Your heart is free

Chapter 214 I'll drink with you

Chapter 214 I'll drink with you
These people actually live here!

Lou Qi glanced at him: "Why don't you guys live in the city? Can you find something to do if you have hands and feet?"

Unexpectedly, Tu Ben said a little depressed: "We don't know what to do."

Lou Qi thought about it and understood.These few have been undisciplined since they were young, so they don't have any ideas about what to do to get paid to support themselves.

"Then who taught you Kung Fu?"

"Once upon a time, there was an old Taoist who had no money to buy alcohol and was kicked out. It was us who begged him for some money to buy alcohol. As a result, he taught us for two months. He left and said he was going to travel. Sifang." When Tu Ben talked about the old Taoist, there was still a look of yearning in his eyes, Lou Qi was startled for a moment, turned to the other people, and found that they were the same.

It only took two months of teaching to have this skill, which shows that these people's understanding is not bad!And the feelings they showed towards the old Taoist made her heart move.

She remembered the old man.I don't know if she will have a chance to see the old man again, and what exactly is the thing he said about asking her to help.These days she didn't even dream of him again.

The wind and rain are getting stronger outside, but the road covered by the mountains is still a bit warm.Tu Ben and the others didn't dare to have the thought of running away, and they didn't know where they were going. Instead, they obediently boiled hot water for Lou Qi and the others, contributed a few big cakes, and then squatted aside.

The three horses grazing on their own, Lou Qi and Chen Shilou Xin each moved a chair and sat next to the stove where Tu Ben lived, drinking some hot water while gnawing some cold flatbread.

But I saw a few looking at them helplessly—the cake in their hands.

It seems that this is also the little surplus food they have left.Except for some people who went into the deep mountains to collect herbs or hunt, basically no one would pass by this road, especially when it was snowing now.

These few people were probably happy because they finally got a fortune just now, but it turned out that the one who came was the one who ate up their leftover food.Thinking about it makes them feel sad.

Lou Qi's heart moved, and he lowered his voice to Chen Shi and Lou Daoxin: "What do you think, how about bringing them along?"

Both Chen Shi and Lou Xin were taken aback, "Miss, do you want to take them with you?"

"Well." Lou Qi thought for a while and said, "Our things cannot be sold in ordinary small towns and small towns, so we have to go to big cities. But we can buy two carriages in small towns. The wind and rain, the medicinal materials are always on the horse, it will not work, it will get wet. We will go to Beicang with us, and the road will be hard if there are only two of you, so take them and leave the horse-drawn carriage to them. Anyway, raise more I can still support a few people."

"It's all about the girl." Chen Shi and Lou Xin looked at each other, and felt that their girl had moved a little bit of compassion.

"Tu Ben." Lou Qi called out.

Tu Ben hurried over, "What's your order, Miss?"

"What are your plans next?"

"Plan?" Tu Ben was taken aback, glanced at Lou Qi, suddenly seemed to realize something, but couldn't believe it, so he just looked at Lou Qi and hesitated to speak.

"Why, didn't plan or didn't dare to say?"

Tu Ben knelt down with a plop, "Does the girl want to take our brothers with me? We are willing!"

Lou Qi and Chen Shi couldn't help laughing.

"Why do you think I want to take you away?" Lou Qi asked curiously.

Tu Ben said with certainty, "The girl is a good person! Just now she knew we were going to rob and didn't kill us, so she definitely doesn't want to watch us starve." What he didn't say is that most people see them like this, Living in this kind of place, they definitely wouldn’t eat their food, but such a beautiful girl didn’t mind at all, and ate the cake as soon as she got it. Although this was their last remaining food, it didn’t matter. Knowing why, seeing whether she ate it or not, they all felt that the cake was worth it for some reason.

"Hehehe, am I a good person?" Lou Qi laughed, "Okay, since you said so, I will be a good person, you all follow me, although I can't guarantee anything else, but I can make you eat and drink foot, how?"

Tu Ben was overjoyed, turned his head and shouted to the others: "Brothers, the girl is willing to take us away!"

It's not that these people haven't thought about changing this kind of life. They have been together since childhood. If they are separated, each of them will be concerned about others. If they want to find something to do, they may not be able to find someone who can be together. They don't know what they can do. The wandering life of more than 20 years makes them feel a little panicked.

When Lou Qi asked them why they didn't find something to do, Tu Ben's heart suddenly moved, following her might be their best choice.

Lou Qi is very satisfied with Tu Ben's quick-wittedness and observation skills, and he has another advantage, that is, he is decisive and not procrastinating.

After deciding to go with her, he persuaded the other four people at once, and cleaned himself up after a while. First of all, they all shaved their faces and hair. All neatly re-bundled.

According to Tu Ben's words, it is not to embarrass the girl.

"Thank you for taking me in."

