Chapter 226
Could it be that Mr. Jin once appeared near Luoyang City?
So, Ziyunhu was snatched, where is Mr. Jin?
Manager Zhu came back to his senses and cleared his throat. "Then, this Ziyun fox will automatically follow the seventh son, and it will be owned by the seventh son—"

"Come with me!"

A black shadow suddenly passed through the sky, and the man stretched out his hand to grab Lou Qi.

"Young Master!" Chen Shi and Lou Xin pulled out their swords at the same time, and with a flick of their wrists, both swords pierced towards his chest.

"Stand back, you are no match for him!" Lou Qi threw Ziyunhu to the corner again, stretched out his hand to grab the two of them and pulled them back.

But even so, she was already a step too late, the man's sleeves were rolled up, and both swords were caught by him, and Qi Qi broke away from Chen Shi and Lou Xin's hands.

They took two swords before they could make one move, and Chen Shi and Lou Xin changed their faces at the same time.

"Boy, do you think you are my opponent?" The man in black grabbed the two swords with both hands and folded them, breaking them into four pieces.

Lou Qi smiled: "How will you know if you don't try?"

A black golden whip suddenly appeared in her hand, and it slammed towards his face with a whistling sound.

The man stretched out his hand to grab it, thinking that he could grab the whip, but unexpectedly, the whip slipped from his palm. It was so slippery, but the tentacle felt as hard as iron.

The man was startled.He had never touched a whip with such a feel.If it is hard, how can it be made into a whip? If it is a whip, how can it be like iron?
While he was in a daze, Lou Qi cleverly flicked his wrist, and the tail of the whip slammed towards his face like a snake.

with a snap.

There was a small trace of blood on the man's face. He subconsciously reached out to touch it, and with a light touch, a long strip of skin appeared. The blood burst out and flowed across his face in an instant.

Lou Qi took a quick step back and blew his whistle, "I didn't expect the wound from this young master's whip to be unusual!"

This is also the first time she has discovered that this whip has such power.It's a pity that she is still the true self of the Black Gold Vine King, and she hasn't made the real whip she wants, otherwise she believes that she will be able to exert even more powerful power.

"Looking for death." The man's face was injured, and his heart was furious. He jumped over from the window sill and slapped Lou Qi with a palm: "It doesn't matter if you are crippled and dragged back!" He changed direction all of a sudden, and came towards her crotch.

Lou Qi's face darkened, did she really think she was a man, and wanted to use such a sinister trick?
"Dirty!" She poured her inner strength into the whip, and the whip stood up straight like a long stick. She held the end with one hand and stabbed towards his hand.

Because the whip was weird, the man couldn't help being afraid, so he quickly retracted his hand.But when he wanted to withdraw his moves, Lou Qi might not agree, withdrew his internal strength, and the stick turned into a whip again, holding the hand at the end and waving it, the whip wrapped around his wrist like a snake. While holding her whip, she let go of the whip with one hand and let it fall to the ground.

Not to mention this man, even Chen Shi and Lou Xin have never seen anyone play like this. How could anyone take the initiative to throw away their weapons when they had the upper hand?

Lou Qi's unconventional fighting style made the man almost at a loss, because he knew that her martial arts were not much lower than his own, so the first thing he thought about was whether she had any special tricks that could win him.

But what Lou Qi wanted was for him to hesitate in this moment between the pair of moves.Before this man showed up, he had already used invisible pressure to alert her. She wasn't sure if she could beat him head-on, so she could only use strange moves.No matter how good his kung fu is and how quick his reaction is, he will definitely not understand why she gave up her weapon, and he will be delayed for a moment.

And at this moment, the long needle in her hand pierced the man's waist acupuncture point like lightning.

Even if the man reacted immediately, even if he immediately used his internal strength to block, Lou Qi was no worse than him, and had already seized the opportunity.

When the long needle pierced his acupuncture point, he felt his body go numb immediately, and he was very frightened and angry.

Lou Qi shouted loudly at this moment: "Chen Shi, Lou Xin, come on, surround him and beat him up!"

The man turned dark when he heard her words.

"You wait for me."

He took a deep breath, jumped out of the window, and soon disappeared.

Lou Qi put the needle back into his belt, and was about to bend down to pick up the black golden vine king, but a small silver-purple figure rushed over, quickly rolled the black golden vine king with his front paws, then bit his mouth, raised his head to touch it. Come to her.

There was a clear look of flattery in those bright eyes.

Lou Qi was speechless.

Is it because he is afraid that she will drive it away, so he flatters him?

She took the Black Golden Vine King back and patted it on the head, "Follow that brother to wash himself clean before coming back." She pointed at Lou Xin.

Lou Xin has a black hair, he is a human, it is a fox, when did he become its elder brother?

But Ziyunhu ran to his side all of a sudden, saw that he had not moved, and touched him with his paw.

The corners of Chen Shi's mouth twitched: "Master, this purple cloud fox is really spiritual."

"Just take it with you, before you find Elder Jin."

