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Chapter 211 Give Her Another Credit

Chapter 211 Give Her Another Credit

It takes a few days to walk from the inner circle to the outer circle of the Valley of Gods and Demons, and a few more days after leaving the outer circle.When they finally walked down the giant barrier, it had been two months since they left the broken domain.

Autumn and winter came, and when I came out, thin snowflakes began to float outside.

It took them two days to recover Ta Xue and the other two horses.Taxue is worthy of being a spiritual sweat horse, and he has been leading the two horses without getting separated.

With a horse, the three of them galloped out of the mountain much faster.A few days later, they went back to old man He's original home where they stayed overnight.

However, it seems that He Qingnian should have left this place with his wife Chunniang and old man He, and it is not known whether they have gone to break the domain.

Now there is only one empty house left here, but the vegetables in the yard are not all dead, and some are still alive tenaciously.They stayed here for one night.The next day the snow stopped before starting again.

Broken Domain, Nine Heavens Palace.

"Dijun, there is an old Mr. Jin asking to see you!"

Shen Sha's eyes flickered slightly, and he said slowly: "Let him in."

The travel-stained old Jin became annoyed when he saw Shen Sha who was sitting on the right seat, and said, "Hey, that cold and hard kid, here's something for you, go on!"

He threw the box directly towards Shen Sha, then turned around and was about to leave.

"Stop him."

As soon as the deep voice fell, Tianying stopped in front of Mr. Jin with a whoosh.

"What do you mean?" Elder Jin jumped up: "I tell you, I still have something to do, I don't have time to chat with you!"

Yue hurried in, "Old man Jin calm down, what our master means is that you have had a hard time traveling, so sit down and have some snacks and hot tea to warm yourself up before leaving."

"Your words are more plausible." Jin Lao hummed and sat aside.Soon, several maids came in with exquisite snacks and hot tea, and his eyes lit up: "It looks good."

Yuedao: "Lou Qi taught the cook to make these dim sum—"

"Hmph." Before he could say anything, Elder Jin snorted, and gave the box that had just opened a bad look: "You eat the exquisite snacks from her church and sit in this warm and bright hall, but Ever thought she almost died trying to get that thing?"

"What did you say?"

Shen Sha glanced at him.

"Let me tell you, it's a blessing for you to meet girl Qi." Elder Jin's heart shuddered. After not seeing you for a few months, this kid's aura became even more astonishing!Faint emperor appearance, could it be that the new emperor star guessed by that old guy from the Lou family's stargazing last time is true?Is this the kid?

"Be clear, you went to the Valley of Gods and Demons? What happened to Qi Qi?"

"It's in the Valley of Gods and Demons. Girl Qi asked me to give this thing to you."

Ying heard the news of Jin Lao's arrival and hurried over, just hearing this sentence, they all looked at the box in Shen Sha's hand with anticipation and excitement.I'm used to Lou Qi bringing good things, this time, what will she bring?
Shen Sha unbuttoned the fur, and suddenly there was a cool glow in front of his eyes.

Yue blurted out in shock: "San Han Qiu Jiao?"

It's not that he is knowledgeable, it's that this thing looks so recognizable!

Ying was also startled, "But, isn't Miss Nalan going to look for San Hanqiu Jiao?"

They all turned to look at Jin Lao.

Shen Sha looked at the Sanhan Qiujiao, and was about to reach out to touch it, when Elder Jin suddenly shouted, "Don't touch it! This thing is extremely cold!"

Shen Sha paused, and looked at him with deep eyes: "Where's Qiqi?"

"When the old man came out, she should have been in the Valley of Gods and Demons. I don't know the specifics, but when I met her, one of her guards was hit by the cloud flower worm, and it was the time when the worm silk came out of the body, Qi girl Dashan, in order to save him, he used the blood curse of his own life."

Shen Sha felt a chill in his heart, "What is the natal blood curse?"

"Literally, it's the Lou family's unique secret method. You don't understand it. Anyway, you just need to know that after casting the natal blood curse, you will definitely die. But Qi girl happened to be lucky enough to eat the miasma green skin spirit. If you can save your life, it’s just that your face gets old.”

"Looking old?" Yue and Ying couldn't help exclaiming, "What does this mean?"

"What do you mean? It's literally! The old man has already taught her how to crack it. As long as her understanding is good, it's not difficult to regain her youth!"

Shen Sha's heart felt as if a storm had blown by. Just now, he almost rushed out without thinking about anything else, to find her!But when Jin Lao finished the last sentence, he suddenly calmed down, and said slowly: "No one has better understanding than Qiqi."

He believed she would be fine.

But, even if she really gets old and can't recover, she is still his, and he doesn't care what she looks like.

Elder Jin was speechless, because he also felt that the girl would be fine.

"Master, these three cold autumn flood dragons—" Yue frowned, still remembering this, didn't she say that Nalan Huaxin was going to fetch it?Why did Lou Qi send it?
"By the way, there is another kind of medicinal powder in that box. He knew it was given to your genius doctor. The girl from Tianshan Mountain did go there too, but I heard that she is not capable of pulling out the three-cold autumn flood dragon. So we, girl Qi, are the best." Old Jin laughed, expressing his pride.

Shen Sha glanced at him, and said it as if Lou Qi belonged to their family, so he felt uncomfortable, unhappy.

