Your heart is free

Chapter 236 Be Your Backer

Chapter 236 Be Your Backer
When the master saw that they had come back, his expression immediately turned pale: "Yeah, I don't know what happened to the monkeys. They have been away for so long and haven't come back yet."

Lou Qi frowned.The five brothers Tu Ben have been with her for a while, and when they are on their way, she will set some rules with them. Although she is not a person with many rules, she still knows what to say.One of them is that she hates waiting for people and people who have no sense of time.So when they go out, they will also pay attention to the time. For example, if the monkeys can't find a particularly good restaurant, they will find a relatively good restaurant and come back quickly.But this time, he had been away for more than an hour.

"Tu Ben, take Master and the others out to look for it. Remember, don't cause trouble. But if someone provokes you - remember what I said?"

Tu Ben responded immediately: "Remember! Fight if you can beat it, and run back to find rescuers if you can't beat it!"

Because of this sentence, Tu Ben and the others are all devoted to her. Which master would say to the guards, I am your backing, I am your rescuer?

What she has always told them is, don't take the initiative to bully and cause trouble, but if you are bullied, you will never be afraid of trouble.

They were not in a hurry all the way to Beicang Nuola City. The few of them just followed her to eat, drink, and look at the scenery, so there was also time for them to practice on the way.Chen Shi and Lou Xin are their half masters, and she is also their half master. It can be said that what Chen Shi and Lou Xin taught them were serious martial arts moves, while most of what Lou Qi taught them was more practical methods of fighting the enemy.

It is also the teacher and the master.

Tu Ben took the other three to find the monkey by himself.

Lou Qi always felt that something was wrong, so he didn't go upstairs, ordered another pot of tea in the lobby, and waited for them.Ziyun fox fell asleep comfortably in her arms.

After waiting for another hour, the only one who rushed in was the master, and there was a bloodstain on his face.

The master thought they had gone upstairs, and as soon as he entered the door, he rushed upstairs anxiously without even looking at it. Lou Xin immediately stopped him. "Master!"

The master suddenly turned his head and rushed over when he saw them, both happy and anxious, "Young master, the young master is not good!"

Lou Xin was upset: "What's wrong with you son? Speak well!"

"Yes, yes, the little one was wrong, young master, Brother Tu and Houzi have all been arrested!"


Lou Qi's complexion sank: "Who was arrested?"

"The servant of the Xiao Xiao Mansion!"

Xiao Xiao Mansion?
Unexpectedly, they had just heard too much about the affairs between the two Xiao families, and now they were about to deal with people from Xiao Xiao's mansion.

She stood up and walked out first, "Go, talk while walking."

A few people were about to go out when the shopkeeper suddenly stopped them and said anxiously: "My lord, if you really have a conflict with Xiao Xiao's mansion this time, you can run as soon as you can, but don't sue the officials foolishly. .”

Lou Qi stopped, "Why?"

"You still have a chance if you run away. If you sue the officials, the officials will definitely arrest you immediately. Because—" the shopkeeper lowered his voice: "I heard that Xiao Wang is going to marry the daughter of the official's family."

Lou Qi was startled suddenly, remembering what the Weng's daughter-in-law said in the restaurant, that woman doesn't look like the daughter of the official's family, so her sister is what the shopkeeper is talking about, and she wants to talk to Xiao Wang. Are you married?
"Thank you for the reminder, shopkeeper."

She didn't have time to ask too many questions right now, so she hurriedly led everyone to ask the master to lead the way, and went straight to Xiao Xiao's mansion.

At this moment in Xiao Xiao Mansion, the butler had his sleeves on his back, looked at the few people who were being escorted and knelt in front of him, and glanced at the closed door. His right face twitched slightly, and there was a scar on it. The pain made him extremely angry.

"You guys are so brave, you are just a few outsiders, or a few Dongqing people, and you dare to come to Nora City to meddle in your own business!"

The people whose arms were twisted backwards, stepped on their knees and forced to kneel were the three of Tu Ben. On the other side, the monkey lay on the ground and was stepped on its back by a guard.

Tu Ben and the others gritted their teeth, only regretting that they still hadn't mastered the arts in the end, and that they had lost the face of their young master.

"You dog slave, it turned out to be nothing more than the housekeeper of Xiao Xiao's mansion. With such a prestige, I thought you were that Xiao Wang! I thought that Xiao Wang might have his own reasons for leaving his adoptive father's family, but Looking at it now, he Xiao Wang is definitely not a good person for raising you bastards and scum!" Tu Ben let out a sound.

"How dare you speak hard when you are about to die! Tell me, did someone send you here?"

"Whether someone sent us here is none of your business?" Tu Ben snorted: "You are a housekeeper, just take care of the affairs of your own house, and take care of the people's Yuan Xiao's head ?”

After they heard about the incident between the two Xiao families, Tu Ben and the others felt that Xiao Wang was a wolf-hearted person, so Taiwan's tone inevitably carried these emotions.

