Chapter 213
Shen Sha glanced at her, "Oh?"

Being able to talk to him directly, Yin Yaofeng's eyes are shining brightly, "Yaofeng is willing to bring 630 people from Yaofeng Village into Poyu City—"

Before she finished speaking, Shen Sha interrupted her.

"You don't have to."

Just when Yin Yaofeng was stunned, he continued slowly: "This emperor can destroy the village."

The three brothers and sisters of the Yin family gasped together.

Eagle snorted.The defeated general said that he was willing to bring others to submit. This can only be said to be an act of knowing the current affairs, and he just saved his own life. Can it be called credit?

Is this woman stupid?

Yin Yaofeng bit his lips, "Dijun, Yaofeng also knows another piece of news. There are gold mines in the mountains near Yaofeng Village!"

This time, Shen Sha raised his eyebrows slightly, but he was a little interested.


"This, I can't be sure, but the emperor can send experts who can find ore to investigate—" At this point, Yaofeng looked at him expectantly. This news, can it be regarded as a credit?OK?

Ten merits, she must make ten merits, and be his woman!Be this domain-breaking emperor!
"There is no such master in the broken domain."

Shen Sha frowned slightly.

At this time, Ying suddenly patted his forehead: "No, master, yes, there is this person!"

It was only then that Ying remembered that a family of three entered Poyu City two days ago, and a letter was sent to him through the guards. The letter was written by Lou Qi. , the old man He Gui is a jade carver, his son He Qingnian can find mines, and his daughter-in-law Chunniang is a good cook.

There is a shortage of people in the broken field, and there is also a shortage of skilled people from all walks of life, so such people are very welcome to enter the broken field.Yingwei was also very happy at that time, not to mention it was recommended by Lou Qi.But because he wanted to shake the wind village, he didn't have time to meet the family of three. He just asked the people below to help them settle down first. Who would have thought that people would come in handy now?
Thinking about it this way, he felt that if he could really find the mine, Lou Qi should be credited with this credit!After all, if He Qingnian really had this ability, he would naturally be able to find a gold mine without Yin Yaofeng telling the news!

Shen Sha's face darkened after hearing his words.

There was that woman's handwritten letter and he hadn't told him immediately.

"What about the letter?"

Hearing that his tone was not very good, Yingwei realized later, "Ah? Oh, oh, the letter, here is the letter." He took out the letter from his chest, and did not notice that Shen Sha's face completely darkened.

The letter was confiscated just like that, and Ying didn't dare to get it back in the end.

"It is said that the three members of that family will enter the Nine Heavens Palace."

Yin Yaofeng watched Shen Sha turn and leave in a daze, his mouth opened but he was unable to speak.Dijun, what about her?What about credit?Shouldn't she be credited with credit?

Snowflakes danced all over the sky, it was hard to see green, and the world was completely white.In the wilderness, the weather is no longer suitable for sleeping in the open. Last night, they couldn't find a snow shelter like a cave. The three of them were so cold that they almost turned into snowmen.

"Damn weather. I don't know when the snow will fall." Lou Qi led the horse for a while, as a rest, they had already rode the horse for half a day, and they had to let the horse rest.

In such a snowy day, even the horses can't find fodder to eat, and they haven't hunted anything delicious for two days. They only rely on a few wild fruits to satisfy their hunger. For Lou Qi, who loves meat and joy, this is really torment .

"Girl, look at the mountain ahead." Chen Shi pointed to the front and was pleasantly surprised.

Lou Qi raised his eyes and saw a mountain in front of him with a strange shape, like an eagle's head, and the eagle's hooked nose just covered the road, forming a huge natural roof.Looking at it like this, the road under the eagle's nose is a bit dark, that is, it is not covered by snow.

In this way, at least part of the road is covered by mountains, and it is good to take shelter from the snow and rest their feet. They are almost frozen to death.And there is no snow below, maybe there will be some grass to feed the horses.

"Great, get on the horse, let's go."

Chen Shi and Lou Xin also breathed a sigh of relief, and they all got on their horses and galloped towards the foot of the mountain.

After a closer look, they found that the "hawk nose" protruding from the mountain was longer than they had imagined. Looking in like this, there were indeed some grass on both sides of the road below, which was somewhat grassy because it was not covered by snow. greenery.

Even stepping on the snow they are a little excited.

The three of them were about to gallop in, when Lou Qi suddenly noticed a thin white strip on the road ahead, she immediately shouted: "Stop!"

Fortunately, Chen Shi and Lou Xin obeyed her orders, and when they heard her tell her to stop, they immediately reined in their horses.

Qiqi's three stalled horses neighed.

Five or six men wearing tiger-skin jackets and holding big knives suddenly came out of the dark passage covered by shadows. The leader was wearing a gray fur hat, with slender eyes and a small knife scar under his eyes, staring at them fiercely. .

"You have sharp eyes! Yo ho, there are still three handsome boys in vain."

The men behind him laughed maliciously.

"Come down and play with my brothers!"

