenmo and Yu Cong to disappear silently. It may be more or less ominous, but now Sanhan Qiujiao is about to be unearthed, and everything else has to be done. Put it aside first, the most important thing is to dig the three cold and autumn Jiao smoothly.

But although she had almost made all the preparations, she never thought that this extremely yin place would be so yin at this time in Zishi!

Nalan Huaxin's cultivation was the highest among these few people, so it was not her who first noticed something was wrong, but her two maids.

The blue sea night pearl they held in their hands was originally a cold light, a faint blue light, plus the miasma in this area became heavier at night, and now it looked more like a misty smoke cage, with a bit of ghostly air.

I don't know where the howling of wild beasts came from, one after another, it was much more lively than before, but this kind of excitement made people feel a little frightened.

The two maids were trembling, and felt that it was getting colder and colder. The wind was not strong, but it blew over in bursts, and it always felt gloomy.

The maids on the left and right suddenly shook their hands, and the blue sea night pearl in their hands fell to the ground.As soon as the blue sea luminous pearl fell to the ground, it rolled towards the black soil in the middle. The soil was a bit wet, and after the luminous pearl rolled, the surface was covered with black soil, covering most of the light.

The light of the night pearl was not very bright in the first place, but now there is only one left, Nalan Huaxin felt that his eyes darkened, and the shadows of the few of them got darker.

She was about to scold, but she suddenly felt that something was wrong, she took a closer look, why was there a strange shadow in front of her eyes?

The shadow was cast right in front of her, and it looked like there were two horns on her head!She looked back suddenly, but what she saw was that her maid was squatting down to pick up the night pearl on the ground in a panic.


As soon as Nalan Huaxin's words fell, a figure flashed out from nowhere and threw her maid down. A huge mouth bit the hand she just took Ye Mingzhu, including the Ye Mingzhu. , There was a creaking sound, and then, the figure disappeared all of a sudden, gone!
"Ah! My hand!"

The maid screamed.Only then did Nalan Huaxin realize that the maid's palm was gone, only some jagged tooth marks remained on her wrist, and blood was continuously flowing out.

And the blue sea night pearl disappeared.

For a while, everyone was terrified.

Nalan Hua was also terrified, because she didn't see clearly what that thing was. Although there were two horns on its head, its whole body was shrouded in a cloud of mist. She only saw a huge mouth, like a giant mouth. Like a black hole.

She had no idea where it came from and how it disappeared!
"Be alert—"

Before she finished her sentence again, the shadow rushed over again. This time she was on guard, but it was useless!The thing wrapped in mist whizzed past before her eyes. Passed. Passed!Then!The other maid screamed again, and it was too late to make a move. No, she made a move, but it was as if she put her hand right into its mouth!
The thing didn't make a sound, and bit off the maid's hand again!But just when it was about to bite her other hand holding the Blue Sea Night Pearl, Nalan Huaxin waved his hand, and a cold light shot towards it.

The thing flashed and disappeared again.

Nalan Huaxin's face darkened.

She took Ye Mingzhu from the maid, and another guard immediately stopped the bleeding of the two maids, and then pulled them aside.

Lou Qi, who was approaching quietly, led Chen Shi and Lou Xin to lower their bodies, only showing their heads and looking over there.

"Do you know what that is?" Lou Qi asked in a low voice.She couldn't hide her surprise, the speed of that thing was so fast that it was unimaginable, she couldn't even see whether Nalan Huaxin's hidden weapon hurt it just now.

Both Chen Shi and Lou Xin shook their heads.

"I heard that there are many ferocious beasts in this Valley of Gods and Demons, and they are all mutated. Because few people come in, there is very little news about it."

Lou Qi thought for a while and said, "It seems to be interested in the Blue Sea Night Pearl. It has devoured one just now, and now it wants the second one."

That blue sea night pearl is about the size of a tennis ball, and I don't know if it will choke to death.

"Girl, it's time!"

The Three Frost Autumn Flood Dragon should be about to be unearthed, but now Nalan Huaxin didn't dare to turn around to look at it, because it might come out at any time.

"Saint, step back a little first, that monster might be the guardian beast of the Sanhan Qiujiao!" said a guard.

Nalan Huaxin gritted his teeth: "If you retreat at this time, what if the beast eats the Sanhan Qiujiao?"

The Three Cold Autumn Flood Jiao is not a good thing for women, because it grows from an extremely shady place, and its medicinal properties are also extremely cold!However, for men who practice pure yang internal strength, this is an excellent thing!After taking these three cold autumn flood dragons, it will not weaken the man's positive yang energy, but will make the positive yang energy more harmonious, pure and thick, and make the future practice more effective with half the effort. Another point is to strengthen the yang and benefit the kidney Benefits, who wouldn't want a man?Of course, strengthening yang and nourishing the kidney is not just about being brave in bed, it can also make people look young, strong, and delay aging.

So, basically no man would not want it.

However, not everyone knows the wonder medicine San Hanqiu Jiao, and only the Valley of Gods and Demons has such a plant.Maybe, that beast is not a guardian beast, but also knows that this thing is good, so it has to wait for it to grow and then eat it.Therefore, Nalan Huaxin didn't dare to retreat at all. If she retreated and the Sanhan Qiujiao was eaten, then her trip would be in vain.

But the guard said again: "Saint, your safety is more important than anything else! When going down the mountain, the Great Elder ordered his subordinates to put your safety as the most important thing no matter what happens to them!"

"Okay, stop talking! Here, do you listen to me or my father?"

The guard was speechless for a moment.

Nalan Huaxin made them surround them a little tighter, and they surrounded the small area with their backs to backs, watching around vigilantly.

If Nalan Huaxin has no other meaning but to seek medicine for Shen Sha, then her current performance is indeed a deep friendship for Shen Sha. I believe that Shen Sha also had to give her the highest courtesy.

Lou Qi squinted his eyes, and from the gap between them, he saw a small bud slowly growing out of the black soil in the middle. The small bud was light green, but the whole body was covered with a layer of light silver The halo looks very small and fresh.

The growth of the small bud stopped for a while, and then it grew again at a speed visible to the naked eye. The body gradually grew thick, and then something like small buds grew out. Jiaolong.

But as it grew, the surrounding temperature became lower and lower, and Lou Qi couldn't help shivering.And the three guards who were so close could see that they were shivering from the cold.

At this time, Lou Qi was a little anxious, how would she grab it like this?
"Saint, ask the sword, are they attacked by that monster?" A guard said suddenly, and his teeth were chattering when he spoke.

They blamed the death of the three people on the monster, Lou Qi thought it was funny, but it doesn't feel bad to have a beast take the blame for him.


Suddenly, a wild animal roared from nowhere, startling several people.At this moment, Chen Shi almost cried out, and the beast appeared again!
That's right, the beast appeared again this time, but it appeared not far from them, with one horn exposed, and it seemed to be facing them, this direction!
Lou Qi immediately whispered: "Hold your breath!"

Hold your breath and see if it can spot them!If this thing doesn't go to Sanhan Qiujiao's side, what is it doing staring at them?
Several people held their breaths, and the beast looked at it for a while, but it did not come over, it turned around and flew towards Nalan Huaxin again.

This time Lou Qi could see it clearly. The fog on the beast's body would be thicker when it was moving, so it played a role of blurring the vision a little bit, so it felt like it suddenly disappeared, but it was really fast. of.

(End of this chapter)

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