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Chapter 230 Despicable Everywhere

Chapter 230 Despicable Everywhere
"Han has no intention of being an enemy of Mr. Zhao, and even hopes that you and I can become son-in-law. Mr. Zhao may wish to think about it again. For the sake of my son-in-law, I can also cooperate with the magistrate." The head of the Han family looked There was a flash of light. "As for the Seventh Young Master, you might as well stay here, our little three and four also admire the Seventh Young Master's demeanor—"

"Miss Han Er is too ugly, I don't like it."

"My son is not interested in bean sprouts like your little three and little four."

Zhao Yun and Lou Qi spoke in unison.

Patriarch Han's face was so black that he was about to drip ink.His four daughters are all beautiful, and they have never been despised like this!
too ugly?Bean sprouts?

Tolerable or unbearable!
Patriarch Han waved his hand, and those masters who had been hiding in the dark all came out, and as soon as they came out, their restrained aura was released at once, and Lou Qi and Zhao Yun immediately felt a kind of pressure. A gas field and psychological pressure.

The Black Golden Vine King appeared in Lou Qi's hands, she knew that this night would be a tough battle.But she didn't expect that before she started to fight, a voice suddenly sounded: "Don't fight, stop it."

When Lou Qi heard this voice, she suddenly felt a little familiar, and a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, and she remembered who this person was.She immediately took out a veil from her bosom that she had prepared to cover her face, and covered her face.

Zhao Yun's face frowned slightly under the mask, did he dare not meet people?Or is it related to the man who came?

If Lou Qi knew what he was thinking, she would definitely yell at him, what did she mean by not being able to meet people, she just didn't want to cause trouble, and she wanted to know what he was trying to do.

She turned around, and sure enough, she saw an acquaintance who was not too familiar.

Xi Changyi, the Ninth Prince of Xijiang, was imprisoned by Shen Sha in the prison area. Lou Qi cured his illness of being unable to get emotionally agitated, and he gave her the list of spies lurking in the Nine Heavens Palace.At that time, he should have broken with the third prince Xi Changli by doing that. How could he appear here now?

But when she saw the girl next to Xi Changyi, she suddenly remembered what Xi Changyi said back then.

At that time, he said that he fell in love with a female slave of the royal family, but didn't he hear that he had brought that female slave to the ice field?The identity of the female slave has undergone a huge change so quickly.

Yes, the girl next to Xi Changyi is somewhat similar to the Second Miss Han, combined with what Patriarch Han said earlier, Lou Qi can guess that the girl that Xi Changyi likes is the girl of the Han family. Miss, Han Xiaozhu's older sister.Lou Qi had no interest in knowing how this young girl left such a wealthy family and went to Xijiang to become a royal slave.

"Father-in-law, Young Master Zhao, Young Master Seven, everything is a misunderstanding." Xi Changyi walked to the middle of the battle circle, anxiously trying to explain.

But Patriarch Han has made it clear enough that no one can regard it as a misunderstanding.

However, Lou Qi saw that Patriarch Han really listened to Xi Changyi's advice, and did not make any further moves for the time being.

"Master Zhao, I just came back from Mr. Shu, and I have explained it to Mr. Shu. If you don't believe me, you can go back and ask Mr. Shu." Xi Changyi said, looking at Lou Qi suspiciously. The figure of the Seventh Young Master looks familiar?
Zhao Yun glanced at him, "Really?"

"It's absolutely true, I dare not hide it from Mr. Zhao."

"Okay, then I'll go ask Chong Zhou." After Zhao Yun finished speaking, he turned around to leave, seeing Lou Qi standing, he stretched out his hand to pull her: "Seventh Young Masters, let's leave together."

Lou Qi smiled and looked at Patriarch Han: "I don't know if Patriarch Han still wants to marry Miss Han Si to me?" By the way, Miss Han Si seems to be fascinated by that fragrance, and now I have left, is it possible? Did other lifeless guards or domestic servants touch the pavilion? "

As soon as she said this, Patriarch Han's expression changed.

Lou Qi didn't do anything to Miss Han Si, but she took that kind of incense, and when she left, it seemed that she accidentally bounced to Aunt Han San, who was hiding in the dark and was waiting to come out and smash her and Miss Han Si. On her body, Aunt Han San brought guards by her side in order to show off her momentum.

As soon as Lou Qi and Zhao Yun left, Patriarch Han didn't have time to ask Xi Changyi what he meant, when he heard a woman's hissing and crying from behind, as well as his wife's scolding.

He thought of Lou Qi's words, and immediately rushed to the inner courtyard to patrol the place where the voice was spoken, only to see that his concubine, Third Aunt, had almost no cover on her body at this time, and she could see patches of red all over her body, which was clearly left by the man. traces of love.She was kneeling on the ground, shivering from the cold, and a house servant next to her was also kneeling shivering. He was still wearing his shirt, but his lower body was already naked. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell what was going on.

Patriarch Han almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

He dotes on this third aunt very much, because although she has been with him for more than ten years, her icy skin and jade skin have always been well maintained, and her complexion is also very fair. Every time he loves her whiteness and smoothness , but now, her icy skin and jade skin are covered with imprints left by a very lowly house slave in the Han family!

