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Chapter 222 It's So Exciting

Chapter 222 It's So Exciting
"It looks like you've just come to Luoyang City. There is never a shortage of masters with money in Luoyang City, and there are always ones, and I heard that they had secretly reported this matter by carrier pigeons last night. The rich people from the nearby cities will come here in a hurry. Also, do you think the auction will start right now? No, the auction is at night, and now it’s just to create momentum. Also, those who go in now can pay a deposit Book your seat."

Lou Qi withdrew from the crowd with a sullen face, Chen Shi said in a low voice: "My lord, this Liuguang Ziyun Fox must be that one, right?"

Lou Qi shook her head, "Come and take a look at night." Now she is not sure, but if Liuguang Ziyunhu is captured by the people from the Sheng Medicine Store, does that mean that something happened to Mr. Jin?

"Lou Xin, go and book the VIP seat." Then the VIP seat must be the VIP seat.This time, Shengyaohang was really busy enough. The Han family entrusted them with a lot of money, and they got Ziyunhu. These two things happened to be crowded together, which made Shengyao's reputation flourish again.

Lou Qi went into the medicine store and handed over a wooden sign, saying that she wanted to sell medicine, and the eyes of a manager who received her lit up: "This young master found one of the five medicinal materials so quickly?"

"Yes." Lou Qi originally wanted to sell all the three kinds of medicinal materials she had, but now she changed her mind after knowing that the three medicinal materials are so rare last night, she decided to only give one, and give it to Tianjicao .

She thinks that if someone really enters the forest that no one has ever stepped into before, they may be able to find it. But like Tianji grass, except for the cave in the Valley of Gods and Demons where Ziyunhu is, it is estimated that there is no second place in the world. There is a place.

She still keeps some there, and new ones can grow in time, and she can go in and pull out if she really needs it.Anyway, although the Valley of Gods and Demons is extremely dangerous, she is not afraid.

"I don't know what kind of medicinal material the young master found?"

"The secret grass."

"Tianji grass! It turned out to be Tianji grass!" The steward exclaimed, seemingly shocked.

Lou Qi felt a little strange, don't they think that someone can really get these kinds of medicinal materials?Shouldn't you be mentally prepared to wait for the medicine?

It seems that these kinds of medicines are even more rare than she imagined!But the words have been spoken, and she has decided to use the Tianji grass to make a fortune, so naturally she will not back down.

"That's right, it's the Tianji grass."

The steward's voice was a little trembling: "Then, did you bring that Tianji grass?"

"Of course I brought it, but I didn't say there was only one plant." Lou Qi said lightly.

"What, what?" The steward shook his body exaggeratedly, as if he was about to fall down, "Yes, there are two plants?"

Chen Shi and Lou Xin stood behind Lou Qi and touched their noses at the same time, two plants were about to make him faint, what if their girl had a total of sixteen plants?

For the sake of the life in charge, they still don't tell the truth.

Rareness is the most precious thing, Lou Qi knew it, and she didn't intend to take out all sixteen Tianji grass, but—"Actually, I have three."


The steward actually fell down.He stretched out his arms and called out to the medicine apprentice who came to help him, "Quickly, go ask the chief steward to come out."

So, so exciting!

The head steward with a goatee came out of the inner room in a hurry, he was taken aback when he saw the three of Lou Qi, and asked suspiciously: "Young master, you said there are three Tianji grasses?"

Lou Qi is not short among women, she is considered tall, but disguised as a man, after all, she is a bit shorter, and her figure is also thin, so she looks only eighteen or nineteen, so this big manager calls her a little son.


"I'm the chief steward of the Luoyang City branch of Shengyao. His surname is Zhu. I don't know what to call the young master?"

Chen Shidao: "This is the seventh son."

After hearing this, Manager Zhu knew that Lou Qi didn't want to reveal his real name, so he didn't force them, and invited them to the inner room, and asked the maid to serve Biluochun.

"Seventh Young Master, can you show me the Tianji grass?"

"of course."

Lou Qi nodded, and Chen Shi took out a rectangular brocade box from the cloth bag, and handed it to Manager Zhu.Manager Zhu was quite calm at the beginning, but after taking the box, his hands began to shake.He opened the box, his eyes lit up suddenly, his pupils narrowed slightly, and his lips trembled a little.

The grass of that day is a purple grass stem with tender green slender leaves. Although it has been separated from the soil and water, it is still moist and full of vitality. Take a deep breath, a kind of cool air Drilling into the nasal cavity, it immediately makes people feel refreshed.

Tianji grass is not only so precious because it is rare, but also because of its wonderful medicinal effect, it is a good medicine that many people can't ask for.Tianji grass is ground into powder and used externally. It has the effect of sterilizing, reducing swelling, hemostasis and promoting granulation of various wounds. It is made into pills and taken internally, which has a miraculous effect on internal injuries.

The congealing power pill that Duoyan used before contained the ingredient of Tianji grass.It is said that one stalk of Tianji grass can make ten condensate pills.It is conceivable how precious these three Tianji grasses of Lou Qi are now.

