Chapter 228
This made everyone who was stunned by Shu Qi's words just now melt in their hearts, the youngest Miss Han Si stood up, ran to Lou Qi, blinked her eyes and said: " Seventh son, let the little fox eat it, and bring it the chicken from me, okay?"

Lou Qi glanced at her, and twitched his lips: "Why don't you take it to eat."

"Is it possible?" Miss Han Si was overjoyed immediately.Miss Han Er's resentful eyes shot over at once, and Lou Qi trembled.

"Woooo—" Ziyunhu slid into Chen Shi's arms, clearly refusing.Miss Han Si's little face collapsed.Lou Qi glared at Ziyunhu, and waved her hands apologetically to Miss Han Si.

Patriarch Han reprimanded lightly: "Hurry up and go back to your seat." On the opposite side, Mrs. Han's face was not very good-looking, her daughter is the first daughter, and this concubine dared to come out to steal the limelight!

Patriarch Han received the sad look from his second daughter, coughed, and said: "Young Master, Seventh Young Master, my second daughter has no martial arts skills, but she has learned a few sword dances on weekdays, how about letting her perform a few to cheer up the wine? "

Lou Qi didn't quite understand Patriarch Han's psychology. The precious daughter at home should take good care of her. Asking her to perform for male guests is a shameful thing in this day and age. Let Miss Han play sword dance to cheer up the wine.

For some reason, Lou Qi thought of the former city lord's daughter Lan Yi who had practiced the sword dance hard in the Nine Heavens Palace and wanted to attract Shen Sha, but ended up dying in prison.

Does this association count as thinking of someone?Lou Qi curled her lips and decided to forgive herself. After all, Shen Sha is such an excellent man and he likes her, so it's normal for her to miss him, it's human nature.But all of this can be left to time, she doesn't believe that she can still overcome a relationship with her own will.

Since Patriarch Han doesn't mind, she naturally won't stop it.

Silence is golden, Zhao Shaodong's family seems to acquiesce.

So Miss Han Er went down to change clothes.

While waiting for the Second Miss Han, Patriarch Han advised the two of them to have a drink from time to time, and said a lot of good things about the medicine store, and naturally, also said a lot of good things about Lou Qi.

"Young Master, did you come to Luoyang City this time to inspect the business of the Sheng Medicine Store?" Lou Qi asked.

"Seventh Young Master, you can call me Zhao Yun." Under the mask, a voice as mellow as wine sounded for the first time, and Lou Qi was startled when he heard this voice.

In fact, she has been guessing tonight that Zhao Shaodong's family is Yunfeng, because the two of them are similar in stature, and they give her a similar feeling. He was so mysterious that he didn't know where he went. It would make sense if he wanted to play another identity.

But now she heard Zhao Yun's voice, but it was different from Yunfeng's.I don't know if she guessed wrong, or if Yunfeng knew how to change her voice.

"What is Seventh Young Master thinking?" Zhao Yun saw her in a daze, and a smile flashed in his eyes again.

"My lord is thinking, I don't know if brother Zhao Yun's mask is a world-renowned face, or a face without salt." Lou Qi blinked her eyes that seemed very sincere.

Zhao Yun laughed lightly.

"It's just a face."

As soon as the two of them struck up a conversation, the rest of the Han family watched with burning eyes, Zhao Yun moved closer to Lou Qi, and said in a low voice: "Young Master Qi, do you think we are like two pieces of fat now?"

Lou Qi glanced at it and smiled: "I just don't know how they want to eat."

At this time, Mrs. Han raised her wine glass and signaled from the air: "Master Zhao, I would like to respect you. I have been buying medicines from the pharmacy all year round, and I had to help the pharmacy to find good medicine two years ago, otherwise I would My concubine's life is gone. Every time I thank the steward Zhu, the steward Zhu always said that you happened to find the medicine at that time, so I should thank you. I thought I would never have another chance in this life, so I came to Luoyang City without thinking. , As expected, my wish came true. Mr. Zhao, the concubine should do it first as a respect."

After Madam Han finished speaking, she drank the glass of wine without giving Zhao Yun a chance to speak.

Zhao Yun picked up the wine glass, didn't speak, just drank the glass of wine.

Everyone in the Han family could see that, except for the seventh son, this Mr. Zhao talked a lot more, and his tone was gentle. He didn't have much to say to other people, and he almost looked like he was a thousand miles away from others.

At this moment, Mrs. Han asked again: "There is a sentence that may be presumptuous by the concubine, but I still want to ask the two sons, is there a marriage in the family?"

Lou Qi and Zhao Yun shook their heads at the same time, and replied: "No."

The Han family's eyes lit up.

Mrs. Han and Patriarch Han naturally looked at Zhao Yun. It's not that they looked down on Lou Qi. In fact, they respected her quite a bit. But her identity is still very mysterious. No one knows where she came from. Where, and what is the family background.But Zhao Yun is different, the Shengyao shop, only this branch in Luoyang City can earn a lot of money every month, not to mention that there are so many branches in Dongqing and Beicang!

