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Chapter 217 Young Master Has a Hidden Illness

Chapter 217 Young Master Has a Hidden Illness

On the street near dusk, there are not many people coming and going, and there are many people coming in and out outside the gate of Luoyang Inn, but at this moment, a burly man with a height of nearly two meters is rushing towards him, and the lethality is not great. small.

Several people were already knocked to the ground by him, and they couldn't help cursing, and some threw vegetables at him.But the man didn't care at all, and ran towards this side while yelling.

He rushed in the direction where Lou Qi was standing, and continued to shout: "Hurry up, shopkeeper Luo, hurry up and call Dr. Zou out!"

Yunfeng made a wrong step, and he blocked Lou Qi. Just before he bumped into him, with a slight swipe of his wrist, the man's burly body suddenly turned sideways, brushing against him and rushing past. But he didn't seem to notice.

Shopkeeper Luo jumped anxiously: "Big Lu! Stop for me, you can't just barge in!" He hurriedly turned his head and said something to Yunfeng, and then chased after him.

"Young Master Yun, please bring everyone in. I'll go and have a look first, and don't let Big Lu make trouble."

Yun Feng said helplessly to Lou Qi: "It seems that shopkeeper Luo is going to let me be a second-in-command. Young master, do you want to live in an independent small courtyard or a first-class room?"

Lou Qi laughed: "Second Brother, take us inside first."

"Young master, please." Yun Feng rolled up his sleeves and led the way.

To enter the backyard, there is an aisle on the side of the lobby on the first floor. Tu Ben led others to arrange to store the carriage first, while Chen Shi and Lou Xin carried a few large cloth bags and followed Lou Qi in.

The garden between the backyard and the front yard is still very large, but now there are only a few plum blossoms quietly blooming, and there are no other flowers.

When they came in, they saw the big man Lu quickly calling Dr. Zou in front of a row of rooms. The shopkeeper Luo tried to persuade him to leave, but then some residents were quarreled. After he was busy apologizing He had no choice but to drag Big Lu aside, pointing to a two-story staircase in a more secluded garden on the opposite side and said: "Doctor Zou is in the first-class room, but he is waiting to receive distinguished guests, you Gotta wait!"

Big Lu yelled: "What kind of honored guest wants me to wait! I won't wait, if Dr. Zou doesn't hurry to treat Xiaobao's illness, he will be killed by the female ghost!"

Hearing this, Lou Qi paused, and stood aside to listen with some interest.Seeing her like this, Yunfeng couldn't help laughing and said: "That Dr. Zou is quite famous in Luoyang City, he usually lives in the mountains, and when he comes out for ten days a month, he lives in this Luoyang Inn. There are many people looking for him."

"Is Doctor Zou a miracle doctor?" Lou Qi asked.

"If you ask him to cure a disease, he probably won't be able to, but like what Big Lu said, whoever is killed by a female ghost, he can still cure one or two."

Lou Qi was surprised: "A ghost exorcist?" Can this be called a doctor?
Yun Feng shook his head and said, "I haven't asked about the details, but if you are interested, you can listen to it."

Lou Qi is really interested. She originally wanted to travel, not only to see the scenery and taste the food of various places, but also to hear about the customs and customs of various places, as well as all kinds of strange things.

She is really interested in this doctor who can cure ghosts instead of diseases.

Over there, Big Lu was still yelling, probably meaning that there was a young boy named Xiaobao, whose face was pale and his whole body was weak because he was tightly entangled by the female ghost. He couldn't stand up, couldn't eat, and was about to die.Lou Xin couldn't help asking when he heard this, "How do you know it's a female ghost haunting him?"

Lu's big bull-eyed eyes stared over: "He said it himself, you are so stupid."

Lou Xin choked on being scolded for being stupid, and Chen Shi laughed out loud.

Before the commotion here was over, another person came in from behind, saw shopkeeper Luo and asked, "Treasurer Luo, which room is Dr. Zou in?"

When they saw it, it was a man wearing a royal blue brocade robe, followed by four servants and four maids. The scene was quite grand.

Lou Qi originally thought that the man was a rich man, but the shopkeeper Luo called out: "Butler Han, you are here."

A butler, what a grand style.

Yun Feng whispered from the side again: "The Han family, the richest man in Luoyang City, can be ranked even in Dongqing."

Hearing what he said, Lou Qi thought of another person, Wan Caizhi, one of the four beauties who lived in the first floor of Jiuxiao Temple at that time, remembered that she said at that time that she was the daughter of the richest man in the Eastern Qing Dynasty.It's just that during the Concubine Selection Ceremony, Lan Yi, the daughter of the former city lord who broke the domain, provoked Shen Sha's anger and was imprisoned. Later, she died in prison for unknown reasons. She didn't take the other people to heart. Thinking about it, I asked casually.

"Chen Shi, what happened to that Wan Caizhi?"

Chen Shi didn't expect that she would suddenly ask about Wan Caizhi, and shook his head in a daze: "I don't know."

Lou Xin took the words: "My subordinates know that after Lan Yi's death, the other three still live in the first hall, but I heard that they are locked in the room every day to embroider, and no one comes out again. They are very safe."

Closed in the house every day to embroider?