Lou Qi rubbed his chin and looked down at them: "The one who robbed?"

The man said: "You can say the same."

"Then your lines are wrong, shouldn't you say that I planted this tree, I opened this mountain, and if you want to live from now on, you should leave something like buying road money?"

A tall and thin man on the other side snorted, "Brother, he said these two sentences well. Let's just say that in the future? It seems very majestic."

Lou Qi burst out laughing.

The man called Big Brother lifted his foot and kicked the tall and thin man, "Go away!"

"What do you want to grab?" Lou Qi asked again, "We are very poor."

Chen Shi and Lou Xin held back their laughter. When they first came out, it was true that they said they were poor, but now they are really not poor.Just look at the big bags that are still tied on their respective horses' backs. The girl really didn't feel guilty at all when she said this.

Now Lou Qi is indeed not poor, he still has several 10 taels of silver notes on him, which were exchanged for the two boxes of gold before, and there are more than a dozen top-quality jade stones, and a lot of rare medicinal materials dug in the Valley of Gods and Demons, She chose what she wanted to keep, and she still had four big bags of medicinal materials to sell.After these are sold, there will be a large amount of income, so it can't be called poor.

If they really let these bandits rob, then these people can go back to live a good year with such a single order.

"Poor? Bullying me for not being able to recognize a bloody BMW?" The elder brother squinted at her, and waved the big knife in his hand: "Hurry up and get off the horse, stop talking nonsense!"

Lou Qi turned to look at Chen Shi and Lou Xin, "We've met someone who knows the goods, so let's get off the horse quickly."

When the three got off their horses, someone came to lead their horses, and saw the several big bags tied to them showing greed.

It's just that I didn't say it, these are the three big fat sheep!

Unexpectedly, the three who they regarded as big fat sheep suddenly moved.

The man who was going to lead the snow hadn't seen clearly what was going on, he just felt that someone was grabbing his collar, and then he flew up into the pile of snow outside, and his head fell into it. I took a big bite of snow.

Lou Qi clapped her hands, another man rushed towards her, she raised her foot and kicked.

The man also flew out and plunged into a snow ditch outside.

"Sure enough, the skill has increased so much. It's so sad to increase so fast." She shook her head and sighed.Sure enough, the blood curse of life last time was a blessing in disguise. After completely absorbing the millennium stone marrow, her skill was considered to have risen to the level it should have.

So she really didn't pay attention to these people.

Chen Shi and Lou Xin were also very sad after hearing her words, don't bring such irritating things, girl!

The result of the two people being stimulated was to beat those people hard, until the bandits screamed.In the end it was the elder brother who begged for mercy first, "Forgive me, three young heroes, we are just making a living. The crops are covered by snow, and we can't even hunt. There is nothing we can do for the old and the young at home!"

Lou Qi tapped his ears with his little finger: "Howling is unbearable. Come here, I have something to ask you."

The man quickly put on his hat and walked in front of her, "Young master, if you have any questions, just ask, the younger one will know everything!"

"what's your name?"

"Brothers call me Boss Tu——"


"No, no, I mean my name is Tu Ben."

"Are you from Dongqing?"

"That's right, our brothers are all from Dongqing."

Lou Qi glanced at Lou Xin's side, he pushed those people aside, made them squat down, put away their knives, and was watching with a knife.Looking at Tu Ben's tiger's mouth again, "You guys are not weak. How many years have you been doing this? How many people have you killed?"

"My lord, we really didn't kill people, at most we beat people away—" Tu Ben said with a bitter face.

"Girl, these knives haven't been sharpened. He said he hasn't killed anyone, so maybe he's really telling the truth." Lou Xin raised the knife.

Unsharp knife?

She was a little surprised, these people looked very vicious, and they didn't kill anyone in front of bandits.

"Girl, girl? Are you a bitch?!"

That Tu Ben almost jumped up all of a sudden, he looked at Lou Qi in disbelief, and couldn't help but glance down.

Lou Qi shook his hand and hit him hard on the head, so that he almost fell to the ground, how could he dare to aim again.But he really didn't think that this young man with such a kung fu is actually a woman disguised as a man!

"Where do you live?"

"Where is there a home, son, no, girl, we are all orphans, we were beggars in the city when we were young, but we couldn't get much money, and then we thought about changing careers—"

Lou Qi just thought it was funny, and changed careers, from beggars to bandits, fortunately they figured it out.

"Then where do you live?"

"Live here," Tu Ben pointed to a part of the mountain wall inside, "Look, we dug a hole there, and no one passes by on this road, especially in this weather, our brothers live Here, as long as someone comes, get up and fight, and no one will forget."

Lou Qi walked over, only to find that they had really dug a hole out of that mountain wall, and inside it was a big bunk made of wooden planks that could accommodate six or seven people to sleep, and a few beds were thrown on it, so dark that it was almost invisible The colorful quilts, in addition, the simple table made of wooden boards, a few chairs, and some miscellaneous things, various and different colors, but they seem to be snatched from passers-by, but basically nothing What a valuable thing.

(End of this chapter)

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