Chapter 238
That time when they left Luoyang City, they thought that Luoyang Han's family had given up, but they didn't expect that it took him three days to release the news, and secretly gathered nearly a hundred people. Some wanted Tianjicao, and some wanted her. Yinzi, some people want Ziyun Fox, and some even want her Treading Snow.

The reason why she never thought of mentioning Shilipo was because it was the first time she had killed so many people.Although not all of them were killed, at least dozens of them died in her hands.

The greedy faces of those people made her sick. They wanted to get something for nothing, and even wanted to kill people to silence them. Some people were greedy enough, and wanted to capture her alive, and used various instruments of torture to force her to ask where she got the Tianji grass.

She knew that if they were not eliminated at once, the journey to Beicang would definitely not be peaceful.

That time they had forced the dark and grim side of her to come out.On Shilipo, under the setting sun, she is like a god of death, reaping one life after another.

The rest of the people, wounded, crazy, no one dared to chase after her and covet her things.

She knew that this matter would be spread, and she didn't mind how people in the world would spread her rumors, killing, cruel, vicious, whatever.

But now she feels that such a vicious name is far from enough, at least she needs some capital to deter others.

So Lou Qi is thinking about such a capital right now.

If it is in modern times, she can be alone, so she can hide it. Besides, in a society ruled by law, even if people want to assassinate her, they have to do it secretly.But it was different in ancient times. There were many people from the rivers and lakes killing people on the street.

It's not okay to be alone all the time, and she also feels that she will live a little passively in this world.

"Chen Shi, Lou Xin, tell me, what forces are people afraid of now?"

She made a sudden noise, which relieved Chen Shi and Lou Xin.

Chen Shi thought for a while and said: "The royal family, ordinary people or people from the Jianghu must not dare to confront the royal family casually."

Lou Qi nodded.This is easy to understand. People in power, ancient and modern, are the last thing ordinary people can mess with.

But what if she doesn't want to be associated with the royal family?Lou Xin was still thinking about it, but the master who followed suddenly came up a few steps and said, "My lord, can you tell me?"

"You said."

"Except for the royal family, it's nothing more than the big families, the rich and powerful, or the big factions, with high martial arts skills and many disciples, like today's three mountains and three factions."

The three mountains and three sects mentioned by the master naturally refer to Wentian Mountain, Shenyun Mountain, and Bixian Mountain.That's right, ordinary people don't dare to mess with people from these three mountains and three factions.

However, like the Three Mountains and Three Schools, which depend on the deterrence and capital accumulated over a long period of time, she will definitely not be able to do it in a short time.

She looked at the master and knew that he had more to say.

"My lord, apart from these, there are still a few places in the world where no one would dare to provoke. The subordinates know a little more about two of them, one is the Hooking Hall, and the other is the Dust Dust Sect."

Dust-breaking sect? "I didn't expect you to know the Duanchen Sect." Lou Qi smiled: "Needless to say Duanchen Sect, aren't they even more shining than the Three Mountains and Three Sects? Tell me about the Hooking Hall."

This is really the first time she has heard of the Haunting Hall.

"Ecstasy Hall is an assassination organization. It is said that the people in it are all top experts. They all obey the orders of the Lord of Ecstasy Hall and will usually take on tasks. As long as you can afford the price, no matter who you want, the people in Ecstasy Hall will give it to you." Hook it."

Lou Xin thought about it, and then said: "That's right, my subordinates have also heard that all the killers in the Haunting Palace call themselves ghost messengers, their movements are strange, and their attacks are fierce. So far, there is no task that they have failed to complete." , but their prices are very high.”

"Don't talk about common people and wealthy businessmen, even officials are afraid of the Haunted Palace, because the ghosts of the Hooked Palace don't care what your status is, as long as someone can afford to hire them, they will definitely complete the task." The master said, a little She said embarrassingly: "I'm not afraid of your jokes when I say it. Two years ago, I thought that it would be great if I could join the Haunting Palace."

"Let's talk about it later." Lou Qi put the matter of the Haunting Palace in his heart, and asked instead: "What's the matter with you?"

Upon hearing this, the monkey stepped forward, lowered his head and said, "Master, it's my subordinates who caused the trouble."

It turned out that he happened to be on the road where Xiao's house was located before, and then met a guest who was holding a large box and asked him where the Xiao's house that made weapons was, and the monkey pointed to the original Xiao's house.Unexpectedly, this matter was seen by the butler of Xiao Xiao's mansion, and the butler said that he was giving directions indiscriminately, and asked him to go there immediately to call the guest back and point to Xiao Xiao's mansion.

How could the monkey agree, so he simply called out to the guest: "Just go to the Xiao Mansion ahead, don't go to the wrong door! In the future, if you have good materials, just look for the original Xiao Mansion, that's the authentic one."

It was these words that stung the hornet's nest, and the housekeeper immediately ordered someone to arrest him, forcing him to find out who was behind his back instigating him to speak ill of Xiao Xiao's family.

Later, Tu Ben and others found it, and knew that the monkey had been captured by Xiao Xiao's family and had taken him into the mansion. When they were anxious, they naturally knocked on the door and asked someone to reason, but the housekeeper said that they had come to make trouble and sent them all away. He charged them up and beat and kicked them.The few people are not good at fighting, they can't beat so many nursing homes, so they can only try their best to protect the master and let him run back to the inn to rescue the soldiers.

