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Chapter 212 A Cruel Reputation

Chapter 212 A Cruel Reputation

"Beheading the general in front of the battle, my God, everyone said that Shen Sha is cruel, and it seems to be true! Little sister, do you really want to marry such a person?" On the tower of the Yaofeng Village, Yin Fei, the master of the village, was wearing a battle armor. He frowned and looked at the girl in colorful neon dress beside him, with disapproval on his face.

This girl has a pair of sword-like eyebrows, red phoenix eyes, and slightly plump lips. Although she can't be called celestial beauty, her appearance can be considered first-class.Especially among the [-] tough men on both sides of the enemy and us, she is even more attractive.

"Brother, if I don't find a suitable person to marry myself, who in the village would dare to marry me?"

This girl is Yaofeng, the master seal of the third village of Yaofeng Village.

She was looking at her second brother Yin Hai, who was leading the army under the tower, feeling a little nervous and excited at the same time. "Brother, do you think the second brother can win this battle?"

Yin Fei said angrily: "Then do you want your second brother to win or lose?"

Yin Yaofeng turned around and hugged his arm, shook it, and said coquettishly: "Oh brother, are you still angry with Yaofeng?"

"Brother, how dare you be angry with you, you are a big girl now, you have too many ideas!"

"It's clearly still angry." Yin Yaofeng said: "I know that the elder brother and the second elder brother are not willing to be inferior to others, but what is the original purpose of us building a village in this wilderness, elder brother, have you forgotten? Back then Our village got into a disaster, and the people in the village left as dead as they could, and those officials ignored us. Seeing that the villagers were starving to death, they even said that they would choose a concubine for some city lord, and even both men and women Yes, let all the boys and girls in the family over fourteen be sent there. Everyone in our village has fled here, but do you just want to live a stable life where no one can be bullied?"

Seeing that Yin Fei's expression softened slightly, Yin Yaofeng said again: "But now there are all kinds of forces in the wilderness, and the scale is no less than that of a small country. Brother, how long do you think we can be stable under such circumstances? It's not Shen Sha Da If you come here, someone else will call you in the future. Of course, we can also call others, but you can ask my sister-in-law, my nephews and nieces, and those brothers whose wives, children, and mothers came together Who would want to live that kind of life?"

"Hmph, then do you think that after submitting to Shen Sha, you will be able to continue to live a stable life? Look at him, his previous general, he killed him with a single sword strike!"

Yin Yaofeng was about to speak, but outside the gate of the village, the battle had already begun.

She saw the stalwart man in black clothes galloping on horseback, completely fearless of swords and swords.He looked indifferent, as if he didn't pay attention to anything, only the goal in his eyes!

And his target is Yin Hai, her second brother, who is standing in front of the battle on horseback!
Yin Yaofeng could see that her second brother was also holding the big knife tightly, staring at the man who was speeding up.

"Second brother is nervous!" Yin Yaofeng grabbed Yinfei's arm so hard that his nails almost pinched into his flesh, but Yinfei didn't notice it at this time because he was also nervous.

"This is the suppression of momentum." He murmured: "You don't need to shoot, the momentum can crush the opponent first! Your second brother can cut down three tigers with a big knife, and he is still nervous!"

"Without this battle, you, my second brother, and a few uncles would not listen to me." Yin Yaofeng gritted his teeth, "You only promise that I will submit to him if I am defeated, but if I am defeated—— No chance of submission?"

Yinfei's heart skipped a beat.

They underestimated Shen Sha!Who would have thought that he would fight in person, and would go straight to Yinhai as soon as he came!If he is defeated, will he end up dying?
"The one who came is the Emperor of Breaking Domain?" Yin Hai yelled loudly, but their brothers and sisters could all hear that he wanted to use this loud yell to boost his courage and confidence.

"Yin Hai, the master of the second village in Yaofeng Village." Shen Sha's cold and watery voice came down the wind, not as loud as Yin Hai's shout, just such a calm and low voice, but hearing everyone's ears here, suddenly There was a kind of pressure. "This emperor gives you a chance to surrender."

On the tower, Yin Yaofeng's eyes showed a little fascination. He didn't expect that the rumors were true, and the emperor who broke the domain was really handsome and extremely stern!
She wants such a man, and such a man is what she wants!

But at this moment, she was also worried. Shen Sha gave a chance to surrender. In her opinion, the best thing is to seize this opportunity and surrender!So as not to cause casualties!But her second brother will definitely not just surrender like this!
"Brother," she turned her head to look at Yin Fei: "how about—"

Yin Fei knew what she was going to say, but he gritted his teeth and said: "No! Without this battle, let alone your second brother, even these brothers will not completely surrender to Shen Sha, you have to give them a choice What if we win the battle?"

Yin Hai on the battlefield thought so too.

If they win, then they can break into the broken city!If that fortified city, the richest and safest city in the whole broken domain, could be theirs, that would be great!
He snorted, and smiled proudly, "Why don't the village master give you a chance, how about you submit to our Yaofeng village?"

