Chapter 235
Freedom is not enough.Besides, she hadn't finished what she had to do.

Lou Qi turned around and left, the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

Chen Shi took another look at the contract and grinned.Dijun is doing well, keep up the good work!

After walking a few steps, I saw a big inn, Lou Qi didn't bother to look for it anymore, seeing that the facade of this inn was well decorated, and the lobby was neat and bright, so she called Lou Xin to ask for a room.

She has plenty of money now, so naturally she won't treat herself badly. Whenever she stays, she always finds those big and clean inns, and all she wants are first-class rooms.

So much so that Tu Ben and the others laughed and said that they were about to be raised by their sons, and if they were allowed to live in caves or ruined temples in the future, how could they live there.

"Hey, have you heard that the Xiao family has said that they want to build a magic weapon!"

An excited and envious voice rang out in the lobby, Lou Qi had just entered the door, when he turned his head to look, there were several semi-open private seats on one side of the lobby, and a person rushed over in a hurry, bringing such a a message.

Lou Qi originally came for the Xiao family, so when he heard the news, he would not miss it.She gave Chen Shi a wink, and Chen Shi also walked over, and asked in surprise, "Brother, did you just mention the Xiao family?"

The man turned his head and looked at him: "Are you from another place? Not the Xiao family, which other company can create magical weapons?"

His tone was not good, but Chen Shi ignored it, and asked again: "Shen soldiers need high-grade casting materials. What good things did the Xiao family get? Millennium black iron?"

"What is the thousand-year-old black iron? The thousand-year-old black iron is nothing. Anyway, I just got something good. Hey, I can't go with you as a foreigner. Let me go." The man pushed Chen Shi away. , went to a table to chat with friends he knew.Chen Shi stood aside and listened for a while, and all he said was the same message, the Xiao family wanted to build a magic weapon.But what kind of good material did he get, but he went around and couldn't explain why.

Chen Shi returned to Lou Qi's side, "My lord, it seems that that person doesn't know what the Xiao family got. However, the subordinates noticed that this person kept mentioning the Xiao Xiao family."

Lou Qi was taken aback: "Xiao Xiao's family?"

Could it be that the Xiao family is still divided into big and small?At this time, the shopkeeper stood aside and answered, "My lord, you haven't heard about the recent changes in the Xiao family, have you?"

"Shopkeeper, I really didn't hear it, what happened to the Xiao family?" Lou Qi didn't want anything to happen to the Xiao family, otherwise who would make the black golden rattan whip she wanted?
They came all the way here, and they didn't want to run in vain.

The shopkeeper sized her up and said, "Young Master, you came to Nora City to ask the Xiao family to make weapons, right?"

"Shopkeeper, what else is there to pay attention to?"

"Of course there is. If you came to find the Xiao family to make weapons, then you have to think carefully about whether the material should be sent to the Xiao Xiao family or the original Xiao family."


"You should know that the reputation of the Xiao family was built by the old master Xiao Qingyuan and his wife Xiao, right?"

Lou Qi heard Chen Shi and the others say this.Back then, the old man Xiao Qingyuan just opened a small blacksmith shop, and his wife Xiao Shi also helped in the blacksmith shop.The husband and wife are both very talented in this line of work, and the swords and utensils they forge are very good. With the same materials, the swords they forge are much sharper and more durable than those made by others.

Later, Xiao Qingyuan accidentally obtained a piece of thousand-year-old black iron. They used this thousand-year-old black iron to forge a pair of dragon and phoenix swords. When the dragon and phoenix sword came out, the Beicang royal family was also alarmed. Bought it and gave Xiao Qingyuan the honor of the first casting master.The Xiao family got up.

Mrs. Xiao only gave birth to one son and one daughter, and the Xiao family was naturally passed on to his son Xiao Huo. Xiao Huo inherited his parents' skill in forging, and was even better than blue. He forged many famous swords and swords in his life. , three of them were listed on the list of magic weapons, and among them, the Phoenix Yin Sword that Nalan Huaxin used was made by Xiao Huo.

However, when Xiao Huo was 30 years old, he was still childless. He had one wife and two concubines, both of whom gave birth to two daughters, a total of six daughters, and no son.It is always inappropriate for her daughter to be a foundry teacher, Xiao Huo is looking forward to someone inheriting the incense, and also looking forward to someone inheriting the craftsmanship. At the age of 30, he heard people say that he should adopt a son first, and the adopted son can recruit parents and children.

He was also a dead horse as a living horse doctor, so he adopted a poor little beggar who had no father and no mother in the city of Nora at that time as his son, and named him Xiao Wang.

Strange to say, within two years of adopting Xiao Wang, Xiao Huo's wife and concubine gave birth to a son one after another.When Xiao Huo was overjoyed, he did not neglect and give up on his adopted son Xiao Wang. Instead, he doted on him more than before and taught him all his skills.

After twenty years like this, just a while ago, on Xiao Huo's [-]th birthday, Xiao Wang suddenly announced that he would leave the Xiao family and set up his own family, and a shocking news broke out, saying that Xiao Huo was old now, His two sons have no talent in casting, and he was the one who helped the two brothers before.

