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Chapter 208 The Loss of Hematemesis

Chapter 208 The Loss of Hematemesis

Chen Shi nodded, "Of course the weapon itself is very powerful, but this list of magical weapons is a list based on the combination of the weapon and the martial arts of the person who currently owns it, which means that this sharp weapon is in the hands of this person. , the maximum power that can be exerted. In fact, Shasha itself cannot be ranked No. 1, but because it is in the hands of the emperor, it has been promoted."

This is the first time Lou Qi has heard of this kind of ranking method, "Then who made this ranking? Isn't it everyone's work, he knows everything well?"

"Well, it can be said that," Chen Shidao said, "but no one knows who made this ranking."

Lou Xin interjected: "Master Yuewei once guessed that this ranking list may be made by Dust Dust Sect."

Dust Sect!
Lou Qi's heart trembled.Less than two months after she arrived in this world, the Duanchen sect knew about her. The previous sect and the next sect wanted to arrest her and kill her at the same time. From this, it can be seen that the Duanchen sect really knows everything about the world!
The sword in Nalan Huaxin's hand was waving, and the white sword energy wove into a complex pattern. When her wrist shook occasionally, the sword trembled and made a phoenix sound, which may be the origin of the sword's name.This sword is gorgeous both in appearance and in the light, shadow and sound during swinging. It may put some pressure on the opponent psychologically, but Lou Qi doesn't like this sword. This sword is suitable for Nalan Huaxin. It's big, and it looks like it needs to be tall.

In fact, it is not as good as her smashing, ah no, Shen Sha's smashing.

It seems that it is a bit wasteful for Posha to follow her. If it is really given to her, Posha's No.1 status may not be guaranteed.

Fortunately, she got the Black Gold Rattan King. According to her design, if she can find a good craftsman to make it, she believes that her weapons will not be bad by then.

During the time they talked, Nalan Huaxin had already forced the beast back, asking whether Tianshan's title of martial arts genius is not false.

The ferocious beast has been retreating, and it has retreated not far from them. Now there is no smoke on its body, Lou Qi can see its appearance at such a distance with the light, and her attention falls on its palm.

"I know how to pluck that Three Cold Autumn Flood Jiao!" Lou Qi's eyes lit up.

Why did this ferocious beast appear here, and why did it want to eat the three-cold autumn flood dragon? Everything in the world is born and restrained by each other, and everything that exists has its reason!
"I'll bring it over, let's kill this beast!"

Before Chen Shi and Lou Xin understood what she was going to do, Lou Qi had already touched a handful of the powder, sprinkled it on himself, and then fled away without a sound, passing by in front of the beast .

The medicinal powder on her body was originally a medicine for trapping animals, and the medicinal materials also came from this Valley of Gods and Demons, which was much more effective than the medicinal powder she made before.Sure enough, the ferocious beast immediately flew towards her.

Lou Qi led it to run a little farther, and then joined hands with Chen Shi and Lou Xin to kill it.Unexpectedly, when it was about to die, this ferocious beast would vomit violently, vomiting out a pile of severed limbs and bones, which almost made Lou Qi so sick that he vomited too.

But among the pile of broken hands and limbs, a bead emitting a faint blue light was not dirty at all.

"Blue sea night pearl!" Lou Xin exclaimed.

"I didn't expect this beast to swallow the whole bead. I heard that the blue sea night pearl has a little water-proof effect, and it seems to be true." Chen Shi endured his nausea and went to pick up the blue sea night pearl stand up.

It should be that there is a layer of substance around the bead, with a little magnetic field, which can isolate the liquid, so after being swallowed by this fierce beast, there is no gastric juice or blood on it.

"Girl, do you want it?" Chen Shi took the water bag and rinsed it, and held it in front of her.She might have disliked it from the belly of the beast.

Unexpectedly, Lou Qi asked back puzzledly: "Of course, why not? After taking it out, sell it for a million taels of gold, haha, this girl is rich!"

She disliked this thing a bit, and it was Nalan's heart, so it was useless to keep it, but she didn't dislike it after selling it for silver notes or gold!From now on, the travel expenses for her traveling everywhere will be settled!What's more, I don't know how much it will cost to find a foundry to help her make weapons. This windfall came just in time.

Don't be a fool.

Chen Shi took the bead and stuffed it into the clothes in his bag, wrapping it so that the light would not come out.He suddenly felt that his girl seemed to be very lucky in wealth, so she carried two boxes of gold from Prince Qing's Mansion in Jinzhou (but it was confiscated by Yuewei), and then got the wealth from the one-eyed storehouse in the broken field wasteland, and gave it to her as a big gift. After losing the emperor, I only took two boxes of gold, and now I got this blue sea luminous pearl for nothing, but in exchange for a million taels of gold!
Thinking of this, he watched Lou Qi pull out the smashing knife, cut off the beast's two front paws, and sprinkled some medicinal powder to stop the bleeding.

"Girl, what are you?"

"If my guess is correct, this ferocious beast is not afraid of the chilly air of the Three Cold Autumn Jiao." Lou Qi handed the Polo to Lou Xin: "Peel off that piece of yellow fur on its body."

