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Chapter 221 You've Messed Up With The Peach Blossoms

Chapter 221 You've Messed Up With The Peach Blossoms
The morning sun shone into the room, Yunfeng opened his eyes, and the first thing he smelled was a faint smell of medicine.The smell of this medicine is not unpleasant, but it will make people feel refreshed after smelling it.

He was on Lou Qi's bed.

When Yunfeng realized this, he subconsciously touched the injured left shoulder, and indeed he touched the bandaged gauze, but he couldn't feel any pain at all.

Lou Qi's medical skills are really good.Yunfeng's face darkened when he thought of his mission.What if Lou Qi could?

At this time, he heard Chen Shi's voice outside, "Master, why did you come out of Mr. Yun's room?"

She gave up her room to Yunfeng, and she was too lazy to take care of him overnight, so she naturally changed rooms with Yunfeng.

On this day, Yunfeng didn't seem to be going anywhere, saying that he wanted to rest in the inn.Lou Qi just took a deep look at him and didn't have any extra words, only one sentence.

"Repay me the fare for bringing you to Luoyang City."

Yun Feng was startled, then couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.He reached out and took out a stack of bank notes, and put them all in her hand.

Lou Qi also counted the points in a serious manner, and there were a total of 1 taels.

"Rich people, if you don't slaughter, you won't slaughter." She drew two 1000 taels from it and returned them to him, "I'm a good person, I'll leave some money for you, so that you don't have money to pay for the hotel." Received an integer of 1 taels.

The corner of Chen Shi's mouth twitched.

"Are you going to the medicine store today? I'll borrow the kitchen from Shopkeeper Luo and cook some delicious food for you when you come back." Yunfeng looked at Lou Qi with gentle eyes.

When Lou Qi thought of his craftsmanship, his saliva almost drooled.

Chen Shi was suddenly very sad.

Yun Feng smiled and said: "This morning, you might as well go to the steamed stuffed bun shop in the front corner to eat buns. It is a famous bun shop in Luoyang City. The bean curd and sweet water are also very good."

"Okay, Chen Shi, call Lou Xin and Tu Ben, let's go together, my son treats you." Lou Qi said that he just earned 1 taels and was very proud.

Chen Shi had a black line on his face, "My lord, you have been taking care of us all the time." What a treat.

Yun Feng laughed softly when he heard the words, Lou Qi choked, then stretched out his hand, and hooked Chen Shi's chin with his index finger, with the corners of his eyes slightly raised, he said with a smile: "Mmm, I have such a handsome son. The bodyguard—"

"Lou Qi, don't tease your guards." Yun Feng reached out and grabbed her arm and pulled her away a little, Lou Qi's index finger couldn't hook Chen Shi's chin as he wished.

And Chen Shi also retreated two steps messily in the wind, his handsome face flushed slightly, "Girl!"

Embarrassed, the young master forgot to call.

Their girl's temper is really getting more and more casual. If the emperor sees this, will he still need his chin?
"Okay, okay, I'm not kidding you."

They walked for a while, Yunfeng still heard Lou Qi's voice drifting with the wind.

"However, Chen Shi, you look so cute when you blush."



Yun Feng couldn't help but shook his head and laughed softly.This Lou Qi was really different from the women he had seen before.

The Stuffed Fresh Steamed Bun Shop is also easy to find. Perhaps this should also be attributed to the prefect of Luoyang City. There are road signs on every street here, and the larger and more famous shops are written on them, marked with arrows.

This made Lou Qi admire the prefect named Shu Chongzhou in Luoyang City even more. She suddenly remembered that when she came to Luoyang City yesterday, Yunfeng only told her half of what Shu Chongzhou had said. What is the second half that has not been finished yet?
They didn't come very early. Compared to the ancient people's work and rest time, Lou Qi definitely belonged to the kind who slept late and woke up late. At this moment, the bun shop obviously had already left a group of customers, and they arrived just in time. A few vacancies were cleared up, and eight people fit into a table of four.

Steamed buns, tofu curds, and sweet water were served. Lou Qi smelled the steamed buns and already whetted his appetite, and was about to start eating, when a shy voice suddenly sounded.


At first Lou Qi didn't know that the girl was calling her, but when she called out again, she raised her head and saw a pretty girl looking at her with reddish cheeks.

"You are, call me?"

The girl nodded.She was dressed as a maid, with two double buns on her hair, tied with a blue ribbon, and inserted with two pink silk flowers, she looked very fresh and lovely.

"May I ask what your name is, Mr. My lady thinks, thinks" It seemed that she was embarrassed by so many men looking at her, but she still mustered up the courage to say it out: "I want to invite you to eat steamed stuffed buns!"

"Puchi!" Lou Xin couldn't help taking a mouthful of tofu curd.

What is rhythm?Is their girl provoking love?

Chen Shina's eyes were almost dripping with sadness.

Lou Qi was also sad, because she looked outside the steamed stuffed bun shop, and recognized the girl standing there twisting the handkerchief, it was the one who ran away shyly when she saw her outside Luoyang Inn yesterday.