"The subordinates don't know who that man was just now." Chen Shi felt a little guilty.

Lou Qi nodded, "It's okay, if you don't know it, you don't know it. You are not a know-it-all. He is very skilled. You and Lou Xin are not rivals. If you really meet, everything is for your life. I don't want you Sacrifice foolishly, understand?" That man is very skilled, even slightly better than her, if she hadn't used a strange move, she probably wouldn't be able to stab him.And after being stabbed in the acupoints by her, he didn't feel paralyzed all over his body, and he was able to retreat from the whole body, which shows that his internal strength is very deep.

Chen Shi's heart warmed.

Lou Qi has saved him twice, and saved Lou Xin once, and they are grateful for her never giving up on them in the Valley of Gods and Demons.She always made them feel that they were not just guards, but also the people she needed and cared about, so they felt more and more that following her was the best decision they had ever made in their lives.

The incident just now stunned the people below, and then the man called Lou Qi's private room, and no one in the lobby on the first floor could see it, so they didn't know exactly what happened.But after a while, the man in the black cloak quickly left with a stiff posture, which shows that the seventh son's kung fu is even higher than that man.

The most shocking thing is Zhu Daguan.

He knows how high that man's martial arts are, otherwise he wouldn't have to obey that man. Even their young master was defeated by that man last time, and this seventh son unexpectedly defeated him in such a short period of time. Forced away?
In fact, the man was just suspicious, afraid that her needle would be highly poisonous, so he didn't dare to fight anymore.If he is not fooled and really wants to fight her to the end, she may not win easily.

She has silver needles on her body, but no poisonous needles.

But now Lou Qi feels that it is necessary for her to make some poisonous needles for self-defense. She will not be so arrogant that she thinks that she is invincible. Like the method just now, if she meets someone who is stronger and smarter, it will definitely be dangerous. When she let go of the whip, she was puzzled and struck directly, it was difficult for her to avoid it.

But Lou Qi wants such a quick victory for outsiders tonight.It is estimated that her reputation has spread in Luoyang City now, and it will spread soon. At that time, the world will know that there is such a Seventh Young Master who has sold a few plants of Tianjicao. And strangely let a very spiritual purple cloud fox automatically follow her.

If this kind of news spreads, there will definitely be many people who are eager to make a move.Came here for her money, or for Ziyunhu, maybe some would think that she was a genius.

I believe everyone present could have felt the powerful internal force released by that man just now, and they knew that he was a master.

But the master was defeated by the Seventh Young Master within a few strokes, which showed that the Seventh Young Master was the one with unfathomable martial arts.

In this way, at least most of the people with bad intentions can be shocked.At the very least, she shouldn't have to deal with too many mosquitoes and flies.

Manager Zhu was surrounded by people below, and many people were curious about the Seventh Young Master, and turned on the paparazzi mode, vowing to ask for more information.

Lou Xin came back with Ziyun Fox, Lou Qi took the initiative to hug Ziyun Fox, and walked out with one hand gently stroking its soft hair.

The medicine apprentice hurried over to greet him, he had been waiting here, waiting for Lou Qi to call.

"The seventh son is leaving?"

"Well, take me through the back door, my son sees that the front is too lively."

The medicine apprentice showed a clear expression, "Seventh Young Master, please follow me."

Passing through a long corridor paved with wooden planks at the back, Lou Qi suddenly stopped, and saw a corner of his clothes behind a round arch in front of him.

"Master?" Chen Shi asked in a low voice.

"Let's go." Lou Qi shook his head and walked out the back door.

Back at Luoyang Inn, Lou Qi glanced at Yunfeng's tightly closed door, walked over and knocked twice.No one answered the door.

"Sir, you don't even want Mr. Yun to cook your own supper, do you?" Chen Shi was sad again, now it's night, come back when you come back, why are you knocking on his door?
Lou Qi glanced at him with a half-smile, and Chen Shi suddenly felt guilty.

"I don't feel it if you don't talk about it. I feel hungry when you talk about it. Chen Shi, go cook the noodles."

"Huh? Go cook?"

"That's right, I suddenly want to eat the noodles you cooked yourself."

Chen Shi had a bitter face: "Master, this subordinate doesn't know how to cook noodles."

"Does the seventh son want to eat noodles?" A soft voice rang out, and the master and servant raised their eyes, only to see Han Xiaozhu walking quickly with her maid Ding Xiang'er.

The corner of Lou Qi's mouth twitched.

Han Xiaozhu looked at Lou Qi with bright eyes, then shifted his gaze to Ziyunhu, and said enviously: "I never thought that the seventh son could lead Liuguang Ziyunhu to take the initiative to recognize his master."

Ziyun Fox lay obediently in Lou Qi's arms, and was fast asleep at the moment. Its body was only a little bigger than a cat. Lou Qi held it, stroking its fur carelessly with one hand, and her The idle temperament of the body seems to be a little more mysterious and attractive than when he was not holding Ziyunhu.

Han Xiaozhu's heart was pounding.

(End of this chapter)

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