In the eyes of the world, the three brothers of the Xiao family originally had their own merits. Xiao Wang was good at forging swords, Xiao Er and Xiao San were good at knives, whips, and daggers, but now Xiao Wang said that he was the one who helped the Xiao brothers in the past. Does that mean that Xiao Wang is good at forging swords? Wang is also good at forging knives, whips and daggers?In fact, he can do everything, but usually he only distributes the credit to the Xiao family brothers?
But Xiao Wang said that he wanted to sever ties with the Xiao family, set up his own family from then on, and bought another big house on the street where the Xiao family was located, with the word "Xiao Mansion" on the door plaque, and from now on, they would stand against each other.

Outsiders want to distinguish between these two families, they can only say that they are the original Xiao family and the Xiao Xiao family.

"Xiao Wang also said that the original Xiao family is just lingering. In less than half a year, he will have only one Xiao family in Beicang, and that is the Xiao family where Xiao Wang lives!"

The shopkeeper shook his head as he spoke, sighed and said, "Poor Mr. Xiao Huo, he was so angry by his adopted son that he vomited blood on the spot on his [-]th birthday. Afterwards, many guests who sent materials to the Xiao family for casting all regretted it. After recovering the materials, they turned around and went into Xiao Xiao's house. It seems that what Xiao Wang said, that only his Xiao's house will be left after half a year is not like bragging."

Lou Qi and the others didn't expect that such an accident would happen to the Xiao family, and they were all silent for a while.

"The shopkeeper," Lou Qi looked at the shopkeeper, "from your tone, it seems that you sympathize with Mr. Xiao more, but you don't take this Xiao Wang seriously."

"That's not it," the shopkeeper looked around, lowered his voice, and said, "Mr. Xiao Huo is a good man, upright, and forthright. Those of us who have lived in Nora City for a long time all see his love for his adopted son in our eyes." , Isn’t this Xiao Wang ungrateful? However, those who want to make weapons don’t care about this, they just want to know who can make the best weapons, give money, take things away, who cares about their family affairs?”

This is right, the world is indifferent, that's how it is.

Lou Xin and Chen Shi sent her luggage to her room, they washed up, and went out to find food first as usual.Most of the time they don't eat in the inn, because the best local food is often in the alley, or it is only a restaurant.After Lou Qi said this, everyone agreed.Monkeys are experts at finding food in a city. When they were beggars, monkeys were often responsible for finding food.

So every time they went to a city, they first confirmed the inn, and then the monkey went out to find the restaurant first.

But this time they waited at the gate for a long time and did not see the monkey come back.

"Young master, why don't you go eat first, and the subordinates stay here and wait for the monkey." The master ate two more meat buns just now, and he is not very hungry now.

Lou Qi nodded.If the monkey finds out that there is something delicious, it will not be too late for them to go again tomorrow.

After walking for a while, they found a restaurant that seemed to be in good business, and they had a good and cheap dinner as expected.However, there was a lot of voices in this restaurant, and the most talked about was nothing more than two things, one was the seemingly shocking contract of the broken domain emperor, and the other was the big and small Xiao family.

"In my opinion, when the original Xiao family said that they wanted to create a magic weapon, they were putting all their eggs in one basket. If they could really make it, they would definitely be able to regain their reputation and bring the guests back. If they couldn't make it, then it would be completely over. .”

An old man said: "Xiao Wang is really a wolf. Patriarch Xiao treats him well. Didn't Patriarch Xiao give this surname to him? The Xiao family has built up such a reputation for nearly a hundred years. Fortunately, he just stole it!"

A woman in her thirties who was sitting next to him hurriedly tugged at his sleeve and said in a low voice, "Father, can you keep your voice down? Don't talk about it? You know that person is not a good person, just in case—" —”

The old man seemed a little angry, he shook off her hand and said, "He's not a good person, why don't you persuade your sister? How can such a person be sincere? You still have to join in!"

Lou Qi originally wanted to pay the bill and leave, but when he heard the conversation between the father and daughter, he simply sat down again.

The woman said helplessly: "Father, they have known each other for so many years. No one persuaded them before. Is it useful to persuade them now?"

The old man snorted, and only muttered: "It will be hard for her then."

"Sister Lan said that no matter what happens in the future, she will admit it."

"All right, all right, it's your family's business anyway, you don't go back to your mother's house in the future, and don't have too much contact with your younger sister."

"My daughter-in-law knows."

It turns out that this is the father-in-law and daughter-in-law, not father and daughter.After a while, another eleven or twelve-year-old boy ran over and sat beside the old man, "Grandpa, I'm late."

"Did you go to watch other people's fighting beasts again? You child, I really don't know what's so good about that fighting beasts that can attract you to watch them every day."

After that, the three of them didn't talk about the Xiao family anymore, and Lou Qi thought about it, so he paid the bill and took Chen Shi and the others out of the restaurant.

In order to digest, they walked around and strolled around the streets of Nora City.

Back at the inn, I saw Master sitting alone in the lobby, with a pot of tea and a plate of peanuts on the table, he looked hungry.

"Master, the monkey hasn't come back yet?"

(End of this chapter)

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