Chapter 241
"That's right, it's the Black Golden Vine King." Lou Qi said lightly.

Xiao Qing looked at the Black Gold Vine King and exclaimed: "Dad, you told us before that the thousand-year-old ice black iron is the best material for making swords, and if you want to make the best magic whip in the world, then only the Black Gold Vine King Mo But it is difficult to find the King of the Black Golden Vine in the world, I never thought that I could see the King of the Black Golden Vine with my own eyes now!"

Xiao Huo was inexplicably excited, and quickly opened the blueprint again. When he saw it, he gasped and looked at Lou Qi suddenly. "This is--"

"This is the design drawing of the whip drawn by myself. What do Patriarch Xiao think of my drawing?"

She uses a sharpened charcoal pencil, which can draw every part with a high degree of simulation. The length of the whip, every mechanism inside, and every mechanism button on the handle of the whip are clearly drawn. .

Xiao Huo lost his mind, "With such blueprints, Xiao Wang is naturally able to create this whip, and what he creates will definitely be a magic whip that can be listed on the list of weapons."

"What?" Xiao Rong was startled.

Xiao Huo said again: "No, it's not just Xiao Wang, as long as he has good craftsmanship and is serious, he can make this whip!"

Lou Qi went on to say: "That's right, I can say this, if there is a foundry master I like, with this Black Gold Vine King and this picture, he can be promoted to the status of a master." So later generations There are those celebrities who only acted in one movie or sang a song and became famous immediately. Her black golden vine king and this blueprint can make a foundry famous.

"If I ask Xiao Wang to forge this whip for me, even if you forge the Ice Profound Sword, Xiao Wang can still keep pace with you with this whip."

Lou Qi's tone was very light, while Chen Shi and Lou Xin glanced at Xiao Rong with contempt in their eyes.

Their girls have never been the ones who are willing to take advantage of others. Few people who have ever offended her can be good. Fan Changzi probably vomited blood from anger. Nalan Huaxin slapped him. Hua Xin wants to kill them, she can kill the other party's four junior guards, but she won't let the other party get the San Han Qiu Jiao.Although Nalan Huaxin is not dead, they believe that during this period of time, Nalan Huaxin's heart has collapsed.

Miss Xiao Wu, Xiao Rong, can't see the reality clearly, but their girls are not the ones who are willing to swallow their anger.No, are you starting to slap your face?
Chen Shi and Lou Xin actually like watching Lou Qi slap someone in the face the most, so at this moment they are admiring Xiao Rong's almost pale face.

And when Lou Qi turned on the vicious mode, he wouldn't end it just because the other party's face turned pale.She looked at Xiao Rong, and asked in a good tone: "Miss Xiao Wu, if you think the way of buying and selling or trading is easier for you to accept, then that's okay too. I won't bother the Xiao family with this whip. I'll find someone else to make it for you." As for the Ziyun Fox blood, it can still be sold, the Xiao family wants three drops, right?" She paused and said, "Originally, I didn't use Ziyun Fox to do business to make money, but it seems that Young Master Xiao For the sake of sincerity, just this one time. Master Xiao, what was the price of Ziyun fox blood in the market in the past?"

Xiao Qing's face turned red, and he sighed, "Ziyun fox blood is priceless."

No one has ever obtained Ziyun Fox, where did the pricing come from?There are many people who want Ziyun Fox's blood, but no one has ever been able to sell Ziyun Fox's blood.

Xiao Rong's face turned red and white, white and red again.

Wasn't she talking about three drops of purple cloud fox blood?Isn't it just three drops?How can it compare to a weapon carefully crafted by their Xiao family!
Now people's weapons don't need to be made by the Xiao family, but they may not be able to afford to buy three drops of Ziyun fox blood!
Moreover, they were afraid that she would take this black golden vine king to Xiao Wang to build!Then, Xiao Wang will have the capital to compete with them!
"Seventh Young Master, my little girl has nothing to say, please forgive me." Xiao Huo was very annoyed at Xiao Rong at the moment, he gave her a hard look, and hurriedly told Lou Qi not to accompany him.

Lou Qi has always thought that she is a pretty good person and has a good temper, but this is not the reason why she is willing to tolerate others always using words to stab her.If she still wants to live in Xiao's house, she doesn't want Xiao Rong to affect her appetite.

Xiao Rong gritted her teeth, now she also knew that she had offended Lou Qi, she was not knowledgeable enough, she also underestimated Lou Qi, and disgraced the Xiao family.Originally, she wanted to elevate the Xiao family's status, but now she made her father and younger brothers lower their status even more.

She stood up and said to Lou Qi with a stiff face: "Please forgive me, Young Master Seven, Xiao Rong will leave now, my parents and two younger brothers have treated Young Master Seven with courtesy from beginning to end, please don't take your anger on them." Saying blessings, she left in a hurry with her maidservant.

Seeing her leaving, Miss Xiao Liu gave Lou Qi a blessing and quickly followed her out.

Lou Qi raised her eyebrows, and asked very straightforwardly: "Miss Xiao Wu is not young, is she? Why don't you go back to your husband's house?"

Xiao Huo was a little embarrassed when he heard the words, "It's Xiao who spoiled the two sisters."