"Yes." Lou Xin immediately followed suit and dealt with it.

They rushed back, sure enough, Nalan Huaxin hadn't been able to pull out the Three Frost Autumn Flood Dragon yet.But the picture looked very tragic and cold, surrounded by the corpses of her maids and guards, everyone was dead, and she carried the corpses in a circle, just to give her a footstep... a footstep!

The night became darker, and the miasma dissipated a bit, floating lightly around the surroundings, and that blue sea night pearl radiated a cold light alone, making the surroundings seem a little more gloomy.

Nalan Huaxin was courageous enough, with so many people dying around her, she was the only one left in this valley, she still stepped on the body of her guard and continued to think of a way.

This scene made both Chen Shi and Lou Xin shudder uncontrollably.

Nalan Huaxin's hand was wrapped with a thick cloth, but it was obviously useless.

"Girl, shall we go straight up now?"

"No, there's no need to let her know that we took it away. In that case, she will definitely send someone to intercept her on the way back to Poyu." Lou Qi shook her head, a sly look flashed in her eyes, "Just wait and see, she There is no other way now, I must go away to find Wen Jian and Wen Mo."

"But Wenjian and Wenmo are dead."

"She didn't know that they were really dead. She probably just thought that they were injured by the beast and passed out. Anyway, she had to look for them first, and ask the sword and ink. After all, the Saintess Pavilion asked the first-generation guards. She might not have them at ordinary times." When relying on them."

Sure enough, they waited for a while, and Nalan Huaxin gritted his teeth and ran towards the place where they had rested before.

Lou Qi immediately said: "Action!"

Lou Xin waited in place, Chen Shi held the piece of fur, Lou Qi held two animal palms, clamped the three-cold autumn jiao plant from left to right and pulled it out, and it came out!Chen Shi wrapped the Sanhan Qiujiao with that fur, and he didn't feel the cold air at all.It really is one thing down one thing!If it wasn't for the fact that it wasn't afraid of the coldness of the three cold autumn flood dragons, how could the beast want to eat it!
It's a pity that Nalan Huaxin didn't think of this.

Chen Shi and Lou Xin admired Lou Qi more and more.

After succeeding, they immediately left this place quickly.Naturally, Lou Qi still has to go to look for Elder Jin, otherwise she will have to bear this old face all the time.

He didn't know what he was looking for, and what was that purple light that flashed in the waterfall before.There are really too many things in this Valley of Gods and Demons that she has never seen before. To be honest, she hasn’t stayed here enough. Although she has almost confessed her life here in the past few days, and now her face is full of wrinkles. , but there are also many good things.

The three of them rushed toward the waterfall without stopping.

At this time, Nalan Huaxin found the bodies of Wenjian, Wenhei and two other guards.Originally, Lou Qi thought that if she saw the corpses, she would know that someone had killed them, but she didn't expect that God was helping her. The beast really bit their corpses before, and it was bitten to pieces!

So Nalan Huaxin decided that they died under the mouth of that fierce beast.

She bit her lip tightly, not without heartache, the other guards died as soon as they died, but Wen Jian and Wen Mo were the guards of her Wenzi generation in the Holy Maiden's Pavilion!She has only eight guards of Wenzi generation in total, and Wenjian is the leader!They are all dead here now!Come to think of it, asking the book and asking the piano is already more than auspicious.

This time, her loss was too heavy!
She stood there in a daze for a while, took a few deep breaths, and then returned to the place where the Sanhan Qiujiao grew.She can only continue to try again on her own.

Nalan Huaxin's eyes moved over, and then, the whole person seemed to be bombarded by thunder.

What about the three cold autumn flood dragons? !

"who is it!!!"

Nalan Huaxin suddenly cried out sharply.Her whole body was trembling, and she couldn't accept this fact at all!She had lost so many of her subordinates and even lost a blue sea night pearl, but Sanhan Qiujiao had disappeared!No!See!up!

There was silence all around, as if even the beasts had stopped roaring.

There is still a faint smell of blood in the air, it is the blood of her dead guards and maids 1
At this time, she suddenly remembered that although she had forced the beast back, there was no guarantee that it would not come back again!How could she leave!

"Damn it! Damn it!"

Nalan Huaxin couldn't help but roared up to the sky.There seemed to be a tightness in her chest, making her almost breathless.This was Nalan Huaxin's biggest setback since she was 20 years old!The heaviest blow!
However, she didn't know who to turn to to vent!
Nalan Hua hated it so much that he unconsciously squeezed it hard, using his internal strength, and there was a snap.She looked down mechanically, and almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

In a fit of rage, she crushed the blue sea night pearl in her hand!

One of the blue sea night pearls worth a million taels of gold was swallowed by a ferocious beast, and the other was crushed by her!

This trip, how much is she going to lose——


Nalan Huaxin finally couldn't hold back anymore, and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Lou Qi and Chen Shilou Xin used their lightness kung fu to the extreme, and finally arrived under the waterfall when the sky turned white.

(End of this chapter)

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