Your heart is free

Chapter 237 Arrogant Capital

Chapter 237 Arrogant Capital

Lou Qi lightly touched Ziyunhu Wuwu, a smile flashed in his eyes, "Wuwu, did you see that? My young master was underestimated, just like I underestimated you back then."

People who know the purple cloud fox say that its whole body is full of treasures. It has a miraculous effect of keeping warm when it is alive, and its whole body can be used as medicine when it is dead.That was all she wanted at first, but who knew that taking Ziyunhu with her for a month made her discover an even more shocking role of Ziyunhu.

Along the way, she naturally would not give up practicing.When meditating at night to practice internal strength, Ziyunhu likes to sleep on her crossed legs. It may be that the operation of internal strength makes it feel very comfortable.It turned out that Lou Qi didn't care about it, but it didn't take long before she discovered that her practice speed was twice as fast as before!
At the beginning, she didn't know that Ziyunhu was the reason, but her character was like this, she had to figure out what she didn't understand, and later she found the reason, and the reason was Ziyunhu.

There is a kind of spiritual energy in Ziyun Fox, and practicing with it can make you get twice the result with half the effort.

After knowing this, she practiced very hard every night, and the progress made in this month can be equal to the previous year.

This is Ziyunhu's greatest value, right?

Every martial artist in the world must dream of having such a treasure.If this point is known to outsiders, she is sure that she will become the target of all warriors from all over the world.

Who is not greedy?Who doesn't want to be stronger?

The temptation is too great.

Therefore, she didn't tell anyone about this, not even Chen Shi and Lou Xin, because she didn't believe them. The extra care that comes out will cause doubts in the interested people.

Finally, two nurses broke through to Chen Shi and Lou Xin. Both of them had great joy in their eyes. At the same time, they reached out and clasped Lou Qi's wrist. They were about to clasp her neck and lock her waist. throat, one of them shouted triumphantly: "Stop, your master is already in my hands--"

Before he could finish speaking, a flash in front of his eyes revealed that the person had disappeared.

People are gone!

Before he had time to react, someone grabbed his back collar, and his body flew into the air and flew out.

The butler was trying to rub his eyes to see clearly, this is really a ghost, he clearly saw that the man on his side was about to grab the boy's throat, why did his eyes go away suddenly, and his hand was empty?At this time, the nursing home screamed and slammed towards him.


The butler let out a strange cry and ran away with his head in his arms.


Someone came in a hurry, and there was loud drinking from a distance.

There was a smile in Lou Qi's eyes, and with a flash of his figure, he had already stopped in front of the butler.

The housekeeper almost bit his own tongue like a ghost: "Don't, don't kill me--"

"Well, I won't kill you."

Lou Qi casually said: "Tu Ben."

"My lord, my subordinate is here!" Tu Ben immediately ran over.

"Your fist still has some strength. Now I want you to knock out one of his teeth with one punch, and punch him three times in a row. Can you do it?"

"Yes!" Tu Ben's eyes flashed fiercely, he swung his fist and punched the butler on the chin.

puff.The butler was swung so that he spat out a mouthful of blood, and indeed he spit out a tooth.

"Stop, young master, tell your people to stop quickly, this is all a misunderstanding!" The visitor had already arrived in front of him, followed by two unsightly men.

Lou Qi narrowed his eyes slightly.Those two men can be called masters, so the person here is Xiao Wang?

She glanced at Tu Ben, and asked puzzledly: "There are still two punches, what did you stop for?"

The man who just came over was stunned.

Tu Ben immediately blew into his fist, and with a hey sound, he punched the housekeeper twice again, knocking down two teeth again.

Tu Ben looked at Lou Qi, but saw her eyes with a bit of hatred.

"I said three, is it really three? Sometimes you can also surprise me, and I will praise you next time with three punches, four or five."

Tu Ben: "."

Xiao Wang: "."

Twenty or thirty of his nurses were lying in the courtyard, some were moaning in pain, and some had already passed out.His butler covered his mouth and didn't dare to say a word, he was usually very arrogant and domineering.

This housekeeper is a distant relative of his future mother-in-law, and he dare not refuse to accept him. This housekeeper is usually a bit dependent, but now he is the housekeeper of his Xiaofu, so going out can almost be said to be walking sideways. up.

Of course, he didn't think there was anything wrong with this.

Xiao Wang thinks that he has been under the fence for more than 20 years, and now that he is on his own and his future is in his own hands, so it is right for his servants to be more arrogant.

But he didn't expect this guy to be so blind-eyed.

The news of the incomparably handsome young master holding Ziyunhu in his arms had spread all over the world a month ago. Doesn't he know the title of the seventh young master?What a fool!
"Xiao Wang is very honored that the Seventh Young Master came to visit the humble house in person. Please move the Seventh Young Master to the hall and chat while drinking tea."

Lou Qi looked at Xiao Wang.

My first impression of Xiao Wang was not very good.It's not that this person is not good-looking, on the contrary, Xiao Wang has handsome features, a tall stature, and his appearance can reach at least seventy.

