Chapter 218

During the meal that night, Yunfeng didn't show up, but shopkeeper Luo brought her a message.

"Young Master Yun is in a hurry and cannot have dinner with Young Master Seven, let me tell you." The shopkeeper Luo looked at the young master who had changed into a black brocade robe under the lamp, and gave a sigh of admiration in his heart.Young Master Yun is gentle and elegant, but this Seventh Young Master is handsome and exquisite.

Such a black suit is more suitable for her than the white suit seen during the day, and it can even make her handsome and extraordinary.

"Thank you, Shopkeeper Luo."

They sat down at a table by the window, and Chen Shi knew Lou Qi's hobbies and habits, and they ordered Luoyang City's special dishes that they had never seen or eaten in other places before.Wherever you go, eat wherever you go, you must taste all the delicacies in the world, this is the motto of the foodie Louqi.

The dishes came out quickly and looked very good.

Lou Qi found that when he came out at this meal time, the lobby was much more lively than in the afternoon, and people seemed to pop out suddenly.

"Master, Mr. Yun is still very mysterious." Chen Shi said in a low voice.Yunfeng is the great apprentice of Yun Xiangyang, the owner of Yunfeng Villa, but Yunfeng Villa was infiltrated by others, Yun Xiangyang himself died in the wormhole, and later the entire Yunfeng Villa was destroyed. He didn't care at all, and it seemed that he was very familiar with Luoyang City, but he didn't know what he was doing here.

Lou Qi said indifferently: "He does his work, we do ours. After dinner, we will go to the medicine shop." With so many good medicinal materials, and they can't be carried with them all the time, it's better to sell them as soon as possible.


This night, Lou Qi only brought Chen Shi and Lou Xin, and asked Tu Ben to rest in the inn. If he wanted to go out for a stroll, it was fine, as long as he didn't cause trouble for her.

Those few didn't stay for dinner at all, and slipped out early.The rush of the past few days has made them all very bored, and they are still unfamiliar with Lou Qi, except for Tu Ben, the other four are still very restrained in front of Lou Qi.

But before they finished eating, they saw Tu Ben bringing one of them, nicknamed Monkey, over. This monkey was just when they were going to rob Lou Qi, it was funny to hear what Lou Qi said, and he suggested that he would do the same when they robbed Lou Qi in the future. The tall, thin guy she said that about.Because he is thin and flexible, everyone in Tu Ben calls him Monkey, but no one calls him by his first name.


Tu Ben hurried over with the monkey, looking very anxious.

"What's the rush?" Lou Qi glanced at them.

"Sheng Medicine Store is collecting medicines at a high price. It is busy there now. I heard that the Han family temporarily entrusted Sheng Medicine Store to find five kinds of medicinal materials for them. When my subordinates saw some people selling medicines, the medicine store said they would accept them. There will be no manpower for the next three days, so we will not accept medicines from outsiders for the time being, and we must complete the commission from the Han family first!"

Tu Ben's voice was not deliberately lowered, so many people in the lobby heard it.

"What? I won't collect medicines for the next three days? How can I do that? I'm here to sell medicinal materials!" A man exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes, yes, me too. If you don't collect the medicine for three days, wouldn't you have to stay here for three days?"

"Hey, brother, tell me, what can the drug seller do?" Someone stood up and asked Tu Ben.

Tu Ben didn't expect so many people to look at him, it was no longer the kind of eyes they used to look at beggars, nor the frightened eyes when they robbed, he looked at the brand new and neat clothes on himself and the monkey, Straightening up, he took a look at Lou Qi, and seeing that she didn't stop him, he said loudly: "From what our brother heard, Sheng Medicine Shop welcomes everyone to take up the task and help find the five medicinal materials, regardless of whether they are found in the end or not." The Han family will give a certain amount of remuneration for the five kinds of medicinal materials, and it can be regarded as bearing the board and lodging expenses for you to stay in Luoyang City for these three days. If you find the medicinal materials they want, the other medicinal materials they bring with you The bank will accept it at a price three times higher than the original price."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was in an uproar, and those who originally had medicinal materials to sell were even more delighted.

Lou Qi raised her eyebrows, admiring the methods of the Han family and Shengyao shop.In this way, even if they do not accept other medicinal materials for these three days, these people will not have any objections. Moreover, they also tried their best to find the five medicinal materials that the Han family wanted, even if they found one, it would be good to bring them with them. The original medicinal materials can be sold to Shengyao at a price three times higher than the original price.In this way, how could anyone sell these medicinal materials in the past three days?Of course, I am waiting to see if there is a chance to earn three times more.

"Brother, what are the five medicinal materials that the Han family wants?" Someone asked again.

Tu Ben and Houzi were silent when they heard this question.

"My lord, we are illiterate—" In front of the Shengyao store, the five kinds of medicinal materials were written clearly, but they couldn't understand them. This was for the purpose of reporting back quickly, fearing that Lou Qi and the others would be carrying a few big bags. The medicinal materials were a waste of time, and they didn't bother to ask others.

As soon as the others heard it, they checked out and went out.

"Let's go and see for ourselves."

Most of the people in the lobby quickly left.

Chen Shidu couldn't help being taken aback, "I didn't expect so many people to come here for Sheng Yao."