"Ahem, they all call me Seventh Young Master, and the girl should call me that too. As for the steamed stuffed bun, I'd better pay the money by myself. After all, as a man, you can't let a woman treat you." She felt that Yunfeng always It's also good for entertainers to come down and talk about it.

As soon as she said this, Chen Shi and the others all looked at her sadly, and looked at her sadly.Is this talking about them?Yeah?
The maid did not insist on paying the money for these buns for her, she rolled her eyes and said crisply: "Seventh son, our lady is the second lady of the Han family, and the servant is Ding Xianger, the maid of the second lady. I heard that the young master is also here to sell Medicine, I wonder if the young master received the wooden token yesterday?"

Lou Qi's heart moved, that girl turned out to be the Second Miss of the Han family! "Well, I got it."

Ding Xiang'er's eyes lit up, "What kind of medicinal material does the Seventh Young Master have?"

No one would think that one person would have two or more kinds of herbs, and those five kinds of herbs were extremely hard to find, and it was already amazing to have one, but if there were more than one, it would make people vomit blood with envy.

"After eating the buns, I went to the medicine shop to talk. Thank you for your concern, Miss Er and Ding Xiang'er. Go back with your lady and don't stand at the door." I'm a little curious about the strange disease, but she doesn't want to have too much contact with the second lady. If it really hurts her heart and makes a wrong payment, it will be troublesome.

Hearing what she said, Ding Xiang'er didn't feel ashamed to go on, and ran out after a hasty blessing. She whispered a few words to the Second Miss Han, and the Second Miss Han nodded slightly at her at the door. Then he took Ding Xiang'er and left.

"Miss, the Seventh Young Master really failed the sincerity of the lady—"

"Ding Xianger!" Second Miss Han reprimanded her and said with a blushing face, "Seventh Young Master, it's for my own sake. Standing at the door of the steamed stuffed bun shop always attracts too many people's attention."

She was very sweet in her heart, she never thought that today when she went out to buy bean curds in person, she would run into that young master.

Ding Xiang'er tilted her head, "Is that what you mean? But, miss, you are right, that seventh young master is really good-looking."

Although this Luoyang City is a prosperous and prosperous city in the Eastern Qing Dynasty, it is close to the border after all, and the climate is bad. There are always winds and sands in late autumn and early winter. Most of the men in this city are rough-looking. rare.That's why Second Miss Han fell in love with Lou Qi as soon as she saw her.

I don't know what the master and servant think, in the steamed stuffed bun shop, Lou Qi also feels a little helpless being watched by Chen Shilou Xin Tuben and the others.

"Why are you looking at me like this? You can't blame me for being so beautiful!"

"My lord, let's quickly sell the medicine and change the carriage to leave Luoyang City." Chen Shi was really sad in his heart, he really wished that he hadn't heard the emperor's voice transmission when he left the Nine Heavens Palace!

"Go here, watch her along the way, and don't allow her to get close to other men!"

Dijun, this task is not easy to complete, what should I do if the girl kills both men and women!Not to mention men, there are still women who like girls now, he is under a lot of pressure.

Chen Shi looked at Lou Xin, feeling very envious, he was really carefree, he was the only one who was so sad.

Lou Qi couldn't help shaking his head when he saw his most handsome guard with a stiff face.

Yunfeng's recommendation is not wrong, the steamed stuffed buns and sweet water are both delicious, and they all ate their stomachs.After eating, the soldiers split into two groups. Tu Ben took the monkey and others to choose a carriage. This time, she wanted to choose a super strong and comfortable one, so that she could always use it in the future.

Lou Qi took Chen Shi and Lou Xin to the Sheng Medicine Store.

Unexpectedly, today's Shengyao shop is already very lively so early, Lou Xin squeezed over and asked the person next to him, "Uncle, what are you doing?"

"You don't know, the Shengyao shop got a Liuguang Purple Cloud Fox! Everyone wants to come and open their eyes!"

Lou Qi who heard the five words Liu Guang Ziyunhu at the side was stunned.

There can't be so many streamer purple cloud foxes in this world, right?
But, wasn't that Liuguang Ziyun Fox taken away by Mr. Jin?She heard the people around her talking excitedly, all talking about the medicinal effect of the Liuguang Ziyun fox.

The living Liuguang Ziyun Fox already has the effect of warming up the body and calming the nerves, and Ziyun Fox’s body is also a treasure. Although it is small, if the Ziyun Fox’s fur is removed, it can be sewn into a scarf or a pair of gloves to keep warm The effect of blood is also very good, and the meat of Ziyun fox is very nourishing after eating, and even has the effect of improving internal strength. The blood of Ziyun fox can prolong life and improve intelligence.

Therefore, whether it is a living Liuguang Ziyun fox or a dead Liuguang Ziyun fox can make people excited.

Of course, it is even rarer to be alive, because if you can raise such a streamer purple cloud fox, not only will it be beneficial for you to be in contact with it for many years, but it will also look very majestic.

"Everyone, everyone, Sheng Medicine Shop accidentally got this Liuguang Ziyun Fox, and dare not hold it by itself. The owner decided to auction it off. If you are interested, you are welcome to enter."

"This news was not released in advance. Can there be so many buyers with capital?" Lou Xin asked again.

(End of this chapter)

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