Chapter 210
"This, how is this possible?" It took a long time for Mr. Jin to find his voice.

Lou Qi handed the fox over to him, but Ziyunhu looked at her weakly, with an obedient expression like a baby's.Although he likes it, Lou Qi doesn't really want to keep a pet with him, it's too much trouble to take care of it.

"It's really Ziyun Fox!" After touching the fox with his own hands, Elder Jin was really sure, and smiled all of a sudden, "Oh, it's good now, it's good now, I can go back to work! "

"Old Jin, don't forget our bet just now."

Elder Jin's face suddenly collapsed. "You really don't suffer at all, girl. However, I'd better cure you of the backlash of this natal blood curse first. It's really uncomfortable to see such an old face of yours."

Old Jin gave Ziyunhu to Chen Shi, and Lou Qi also gave him the fish. Ziyunhu let out a small whimper twice, then lowered his head to eat the fish.

"You should also know how the natal blood curse is cast. The blood flow in the whole body is reversed by a secret method, which stimulates the greatest energy in the body, but it does great harm to the body. You took the spiritual fruit before, but it can keep the reversed blood in your body. The flow of internal force will turn around again, as long as you feel that energy yourself, you can guide it to flow again, uh, of course, this also depends on understanding."

It's not his rescue, it's just a very conceptual method!It also depends on savvy!Lou Qi looked at him and frowned, and Elder Jin said in embarrassment: "I didn't lie to you, the natal blood curse is originally a secret method unique to the Lou family, and I don't know it either. I just heard this by accident before. a way."


Chen Shi and Lou Xin were frightened, what if they didn't succeed?Could it be that their girl will have such a face in the future?
For a time their future was dark.What if the emperor feels disgusted when he sees such a girl?At that time, are they going to condemn him, or are they going to feel sorry for her?

Lou Qi quickly calmed down after being depressed at the beginning, "Is this method reliable?"

"I heard it from Lou's family." It means it should be considered reliable.

Lou Qi nodded.If she doesn't try, how will she know she won't succeed? She never thinks how stupid she is. Since there is such a method, she has a chance to succeed.

However, the request that she felt a little embarrassed at first can be said now. "Old Jin, I'd like to bet and admit defeat."

"Okay, what do you want me to do?"

"Chen Shi, take out the things."

Old Jin watched as Chen Shi took out a handful of furs.Lou Qi took out a box from his backpack, put the long strip of fur in it, closed the lid, and handed it to Elder Jin: "Elder Jin, please help me deliver this to the Nine Heavens Hall of Poyu, and send this Hand it over to Shen Sha."

"What? I'm going to break the domain—"

Lou Qi raised her eyebrows and swept over, what, want to be stupid?

Old Jin's face fell down: "I still want to take this purple cloud fox back, it's not the same way."

"Your grandson will be hired in three months, so he can catch up."

"But then I'd be on my way all the time, and I wouldn't be able to play—"

Lou Qi suddenly let out a soft whining sound, and then called out to the Ziyun fox who had finished eating the fish, "Ziyun fox, come here."

What surprised Mr. Jin was that Ziyun Fox actually listened to her words and rushed towards her.Lou Qi whimpered a few more times, touched Ziyunhu's head and said quietly: "I'll give you a name, it's called Wuwu, do you want to follow me?"

As soon as Mr. Jin heard something wrong, he jumped up all of a sudden: "Hey, girl Qi, please speak up if you have something to say." Seeing that Ziyun Fox was tamed by her all of a sudden, it would not be difficult if she wanted to keep it. , not difficult!But he can't pay the job.

"So, does Mr. Jin have time to deliver something?"

"Yes, yes! At most, I will rush to Poyu to deliver the things without stopping, and then I will go back without stopping." Old Jin said with a bitter face.

Lou Qi laughed.

There will be no way to catch up, but the old naughty boy will have no time to play his role-playing if he has to keep going.

Since Mr. Jin agreed to her, he didn't want to delay any longer, hugged Ziyunhu Wuwu who was clearly reluctant to part with Lou Qi, and left with the Sanhan Qiujiao in his arms.

There are only three of them left here.They didn't meet Nalan Huaxin again, probably Nalan Huaxin should go out of the valley after suffering such a miserable loss.As for the Yinyue leader, I don't know where he is hiding, but it is probably not in this inner circle, because the inner circle is really not suitable for living.

Chen Shi and Lou Xin stayed here for so many days, and yesterday they took the miasma-avoiding pills, otherwise they would not be able to bear it.

"Girl, why don't we send the Sanhan Qiujiao back by ourselves?" Chen Shi and Lou Xin hesitated for a long time before asking this question.For such an important thing, they feel that it is more at ease to send it back by themselves.Moreover, even if the girl didn't look for the purple golden vine, she should go back after being out for so long, right?

Lou Qi glanced at them and said, "What if I say, I won't go back to Poyu?"

The two were shocked and didn't go back?
"Do you regret coming out with me?"

Chen Shi and Lou Xin hurriedly explained: "No, girl, since the subordinates choose to go with the girl, how could they regret it."

