Your heart is free

Chapter 229 A good abacus

Chapter 229 A good abacus

He resisted the idea of ​​throwing his fist at Lou Qi's smug face, and asked, "Seventh Young Master, don't belittle yourself. You two guards are very capable and handsome. If Seventh Young Master doesn't have the ability to impress them, they will Impossible to follow Seventh Young Master."

Lou Qi looked back at Chen Shi and Lou Xin, and said disapprovingly: "Yes, yes, I have convinced them, I have agreed to them, I will protect you, and then I will marry each of them five wives, but they are not the same as I'm haggling over the price, and I finally bought eight, we also plan to visit more brothels along the way, and redeem those who are not too expensive."

Chen Shi and Lou Xin held back desperately, holding back, so they didn't spit out the food in their mouths, but their faces were already distorted, and the food they swallowed desperately almost choked them to death.

girl!Dare we follow you in order to win eight wives!Eight, can they afford it?
Lou Qi's cheeks were flushed, his eyes were a little confused, but his expression was a little lost, it was obvious that he was drunk.This is why she seemed quite mysterious and stable before, but now she can say everything.

They all say that they speak the truth after drinking, and there should be nothing wrong with that.Patriarch Han gave several wives and concubines a look, and then they took turns looking for reasons to toast to Lou Qi, and then began to talk about her, trying to prove whether what she said was true.

But Zhao Shaodong's family didn't participate in the whole process, and didn't stop him. He seemed to know nothing, eating and drinking gracefully, occasionally saying a word or two, which was also very brief.

When Patriarch Han found out that Lou Qi really didn't understand the affairs of other countries at all, for example, she didn't know who the emperor of Dongqing was, she didn't know who was in charge of Beicang now, and who were the masters in the world, and the great families, it was simply one Question three I don't know!

In this way, Patriarch Han really believed that the Seventh Young Master was a fool who came out of the deep mountains!He doesn't know anything about the current market situation in the world. He still wants to recommend such a person to Prince Yu, and then use this to build a relationship with Prince Yu!

If he really recommends such a lucky person, Prince Yu will probably think his eyes are covered in shit!
Patriarch Han's heart was filled with embarrassment, looking at Lou Qi was particularly unpleasant.

It's all because he keeps pretending!Pretending to be noble and mysterious!He even lied to him!At this moment Patriarch Han felt that he was actually cheated by a boy who didn't look 20 years old, which was a shame, and he naturally blamed this shame on Lou Qi.

His previous ambitions were not that great, maybe he wanted to compete with the Wan family in the shopping mall, but he always felt that his roots should be firmly established here in Luoyang City, only when his eldest daughter has that status The eldest son-in-law found his way back home, and suddenly provoked his ambitions.Scholars, civilians, businessmen, businessmen are always low-level, if he can stand with Prince Yu, then who can say that he is low-level in the future?Even those officials would nod and bow when they saw him.At that time, he wants money, wants money, wants power, isn't it majestic?
He originally thought that the Seventh Young Master really belonged to a hermit family, possessing rare medicinal materials, being able to control beasts, and being highly skilled in martial arts. Just one of these three points can be praised as a guest of honor, let alone all three points.Where can I find such a person?Introducing him to Prince Yu will be a great contribution to him!

But now, everything is in vain.

At this time, his concubine approached, seeming to be leaning against his body shyly and weakly, but in fact she was talking in his ear.

"Master, what do you plan to do with this Seventh Young Master?"

"What else can I do?" Patriarch Han glanced at Lou Qi who was getting more and more drunk, and landed on the purple cloud fox in her arms.

It's not like Han has never done this kind of thing before, not to mention how many people he bribed in Luoyang City. Those subordinates of the Seventh Young Master are the ones who have been by her side all the time. Two of them are good at kung fu, and the other few are scumbags, so don't pay attention to them at all.

As his woman, of course this concubine knew him, and he felt his murderous intent immediately.She hurriedly touched his chest with one hand, and said softly: "Master, have you forgotten that the Seventh Young Master still has a lot of money?"

Patriarch Han was so angry just now, but when he heard the concubine's reminder, he immediately remembered, and he slapped his forehead. "That's not it, shit, that's a lot of money!"

In any case, she has tens of millions of taels of silver notes on her!That is a lot of wealth, the 5000 million taels he gave is almost half of all the cash he can mobilize now, not to mention that he also sold a Tianji grass to Manager Zhu, and other things medicinal materials.Adding up the two, she has received at least 2000 million taels of silver, which adds up to 7000 million!

7000 million!Even he is absolutely jealous!

However, Tongbao Yinzhuang is not something to fool around with. If you want to get her money, you need to get her jade pendant. If you want to withdraw so much money, you need to sign a book with her own hands.He doesn't have it now, and he doesn't even have to imitate her handwriting.
"You reminded me that this matter has to be discussed in the long term." At least you can't kill her until you get her jade pendant and autographed book.

