Chapter 227
"Second Miss Han is not going home at this time, what are you doing at Luoyang Inn?"

Han Xiaozhu said: "Master Qi, my father has already gone back to prepare a banquet, and wants to invite Master Qi to have a drink. I wonder if Master Qi will show his face?"

"Go to the Han Mansion? I don't know anyone in your family, so it's not good to just come in so abruptly?" Lou Qi raised his eyebrows.

Han Xiaozhu hurriedly said: "My family is very easy to get along with, my grandmother, mother, sisters and brothers-in-law love me very much—"

"Miss—" Ding Xiang'er tugged at her clothes from behind, isn't the direction of the answer a bit wrong?The Seventh Young Master is just a polite way of saying it. How can it be said that Madam and the others don't love her?
At this moment, Han Xiaozhu also realized that what she said was a bit strange, her face blushed, she lowered her head slightly and said, "Actually, it was grandma and mother who heard about Liuguang Ziyunhu and the style of Seventh Young Master. They are really curious , so I asked my father to invite Seventh Young Master to bring Ziyunhu to the banquet together."

Lou Qi caressed Ziyunhu, and smiled with his eyes slightly bent: "What Second Miss Han said makes me feel like Wuwu is going to Han Mansion to be a monkey." Curious about Ziyunhu and her, let her Go and show them the entire Han Mansion?
Han Xiaozhu didn't understand what she meant at first, and after she realized it, she blushed and waved her hands again and again, "Seventh Young Master, we didn't mean that, it's just, just—"

It's just that she didn't say it for a long time.Seeing her at a loss, Lou Qi sighed, "Second Miss Han, please go back."

Han Xiaozhu said hastily, "Seventh Young Master, my father didn't just invite you, he also invited the young owner of the Sheng Medicine Store!"

Lou Qi was a little surprised when he heard this, "The young owner of the Sheng Medicine Store?"

"Yes, yes, my father only found out at night that the young owner of the Shengyao shop has also come to Luoyang City. My father just wants to get acquainted with the two of you. We have no other intentions!" Han Xiaozhu was afraid that Lou Qi would not agree to go, He almost reached out to catch her sleeve.

"By the way, my father also said that he knows who is going to snatch Ziyunhu!"


Lou Qi pondered for a while, Patriarch Han should be determined to ask her to come over this time, if she doesn't agree, I don't know what else he will bring up, why don't he just go over with Ziyunhu in his arms, anyway, deal with it After leaving him this time, she will leave Luoyang City tomorrow.

"Okay, then my son will go with you."

Second Miss Han was overjoyed, "Then invite Seventh Young Master to come and ride the carriage with me at the door."

Lou Qi shook his head and said, "Second Miss takes the carriage, I'll just ride with the guards."

The past two days of treading snow have also been boring, so I just pulled it out for a walk at night.

Second Miss Han sat in the carriage, quietly opened the curtains a little bit, and looked outside at Lou Qi who was riding a bloody BMW with her back straight. The moonlight was faint and the snow was clear, making her face like jade.

Ding Xiang'er glanced at it, then said with a playful smile, "Second Miss, did you enjoy watching it?"

Second Miss Han made a gesture to hit her: "You sharp little mouth, I'll tear it up someday, miss."

The Han family is the richest man in Luoyang City, and one can tell by seeing this magnificent mansion, Meilin, which occupies an unusually large area.Before arriving at the gate of the Han Mansion, there was a long street ten miles long, with red lanterns hung on the left and right, and the word "Han" was written on the lanterns. Walking on this long street, Lou Qi could imagine how Patriarch Han would look when he passed this road every day. How smug and proud.

When we arrived at the gate, we saw the door of the mansion was wide open, and Patriarch Han was waiting outside the door himself, and beside him was a man wearing an ivory brocade robe, a light gray cloak, and a silver mask on his face. man.That mask was a complete mask, only the lips and eyes were exposed.

Lou Qi and the others got off the horse, Patriarch Han immediately asked his servants to come over and lead the horse to the stable.

"The Seventh Young Master is here, the humble abode is really full of glory." Patriarch Han came up to greet him, clasped his fists at Lou Qi and laughed.

Lou Qi couldn't help laughing: "If Patriarch Han's house is a humble house, there really won't be any good houses in the world."

"Thank you, thank you. Seventh Young Master, this is the young master of Sheng Yao, Zhao Shaodong."

Lou Qi looked up at the man standing on the steps, and said calmly, "Good evening, Zhao Shaodong's family."

What kind of greeting is this?

There was a smile in Zhao Shaodong's eyes, he nodded and did not speak, but was the first to turn around and enter the gate.Patriarch Han sweated for a while and lowered his voice to Lou Qi: "Seventh Young Master, don't worry about it. Zhao Shaodong's family should treat many people like this. He also didn't open his mouth when Mr. Han greeted him."

"My lord doesn't care." Lou Qi shook his head and followed into the Han residence.

As soon as she entered the door, she could feel that there were many auras in every corner of the dark place, calm and calm, obviously they were all masters.I don't know if the Han family has always had such a defense, or it is aimed at her and Zhao Shaodong's family.But if it comes, let it be, the most important thing is——

She was hungry, and she could smell the delicious food, so what if she didn't fill her stomach well first.

Through the snow-swept garden, up six steps, and over a high threshold into the banquet hall.Lou Qi was really blinded by the extravagance of this Han Mansion banquet hall.

