Your heart is free

Chapter 234 Damn it

Chapter 234 Damn it
"The third uncle is here to blame me?"

"I, I can't blame it! It's just that if I had killed that woman early, how could there be so many troubles now?" Fan Changzi hates Lou Qi as much as he loves money.

"Lou Qi must die." Nalan Huaxin said this sentence in a gloomy tone, as if it came from hell, which made Fan Changzi shiver uncontrollably. "Originally, I just wanted her to die quietly in the Valley of Gods and Demons. Who knew she wouldn't buy it. Then, next time, it won't be as simple as just dying."

Even Fan Changzi couldn't help complaining in his heart when he heard these words, isn't it a kind of gift for you to ask him to die quietly in the Valley of Gods and Demons?People still want to thank you?
Next time, what idea will come to mind next time?

Fan Changzi asked, "Do you want to do it yourself?"

Nalan Huaxin shook her head: "No, I don't need the Holy Maiden to kill her." A blood-thirsty light flashed in her eyes, "Do you still remember the ghost clan?"

Fan Changzi was startled in his heart: "You mean, those shady things, people who were neither human nor ghost, who asked the senior brother for help a few years ago?"

"That's right, do you remember how their strange disease that can't be cured will behave?" Nalan laughed suspiciously.

Fan Changzi felt a little cold in his heart. He felt that no matter who he offended, he just didn't want to offend this woman.If the virgins of the ghost clan fell into their hands, life would be worse than death, and then they would die inhumanely and unspeakably.

If he died at their hands, it would really lose all dignity. It was the cruelest experience he had ever heard.

"Hua, Huaxin, didn't the senior brother fail to cure those people back then, and also warned the disciples of this mountain not to have any contact with those people?"

"My father can't cure their whole clan, but at least he saved their young patriarch, right? The patriarch of the ghost clan also said that he owed Tianshan a favor. If I let them take action, they Will agree."

Nalan Huaxin frowned and said, "Third Martial Uncle, you don't need to worry about this matter."

The two carriages entered the city slowly, and the oncoming prosperity made the people in the carriages open the doors and pull up the curtains. With a leisurely smile on their faces, Lou Xin turned to Lou Qi who was sitting on the inside. Said: "Young master, the people in Beicang are really interesting in their clothes."

Now that this year has passed and the fifteenth day of the first lunar month has passed, they have traveled for nearly a month and finally arrived at Beicang, the city of Nora where the Xiao family is located.

The temperature in Beicang is colder than that in the north of Dongqing. Although it has not snowed during this time, and there is no snow on the ground in Nora City, the temperature is still very low. Now most people on the street are surrounded by fur coats. With fluffy neckers, hats, and the same gloves on their hands, they look like fluffy bears walking upright.

Looking at their outfits, Lou Qi felt a bit like the modern winter outfits of little girls.

"Find the inn first, let's go down and take a walk to find it."

The three jumped out of the car, and Tu Ben and Hou Zi drove behind them slowly.The master also jumped out of the car behind and followed them, "My lord, follow me for a walk, take a walk."

Lou Xin glanced at him sideways, "You are hungry, and you want to come down and see if there are buns for sale and buy two pads first?"

The master laughed happily: "Boss Lou, don't expose me."

Lou Qi smiled, stretched out her hand to touch a piece of silver and threw it towards him: "Go, there is a steamed stuffed bun seller in front." She pointed to a shop in the front left corner.

Master caught Sui Yin and immediately ran over there.Lou Xin rubbed his nose and said, "Young master, my subordinates will also follow me to have a look, don't let this kid buy his favorite meat buns." Lou Xin said that he likes to eat big steamed buns.

Chen Shile: "Lou Xin wants to eat it himself."

Who knew that Lou Xin just ran out and came back empty-handed a while later, Lou Qi saw his expression was a bit strange, and immediately asked: "What's wrong?"

Lou Xin's expression couldn't tell whether it was joy or sadness, in short, he was very conflicted, his lips moved, and he couldn't speak out after organizing his words for a long time.In the end, he could only grit his teeth and say, "Hey, young master, go and see for yourself!"

Lou Qi suspiciously followed him to an open space not far in front of the steamed stuffed bun shop. There was a white wall, probably the place where notices were usually posted in the city. There were some old posting marks on the bottom, and there was a yellow notice on the top. , her eyelids jumped when she saw the writing on it.

Damn it, damn it!

How could she see Shen Sha's handwriting?She couldn't help but took a few steps closer and looked closely, only to realize that it wasn't written by Shen Sha himself, it should have been drawn out, or drawn out.

However, it was indeed Shen Sha's handwriting.

Her attention was all on studying the handwriting, and she didn't look at the content written on it at all, but Chen Shi had already read all the content written on it, and she opened her mouth in shock when the master bought a bun Come over, see him like that, can't help but ask Lou Xin: "What's wrong with Boss Chen?"