Besides, it's not just a question of money, it's an individual who will get sick. If most of the medicines you need can be found by Sheng Yaodian, what kind of reliance is that?So in the end, Patriarch Han's first consideration was to capture Zhao Yun first.But Lou Qi was unwilling to let go.

At this time, Second Miss Han had already changed into more convenient clothes, a fiery red light skirt, half of the upper shoulders were actually made of transparent tulle, and the skin inside was faintly visible, and Second Miss Han's current makeup had just been changed, Become a little more heroic.When she danced, other people saw that she was barefoot.

Those ten pink toes were exposed from time to time when she walked around the skirt.

"The Han family is really going all out." Lou Qi stroked Ziyunhu's fur, and an unclear look flashed in his eyes.This is the time when women's chastity is not as strict as those ancient times she knows, but at least it is basic not to show above the arms, a pair of jade feet will never be seen by men after the husband, otherwise it is low .

But, after all, Miss Han Er is a lady of every family, what exactly is she going to do!
Glancing at Patriarch Han and his wife's approving eyes, Lou Qi looked at Second Miss Han rather pitifully, but found that she was looking at him affectionately, and the affection in those eyes could be clearly seen.

Lou Qi suddenly shuddered, and unconsciously hugged Ziyunhu a little tighter.

The Second Miss Han, Han Xiaozhu, looked shy and charming before, and the sword dance she danced was also more than flexible, not strong enough, and limp, but it seemed that her original intention was not in the sword, but in the dance.Every rotation, every eye wave, carries a higher and higher temperature.

Zhao Yun suddenly laughed in a low voice: "Seventh Young Master, it seems that the Goddess has a dream, so I don't know if King Xiang has love."

Lou Qi glanced at him sideways: "I think the second son-in-law that Patriarch Han and his wife prefer is you, Mr. Zhao."

After performing a sword dance, Han Xiaozhu looked at Lou Qi with bright eyes, and asked directly, "Master Qi, did Xiao Zhu perform well?"

How could Lou Qi say it badly at this moment, of course she applauded quickly to show that it was very good.Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Han Xiaozhu loves and values ​​her.

Patriarch Han and Mrs. Han felt annoyed, and they both told Xiaozhu that Zhao Yun should be the one she should attract and marry. Why doesn't she always listen?The seventh son, they have other plans.

"Juer step back." Patriarch Han's voice was already a little heavy.

Miss Han Er gritted her teeth and sat back in her seat.

Mrs. Han couldn't help asking: "Where is the Seventh Young Master's residence?"

Seeing that they finally couldn't bear to check her background, Lou Qi flashed a gleam in his eyes, but his face was a bit helpless, "To tell you the truth, Ma'am, I am an orphan. I was raised by my master and lived in the mountains. , I accidentally got a few stalks of Tianji grass, so I planned to go out of the mountain and sell them for money, so I could choose a prosperous place to buy a house to live in. The conditions in the mountain are too bad, I really don’t want to go back.”

What, what?
It was as if a thunderbolt in the sky had knocked Patriarch Han and Mrs. Han into a stupefaction.

What about the Hidden Family?What about mystery?
orphan?Bad conditions in the mountains?Want to come out and buy a house?The secret grass that I got unintentionally!
"Then, that Seventh Young Master's martial arts is very extraordinary, your master must come from a high school, right?" Patriarch Han asked unwillingly.

Lou Qi shrugged his shoulders: "My master is quite capable, but because of his bad temper, he was expelled from the sect. For more than ten years, we have been dependent on each other, and we have never seen a single person from the sect." desolate.

The smile on Patriarch Han's face was almost unbearable, and he couldn't help asking: "But the seventh son's ability to control beasts is also amazing, with this skill, even the royal family will probably want to treat him with courtesy. "

Hearing what he said, Lou Qi's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that Patriarch Han's intention to befriend her?Befriend the royal family?
She burst out laughing and looked at the purple cloud fox in her arms, "The owner is talking about this little thing? I'm really sorry, but it may be due to my luck since I was a child. Well, there are four plants growing in the deep mountain where we live. Tianji grass, there is such a little fox living in the cave next to the Tianji grass, I have been neighbors with this little fox for so many years, so I am familiar with it. I don’t know how it came out of the mountain and was caught—”

It's not about beast control!Daredevil's family, one person and one fox are neighbors!It must be because of Ziyunhu's strong spirit to recognize him!It has something to do with his ability!
The corner of Patriarch Han's mouth twitched.

"The Seventh Young Master's luck is indeed very good! It's just that the Seventh Young Master repelled the mysterious man in black. This skill is really amazing!"

Lou Qi laughed again: "I'm not afraid of making fun of you when I say it. It's a fluke. I have a medicine given by my master. That person underestimated the enemy for a while. After taking the medicine, my body was a little numb. I thought I was very powerful, hahaha !"

She said, very proud of her luck and wit, and looked a little arrogant.

Chen Shi and Lou Xin sat in the back and ate wildly with their heads bowed, not even daring to lift their heads. Their girls are so good at acting, but they can't, they can only cover up, cover up.

Unexpectedly, their binge-eating made Patriarch Han want to explore their identities.

(End of this chapter)

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