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Chapter 242 Shen Style Love Letter

Chapter 242 Shen Style Love Letter
Miss Xiao Wu made her unhappy the day before yesterday, so Lou Qi left the Xiao family alone for two days. These two days, the Xiao family provided her with all kinds of food and wine, and really treated her like a distinguished guest. Xiao Rong, Xiao Qiao and Xiao The beautiful maid arranged by Rong was replaced.Lou Qi is not in a hurry, anyway, she is not in a hurry.Even eating, drinking, and strolling around the garden every day, no one dared to follow her.

But this is in the Xiao Mansion after all, she still keeps Chen Shilou Xin to watch her surroundings.

In a corner of the garden, a piece of rhododendron stretched out its dense flower branches, blocking the figure of the man.

Lou Qi approached, but the man immediately knelt on one knee and put his fist on the ground, bowed his head and said: "My subordinate Du Wenhui, see the imperial concubine!"

Lou Qi: "."

Who's going to tell her what's going on?

"Emperor Concubine, this is a letter that Emperor asked his subordinates to bring to you." Du Wenhui took out a thick cloth bag from his bosom, it was really thick!This is a letter?
Lou Qi reached out and took it, "Get up and talk first."

"Concubine Xie." Du Wenhui stood up and stood with his hands down.

Lou Qi said that she was really not used to the emperor concubine, but it was impossible to correct his title.

"Are you from Broken City?"


"A kind of rapid march?" She looked at Du Wenhui. He was dressed in dust and dust, and his face was frostbitten by ice knives and snow swords. He looked at the clothes he was wearing. It is fluffy, which is the trace of holding the rein for a long time and traveling day and night.

"Yes. Concubine, the emperor has set up [-] post offices along the line from Poyu to various countries. Ten people form a team. Several big cities in Beicang have sent a team to enter. The four teams of Beicang are the general consuls. The journey to Bei Cang is far away, so I entered Nora City three days later than the imperial concubine, and I have not had time to prepare a residence for the imperial concubine, please forgive me."

Lou Qi's head grew big, "Wait a minute, you wait! What does this Yicheng mean?"

Du Wenhui said: "The emperor set up the post office to receive information from various countries as quickly as possible. In the future, when he will go to various countries, there will be people to take care of him along the way."

Lou Qi was about to nod his head to express his understanding, but Du Wenhui continued: "The first task for this subordinate is to find the whereabouts of the imperial concubine as quickly as possible!"

"." This means that Shen Sha sent 300 people out to find her?She secretly rolled her eyes and asked, "So you found it now?"

"Send the news of the imperial concubine back to Poyu City as soon as possible, and after that, all the subordinates will obey the imperial concubine's deployment."

Lou Qi's eyes lit up: "Do you mean to listen to me? No matter what it is?"

Du Wenhui shook his head: "Except for the whereabouts of the imperial concubine, which must be reported back truthfully every day."

What's the point of this.She thought she could order them to conceal her whereabouts first.

"Then how many people are there in Nora now?"

"Including subordinates, there are 11 people in total."

Du Wenhui took three one-finger-thick signal tubes and handed them to her: "Please take care of the concubine, this is the contact signal flare. But from now on, the subordinates will always follow the concubine secretly. If the concubine has something to do, just call out." .”

Lou Qi hid when he saw him dodge, and knew that Du Wenhui was very strong in concealment and lightness skills.

When Chen Shi and Lou Xin saw her coming back with a thick cloth bag, they were startled. "Girl, this is?"

"Go back and talk."

After returning to the courtyard, knowing that it was the emperor's letter to Lou Qi, and hearing about the three hundred station officials, Lou Xin laughed heartily, while Chen Shi breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as Dijun takes action, that's fine.

"Girl, then this subordinate won't bother the girl to read the letter." Chen Shi pulled Lou Xin out and closed the door for her.

Lou Qi sat on the couch and opened the cloth bag.Opening the cloth bag, there is another layer of waterproof oil paper inside, which is neatly wrapped and sealed with wax.

She looked at the sealing wax, and suddenly felt a little dazed, wondering how Shen Sha felt when the wax was dripping on it?But no matter what, she didn't need to read the letter to know that he would not let her go.That man is actually a very reasonable man, what he thinks should be done, then so be it.

Uncover the piece of wax, open the oiled paper, and the first thing that comes into view is a piece of white jade pendant, with the word "Yi" on the front and the word "Qi" on the back.

She probably knew what the word "Yi" was, and guessed that it might be a token commanding three hundred Yicheng, but why was her name engraved on the back?
Putting down the token first, she picked up the stack of letters.Nima, it’s really a thick stack of letter paper!Lou Qi was a little messed up in the wind, there are ten pages of letter paper here, what can he write on?

As a result, after reading it, the first three pages were full of criticizing her damn behavior of leaving him.Well, the word damn is what he expressed.

The next three pages are to ask her if she has any opinion on the concubine's name, "I think that since there is only one concubine, the concubine's name will not be used for the time being. After reading two hundred words, I don't like it at all. Or you Think about it for yourself, and tell this emperor when we meet."

Lou Qi wanted to vomit blood, so she called her concubine?Concubine De?Concubine Xian?Concubine Shu?Concubine Duan?Why does she feel that neither she nor Dexian Shuduan can be relied on at all?