The floor is covered with a thick brocade carpet, and there are copper censers in the shape of a person's height placed in the four corners of the banquet hall. The top-grade silver charcoal is burned inside, because the smell is different from that of low-quality charcoal, and it isolates all the cold outside. , So as soon as they came in, an unusually beautiful maid came to serve them and took off their cloaks, and then sent them aside to take care of the incense.

Dozens of luxurious glazed palace lanterns hang down from the top of the head, and huge gemstones are dropped under the palace lanterns. The lights are shining and shining beautifully.

In the middle of the hall, the entire wall is a piece of Suzhou embroidery, with eight horses embroidered with shiny silk thread, the horses are riding the hustle and bustle with extraordinary domineering.

There are also various large decorations, such as big red corals and big jasper trees, all of which seem to be free of money.

In the hall, instead of placing tables for the Eight Immortals, there are desks on the left and right of the upper ranks, and each table is now filled with delicious food and glass wine glasses that seem to whet the appetite.

Behind each table, there are two maids waiting with their eyes down, ready to serve meals.

At this time, a group of people were walking out from behind a screen on the side. The one walking in front was a well-dressed and rich old lady. It must be Mrs. Han. Behind her were four beautiful women, each with their own merits. The wives and concubines of Patriarch Han.Then there are two girls who are one or two years younger than Miss Han, who are also beautiful and refined. They should be Miss Han San and Miss Han Si or something like that.

"Seventh son of Zhao Shaodong's family, this is my mother, my wife, and two daughters." Patriarch Han led them forward, and then said to his family members, "Meet Zhao Shaodong's family, seventh son soon."

Mrs. Han is dressed in a golden hairpin, but it seems that her status in this mansion is not particularly high. After hearing what her son said, she immediately greeted them with a smile: "I have brought the relatives of Han's mansion to see the young master, the seventh son, and the two of you. The young master is really a talent."

Lou Qi really wanted to say that my son is a good-looking person, but you haven't seen the face of that guy named Zhao, so how do you know whether he is a good-looking person or a green vegetable?
In the end she said: "The old lady has a good eye."

Mrs. Han was unable to answer for a while.How could anyone respond like that?Even if you are handsome, don't you have to be humble?

Zhao Shaodong's family still didn't speak, but just nodded lightly.

Several wives, concubines and daughters of Patriarch Han looked at the two distinguished guests with their respective expressions, either generous, shy or quietly. Zhao Shaodong's family was tall and tall, with a cold demeanor, and his silver mask made him look very mysterious.And the seventh son has dark eyes, a face like jade, delicate and handsome features, and a graceful figure.These women couldn't help liking the silver-purple little fox in their arms.

Each has its own merits.

"Come, come, please take a seat, don't wait for the food to get cold." Patriarch Han was very enthusiastic.

The rules of the Han Mansion are really amazing, to greet the two young male guests, even the patriarch's wife and concubine, the daughter who has not left the court, came out to accompany them.

But Lou Qi found it strange that there was Miss Han and her husband-in-law?Why don't you come out?

The head of the Han family took his mother and wife to sit at the top, and there were four desks on the right. The one at the top was Zheng Shaodong's house, followed by Lou Qi and Chen Shilouxin, and the strange thing was that they were followed by the three sisters of the Han family.On the left are the four wives and concubines of the Han family, and there is still an empty table with no one coming.

They sat down, and the beautiful maid came up behind to pour the wine. The clear wine hit the crystal glass glass lightly, and the aroma of the wine was tangy.

Lou Qi couldn't help but praised: "Good wine."

Patriarch Han laughed and said, "Seventh Young Master also seems to be a good drinker."

Chen Shi said in a low voice: "My lord, don't be greedy."

Lou Qi said that Chen Shi is indeed striding forward in the direction of the housekeeper.

"Come on, Young Master, Seventh Young Master, thank you two for not giving up and giving Han some face, Han must have a toast first." After speaking, he raised his head and drank the glass of wine in one gulp.

Zhao Shaodong's family raised their wine glasses as a gesture, and they drank it all.

When he put down the wine glass, Lou Qi just put down the empty glass too.The maid at the back stepped forward to pour wine again.

"Eat vegetables, eat vegetables, the Seventh Young Master was in the medicine store just now, it was really an eye-opener, you eat some first, or when the Seventh Young Master talks about his bravery, you will forget to eat it!" Patriarch Han said.

Lou Qi raised her eyebrows, when did she say she was going to talk about her bravery?And, is she heroic?She is still heroic, bah bah bah, childish words are not taboo.

While cursing, she picked up the chopsticks and began to eat every dish.

Chen Shi and Lou Xin got her a wink, and then picked up chopsticks to eat.Just when Lou Qi picked up a piece of chicken and was about to deliver it to K's mouth, Ziyun Huwuwu woke up.It sniffed first, then raised its head from Lou Qi's lap, and saw that the piece of chicken had reached Lou Qi's mouth, it jumped up and opened its mouth to bite.

Woohoo.It smells so good!
Lou Qi looked at his empty chopsticks, then slowly lowered his head to look at Ziyunhu, and immediately became angry.

"You dare to take food from my mouth! If you don't beat you, you won't know who is the master!" She slapped down the chopsticks and grabbed Ziyunhu with one hand.


Classmate Ziyunhu Wuwu looked at her pitifully while chewing the meat in his mouth quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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