It turned out that Miss Xiao Wu had a very high vision. At first, the Beicang royal family even wanted her to enter the palace, but Miss Xiao Wu said that the Emperor Beicang was old. Although she was the emperor, Miss Xiao Wu was not willing to marry herself to a For such an old man, at that time, Xiao Huo entrusted someone to make two excellent swords for Princess Bei Furong, so she asked her to help with the matter.

And Miss Xiao Liu admired this elder sister since she was a child, and she learned everything from her. Xiao Wu will not marry for a day, and Xiao Liu will not marry for a day.

The first Miss Xiao Wu wanted to marry was Crown Prince Jade of the Eastern Qing Dynasty, but recently they also heard that Prince Jade and the Eldest Princess had a relationship of love and righteousness, and it was estimated that the two countries would marry.

Although Miss Xiao Wu was proud, she felt that it was impossible for her to compete with Princess Bei Furong, because Bei Furong was an idol she had admired since she was a child.

"I'm not afraid of the Seventh Young Master's jokes when I say it out, I am a bad girl who is only thinking about the other one, Xiao is worried." Xiao Huo was very worried that Lou Qi would really be thrown out by Xiao Rong in a fit of anger, and decided to put She talked about her embarrassing things and thoughts, maybe the seventh son would stop fussing with her once he heard that she was so ignorant.

Black Gold Vine King, this is something comparable to the Millennium Ice Profound Iron!And that design drawing, it was really a design he had never seen before, after just a few glances, he knew how exquisite that thing was!There are some whimsical details that he feels he will never be able to figure out in his life!
Of course I can't think of it, this is the most exquisite comprehension of thousands of years of Chinese weapons.In the previous missions that Lou Qi took over, it was inevitable that he would encounter some experts who were good at using cold weapons, and there was also a group of people who didn't like pistols, artillery fire, aircraft and tanks, but liked to study those ancient weapons and cold weapons. Countless ancient books, countless experiments, and finally gathered the directors of all families to design a few treasures called peerless weapons.

Lou Qi knew how to use a whip, and she was also shocked by the design at the time, and asked for the blueprint to go back and study for a long time.So she didn't believe that this design would fail to convince Xiao Huo.

When Xiao Huo talked about Miss Xiao Wu's thoughts, Lou Qi was not interested at all. Lou Qi didn't want to know who Miss Xiao Wu was thinking about.But Xiao Huo's next words made her look black.

"Now she feels that Emperor Poyu is the most suitable for her, and she is willing to enter Jiuxiao Palace as a concubine. However, Emperor Poyu issued a contract, announcing that the world has canonized Miss Lou Qi as a concubine, and declared that from now on, as long as One concubine, there is no one else. After reading the contract, my bad girl must say that it is all because Concubine Lou is jealous. I don’t know where to find the news. I'm going to hire someone from the Haunting Palace to kill Concubine Lou. You say she, isn't she a child? People like us don't even know where the Hooking Palace is. Xiao Rong doesn't know anyone, even if you do something to the concubine Lou, the Emperor of the Realm will kill you, right?"

Xiao Huo was still talking, as if he had told her all these things, they are close friends, Lou Qi would hand over the Black Gold Vine King and the blueprint to him for casting.

But Lou Qi and Chen Shilou Xin were already stunned.

Xiao Rong actually wanted to hire people from the Hall of Gouhun to kill her.Hey, Shen Sha is really good, this can attract peach blossoms, and this can increase her hatred.Concubine Lou——

Did she agree? !

Damn ancients, damn hegemony, she is a free person, it is impossible for Shen Sha to become his concubine because of her unilateral canonization, right?

Afterwards, I asked Chen Shi and Lou Xin, but they spoke in unison.

"Girl, you are the emperor's maid, right? Although there is no contract of sale, the emperor is your master. If the master confers a concubine on the maid, you don't need to agree to it. For the maid to have such good luck, I can only be grateful and grateful, and there is no one who is not happy." Lou Xin glanced at her, and said with a smile: "Of course, girl, you are not an ordinary person, not an ordinary person."

Lou Qi felt that Lou Xin's words were really unpleasant!She glared at him, then turned to Chen Shi, "Chen Shi, tell me."

"My subordinates think that if the girl does not agree to be the imperial concubine, then she should go back to the Jiuxiao Palace and make it clear to the emperor. At least she must persuade the emperor to make another decree to abolish the concubine. Otherwise, when the girl returns to her original identity in the future, Everyone will regard you as the Emperor Concubine of the Broken Domain."

So, this is the pitfall of this era, right?She was living a good life by herself, people could give her an identity without asking her opinion, if she didn't want this identity, she would have to take the initiative to become a concubine, it was like asking for a divorced identity for no reason.

Lou Qi felt that if he had a beard, he should blow his beard and stare right now.

"Girl, do you think that if Nalan Huaxin, Su Liuyun and others saw the Dijun's contract, would they go crazy on the spot?" Lou Xin was a little excited: "Don't say, the Dijun's contract, if It's really worth it to drive those two women to death."

Lou Qi knocked on his forehead once.

A gust of wind blew by, and a shadow flashed quickly.Lou Qi raised her eyebrows and looked towards the corner of the garden, "You stand still, I'll go over and have a look."

Who is going to lead her to the corner?

(End of this chapter)

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