In fact, Lou Xin didn't recover from the shock, and unconsciously took a meat bun from the oil-paper bag he was holding, and stuffed it into Chen Shi's open mouth, and he bit it almost unconsciously. I took a bite, but didn't remember to chew.

The handsome Chen Shi guards and Lou Xin's guards were stunned like this, and they had never seen them before.The master suddenly felt very curious.He knew that it had something to do with what was written on the announcement, but although Lou Qi would teach them to read and write when there was nothing to do along the way, the words on the announcement were too sloppy. For beginners who can read and write, it is simply a bible.

"What on earth is written on it?" Seeing that no one paid any attention to him, the master always had a good mind, so there was no possibility of being suffocated by curiosity, so he immediately returned to the steamed stuffed bun shop and asked the steamed stuffed bun owner.

The boss of Baozi told him: "Hey, this announcement is really big. It's from the Emperor of Breaking the Territory. It's a contract, which says that he gave his body and mind to a woman, and canonized that woman." As a concubine, she also said that from now on, there will only be this imperial concubine in Poyu, and he doesn't want the Sangong and Six Courtyards!"

The master was dumbfounded: "My darling, how is this possible? The emperor who broke the realm you mentioned recently spread all over the world?"

They ate and drank tea along the way, and in the restaurants and teahouses, they were all talking about Poyu, and those storytellers also made up many stories about the Poyu emperor, talking about what kind of cottage the Poyu emperor had conquered, and beating parties. What kind of bully, how many pieces of land have been surrounded to come out and plan to build some kind of city.There is also the prosperity of Broyu City today, what kind of masters and capable people, what happened to them, and finally went to Broyu City, what are they doing now.

These things need to make up stories, and they can't finish telling them for three days and three nights.

Along the way, the master and the others also liked the stories about breaking the domain. They felt that this kind of domain breaking gave them a sense of participation, because other countries have existed for hundreds of years, and now suddenly there is a place that is about to Jianguo, they felt that this kind of thing was very novel, and they were all concerned about what kind of result Shen Sha would go.

There are even those who are full and full, all day long helping to think about what country name should be called after breaking the territory and establishing the country, and what emperor name Shen Sha should use.

So, when the steamed stuffed bun owner said that Shen Sha had made such an announcement, the master was immediately shocked.

"How is it possible? After he established the country, he would be the emperor. Which emperor doesn't have the Sangong and Six Courtyards? Empresses, concubines, and concubines are the only ones who are noble. That's a blessing. What man in the world doesn't want it? He actually only wants a woman." My darling, this emperor must have lost his mind, right?" Another man next to him who came to buy buns seemed to have just heard about this, and immediately expressed disbelief.

The master kept nodding his head, he agreed with the man's words.

He continued, "I only pet one, isn't that woman extraordinarily coquettish? Could it be that she met a goblin?"

But as soon as he turned his head, he saw Chen Shi and Lou Xin staring at him with unkind eyes. His eyes made him feel creepy. With his intelligence, he immediately realized that he should have said something wrong, but where did he say something wrong? What words?

Could it be that the woman who made Shen Sha fascinated was a goblin?
Lou Qi also heard the discussions at the door of the bun shop, and she had already seen the content of the announcement clearly at this moment, so she just froze in place, her eyes glued to the last sentence, unable to move away for a long time.

That man must be teasing her, right?Before she left Poyu, she asked him if Nalan Huaxin would be his queen. How did he answer?
She also needs to make ten meritorious deeds, and he will not give her preferential treatment.

Wouldn't give her preferential treatment, wouldn't that mean that if Nalan Huaxin really made ten meritorious deeds, he would make her his empress.

How long has it been since this happened, just after she made up her mind to leave, and she did leave successfully, did he actually do such a trick to her?
The remaining four skills, together with his body and mind, were used to deduct the cost of the medicine, poof!Thank goodness he figured it out!

But Lou Qi felt he couldn't laugh or cry, did this count as Shen's love story?
"Girl," Chen Shi was astonished and filled with endless joy. He approached her and asked, "Do you want to go back to Poyu?"

Lou Qi glanced at him sideways: "Why does this girl want to go back?"

Chen Shi was stunned, "The emperor has already said so, isn't the girl moved?"

Are you moved?
The corners of Lou Qi's lips twitched, "Who knows if what he said is true or not? What if it's to trick me to go back?" There is only one person in the harem, which is really too difficult for the lord of a country.Most men can't resist the temptation of beauty. Under the modern monogamy system, men have to try their best to steal food. Under this legal polygamy system, who else is so stupid as to push out sex?
It's not that she doesn't believe in Shen Sha, it's better to say that she doesn't believe that there are men in high positions in this era who have the consciousness of being a couple for life.

Even if there is, you have to look at it.How could it be possible that as soon as he made such an announcement, she ran back and threw herself into the trap?

(End of this chapter)

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