A woman fucked by another man is already dirty!

"Come on, pull that son of a bitch out for me to find a sinking river!" He pointed at the house slave.

"Patriarch, Patriarch, spare your life, spare your life, it's Third Aunt who seduced me!"

"You, you are talking nonsense!" The third aunt cried out of breath. They had blankets and a charcoal stove in the pavilion just now and it was not cold at all, but the wife, the second aunt and the fourth aunt were cruel. He couldn't bear her being favored, so he pulled her out of the pavilion as soon as he came, and didn't put any clothes on her. This was clearly an opportunity to kill her!In this way, the Patriarch can see how he can tolerate her!

"Master, this concubine's body has fallen into that kind of fragrance. Master, it's the exotic fragrance from Western Xinjiang that the eldest lady gave to my concubine."

Xi Changyi and Miss Han, who followed Patriarch Han, all changed their expressions.

"Xiaoxiu, did you send that bitch that kind of incense?" The most unbelievable is Mrs. Han, Han Xiaoxiu is her biological daughter, although she was abducted since she was a child, she was not raised by herself , But mother and daughter are connected by blood!Han Xiaozhu also gave her that strange fragrance, saying that as long as she inhaled a little bit, it would help the husband and wife enjoy the boudoir. This little concubine has received too much favor and wants to help her.Who would have heard that Han Xiaozhu gave the strange fragrance to the concubine now.

At this time, looking at the other two concubines, they all rolled their eyes with a guilty conscience, and looked at Han Xiaozhu with dissatisfaction, what did they not understand?

She is a wife and concubine and all four of them gave that strange fragrance!
Han Xiaozhu also felt very helpless, and even felt that she was wronged. She wanted to find the one who lied to her. She said that the relationship between the wife and concubine was already good, and the gift was only given to the mother. The other three would be sad. The one who lied to her like this My sister, but saw that she had just walked over from the banquet hall with her head bowed.

"Father, it was Xiaozhu who said, send some of this kind of Xijiang secret fragrance to a few aunts, let them serve father well, and also help mother to share, saying that mother will like me as much as she likes her—"

Patriarch Han is about to go mad with anger, shit, this one and two are talking to him!This eldest daughter is like an idiot, and she doesn't know how the Nine Princes of Xijiang fell in love with her!

Han Xiaozhu was about to open his mouth to argue, but Patriarch Han had already shouted: "Enough!"

Mrs. Han looked at her two daughters with a headache and lost. She could see that when Han Xiaozhu said that just now, Han Xiaozhu looked a little guilty. This is the daughter she brought up herself since she was a child. How could she Don't understand?So, Han Xiaozhu really asked Han Xiaozhu to give that secret fragrance to her and the three aunts respectively.why is that?
Han Xiaozhu has been delicate and well-behaved since she was a child, why on earth is this?
Han Xiaozhu looked away, not daring to meet her questioning eyes.

Xi Changyi's eyes darkened slightly. It seems that everyone in the Han family really has a lot of heart, and each of them is biting each other stupidly. If he chooses such a helper, will he hinder himself instead? ?

"Your Highness." Han Xiaozhu quietly put her little hand into his palm, and looked up at him timidly.It was such warmth, such frailty, such complete trust in him.That's why he loves her so much.Coupled with the fact that they grew up together, Han Xiaozhu can be regarded as his childhood sweetheart, although their identities are different.

At this time, Xi Changyi didn't know if his feelings for Han Xiaozhu were really love.

He clenched her little hand tightly, and Han Xiaozhu's fingertips scratched his palm inadvertently, a kind of itchy feeling spread from his heart, and then reached somewhere in the man.

There is also this point, he is fascinated by Han Xiaozhu's body, and it is always an unintentional tease from her that can make him unable to control himself.He glanced at Third Auntie's naked body again, couldn't help but feel hot, pulled Han Xiaozhu into his arms, and said to the head of the Han family: "Father-in-law, it is inconvenient for my son-in-law to stay here. I will talk about it tomorrow if I have something to do. Take the little ornaments and go back."

Patriarch Han's face was very dark, and he was just confused by anger. He didn't expect this, and let his son-in-law look at his concubine's body!
In this way, he has no way to keep third aunt any longer.

Third Aunt raised her head and saw Patriarch Han's icy eyes, her heart was filled with despair, she slumped on the ground, not caring about whether it was cold or not.Is the coldness of the body as deep as the coldness of the heart?

Patriarch Han waved his hand, and the guards immediately dragged San Yiniang down.

At this moment, Second Aunt suddenly asked, "Hey, what about Miss Fourth?"

Mrs. Han and the second aunt and the fourth aunt didn't know the plan of the third aunt at first, but just now they vaguely understood that these secret fragrances were originally designed for the fourth lady and the seventh son.It's just that I don't know why in the end it became the third aunt and a slave here, so where did the fourth lady go?
Patriarch Han gritted his teeth, "Look for it!"

Everyone rummaged for a while, and finally found Miss Han Si behind a rockery, but she had all her clothes off her lower body, her face was pale, and she seemed to have almost her last breath left.

(End of this chapter)

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