Your heart is free

Chapter 220 Destined To Be His Woman

Chapter 220 Destined To Be His Woman

""explain. " he said gravely.

The genius doctor sighed in his heart, it was already a top-level trick to hide it, and he really couldn't keep it up.He lowered his head and said, "Back to Dijun, Miss Lou left enough blood for twelve servings—"


The red sandalwood Eight Immortals table in front of him was slapped apart by Shen Sha's palm——



Tianying suddenly flashed out, and Yue and Ying, who happened to come outside, also rushed in quickly, thinking that something had happened.

As soon as they came in, they saw the miracle doctor standing aside with trembling legs, the Eight Immortals table was torn apart, the emperor was holding a thin white porcelain bowl in one hand, his face was as dark as ink, and his anger was as real as it was, making them all tremble.

Who can make Dijun so angry——

But Yue knew it just by looking at the thin white porcelain bowl.

It's going to be midnight soon, it's going to be fifteen, they are here to guard the emperor, it seems that the genius doctor is here to deliver medicine.

Shen Sha gritted his teeth, feeling like his heart was on fire.

"Keep twelve copies, one year?" She is so sure that within one year he can find all the remaining medicines?Or, will she send blood again in a year? "It seems that she really wants to leave this emperor."

Yue and Ying were also shocked, "Lou Qi left twelve bowls of blood?"

"Is she desperate?" Ying looked at the bowl of blood, feeling distressed for some reason.

Shed twelve bowls of blood at once, and then had to travel a long distance to the Valley of Gods and Demons!You know, even if it is the periphery of the gods and demons, it is very dangerous!Did she bleed all her own blood and go to die?
"Okay, very good." Shen Sha stared at the bowl of blood.

At this moment, there was a huge wave in Yue's heart.He seemed to suddenly understand what Lou Qi looked at him before he left here.

It was sarcasm, disappointment, self-mockery, rejection, and abandonment.

Because they were only thinking about breaking the domain, and they were only thinking of making her obey Tianshan and Nalan Huaxin, and drive her to the Valley of Gods and Demons to find that purple vine. In her opinion, they were all right. Her betrayal did not really treat her as a partner.

In her opinion, they did this, which shows that in their hearts, Poyu is more important than her, Fan Changzi is more important than her, Nalan Huaxin is more important than her, and even Nalan Daner's golden thunder whip is more important than her .For these, they can sacrifice her at any time.

Because of this, she didn't bother to stay.Disdain to be with them, disdain to remember their friendship that has gone through life and death several times before.

She disdained them, she gave up on them, and even Dijun was given up by her.

Yue didn't know why, but suddenly felt miserable.

He originally thought that there was nothing wrong with what he did, and he felt that if it was him, he would unconditionally sacrifice himself for the emperor and for breaking the domain.So he felt that Lou Qi should do the same.

But what he didn't think of was the human heart.

Lou Qi may be willing, but it needs to be her own wish.

He thought he should be angry after knowing this, but he didn't expect it to be full of regret.Yes, he regretted it.

Ying also had a shocked expression on his face, different from what Yue thought so much, he only had one thought in his mind, Lou Qi really didn't want to come back!She didn't want to go back to Jiuxiao Palace!

"Master—" Yue raised her head.They had guessed that she might not want to come back, but subconsciously they still had some ideas, thinking that she was Shen Sha's medicine, and she should come back on the fifteenth day of next month, right?

They thought that they would talk to them about leaving when she came back, but they didn't expect that she had already made preparations and didn't want to come back.

Shen Sha's icy eyes swept over, and the eyes were filled with endless darkness.

"If she wants to escape, it depends on whether the emperor agrees."

After speaking, he brought the bowl to his lips, raised his head and drank it in one gulp.There was still a small smear of blood red at the corner of his mouth, and his expression was cold.

Lou Qi, wash your neck and wait to bear the anger of this emperor!
Shen Sha lay on the bed, fine beads of sweat oozing from his forehead.

Yue, who was watching by the side, went up to wipe off those beads of sweat for him. Suddenly, his heart shook, and he turned to look at Ying: "Master has a fever!"

The sound immediately woke up the miracle doctor who was lightly asleep on the couch, and he jumped up, "What?"

"Master has a fever, genius doctor, come and have a look!"

The miracle doctor almost stepped on the hem of his robe, rushed over hastily, stretched out his hand to Shen Sha's forehead, and found that his body temperature was very high. "How could it be, how could it be—"

I didn't find this kind of situation last month!
"Could it be that the blood left by Lou Qi has been drained for too long and has already gone bad?" Ying asked anxiously.

The genius doctor immediately retorted: "Impossible, Miss Lou added her special medicinal powder to the blood at that time, saying it can keep the blood fresh, and there will be no problem!"

"What now?"

If fever is not a big problem at ordinary times, but now it is fifteen, Dijun is not in as much pain as before, but he still can't move. How complicated his body is now, if he develops a high fever, it may kill him at any time of.

Yue Shen said: "Genius doctor, quickly find a way."