But his attitude and tone were too formalized for socializing, and he seemed a bit slick and flattering.However, in Lou Qi's mind, the term "respect for talent and pride" is not entirely a derogatory term.In her opinion, people with real talent and craftsmanship will be a little bit bad-tempered and arrogant, because they are all focused on professional research, and they will be lacking in interpersonal communication and business methods, so some people will appear unreasonable Doesn't make sense.

This is understandable.

In addition, people should be a little arrogant and self-respecting.

Like Xiao Wang, who ignores all the nurses lying in the courtyard, but still greets her with a smile, and invites her into the living room to have tea and chat, such a person is not very cold, heartless, ruthless, That is to hide a knife in a smile, and is very good at seeing the wind and making the rudder.

But she doesn't like either of these people.

"Patriarch Xiao knows me?" Lou Qi narrowed his eyes slightly, stroking Ziyunhu.

"The Seventh Young Master was magnificent in Luoyang City. He shot four celestial grasses and subdued the Liuguang Ziyun Fox. After that, the Seventh Young Master fought against hundreds of coveters and became famous all over the world. It really made Xiao Hope to be convinced." When Xiao Wang said these words, his spirits were flying high, as if Lou Qi was someone to him, and he was honored.

This appearance made Chen Shi and the others feel disgusted.

Their girls are so beautiful, what's your business?
The battle at Shilipo, a hundred miles away from Luoyang City, really made their blood boil.In fact, a month ago, the storytelling they heard the most along the way had the seventh son as the main character.

Lou Qi glanced at Xiao Wang, and said with a half-smile: "I don't want to drink tea anymore, but if Patriarch Xiao said this, can I understand that I will take my people away now, and there will be no more troubles?" Open-eyed housekeeper and the like, want to bring someone to arrest me?"

"This is natural, this is natural." Xiao Wang glanced at the butler, and said in a deep voice: "Why don't you apologize to the seventh son and get out?"

The housekeeper had actually heard about the seventh son, but he really couldn't connect the rumored powerful seventh son with the handsome young man in his twenties.

In addition, Ziyun Fox's body is not big, it is huddled in Lou Qi's arms, when Lou Qi came in, he was half-hidden by his cloak, and he didn't pay attention to it——

Now knowing that this person is the Seventh Young Master, the housekeeper was scared to pee, and immediately knelt down with a plop, "Seventh Young Master, forgive me, the villain has eyes but doesn't know Mount Tai, please Seventh Young Master, please forgive the villain!"

Lou Qi laughed.

Her smile really confirmed the word "extraordinary", and the housekeeper was stunned.

"Excuse me? It's not impossible, you are as good as them." She pointed with her hand.

Chen Shi immediately understood what she meant, and quickly stepped on the butler's ankle.

Same, just like those nurses who have crippled their feet, just crippled their feet. Otherwise, just beg for forgiveness and say a few good words, and the harm and insult to her people will be over?There are no doors.

Xiao Wang's face changed drastically, the housekeeper can do whatever he wants, but if he becomes crippled here, he will definitely not be able to explain it to the magistrate and his wife!
"Be merciful!"

It's just that Lou Qi didn't hear his call.There was a click, the sound of bones breaking.

Chen Shi succeeded, and immediately retreated to Lou Qi's side.

The housekeeper screamed heart-piercingly, Lou Qi shook his head and said: "A man, if you feel any pain, you will scream, Patriarch Xiao, you can't do it as a housekeeper. By the way, it's getting late, we'll take our leave first, Patriarch Xiao Get them a doctor quickly."

After speaking, she led the crowd away.

A man behind Xiao Wang took a step forward, and asked in a low voice: "Patriarch, do you want us to go to him—" He made a chopping gesture.

Xiao Wang shook his head and said: "Don't act rashly, you may not be his opponents. Let's see what he is doing in Nola City first."


"Look for a doctor!" Xiao Wang glanced at the crowd on the ground, his face darkened.

That Seventh Young Master is really more arrogant than rumored.

She acted unabashedly, she was so arrogant with a treasure in her body, and she didn't know how to take a step back. One more friend is worse than one less enemy. Such a person, he felt, would not live long, and someone would take care of her.

He just doesn't want to be troublesome at this critical juncture.

After leaving Xiao Xiao's mansion, they walked for a while, and they saw the mansion of Yuan Xiao's mansion.

The two Xiao residences are indeed very close to each other, and I don't know if Xiao Wang deliberately wanted to disgust Xiao Huo.

Lou Qi walked on the wide stone road with Ziyunhu in his arms, without saying a word.

She didn't speak, and Tu Ben and others didn't dare to speak, but Chen Shi and Lou Xin could see that Lou Qi was thinking of something.Every time she thinks of something, she will be so silent.

What Lou Qi thought of was what Xiao Wang said just now.

When she heard others talking about the seventh son before, she didn't pay much attention to it.She has a good reputation in modern times, and it can be said that she is not afraid of being watched.

But now she felt that this might be an opportunity.She is famous and possesses rare treasures, even if some people are afraid of her martial arts, the most indispensable thing in this world is people who are not afraid of death for wealth and treasure, just like that time.

(End of this chapter)

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