After listening to their narration, Lou Qi sullenly said, "From tomorrow on, all of you should give me a good practice!"

"Yes." Several people breathed a sigh of relief.The monkey smiled and said, "My lord, I thought you would beat and scold us."

Lou Qi gave him a sideways glance with a half-smile: "When did this young master hit you?"

It's just that Xiao Xiao's mansion is naturally enmity, even Xiao Wang's kind of person, Lou Qi never thought of handing over the Black Gold Vine King to him to forge whips, and she was afraid that he would steal her Black Gold Vine What about the king?The character of that person cannot be trusted.

They walked and talked, and soon returned to the inn.

The shopkeeper came up to greet him, "My lord, you are finally back, there is a guest looking for you."

Lou Qi and the others were startled, is there a visitor?
"The shopkeeper, who is it?"

The shopkeeper led them to the private room on the second floor, "I'm sorry, young master, they said they were afraid that if they showed up, they would cause trouble to you, so they waited for you in the private room. It's the second young master of the original Xiao family."

The former second young master of the Xiao family, now that Xiao Wang has left the family, he is the eldest young master.Lou Qi was a little surprised by the second young master's visit.

Lou Qi gave Tu Ben and the others some externally applied medicine, "Go back to your room first, rest and take medicine."

Chen Shi and Lou Xin naturally continued to follow her.

When we arrived at the private room, there were two guards standing on the left and right outside, with Xiao characters embroidered on the skirts of the guards.The shopkeeper stopped: "My lord, the second young master of the Xiao family is inside."


The two guards saw Lou Qi, one of them turned to the door and said, "Master, the Seventh Young Master has arrived."


A clear male voice came from the private room.

"Seventh son, my young master has an invitation."

Lou Qi walked in, but Chen Shi and Lou Xin were stopped by two guards. "Please forgive me, Seventh Young Master." They said forgiveness, but they didn't have the intention to let go.

Regarding the behavior of the two guards, Lou Qi didn't think there was anything wrong with it. Originally, the Xiao family was famous all over the world, so it couldn't be just some small family with no rules. It was normal for them to be like this. At least, they were overly enthusiastic about her. Xiao Wang is normal.

"You guys stay here." She said, and stepped into the door.

The private room is really elegant, with celadon lotus leaf candlesticks, incense holders of the same style, and pictures of Jiangnan women picking lotus hanging on the wall.

Hearing the sound of her entering the door, a man stood up slowly, and clasped his fists at her, "Xiao Qing, the eldest son of Xiao, has taken the liberty to visit, please forgive me, Seventh Young Master."

Before Xiao Wang announced his separation from the Xiao family, Xiao Wang was the eldest son of Xiao.This point, no one in Nora City knows.Now that Xiao Qing, the second son of the Xiao family, claims to be the eldest son, it also proves that the two of them have indeed completely torn apart.

Lou Qi took a look at Xiao Qing and raised his eyebrows lightly.

Xiao Qing is around 22 years old, with thick eyebrows, big eyes, and slightly plump lips. From a single face point of view, this is a kind and upright face, but such things as faces are not absolute.

"Master Xiao, please speak directly." Lou Qi is not a person who likes dealing with strangers, nor is she too lazy to socialize, so she usually speaks directly and does not go around in circles.Unless sometimes the mood is too good to play.

Xiao Qing looked at Lou Qi, then at Ziyun Fox in her arms, hesitated for a moment, then stood up, took two steps back, and knelt down on one knee facing Lou Qi.

Lou Qi never expected that Young Master Xiao would kneel down to her, and he was also taken aback, "What are you sitting on, Young Master Xiao?"

Xiao Qing gritted his teeth and said: "Xiao Qing knows that this is a forced request, but he still wants to ask the seventh son for help!"

"You always have to say what's the matter first?"

Xiao Qing was about to speak, when Lou Qi waved his hand, "Get up and talk, I'm not used to talking to kneeling people."

Only then did Xiao Qing stand up and sit down again.There was a tea set on the table. He was boiling water, but now the water was boiling.He was about to reach out to carry the pot to make tea, but Lou Qi had already moved his hand one step ahead of him.

He was a little dazed watching her white and pointed hands scald the cup gracefully and smoothly, added tea, brewed it once, poured it out, and started the second time.

He knew that he shouldn't be in a daze at this time, but he didn't know why he couldn't help looking at her movements and those hands and forgot to speak.

Seventh son has a pair of very beautiful hands.

This was the only thought in Xiao Qing's mind at this moment.

When she was making tea, the purple cloud fox lay beside her, occasionally opened its eyes to look at her, then at him, and then lay down again.The aroma of tea was dense, and the hot smoke was rising, Xiao Qing's heart calmed down a little.At this moment he heard Lou Qi ask: "Master Xiao, can you speak clearly now?" A cup of hot tea was handed to him.

"Thank you, Seventh Young Master."

After Xiao Qing drank the cup of tea, the coldness in his body dissipated, he relaxed and expressed his intention.

"The seventh son must have heard about the Xiao family. Xiao Qing dared to ask the seventh son for help. The Xiao family now wants to make a treasured sword. The Xiao family is sure that once this sword comes out, it will definitely be on the list of weapons in the world, and it will be broken. Yu Dijun's killing may not be incomparable!"

(End of this chapter)

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