Lou Qi was thoughtful.

When she entered Poyu City for the first time, she felt that Shen Sha was very extravagant. The city wall, Jiuxiao Temple, and his carriage were all extremely luxurious, but it was only later that she realized that they were all the wealth left by the former Poyu City Lord. To bring people in, to support nearly ten thousand people, and to reduce the tax of the common people, that is simply to sit and eat.It is not so easy to build a country, especially now that he is still extremely short of people, there are too few people around him who can help, and he and Xue Wei Yuewei have to devote most of their energy to finding medicine. superior.

Since Wancaizhi is the daughter of the richest man in Dongqing, wouldn't anyone come to Cambodia and ask him to make Wancaizhi a concubine?In that way, with the support of the richest man in the Eastern Qing Dynasty, at least the national treasury will be much more abundant.

However, she also knew that with Shen Sha's arrogance, he was not the kind of man willing to take such a path. He could fight the country with blood and sweat, but he might not be willing to rely on women to make connections.

In fact, Lou Qi is understandable. Could it be that the ancient emperors were like this, the beauties in the harem were all related to various forces, this is also a means for the emperor to check and balance.Of course, if Shen Sha can avoid this method, she will admire him quite a lot.

When she was distracted, Housekeeper Han had already gone to invite Dr. Zou out, Lou Qi glanced over, but this glance surprised her, she suddenly felt a little surprised.

What came out was a woman under [-] years old, and she was quite pretty, with big eyes and thin lips, a small red tear mole at the corner of her eye, a plump figure, her waist twisted when she walked, more like A beautiful young woman.

Is the way she opens her eyes wrong?

"Is this Doctor Zou's wife?"

Lou Xin answered: "My lord, did you miss the emperor just now? This is Dr. Zou!"

Lou Qi couldn't help reaching out and patting the back of his head hard, this guy dared to tease her now!What does it mean to think about the emperor? What she thinks about is business, do you understand the business?

Lou Xin yelled, and quickly moved away.Chen Shi shook his head, he was more rigid than Lou Xin, and he would not dare to make such a joke with Lou Qi.

"Dr. Zou, after our eldest lady returned home, she ordered someone to carry the sedan chair. Now the sedan chair is at the door of the inn. Please ask Dr. Zou to accompany us back to the residence—"

The big man stretched his neck and shouted again: "No, no, Doctor Zou has to follow me to save Xiaobao!"

"Don't worry." Dr. Zou said, his voice was clear, not as delicate as her appearance. "Tell me what happened to your little treasure?"

Seeing that Dr. Zou was willing to listen to him, Big Lu said happily, "Xiaobao is haunted by a female ghost and is dying." He just said these words, and didn't say anything else. Come.

Dr. Zou nodded and said, "I have a Dao talisman here, take it back and boil water for him to drink, and come back to me in two days." He took out a yellow talisman and handed it to Lu Big one.

Big Lu was overjoyed. After receiving the talisman, he immediately knelt down and kowtowed three times to her, got up, turned around and ran out in a hurry.This only made everyone sweat for a while, this big man Lu is really a bit stupid.

Doctor Zou then said to Steward Han: "The sedan chair is here, let's go."

When they passed by Lou Qi, Dr. Zou suddenly stopped and turned to look at Lou Qi, "Hey, is this young master not feeling well?"

Lou Qi made sure, seeing that she was indeed looking at him, she smiled and asked, "How do you say?"

"Young Master has an extraordinary bearing, but he should have some hidden illness." Dr. Zou looked at her with some compassion.

Everyone was taken aback when they heard the words.

Lou Qi was also taken aback, then laughed, waved her hands to stop Chen Shi and Lou Xin from rebutting, and asked softly, "Doctor Zou, please tell me, what's wrong with me?"

Dr. Zou shook his head, "I'm going to Han Mansion now, if you are willing, you can wait for me for two days, if you don't want to forget it."

Lou Qi smiled even deeper when she heard her words.

Dr. Zou glanced at her again, and then followed the steward Han, followed by eight housekeepers and maids, who seemed to be here just to put on a show.

Before leaving, Butler Han turned his head, took a look at Lou Qi, and then shook his head in disapproval, making Lou Qi a little puzzled.

Shopkeeper Luo wiped his forehead with his sleeve, and walked over, "Young Master Yun, do these young masters live in first-class rooms?"

Lou Qi nodded: "Just live in the first-class room. Shopkeeper Luo, there are five of my guards outside, and you will open two more first-class rooms for them."

"Okay, this way please."

The first-class rooms are neater and bigger than the first-class rooms in other inns that Lou Qi stayed in before. Naturally, the cost is also higher.It costs ten taels of silver to stay one night, and ten taels of silver is enough for ordinary people to live for several months.

Lou Qi himself lives in one room, Chen Shi and Lou Xin share one, and Yun Feng's room is next door to Lou Qi's.

Yun Feng paused before entering his room, then turned around and asked Lou Qi: "Do you believe what Doctor Zou said?"

"I have a hidden illness?" Lou Qi laughed, without answering, she pushed open the door of her room and walked in: "Let's have a rest."

Yunfeng looked at the door she had closed with her backhand, and suppressed her smile, with a complicated look in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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