"Walking around the door of the Xiao family, did you come to find the Xiao family to make weapons? What materials did you get?"

"None of your business?" Tu Ben snorted.

The butler turned around and sat down on the grand teacher's chair beside him, as if he was about to watch a scene, "Don't tell me, right? Hit me! Hit me hard! Hit until they say so!"

"I'd like to see who dares to beat my people." A cold voice sounded, and immediately after, the gate of Xiao Xiao Mansion was kicked open with a bang.

Everyone present was shocked, but Tu Ben and the others were overjoyed, "Young master is here!"

The housekeeper of the Xiao Xiao Mansion took a closer look, and walked in a few times from outside the door. The leader was a handsome young man of about eighteen or nineteen years old, with a jade face and red lips, black eyes shining, dressed in white, wearing a white cloak, with arms in his arms. Holding a small animal in his arms, he walked slowly with anger in his cold body.

Behind them, two guards in Tsing Yi wore long swords and looked graceful.

Beside them, followed by a man who escaped from here before.

Although he was taken aback by how fiercely the other side kicked the door open, the housekeeper thought that this was in Xiao Xiao Mansion, their territory, and besides, there were only three or four people, one of whom was the few who were desperately protecting him just now. What's so scary about them?

This young man is quite good-looking, even the guards are good-looking, but what's the use of being good-looking?Maybe it's an embroidered pillow?Could it be a bluff to kick the door?

Thinking of this, the butler's aura came again: "Who are you? How dare you kick down the gate of my Xiao Mansion! Someone, arrest me!"

"I'll see who dares." Chen Shi and Lou Xin stepped forward, holding the hilt of the sword with one hand.

Lou Qi held Ziyunhu in his arms, glanced at him, his breath suddenly became cold when he saw the situation of Tu Ben and the others, but instead he laughed softly.

"These people have never even kneeled before me, but now they are forced to kneel to a watchdog like you?" Her tone was tinged with murderous intent.

"My lord—" Tu Ben and the others were filled with guilt, it was because they didn't practice hard enough that their skills were not as good as others.

The three were detained, and two people stepped on their legs from behind to force them to kneel. Over there, the monkeys stepped on their backs. They were not only beaten, but also humiliated.

"Cut those legs for me, my lord." Lou Qi said lightly.

Chen Shi and Lou Xin immediately understood what she meant, and in response, their bodies moved at the same time.

They didn't even use swords, they were bare-handed, and the speed was astonishingly fast. The guards in the mansion had no time to react, and they were all knocked down to the ground. The opponent immediately stepped on their ankles and rolled them hard. He heard the sound of bones breaking, but it would be covered up by a scream of pain immediately after.

For a moment, the Nuo Da courtyard became a unilateral field of tyranny. In the blink of an eye, the ten people who forced Tu Ben and others to kneel were already lying on the ground hugging their feet and wailing in pain. standing.

Standing were the people who were forced to kneel just now, the housekeeper, and the remaining four or five guards who squeezed behind him with pale faces.

The butler's complexion was paler than those of these guards, even his lips were pale, and he could hardly stand upright.

What bluff?
"You, you—"

The people who were lying on the ground all had their feet crippled. The two guards in green clothes stepped on the foot, and the bones in the ankles were broken. It is absolutely impossible to be a housekeeper, and it is even more impossible to do things like stepping on other people's legs and forcing people to kneel in the future.

This is revenge, naked revenge.

"Are you the housekeeper here? Tell me, how do you want to die?" Lou Qi has always been a person who protects her weaknesses. Before protecting her weaknesses, she also believes that her people will never do any evil things first. She has been bullied like this. If she is the master, if she doesn't get back their place, what kind of master will she be?
The butler swallowed, and suddenly shouted: "Come on! Grab the leader first!"

In an emergency, he thought of a sentence, capture the thief first and capture the king!
This young man looks so elegant and handsome, looks very weak, and behaves so arrogantly, maybe he is relying on those two guards in Tsing Yi who are highly skilled in martial arts!As long as he is caught, will the two guards dare to do anything?

As soon as he finished speaking, more than a dozen guards poured out from inside, rushing towards Lou Qi.Others yelled at each other to embolden them.

"Catch that kid, he doesn't seem to have any martial arts at all!"

"Block those two guards, this kid is vulnerable!"

Chen Shi and Lou Xin couldn't help touching their foreheads.Hello, are you sure?Which of your eyes can see that their girl is vulnerable?

Obviously the two of them combined are not her opponents, okay?
Do you die like this, does your master know?
But even if they knew that these people would not be their girl's opponents, it was impossible for the two of them to just watch and not do anything. As guards, they should have stood in front of them.

Both of them pulled out their sabers in unison, and stood in front of Lou Qi.In this way, it made those people think that Lou Qi was really helpless, that's why her two guards were protecting her so nervously.

For a moment, everyone stared at Lou Qi, only thinking of catching her immediately to make a contribution.

(End of this chapter)

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