Both Yue and Ying were stunned, Nalan Huaxin had no ability!Didn't she ask the martial arts genius of Tianshan?They couldn't help but go forward to look at the Sanhan Qiujiao, thinking in their hearts, in this way, Nalan Huaxin is not as good as Lou Qi!
"Why didn't she bring it back by herself?" Shen Sha closed the lid and handed the things to Yue, "Let the genius doctor put it away." Anyway, she got the medicine he wanted, which is very good, very good.It was much better than what outsiders helped him get. It is undeniable that he was very happy.

He even breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that before she was going to the Valley of Gods and Demons, he hoped from the bottom of his heart that it was she who got the three cold autumn dragons, not some other woman of hers who sent them to him.It's just that he was also worried about her safety, so he didn't say it outright to put pressure on her.

Now that she really got the Three Frost Autumn Flood Dragon, Shen Sha felt hot in her heart.But one thing, why didn't she reply?
With snacks stuffed in Jin Lao's mouth: "How do I know?"

Yue and Ying found that since Lao Jin finished saying this, their master has been keeping a cold face, with an expression of not being close to strangers.

Although he is usually quite cold, but now he seems to be faintly angry?

Ying quietly pulled Yue aside and bit his ear: "Master, are you angry?"

Yue pushed him away: "Just talk when you talk, what are you doing so close? You can see it, it's obvious."

"Why? Could it be because Lou Qi didn't come back?"

Yue Qing sighed, looked up at the sky, expressing her sorrowful entanglement.He likes Lou Qi, and has gratitude and admiration for Lou Qi, but on the other hand, he feels that the existence of Lou Qi may not be a very good thing for Shen Sha or Po Yu.The master should be a person who has accomplished great things, and he can't fix his heart on a woman.If Lou Qi continues to stay by the master's side, he is very worried that the master will put her first in everything in the future, and even only want her as a woman.

Therefore, he could guess that Lou Qi might not want to come back, which made him a little sad, and made him slightly let go of a big rock in his heart.


With one sleeve behind his waist, Shen Sha walked out slowly, looking in the direction of Qicheng.


"Send Qiqi back to Sanhan Qiujiao, and give her a credit."

Both Yue and Ying were taken aback.

In this way, if Lou Qi is not around, she has already recorded three great achievements for her!Master, this is——

Shen Sha changed the subject indifferently: "Three days later, with a thousand troops, this emperor will personally take down Yaofeng Village."

Shaking Wind Village, another larger force in the Wasteland of Breaking Domain.The three owners of Yaofeng Village are three brothers and sisters. I heard that there are [-] brothers in the village. They are all good at kung fu and courageous. They can cultivate the land with a hoe and kill the enemy with a sword.This Yaofeng village has always been ready to move, half a month ago, it even sent people to sneak into Poyu City, looking around to lure women to marry into Yaofeng village.Isn't this just digging through the walls of Yucheng and trying to expand Yaofengzhai.

How could Shen Sha allow them to continue sitting down.

Three days later, a thousand soldiers and horses from Poyu City rushed towards Yaofeng Village with the momentum of thunder. The figure of the emperor in black clothes, riding a BMW with flying marks, fascinated countless women.

The people in Yaofeng Village are very courageous, and the soldiers in Poyu are not vegetarians.The two sides had already had a bloody contest in front of the gate of the village.

Shen Sha looked at the darkness outside the gate of Yaofengzhai, and frowned: "Is this the more than [-] people you mentioned?"

Ying also felt a little cold. Obviously, he could tell that there were at least a thousand people here!Moreover, he doesn't believe that Yaofeng Village has already come out!

"Where is Cheng?" Ying was angry.

Cheng Zai, one of their former stewards in charge of intelligence news, turned out to be a river and lake person rescued by Shen Sha outside before he took down the broken city. Because he was clever and good at taking advantage of loopholes, he was promoted to intelligence by the Yingwei who was short of people at that time. Steward.In the past two months, they have only started to formulate official positions, and they are still arguing about whether Cheng Zai can be promoted to general, and now Cheng Zai has made such a big mistake for them!
A man in soft armor rode over, nodded and bowed: "Dijun, the last general is here."

It turned out that they all claimed to be subordinates, but now he has not really been promoted to general, but he has started to call himself the last general.

Shen Sha's eyes swept over, and said slowly: "I ask you, how many people are there in this Yaofeng village?"

Cheng Zai rolled his eyeballs, and immediately shouted: "Dijun, Yaofeng Village is tightly guarded, and it is difficult for the general's people to sneak in to get accurate information, but with the efforts of the general, at most [-]% of the information is obtained, no , [-]% accuracy, there is no way to do it, if another person comes, maybe not even [-]% can find out—"

Before he finished speaking, a burst of murderous aura came over him.Cheng Zai raised his head suddenly, his eyes almost popped out, "Dijun, you can't kill—"

The blood stained the sword in Shen Sha's hand red.

Everyone was silent in unison, they didn't expect a person who would be promoted to general, their emperor would kill him if he said so!
Shen Sha's eyes swept over Cheng Zai's corpse coldly, and said coldly: "This emperor doesn't need such sneaky people, and intelligence is the most important job in the march. Cheng Zai's fault lies in his inability to find out the enemy's situation. Did not report the truth! Said it was [-] soldiers, and the words are conclusive, damn it!"

He paused, and said again: "The next battle will be the same, I don't want useless people under my emperor's hands, use all your abilities!"

(End of this chapter)

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