"It's fine if you don't regret it. I didn't think about going back when I came out. From then on, the sky and sea are wide and free, isn't it great?" Lou Qi smiled.

"The emperor?"

"The emperor has his own way of being a king, and there will be three thousand harems in the future. Why should I join in the fun?"

Chen Shi imagined the scene of their girl nestling in the harem all day, competing with other women for the emperor's favor, and immediately felt that it was unacceptable.He suddenly understood Lou Qi's feelings.

She should be proud, free, and unique, how can she be submerged in a group of Yingying Yanyan.

Lou Xin hesitated for a moment and asked again: "But the subordinates feel that the emperor is sincere to the girl—" There shouldn't be any competition for favor, right?The emperor himself will spoil the girl to the bone——

Lou Qi smiled: "Then do you think it is possible for an emperor to marry only one wife if he establishes a country and truly becomes the emperor of a country?"

Lou Xin was taken aback, only marrying one wife?How is that possible.

"You also think it's impossible? Even if he spoils me again, I don't bother to share a husband with other women."

Chen Shi and Lou Xin looked at her radiant face, and never brought up this topic again.Their girl is the best, other women are only worthy of carrying shoes for her, how can they have a man with her!

"Okay, find a place, I want to break the backlash of the natal blood curse, you guard it."

They searched for a long time, but they really found a cave behind the waterfall, and the waterfall flowing down became a water curtain at the entrance of the cave. If Lou Qi hadn't discovered that Ziyun Fox appeared in this place before, she would have I never thought of going to this area to check it out.

Even if Nalan Huaxin hadn't come here, even if the Yinyue leader was present, he probably wouldn't be able to find such a wonderful hiding place.

The three of them got in from the first side, and they were all wet.

But what made them feel strange was that it was originally in the middle of the mountain, and there was a curtain of water flowing outside, with a lot of water vapor. It should be very cold inside, but when they entered the cave, they felt that it was colder than outside. Much warmer.

After Lou Qi thought about it, this cave should be the lair of the Liuguang Ziyun Fox. The Ziyun Fox has such a physique, and the place where it stays is very warm, which is normal.

There is no need for Chen Shi and Lou Xin to protect her here, so Lou Qi simply gave them a task to take out some of the herbs she picked before to Lou Xin to identify, then remember, and then go out this round See if there is any, and dig it back for her.However, the task given to Chen Shi made Chen Shi very puzzled.

The golden monkey hit them with stones before, but Lou Qi picked up all the stones and put them in a bag for him to carry. What Lou Qi wanted him to do was to carefully cut the stones bit by bit with the broken knife. those stones.

At first, Chen Shishi didn't understand what he was going to do, but when he listened to her words and carefully cut a stone, he was stunned when he found that there was a breathtakingly beautiful ruby ​​inside. up.

After that, Chen Shi spent every day peeling those stones with great interest, red jade, jasper, and white jade. Those were clearly more than a dozen pieces of top-quality jade!
The largest piece was the size of his fist, and the smallest piece was the size of an egg.He said that their girl can attract money!Sure enough, even the monkey hit her with top-quality jade!

And Lou Xin also dug up a bunch of medicinal herbs and came back, following the method Lou Qi taught him, some were dried in the sun, some were washed and collected, and some were ground into powder.

Lou Xin occasionally encountered a fierce beast, but with Lou Qi's medicine, he wiped out the beast every time without any surprise or danger.

Both of them were busy, so Lou Qi began to try to break the backlash after the natal blood curse was cast according to the method Jin Lao said.

Lou Qi didn't expect that it took her half a month to try.

But she succeeded.

In the past half month, except for three meals a day and housekeeping, she has hardly moved. She just sat cross-legged on a thick and warm grass ball in the suspected Ziyun fox's original sleeping den, and carefully comprehended the solution. , Sometimes I really can't figure it out, so I just practice my internal strength and think about it later.

Touching her elastic and smooth face, she breathed out lightly.But at this moment, she suddenly frowned.

"Girl, what's the matter?"

Chen Shi and Lou Xin packed up their things that day and waited aside.Seeing that she had succeeded, both of them breathed a sigh of relief, but when they saw her frown suddenly, their hearts immediately rose again.

Lou Qi really didn't believe it, but what happened to the surging internal force in his dantian?

"My internal strength seems to have increased a lot." She said slowly.


As soon as Lou Qi jumped up, he really felt much lighter than before, and his thick internal force was almost like an ocean.

"Congratulations, girl, for increasing your skills!"

"Congratulations girl!"

Chen Shi and Lou Xin were also very happy for her.

Lou Qi guessed that this place is full of aura, otherwise Ziyun Fox would not stay here, and another point may be that the millennium stone marrow she took before, at first thought it was completely fused, but in fact it did not.This time it was a blessing in disguise, and it was considered to have completely integrated the medicinal effects of the thousand-year-old stone marrow.

"Let's go, take our harvest, it's time to leave the valley!" Lou Qi was in a good mood.

(End of this chapter)

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