"Ridiculous!" Ying rode his horse to chase after him, just in time to hear this sentence, he immediately laughed, "Little Yaofeng Village, it's really fanciful to want to accommodate the emperor! Master, the subordinates will meet him!"

Shen Sha nodded: "Catch me alive."

These words completely underestimated Yin Hai, he was not willing to accept, he immediately raised a big knife and chopped down on the eagle.

"It's kind of brute force!"

Ying snorted coldly, and even blocked it with his sword.

There was only a clang, and the eagle's long sword really caught Yin Hai's sword!

Yin Hai kicked his horse straight up to raise his body, increasing the pressure with height, and he clenched the big knife with both hands and pressed down the eagle's sword fiercely.Eagle holds the hilt of the sword with both hands, and the sword is horizontally above his head. This posture is already weak. The edge of the sword is no more than a fist away from the top of his head, and it is still being slowly pressed down, which seems to be quite strenuous.

On the tower, Yin Yaofeng clenched his fists and waved: "Second brother, beat him, defeat him!" Anyway, he is not fighting Shen Sha, and he must support his second brother!

At this time, she saw someone hidden in the crowd on her side, drew a bow, and aimed the arrow at Shen Sha.She was startled suddenly, and almost cried out, Yin Fei immediately covered her mouth.

He knew what she was going to call: "You are crazy! This is a battlefield, we are two opposing sides, do you want to betray Yaofeng Village? Maybe he succeeded with this arrow!"

If this arrow succeeded, then Shen Sha was shot here, and they won a big victory!
It's fine if you don't support it, how can you call it out at this time to make the other party notice?
Yin Yaofeng's eyes were wide open, staring at the arrow that came out of the string and shot sharply at Shen Sha's chest.He didn't seem to notice when the arrow flew halfway, and he was about to hit the arrow right before he saw it.

Yin Yaofeng forgot to struggle, and Yin Fei also covered her mouth and stared at her with wide eyes.

It's getting close!

Just in the eyes of the man who shot the arrow with ecstasy and excitement, thinking that he had hit the opponent with an arrow, Shen Sha suddenly bent his elbow back and grabbed the arrow with five fingers, and he actually caught the arrow in his hand !

Catch the arrow empty-handed!

"Damn! Are you still human?" Yin Fei murmured.I didn't even look at it, as if I just grabbed it casually!

"It's amazing——" Yin Yaofeng finally tore off his elder brother's hand, with a strange look in his eyes. "Brother, I'm going to marry him, so I'll marry him."

Just marry such a man, don't want other men, don't.

But before they were shocked, Shen Sha suddenly flew up from the horse, and with a wave of his hand in the air, the arrow was thrown at the man who shot the arrow just now. small!

The man thought that he was too arrogant at first, could he be hit like this?It's nothing more than catching arrows with empty hands, but you can still shoot arrows with empty hands!
But then he heard the voice of the chief of the village from the tower. "Hide away! Get out of the way!"

It's too late.

Just before he was about to dodge, with a pop, the arrow had already arrived in front of him.No, it was already inserted into his chest.The man fell down with his eyes wide open. Before he died, what he thought was, why did he show off this ability?

After the man fell down, Shen Sha waved his hand, and a thousand soldiers and horses immediately pressed down fiercely, starting a fierce battle with the people from Yaofeng Village.


Over there, Yin Yaofeng turned pale.

The eagle suddenly raised its arms and pinched its feet at the same time. The horse immediately turned a corner. Yin Hai's sword deflected and landed behind the horse's buttocks.

"Come again!" Yin Hai yelled, and swung his knife again.

Ying sneered; "Didn't anyone tell you that the heavier the weapon, the better the chance of winning?" After speaking, he flew up from the horse, and the long sword cut towards his head while flying in the air. , Yin Hai reacted quickly, and immediately lowered his body, but it was still a bit late. The sword cut off the top of his head, and cut off his entire bun, leaving only a short hair, which fell loose. For a while, he looked very embarrassed.

Yin Hai was startled, he thought he had some confidence in defeating Shen Sha, but now it seems that he can't even defeat one of Shen Sha's four guards!

Looking at it again, although there are 200 people on my side, and they are all very brave, they are still being suppressed and beaten by the opponent!

Yin Hai's face turned pale.

"Hey, distracted on the battlefield, I want to die for you." Yingwei's voice sounded, and then, a strong blow hit him on the shoulder.

Losing his weapon, Yin Hai's heart shuddered, and Yingwei's sword was already on his neck.

A loud cry came from the tower: "Don't kill my second brother, we surrender, we surrender!"

Now that things have happened, Yin Fei doesn't stop Yin Yaofeng's call anymore. If they continue to fight, they have no chance of winning, and more people will only die.

The three owners of Yaofeng Village surrendered.

Yin Yaofeng followed the two elder brothers and was brought in front of Shen Sha. She raised her head and looked at this man who was like a god in her eyes, with fascination in her eyes.

"Emperor, Yaofeng heard that if you make ten contributions to the emperor, you can be a concubine. Yaofeng wants to make two contributions to the emperor first!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at her in surprise.

Two merits?

(End of this chapter)

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