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Chapter 243 Xiao Si and Big Lu

Chapter 243 Xiao Si and Big Lu
"Young Master, what you said is that I am a traveling doctor, so naturally I travel around." The woman was the Dr. Zou they met in the Luoyang Inn.At that time, she was invited by Steward Han to go to the Han Mansion for treatment, why would she appear in Nora City now?Speaking of which, this is going abroad.

Lou Qi remembered that Yunfeng said at the time that this woman lived in the mountains, and sometimes she would come out to Luoyang City to live for about ten days, but she did not say that she would go to other places.

Dongqing to Beicang is not just such a road, and Nola City is not a border city, so Lou Qi always felt that there was something wrong when he met Dr. Zou here.

When she went to the Han Mansion for a banquet, Dr. Zou was supposed to be in the Han Mansion, or was invited out by the Han Mansion. Why wasn't she called out at the banquet?This is also a bit unreasonable.

However, she didn't feel any malice from Dr. Zou, it was just a little mysterious.

"Then leave Dr. Zou alone and walk around." Lou Qi said and wanted to go around her, but Dr. Zou stopped her again.

"My lord, it is fate that we met, why not treat me to dinner and tea."

Lou Qi was about to speak when a loud voice suddenly sounded so familiar.

"Doctor Zou, Doctor Zou, come and see Xiaobao!"

Both Lou Qi and Dr. Zou froze, it was frightening.

The two looked up and saw the big man running fast with a person on his back on the other side of the street, wasn't it the big man Lu from the Luoyang City Inn back then?

God, how could he come here after him?This is simply unbelievable!

"Hey," Lou Qi asked Dr. Zou in a daze, "What was that bag you gave him? Didn't you say that drinking that little treasure would make you heal?"

Dr. Zou gritted his teeth and lowered his voice: "You are stupid, you will believe me when I say that? How can there be such a special medicine? I have never seen that little treasure. Didn't I just guess at that time that they might be too poor to eat and sick? Maybe he came out of hunger, so I gave him a bag of flour and told him to drink water."

Lou Qi: "."

Ganqing is a quack doctor.

"Don't you say that my son has a hidden disease now?" She said teasingly.

Dr. Zou looked at her sideways and said, "Isn't that the strong smell of medicine on your body? I thought you were a medicine jar."

At that time, Lou Qi was always carrying medicinal herbs, including Chen Shi and Lou Xin, who smelled of medicinal herbs.

"Then what does the Han family want you to do?"

"The man surnamed Han has a son-in-law who is from Xijiang. He still doesn't trust that son-in-law completely. Let me see if he has been cursed by Xijiang or something," Dr. Zou said, "Just kidding." , how can my old lady know those Western Xinjiang spells? Back then, my unreliable master never taught me—”

Lou Qi immediately grasped the point: "You mean, your master is from Xijiang?"

"Bah, you are from Xijiang, and your whole family is from Xijiang!"

Lou Qi: "...So your master knows the western border spells?"

Behind him, Big Lu was about to chase after someone behind his back. "Doctor Zou, come and see Xiaobao! Doctor Zou!"

"This big fool actually managed to chase her here!" Dr. Zou pulled her back and turned away, saying proudly, "That's right, my master is a first-class genius in the world, and he knows many things."

"Who is your master?"

"Xuanyuan, hey, why should I tell you?"

Lou Qi grabbed her hand suddenly, dragged her to the side of the dark alley, his eyes fixed on her: "Tell me clearly, what's your master's name?"

Her heart was beating wildly. Could it be that this woman——

"My lord, can you stop being so fierce?" Dr. Zou looked at her fearfully, but Lou Qi was able to catch a trace of hidden surprise in her eyes.

"Say!" Lou Qi grabbed her throat with one hand and squeezed it mercilessly.

Dr. Zou couldn't breathe for a moment, and his face flushed red all of a sudden.She grabbed Lou Qi's hand with both hands, trying to move her hand away, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't move Lou Qi.

"Tell me, who is your master? Where is it now?" Lou Qi relaxed her fingers slightly when she saw her hands hanging down weakly.

"Cough, cough, cough!" Dr. Zou coughed for a while after rebreathing the air. He could no longer hide his surprise, but asked her back, "Who are you?"

"I'm the one asking you now, if you don't say anything, I'll send you to see Lord Yan." Lou Qi said coldly.

Chen Shi and Lou Xin stood at the entrance of the alley and looked back.They all didn't understand why their girl suddenly attacked this woman, but the girl must have his reasons for doing things, they just stayed here and guarded.

"I tell you that you may not have heard of it. My master's name is Xuanyuan Que." When Dr. Zou mentioned this name, Lou Qi could see the complexities of longing, confusion, melancholy and sadness floating in her eyes. acting.

She sneered and said, "Xuanyuan took in a maid, but I heard that that maid is very beautiful, not mediocre like you."

She once heard the old Taoist say that not long after he left home, he rescued an orphan girl. Because she was very beautiful, but only twelve or thirteen years old, she was robbed by evil gentry.After he rescued the orphan girl, the orphan girl wanted to tell him that she was his maid, and she stayed with him for about three years. She took a sum of money, and then sneaked away by herself.