But no matter how much money there is, the Han family should be able to spend it, otherwise what is it called on the rich list?Besides, they wanted four more medicines.

"Master Zhu has completed the appraisal? Is this Tianji grass true or false?" Lou Qi asked casually.

The more she looks like this, the more Manager Zhu dare not underestimate her, maybe she is the little master from some hermit family who came out to travel?Otherwise, how can ordinary people get the Heavenly Secret Grass? If they get it, they will get three plants!
Manager Zhu's attitude towards Lou Qi is very respectful now, "Seventh Young Master, I have already verified that this Tianji grass is not only real, but also has a very good quality, it is a top-quality product."

Naturally, it is a top-quality product. It grows in such a place full of aura, how can it be bad?She suspected that the Tianji Grassland was just the food of that Ziyun Fox, and when there was no meat to eat, the Ziyun Fox would eat that.Therefore, that Liuguang Ziyun fox should be unique in the world, full of aura, extremely fast, and well versed in human nature.If she saw the Liuguang Ziyun fox, she would definitely be able to recognize whether it was the one she tamed.

"Boss Zhu really knows the goods. Then, Boss Zhu will look at my medicinal materials, will you accept them according to the agreed price first, and then let's talk about this secret grass?" Lou Qi signaled Chen Shi to send two big cloth bags up. .

"Seventh Young Master also has other medicinal materials, and the medicinal materials are naturally collected—this, this is!" Chief Manager Zhu originally thought that the other medicinal materials he handed over were ordinary medicinal materials, but when Chen Shi opened the bag, he took the medicinal materials inside. When he took them out one by one and put them on the table, his eyeballs were about to pop out.

Centennial Ganoderma lucidum!Centennial ginseng!Centennial Polygonum multiflorum!
Just take it out, it is a century-old grade!
God, is he dreaming!

Chen Shi took out two big cloth bags with great difficulty, and said lightly: "No more, that's all."

Also, also.
That's all!
Ouch, God, this is the rhythm that can beat people to death!In a general medicinal shop, it is good enough that these medicinal materials are ten or twenty years old!Those that are more than 20 years old are all fine products!

Is the hundred-year-old medicinal material a big radish in their hands now? !
Manager Zhu almost fainted.

If he knew that these were the ones that Lou Qi picked out last night and she thought they were the least valuable, he would probably vomit three liters of blood.

You know, there are a few people who occasionally go in to collect herbs on the outskirts of the Valley of Gods and Demons, but no one dares to go in the inner circle, so there are large pieces of medicinal materials in there, all of which are hundreds of years old, and naturally there are thousands of years old. .If it wasn't for Lou Qi and the others who had already filled up the pockets they brought, and the powdered ones had also filled up the bottles and jars she brought, she would have dug out more.

The reason to sell these is also because she can't carry so many medicinal materials with her all the time, so it's more practical to exchange them for money.

"Why is Manager Zhu silent? Does Shengyao look down on these herbs?" Lou Qi blinked.

Manager Zhu had a mouthful of old blood, coughed and choked, and finally calmed down. He smiled wryly and said, "Seventh Young Master, don't be kidding. They are all high-quality medicinal materials. How can I look down on them. It's just that these medicinal materials are already sold according to their original value. It’s not low, and it’s not a small fee to buy them all at a price three times higher than the original price. I need to discuss it with the warehouse stewards of the medicine store.”

This is an estimated price, let's see if their funds can give this amount of money, Lou Qi also understands, so he nodded and said that he can wait.

Manager Zhu immediately called several pharmacists and several managers to get busy, and didn't go anywhere else, so a screen was set up on one side.

Lou Qi's impression of this Sheng medicine shop is actually not bad. Although the manager and the manager Zhu were frightened by her medicines before, they did not show greed, they acted frankly, and they were not profiteers.

"Seventh Young Master, the Heavenly Grass is what the Han family wants. I have just sent someone to inform Patriarch Han. The price can be discussed with Patriarch Han in person. However, I have a request. I don't know if Young Master Seven can agree."

"Master Zhu, please tell me."

"If the Han family only needs one or two Tianji grasses, can the rest be sold to the Sheng Medicine Company?"

Lou Qi smiled, it turned out that this was the matter, "Of course."

Manager Zhu was overjoyed and thanked her quickly. "To tell the truth, Seventh Young Master, if I can have a Tianji grass, my branch can be regarded as a big success, and it will be good for my promotion."

Manager Zhu is honest and sincere.Lou Qi saw that this person was straightforward and decisive, generous and decent, and he was still a talent, so he couldn't help but feel moved, "Oh? What kind of job is it to be promoted to the chief executive of the medicine store?"

"If the big managers of each branch are promoted, they will be the masters. Each head is in charge of five branches, and there is a big master above him. If you become a master, you need to regularly visit the five branches under your jurisdiction. To tell you the truth, Mr. Seven, my lord I want to walk around, but I don’t want to stay in Luoyang City for the rest of my life.”

Not only can you walk around, but you also have more power and higher monthly salary. Who doesn't want it.

(End of this chapter)

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