An old man at the side answered, "It's still winter, and there are more people selling medicine at other times."

"Then Sheng Medicine Shop buys so many medicines, can they sell them all?"

"Little brother, what you said doesn't sound like you often travel around. Dongqing and Beicang are full of branches of Shengyao. So many medicines?" The old man laughed.

Lou Qi was thoughtful.It seems that in Dongqing and Beicang, the Shengyao shop can be said to be the big brother of the medicine industry. They collect medicinal herbs at low prices, then make medicinal powder and pills, and sell them at a higher price through medicine shops and medical centers. Definitely huge profits.Even in modern times, medicine is huge profits.

However, what kind of medicinal materials did the Han family want, and even the Sheng Medicine Store couldn't get them out?And this is a temporary matter, will it have something to do with Dr. Zou?
Thinking of Dr. Zou saying that she had a hidden illness in the evening, Lou Qi couldn't help but curl her lips.

"My lord, shall we still go?" Lou Xin asked.

"Go, why don't you go, let's go to pick up the mission, and someone can help pay for the accommodation." Lou Qi stood up, looked at Tu Ben and Houzi again, "You guys did a good job."

"Thank you for your praise!"

Tu Ben and Houzi were very happy to get her compliment, and they grinned.

"Let's go, let's go take a look together."

The Luoyang City at night is just like Lou Qi imagined during the day, all the red lanterns are lit up, shining in the snow-covered city, dyeing the white with a layer of red light, it looks very beautiful.

"My lord, it's the end of the year." Walking on the street, Chen Shi said suddenly.

Lou Qi was slightly taken aback, she knew that she had been closed in recent years, but when Chen Shi said it so deliberately, she suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.This will be her first New Year in this world. It is said that there will be a reunion dinner on New Year's Eve, but who is she going to reunite with?In the past, she wouldn't accept tasks these few days, and she would definitely go to the mountains to have New Year's Eve dinner with the old man, but she didn't know what would happen to him this year.

When she came back to her senses, she saw Chen Shi hesitated to speak. "What do you want to say?"

"My lord, I want to say that the emperor may wish to spend the New Year with you." Chen Shi mustered up the courage to say it.

Lou Qi choked, "Even if we go back now, we won't be in time."

This place is farther away from Poyu, and it will take at least forty days to go back quickly.In ancient times, it was a toothache. There were no trains, cars, or planes. It took more than half of the time to go to a place.She now misses flying her own plane again.

Thinking of this, Lou Qi thought of the Snow Mountain White Eagle King that Dong Shiyu gave away, Nalan Huaxin also flew on an eagle before, can she try it too?Snow Mountain White Eagle King is much more powerful than Nalan Huaxin's dead eagle, and his size is big enough, so it is estimated that three people can sit there without any problem!
It's a pity that she didn't bring it when she came out.

Lou Qi decided to find an opportunity to discuss with Shen Sha in the future and give her the Snow Mountain White Eagle King.

Chen Shi and Lou Xin looked at each other, feeling a little sad.In fact, they don't want their girl to be like a rootless person at all. They hope that she can go anywhere, but at least they regard Jiuxiao Temple as their home, and rush back to reunite with the emperor at the end of the year.

There were a lot of people on the street, and everyone was talking and rushing to the medicine store.

As such a shining medicine store, it is naturally on the main street of Luoyang City, and it is only a short walk away. The scale of the medicine store is obviously larger than all kinds of shops on both sides. It has three floors, and the door is very large. On the imposing plaque, there are three big gilt characters on it, "Pharmaceutical Store", and a beautified Ganoderma lucidum flower is engraved in the lower right corner.

At this time, the entrance of the Shengyao store was full of people. Three tables were put together to form a long table in front, and the table was covered with blue cloth. Four uniformly dressed men were standing in a row, specializing in registration matters.Others were ushered in after registering.There are Kongwu powerful guards on the left and right, to maintain order, and to prevent people from snatching medicine and causing trouble.

Lou Qi saw Tu Ben's other three brothers also crowded in the crowd, she asked the monkey to call the three of them, after the three ran over, they took out a wooden sign and handed it to her.

"Young master, we also went to pick up the mission."

They were a little apprehensive, afraid that Lou Qi would scold them for making their own decisions, but they felt that they would not suffer a loss if they got it, and they were afraid that they would be late if they didn't get it.

Lou Qi glanced at it, "Don't you have to sell medicinal materials to get this brand?" They are not here to buy and sell medicinal materials, and the Sheng Medicine Store is not so stupid to give them a brand to let them come to collect board and lodging fees for nothing.After all, this is a measure to appease those bulk medicinal material merchants who come to sell medicinal materials.

After hearing her question, a man nicknamed Shi Ye said shyly, "Young Master, it was my idea, first go to another pharmacy and buy some herbs."

This is to spend money to buy medicinal herbs, treat it as the medicinal materials that you want to sell, and then get this brand.Lou Qi raised his eyebrows, thinking that this person's mind is really good, even if they can't find the medicinal materials that the Han family wants, but the medicinal materials can be sold to the Sheng Medicine Store in three days, although the price is definitely lower than their going outside The price at the pharmacy is low, but it can still be exchanged for their three-day board and lodging expenses. After such a calculation, it is definitely a profit.I just don't know if anyone else has used this trick.

(End of this chapter)

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