The little concubine rolled her eyes, ignoring the staring eyes of the wife in the main room, and regardless of the outsiders and juniors below, she drew circles on his chest with her fingers, and exhaled like blue in his ear, softly Said: "Master, I have an idea. Miss Si is almost reaching her age now, but when she was young, she was scalded by boiling water and scalded her neck and chest. Now there is still a scar, so she may not be suitable to marry into those older sisters." If you go to the family, even if you marry in the past, you will not be favored. Why don't you let her marry the seventh son, isn't the seventh son an orphan? You can simply let him be the son-in-law, so the master is afraid that he won't get his money back What's more, the seventh son or so is also good at martial arts, luck is also good, and he is quite delicate and flexible. Don't you think it's good to take such a person for your own use?"

Patriarch Han's eyes lit up.

His daughters are all going to marry the person who can get him the most benefits, but what his concubine said is right, Xiao Si has scars on her body, and staying in such a place is already a big deal for a woman incomplete!It's better to marry a good-looking man who has no father or mother, is lucky, and has 7000 million taels of silver on him!Moreover, there is Ziyun Fox on this person!When he lives in the Han Mansion, is he afraid that he won't have a chance to catch that purple cloud fox and use it as medicine?
By that time, he would have become his son-in-law, so why would he be embarrassed to break up with him because of a purple cloud fox?Besides, there are few men in the Han family nowadays, so it would be nice to have a son-in-law who comes to visit!
Patriarch Han turned his mind a few times, and immediately felt that this idea was very good.He couldn't help but squeezed the concubine's hand, and said: "Then I will leave this matter to you to arrange. You are Xiaosi's own mother, so you can rest assured that I leave it to you."

The third aunt was overjoyed, she said many good things to coax him, and then she left the table to make arrangements.

Zhao Yun glanced over, and a mocking smile floated under the mask.

"Seventh Young Master, don't drink so much." Han Xiaozhu's heart skipped a beat when she saw Lou Qi's eyes looking over in a daze, those eyes were astonishingly radiant.

Seventh Young Master's eyes are so seductive after drinking too much.

She doesn't think there's anything wrong with Lou Qi's background, even if he doesn't have a prominent family background, even if he got those few celestial grasses by accident, she didn't tame this purple cloud fox, but so what?He now has at least tens of millions of net worth under his name, not poor at all!
Lou Qi smiled, "I'm not drunk, I'm not drunk. But, I'm going to clean the room——" She stood up staggeringly as she spoke.

Han Xiaozhu blushed.

It's hard for her to say that she should help him to clean the room.

"Seventh Young Master, do you want me to accompany you?" Zhao Yun raised his head.

Chen Shi and Lou Xin have already supported her from left to right, "Don't bother Zhao Shaodong's house, let's help young master go."

"Then you have to be careful, it's dark and the road is slippery." Zhao Yun said lightly.

"Hehe, Young Master Qi has to come back soon, Mr. Han wants to talk to Young Master Seven more." Patriarch Han said with a smile.

Lou Qi nodded in a daze, and was helped out.

The moonlight is very good, the moon on the [-]th and [-]th day is very big and round, and Lou Qi discovered that the moon in ancient times was much bigger than what you see in modern times, it is big and bright, this kind of moonlight can probably make poets flourish Bar.

"My lord, you drank too much." Chen Shixi couldn't help it when he left the house.He tried to persuade him for a long time just now but it didn't work.

Lou Qi turned his head to look at him, and said with a grin: "Chen Shi, do you think I look drunk?"

At this time, her eyes were clear and sparkling, as if they were brighter than moonlight.Chen Shi's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly looked away, "After the master's internal strength has increased greatly, I never thought that the drinking capacity has also increased."

Lou Qi didn't think that the enhancement of internal strength could have this effect before, but she didn't know that it wasn't all due to the enhancement of internal strength. The biggest reason was the five green spirit fruits she ate, which were good for cleaning the stomach and intestines. Hangover works wonders.It can even be said that she is almost drunk now.

Now Lou Qi doesn't know.

"Go back now and see if Tu Ben and the others have brought the carriage back. If they do, pack up your things and prepare to leave."

Chen Shi and Lou Xin were startled: "My lord, what happened?"

"It may not have happened yet, but it probably will happen soon. Be ready to wait for me at the gate of the city, and I will find a way to get the guards to open the gate."

At night, the city gates are closed, and people may still have a way to get out easily, but horses and carts are impossible, so the city gates can only be opened.

Lou Qi originally wanted to scare off those little boys who were beating Ziyunhu, but she didn't expect that Patriarch Han is not only greedy, but also ambitious and shameless.

In the beginning, she half-truthfully pulled out her orphan background, originally she just wanted to dispel Miss Han's thoughts and Patriarch Han's plan for her, but she didn't expect that Miss Han's gaze on her still remained the same, and Patriarch Han Killing intent flashed in his eyes.Although she didn't hear what the third aunt said, she could tell from Patriarch Han's changing eyes that what they said was definitely not a good thing.

And she believed even more that if they had any plans and she didn't cooperate, a killing would definitely start soon.

(End of this chapter)

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