Lou Qi nodded, "In the future, I may mostly wear men's clothes outside, so you can call me Seventh Young Master."

Hearing from Tu Ben that it takes two days to walk to the nearest city, Lou Qi thought about it and prepared to give them a test.Because they didn't have a horse, she gave Tu Ben 100 taels of silver bills and told them to go first, find a good inn to wait for them in the city, and then find out where the carriage is strong and easy to use. If you want to order it, you have to pay a little first Er'er made a deposit to order two carriages, and they set off one day late.

If they are the kind of people who are greedy for small profits and are short-sighted, they may run away with the 100 taels of silver bills instead of waiting for them in the city.And if what they thought was to entangle her, and they were suspicious, they might not want to take the money and trek to the city for two days in the snow.

Without hesitation, Tu Ben took the silver ticket, asked her some requirements for accommodation and carriage, and only brought their unsharpened swords. The five of them took another look at the cave where they had lived for several years, and then plunged into it. In the snow.

Chen Shi looked at their backs and said, "This Tuben is not bad."

Really good.

Lou Qi himself was not in a hurry, they had been on the road for a few days, and both men and horses had to rest.

Although it was very cold, they slept until noon the next day.After getting up, drank some water and took two pills to nourish qi and blood, and then they rushed to the Pingsha city that Tu Ben mentioned.

In Pingsha City, there is mostly sand outside the city, but this kind of sand is not loose and floating sand, and there are many plants, but it is still white in the middle of winter.On the city gate, the words Pingsha City seem to have gone through many years of vicissitudes, and the painted oil paint has faded.It was past noon now, the gates of the city were wide open, many people entered the city, and few people left the city.

Most of the people who come out to walk in winter have horse-drawn carts or donkey carts. There are all kinds of styles, some are very luxurious, and some are so simple that they can hardly completely block the rain and snow.Occasionally, there are a few horsemen or walkers who have just wrapped themselves tightly in fur cloaks.Like the three of Lou Qi and the others, although they also have cloaks, they are obviously much thinner and have a few holes, making them look very shabby, very few.

But their horses are eye-catching.

So when they entered the city, many people watched them.

"My lord, we deliberately slowed down. Logically speaking, Tu Ben and the others should have arrived in Pingsha City in the morning." There were many people in the city, and Lou Qi was now wearing men's clothes, so Chen Shi and the others changed their name and called her to come to Pingsha City.

"Well, if they don't come, then it's like I gave 100 taels of silver to the beggar." After she finished speaking, Tu Ben turned around from the corner in front and saw them just in time.

"Young Master, you are finally here!" His eyes lit up, he strode towards them, and stretched out his hand to lead Lou Qi's horse.

"We have found an inn and settled down, now please come with me, my lord."

The corner of Lou Qi's lips twitched: "Okay."

The inn that Tu Ben and the others found was really good, but to her surprise, Tu Ben booked a first-class room for the three of them, while the five of them lived in a third-class room.

"The third-class room is already very good, my lord, you don't know, it's very warm, much better than the cave we live in, brothers are very happy!"

"Just be happy." Of course Lou Qi wouldn't ask them to change rooms just for this matter, it's not bad for them to have such thoughts.

The next thing is that Tu Ben went to work, took the horse to the stable to take care of it, and arranged a person to watch over it, in case her hard-earned BMW was stolen by others.Then I asked Xiao Er to bring them several large buckets of hot water, arranged for a woman to wash their clothes, and ordered a table of sumptuous meals, which would be served just after they came out of the bath.

Lou Qi asked him with a smile: "Why are you such a big man so careful?"

Tu Ben hehe said: "Aren't I the boss of them? There must be someone who is careful, otherwise how will I live this day."

When they came out of Poyu, they rushed all the way, and even went to the city to rest and eat halfway, Fan Changzi also urged like a ghost, and then stayed in the Valley of Gods and Demons for a month, living in a cave and eating wild fruits Now, after walking for several days in the wind and snow, Lou Qi and Chen Shilou Xin sat down on the chairs and ate delicious hot food, they really felt as if they had just come back to life.

"Come to the altar bar?" Lou Qi suddenly became drunk.

"Young master, can you drink?"

"Let's underestimate my son, come, come, come three of us, one jar per person, let's see who finishes the drink first!" Lou Qi was in a good mood at the moment, and he felt like fighting for wine.

Chen Shi looked at her helplessly, "My lord, this is really not good. If you are drunk, none of your subordinates will be able to take care of you." They are all men, how can I help her change clothes and wipe her body.

Lou Xin also nodded immediately, saying that this is really impossible.

"You underestimate me, I won't even get drunk when you are drunk." Lou Qi gave them a sideways look.

At this time, a gentle voice suddenly sounded: "How about drinking with the young master?"

(End of this chapter)

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