Yes, that's right, just ran away.

After that, he encountered so many things that he almost forgot about this little maid.When he drew this little maid, he probably only remembered her eyebrows and eyes, so he drew a vague image.In that stack of portraits, what he said was that if he met this little maid, if she was having a bad life, or if she was in trouble, he would help him if he could.

But now, although Doctor Zou's figure is quite charming, his appearance is a bit lacking.

Dr. Zou was struck by lightning after hearing her words.She froze and stared blankly at Lou Qi.

After a while, she suddenly grabbed Lou Qi's hand and bit her own tongue in excitement: "You know the master? You know him! Where is he? Tell me where he is!"

Lou Qi shook off her hand, "You haven't proved that you are that maid, why should I tell you?"

"I am I am." Dr. Zou took out a small bottle of potion from his arms with trembling hands, opened it and wiped it all on her face. After a while, Lou Qi could see the problem on her face. mask.She is really speechless, where are there so many lifelike masks?
Dr. Zou took off the mask, revealing his true colors.

Lou Qi recognized the pair of eyebrows at a glance, they were the pair of eyebrows drawn by the old Taoist. Although they had grown a lot, they were still very similar.

"Little silk."

When Dr. Zou heard the name, he covered his mouth all of a sudden, tears streaming down his face.She fell to the ground all of a sudden, her shoulders shaking from crying.

"Master, woo woo"

Lou Qi never expected to meet Xiaosi.

Of course, the 15-year-old beautiful girl Xiaosi in the memory of the old man is now about 34, although she is still beautiful, there are already some signs of vicissitudes.

Lou Qi doesn't know how to comfort others, but hearing her crying makes her feel uncomfortable, so she just said calmly: "Then Big Lu is here."

Xiaosi's crying stopped abruptly, her face was still stained with tears, but she jumped up all of a sudden.

"Let's go, let's go, find another place to talk!" She immediately grabbed Lou Qi and wanted to run, but Lou Qi's crow's mouth, Lu's big voice really rang out in the alley.

"Doctor Zou, Doctor Zou, come and see Xiaobao, he is really dying!"

Big Lu's voice is really loud, and he is nearly two meters tall, with a very burly figure, and the movement he caused is really not small.

Chen Shi and Lou Xin were almost unable to stop him, and Big Lu also possessed brute strength, and when he charged, Lou Xin was almost knocked down by him.

"Stop, don't go any further!"

Chen Shi shouted in a deep voice.

"Don't stop me, don't stop me! I'm looking for Dr. Zou, Xiaobao is dying! I'll beat anyone who stops me!" Big Lu bumped towards Chen Shi with a shoulder.Chen Shiyun tried to block him with his internal strength, but he didn't expect that he was hit by Big Lu and took three steps back. He managed to stop his backing figure with difficulty, and his shoulder hit by the bump reached most of his body. It's all numb!

Chen Shi was shocked, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Lou Qi naturally also noticed this, raised his eyebrows, "Let him come over."

Chen Shi and Lou Xin were about to draw out their swords, but when they heard this, they immediately let go and retreated to the sides.

Big Lu ignored them, and rushed over again with his back on his back, but when he saw Lou Qi and Xiao Si, he was stunned, "Where's Dr. Zou?"

What he asked was Lou Qi.

Lou Qi raised her eyebrows: "Didn't you chase Dr. Zou by yourself? Ask me what to do?"

Big Lu's face was wrinkled together, he looked at her, then at Xiao Si. "You are Dr. Zou? Why have you changed?"

Xiaosi took a step back, "I'm not Dr. Zou, you've got the wrong person." She doesn't know how to cure her, so how dare she admit it?What's more, Big Lu is a stubborn person, if you get entangled by him, he can really chase you to the ends of the earth.

"I'm not mistaken, you are Dr. Zou! Don't think I won't recognize you if you change your face! Show Xiaobao quickly, Xiaobao hasn't woken up for three days, is he going to die? "

As he spoke, he turned the child on his back and hugged him to the front.

Lou Qi originally wanted to pull Xiaosi to her face to let her pretend to be a miracle doctor again, but when she caught sight of the child out of the corner of her eye, her expression changed suddenly, and Ziyun, who had been nestled in her arms all the time, Fox threw it out, but instead of holding Xiaosi's hand, she quickly pulled her back, and then grabbed the clothes on the child's chest with the other hand, and quickly grabbed him.

"What are you doing! You are not allowed to catch Xiaobao!" Big Lu was in a hurry, and he stretched out his hand to snatch it.

Lou Qi's face darkened, and he shouted sharply: "Do you want him to die?!"

Big Lu was shocked by her and stared at her blankly.

"Bend down!" Lou Qi grabbed the child with one hand, and pressed Big Lu's shoulder with the other. Big Lu was bent down by her pressure. He is really tall and tall, and his back is enough to be that child bed.

(End of this chapter)

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