Nonsence.The point is not this, why does she want to be a concubine?

"On the day of the founding of the country, this emperor will give you a grand canonization ceremony at the same time. Before that, take care of yourself, don't get hurt, eat well, and don't lose weight."

And the canonization ceremony——

"Give me some time, and I am preparing the dowry and betrothal gift for you. Since you are the emperor's maid, the dowry will naturally come from the emperor, so you don't need to worry about the dowry and betrothal gift."

Lou Qi caressed his forehead.

"In addition, Du Wenhui can be trusted. From now on, you will be responsible for all the intelligence of Yicheng. This emperor will not ask any questions. In future wars, this emperor will only act based on the information and military situation you give. This emperor and All the orders of the generals are entrusted to you."

Too much!Why leave it all to her?Why should she work so hard?
"Yue, Ying and the others have realized their mistakes. When you come back, you will punish yourself. Nine Heavens Palace, you are the only mistress."

Recognize a mistake?
Lou Qi was taken aback when he saw this.Want her to go back and punish Moon Guard and Eagle Guard?
Looking at it next, she spit out.

"I didn't keep you, let you go to the Valley of Gods and Demons to suffer, this emperor really shouldn't. If Qiqi wants to punish this emperor, he can only do things on the bed. This punishment can be carried out the next time we meet."

I circle you a chacha!

Who wants to do something on the bed with him!He also said that it can be done next time we meet, Dijun, how about your face?Where's the face?
The ten pages of letter paper were all filled, and there was not a single sweet word, but for some reason, Lou Qi still felt that the writing of this letter was a bit nasty!
She can't bear the Shen style love talk anymore.

But at this moment, Lou Qi clearly felt that Shen Sha was spreading a big net, and wanted to net her tightly to his side, so that she could no longer escape.

His soldiers, his power, his country, everything expressed in his words will belong to her, and he reveals a meaning of sharing the country with her!
Intelligence is the most important thing for a country and an army, and he entrusted all of this to her.Her name is engraved on the back of the token.As he said, he is putting his own life, the lives of all the soldiers, and the fate of the Nine Heavens Palace into her hands.

All he wanted was to know her whereabouts.

Lou Qi held the letter and couldn't help but chuckled.

She knew what she was going to do.

In fact, it is impossible for her to drag the Xiao family all the time, because she also hopes that the whip will be built soon, and she can't wait to try what kind of power the whip will have after it is built.

So this afternoon, she went to find Xiao Qing.

Knowing that she was finally willing to hand over the whip to them for forging, and was willing to exchange it with three drops of Ziyun fox blood, everyone in the Xiao family was extremely happy.Even Xiao Rong couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Then, without further ado, let's start quickly. The whip and the sword can be divided into two furnaces at the same time. Qing'er, Cong'er, you all come to help." Xiao Huo was extremely excited, not afraid of being tired or busy at all.

"Yes, Dad. Then let's start the furnace together!" Xiao Qing and Xiao Cong were also very excited.

Lou Qi couldn't help asking: "Didn't I hear that the two Young Masters Xiao's skills are not good, and they were taught by Xiao Wang in the past?"

Xiao Qing smiled wryly and said: "Seventh Young Master, those are all Xiao Wang's slander against us. Brother Cong and I both like casting. We have been studying from our father very seriously since we were young. The craftsmanship is no worse than Xiao Wang's."

Lou Qi nodded.

The Xiao family's three father and son opened the furnace and devoted themselves to casting.Lou Qi also gave them three drops of Ziyun Fox's blood, but Xiao Huo said that her whip was also extremely hard, and if she also added Ziyun Fox's blood, the whip could be transformed into a more perfect one.

In order to get another three drops of blood, she roasted meat for Wuwu for three whole days, and Wuwu was satisfied with the food, and then let her scratch her paw and drip blood again like a charity.

However, Ziyunhu's recovery ability is excellent, and the wound heals quickly.

Swords and whips are not so easy to forge, and it is impossible for Lou Qi to wait by the fire all the time. With her, the Xiao family father and son feel a little psychological pressure.

Therefore, Lou Qi simply found a time to go out of Xiao Mansion to meet nine of Du Wenhui's subordinates.When they saw her, they also hurriedly knelt down and proclaimed the imperial concubine, which made Lou Qi sweat from time to time.

"If you really follow me in the future, then everything will be according to what I said. If what I said is different from what you heard Shen Sha said before, I hope you can tell me the truest feeling, understand. Yet?"

"Return to the imperial concubine, the subordinates will understand."

"Okay, I will give you the first task now. Find someone for me, find someone who you think is clever, and don't bring anyone back after you find it. Just come back and tell me what kind of person you found."

Du Wenhui didn't understand why he was looking for a clever person, but if Lou Qi didn't tell him, he wouldn't ask.

After arranging some tasks for them, Lou Qi brought Chen Shi and Lou Xin back to Xiao's house, but a woman stopped her.

"My lord, we meet again." The woman smiled slightly at Lou Qi.

Lou Qi took a look at her, and couldn't help asking: "It's you? What are you doing in Beicang?"

(End of this chapter)

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