"Miss Lou left three emergency measures, I'll go and have a look!" The miracle doctor remembered the three envelopes Lou Qi left behind, and immediately rushed back to the medicine hall.

Yue suddenly smiled wryly, did they all think wrong?Lou Qi never needed them, but they needed Lou Qi.

But at this time Shen Sha was walking towards the boat, he looked at the little girl and smiled.

Break the wilderness.

Southeast, Dead Wood Village.

In a small building, the candlelight was blocked by thick black curtains hanging on the four walls, and nothing could come out.On a black table in the middle is an incense burner with four sticks of incense stuck in it. The incense is black, but the smoke from it is reddish.

In addition to this incense burner, there is also a silver basin next to it, which is filled with a basin of clear water. There is no wind, but there are strange ripples on the clear water, and there seems to be some vague image.

A woman wearing a black cloak stepped forward, looked down at the image in the water, and suddenly murmured, "Smoke, small lake, boat, little girl."

What he was talking about was Shen Sha's dream!
"I finally dreamed of you again." She closed her eyes, pressed her hand gently on the water, and heard the man's low but joyful voice.

In the dream, is it a little girl?
A smile appeared on the corner of the woman's mouth, and suddenly, her chest rolled, and she spit out a big mouthful of blood with a puff.His face quickly paled.

In the corner, a man suddenly appeared, stepped forward, and hugged the woman into his arms. "I advised you not to use this method a long time ago, why didn't you listen?"

"Brother Changli." The woman's voice was very delicate, it sounded like a girl, and the brother Changli she was calling was Xichangli, the prince of Xijiang.

No one knew that Xi Changli did not leave, but instead hid in the dead wood village, one of the few original villages in the wilderness.Moreover, Xi Africahuan, the saint of Xijiang, is also here.

Xi Changli pulled off the hat on her head, revealing Xi Africahuan's lovely face.Xi Africahuan is not a stunning beauty, but she has a pair of Jianshuiqiu pupils, a small face the size of a palm, and a delicate and delicate temperament. Many men will have a desire to protect her when they see her.Even Xichangli is the same.

He hugged her tightly, seeing her delicate appearance, couldn't help leaning over, his fiery lips pressed against her lips, and licked away a trace of blood from the corner of her lips.

Xi Africahuan did not refuse, but stood on tiptoe to cooperate with him.

After the kiss was over, Xi Changli suppressed the impulse of his body, gritted his teeth and said: "I'm not willing to give you to Shen Sha."

"It's worth it to do this." Xi Feihuan put his arms around his waist, pressed his face against his chest, and said softly: "You said that every fifteenth day, Shen Sha is the weakest time when the poisonous Gu attacks. In the western border, or the distance is too far, the dream-peeping spell can't work, but now in the broken domain, Feihuan finally succeeded in spying part of Shen Sha's dreams tonight after going through the first two experiments on the [-]th."

"However, it will cost you ten years of skill—"

"Brother Changli, Fei Huan did this voluntarily. You worked hard to support Fei Huan to sit on the position of saint. Didn't you also hope that Fei Huan could inherit these spells that are only passed down to saintesses in Western Xinjiang? In order to help Brother Li Sitting on the throne, Fei Huan will do whatever he wants. It's a pity that Fei Huan's body is too weak just after finishing the spell, and he will have to take care of him for at least two months before he can go to Brouyu City."

"Brother Changli is useless, but you are needed to help." Xi Changli sighed.

Xi Feihuan said: "Brother Changli, don't say that, even if Feihuan doesn't go to Shen Sha's side, with Feihuan's extremely yin constitution, he still can't be with Brother Changli—" It was moist, "Although Feihuan only wants to give his body to Brother Changli."

Xi Changli froze slightly.

"Hehe, brother Changli, after all, you and I have no destiny. Ever since Feihuan became sensible, Master has said that my mission is to dedicate myself to Shen Sha at the right time. Feihuan is destined to be Shen Sha's woman."

"Feihuan——" Xi Changli sighed, picked up Xi Feihuan, sent her to the bed next door, held her in his arms, put his hands into her clothes, caressed her body, and then Kissed her lips again.

Although he can't really own her body, apart from the last step, which part of Xi Feihuan's body hasn't been touched or kissed by him?
In the end, Shen Sha just picked up a woman he had fondled countless times.

The sky finally dawned, and Wan Dao Xiaguang shone down, illuminating the Jiuxiao Temple on the top of the mountain in resplendent gold and green.Several people in the triple hall were about to collapse to the ground. Seeing that the basins of ice and snow in the dormitory had melted into water, everyone stared at the miracle doctor who was reaching out to Shen Sha's forehead, and held their breath.

The miracle doctor's hand touched Shen Sha's forehead, and finally heaved a sigh of relief: "The fever has subsided."


There was a sound of letting out a breath.

"It would be great if Miss Lou was here." The always taciturn Tianying said before disappearing.

Both Yue and Ying were taken aback.

Yue smiled wryly, wondering if Lou Qi would forgive him if he went to plead guilty?
(End of this chapter)

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