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Chapter 207 Extremely Cold

Chapter 207 Extremely Cold
"It's coming, stop it!" Nalan Huaxin shouted coquettishly, and the three guards immediately swung their swords out at the same time. A beast that can't see clearly.

At this time, the three cold autumn flood dragons had fully grown.

Seeing the guards blocking the beast, Nalan Huaxin didn't dare to delay any longer, took out a mutton fat white jade box, drew a dagger with the other hand, and was about to dig the Three Cold Autumn Jiao.

But something she couldn't believe happened again. When the dagger was inserted into the root of the Sanhanqiu Jiao, an astonishing cold air suddenly passed from the dagger to her hand. In just one breath, her hand was covered with a layer of frost , the whole hand was frozen, and the movement suddenly slowed down, and the cold was still getting worse.

She can be sure that if she doesn't let go, this hand will be frozen and useless!
Nalan Huaxin couldn't bear it anymore, so he let go of the dagger all at once.The dagger was still stuck on the ground, but the whole dagger was covered with a layer of transparent ice, and it looked chilly.

"Boss! Boss!"

The cry of the beast was strange, but its anger could be heard.When Nalan Huaxin was going to dig the three cold autumn flood dragons, it ran headlong towards the three guards regardless of the danger, intending to break through them.

"Kill!" The three guards shouted in unison, cooperating seamlessly, and blocked it again.

Nalan Huaxin saw that digging with a dagger would not work, so he decided to pull it out with his hands.In case it was still very cold, she wrapped a handkerchief around her hand, and then quickly grabbed the three cold autumn dragons.It really felt extremely cold!She felt like the blood in her hand was going to be frozen!
No, no, she is afraid that this hand will be useless in just one more breath!

Nalan Huaxin had no choice but to let go of her hand again.

"噗噗!" The beast screamed again, and a guard felt a chill in his heart, and a big mouth was already biting towards his arm.He was about to retreat, but there was already a sharp pain in his arm, and then blood sprayed out, and he saw with his own eyes that half of his arm was bitten off and fell to the ground, the hand was still tightly clenched holding a sword.

"Ah! My hand!"

The other two guards gritted their teeth and attacked the beast again.

However, Nalan Huaxin couldn't help standing up and hastily retreated a few steps.No, no, it's too cold, that coldness carries Yin energy, and its power is hundreds of times stronger than ordinary ice coldness, even if you don't touch or dig the Three-cold Autumn Jiao, just stay by its side for a while, the coldness will always be smooth She drilled up with the soles of her feet, and if she didn't back away, she might lose her feet after a while.

Nalan Huaxin couldn't accept any damage to his body.She still wants to be a beautiful saint and marry into the Nine Heavens Palace beautifully. After she becomes Shen Sha's master, she will help him conquer the country, stand shoulder to shoulder with him, share the country with him, and become the eternal empress!
She didn't expect that the Three Frost Autumn Flood Dragon would exude such a strong cold air when it grew up.No one has ever recorded this point, so, even though she had made so many preparations, the present accident also happened.Nalan Huaxin was about to vomit to death, only the last step!last step!
At this time, she saw two of her maidservants, both of whom had their hands bitten off by the beast. Although the bleeding had stopped, they were pale now, and they were sitting by the side, holding the remaining hand. Ye Mingzhu gave her the light, while the other kept sucking in the pain.

Nalan Huaxin gritted her teeth, "Xiaofen, come here."

The maid named Xiaofen got up with difficulty and approached her. "What is the order of the saint?"

"Go and pull out the Sanhanqiu Jiao."

"." They have seen the situation of Nalan Huaxin just now, she can't help it, her cultivation level is so much lower than hers, is there any way?Xiaofen's face was already pale, but now it was a little paler.But Nalan Huaxin ordered her to obey. "yes."

Xiaofen gritted her teeth, and walked towards the Sanhan Qiujiao who was shining brightly all over.The closer she got, the colder she felt. She wanted to be lucky to keep out the cold, but found that the cold air seemed to be able to freeze the meridians, and it was so cold that it was difficult to even exercise!She couldn't help smiling wryly, if she could use her skills to keep out the cold, why would the saint need her?

Stiffly walking to the side of the Sanhan Qiujiao, she squatted down, and just grabbed the Sanhanqiu Jiao, Nalan Huaxin suddenly leaped over and stood on her shoulder with one foot, causing her body to sink and suddenly fell to her knees On the ground, my knees were suddenly so cold that my bones ached.

"Ugh—" Xiaofen bit her lower lip firmly.

Nalan Huaxin immediately grabbed her wrist, "Pull it up!"

Lou Qi and Chen Shilou Xin's eyes widened when they saw this scene.

"I didn't expect that the holy lady in the world's population would be so despicable, using her maid as a bridge!" Chen Shi said disdainfully.Such a woman is completely incomparable with their girls!

"Girl, she seems to be going to get the three cold autumn jellyfish, what should I do?" Lou Xin was a little anxious.Although they chose to follow Lou Qi, they still respected and remembered the emperor in their hearts. Nalan's painting made them hate and resent them, and they didn't want her to take the Three Cold Autumn Jiao to the emperor to receive the credit.

But now they couldn't get close at all, and the other three guards were still desperately blocking the beast, and the beast didn't dodge this time, and was eager to break through to get the Sanhanqiu Jiao.

"Wait, I always feel that Nalan Huaxin will not succeed if she sacrifices her maid." As soon as Lou Qi finished speaking, the maid let go of her hand uncontrollably, and her pale face was covered with frost. Flowers, and the hand she just grabbed Sanhan Qiujiao was completely bloodless from the cold.

"Why do you want to let go!" Nalan Huaxin was about to vomit blood, and it was only close!
It was a strange question for her to ask, even she couldn't resist the extreme coldness, her maid's cultivation base was lower than hers, so how could she do it?


At this time, the ferocious beast seemed to be impatient, it bounced on the spot, the surrounding smoke suddenly became much thinner, and finally revealed its true colors.

It was a beast they had never seen before. It was all blue-gray, with two horn-like horns on its head. Its eyes and nose could not be seen clearly. It seemed that it only had an extremely large mouth. Bear paws, nails are not long, very sharp.It stands upright, revealing a patch of tawny hair on its yellow belly.

"What the hell is this!"

Nalan Huaxin's three guards were exhausted and out of breath until now, but the beast didn't seem to have spent much, and now the speed increased a little, and he lowered his head slightly, and quickly It ran towards one of the guards whose hand had been bitten off just now.

The guard was already at the end of his strength, and he was strong enough to hold on, but he didn't expect that this fierce beast seemed to have an IQ, and attacked softly.

He wanted to hide, but he couldn't dodge at all. The beast pushed his lower abdomen straight, and the two horns pierced his stomach all at once.

And at this time, Nalan Huaxin happened to pick up another maid, and wanted to use the method just now to pull out the three cold autumn flood dragons.

"Climb on top of her, this way you can last longer." She pointed to the little pink maid who was too frozen to move.

The other maid looked at Xiaofen who was dying, tears were about to fall, but she gritted her teeth and climbed onto her.Xiaofen's lips lost their blood color, but her eyes were kept open. The scene looked really scary.

"Ah!" The No.2 guard let out a scream, and his stomach was pierced by the beast's horns.Another guard was knocked unconscious by it's palm.

So far, almost all the people brought by Nalan Huaxin have died.

She glanced back, her face was darkened, she flicked her finger, and hit the stunned guard instantly, waking him up again.

"Saint, let's retreat." As soon as the guard woke up, he immediately retreated to her side, looking at the beast staring at them.Strange, couldn't see where his eyes were, but it just felt like it was staring at them.

Nalan Huaxin gritted his teeth, and said coldly: "Retire? Did my father say that he can withdraw? If he doesn't get the Sanhan Qiujiao, why would he ask Shen Sha to agree to restore the master-student relationship? If he doesn't restore the master-student relationship It doesn't matter, how can he become the master of the gods, the position of the master of the country that he wants to be?"

Lou Qi was taken aback when he heard this.

She didn't expect that Nalan Huaxin would say this at this time. Is this the purpose they want to get the Sanhan Qiujiao?

Do you want to use this medicine to force Shen Sha to agree to restore the master-student relationship with the Great Elder, and also want to be the master of the gods, the master of the country?

But she didn't understand, isn't the status of Tianshan already very high now?When you ask the great elders of Tianshan, it seems that they should have a more prominent status than the national teacher of Poyu, otherwise why do they always have such a superior attitude?
Why does the Great Elder want to be the domain-breaking national teacher so much?
Lou Qi subconsciously felt that there must be something strange in it.But she couldn't figure it out now.

Shen Sha was expelled from the school back then, and with his vengeful and stingy temperament, he would definitely not agree to repair the relationship with Wen Tianshan. Besides, if the Great Elder became the national teacher, he would not be able to point fingers even more in the Poyu and Jiuxiao Temple Paddle?They even had to set the date for his concubine selection ceremony before.

How could Shen Sha agree to let them ride on his head? This is just a joke.

Therefore, they had to get Sanhan Qiujiao to force him to agree.

Sure enough, he said that he had a deep affection and looked for medicine for him.

"Girl, we can't let her get the Sanhan Qiujiao." Chen Shi said through gritted teeth.

"Go and pull out the Three Frost Autumn Flood Dragon." Nalan Huaxin said to the guard, and drew out the long sword himself. With a flick of his wrist, the long sword made a clear moaning sound.

The beast took a step back.

Lou Qi couldn't help being surprised when he saw that the sword in Nalan Huaxin's hand was emitting white sword energy after she injected internal energy into it. "What kind of sword is that?"

She had never seen a sword before, and just looking at it made her feel chills!Even the ferocious beast was aware of the extraordinaryness of this sword, so it didn't dare to act rashly for a while.

Chen Shi said in a low voice: "On the list of the world's magic weapons, the smashing is temporarily ranked first, and Nalan Huaxin is holding the Phoenix Yin Sword, which is currently ranked fourth."

And the magic weapon list?
"Temporary ranking?"

(End of this chapter)

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