Chapter 244
The child looked to be only about ten years old, and he was very thin. His face was white with grayish gray, his eyes were surrounded by dark gray circles, and his lips were actually dark black.

With his eyes closed, he looked like he was not breathing, like a dead man.

Xiaosi couldn't help being surprised, "Is this child still alive?"

"Alive." Lou Qi responded calmly, pulled out a long needle from her waist, and pricked three fingertips of her right hand, and bright red blood immediately oozes from the fingertips.

"Hold him."

"Oh, good." Xiaosi immediately came over to support the child.Big Lu stood firmly, not daring to vent his breath.Although he couldn't see what Lou Qi was doing, but the sound she drank just now made him trust her for no reason.

Lou Qi quickly made a tactic, the three fingers were twisted together, and the three drops of blood merged into one drop onto the index finger. She pressed the drop of blood to the child's forehead, and pointed the long needle in her hand at the same time. The child's heart was stabbed.

Xiaosi exclaimed and opened her eyes wide.This, this, this needle pierces the heart, won't you die?
But Lou Qi's movements were so fast that she had no time to stop her, and Lou Qi had already pulled out the needle before she was shocked.The half of the long needle that had entered the child's body was covered with blood, but the blood turned out to be black.The black blood raised the long needle towards her, and flowed down towards the tip of the needle. A large drop of black blood condensed at the tip, but it did not drip down for a long time.

The child's face returned to normal at a speed visible to the naked eye when Lou Qi pressed that finger.Lou Qi touched a small bottle and came out, put the needle with black blood in it, covered it tightly, and stuffed it back into the hidden pocket at the back of his belt.

Her whole set of movements was neat and done in one go, without sloppiness at all.Xiaosi, who was supporting the child by the side, looked at her in a daze, "You, what is your relationship with the master?" At that moment, she saw the shadow of the master on Lou Qi. Movements, calm and confident expressions, although the two are not similar, they give her the same feeling.

Lou Qi glanced at her without answering, stretched out his hand and patted the child's chest again, then stepped back by himself.


The child sat up suddenly and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Big Lu was ecstatic, "Xiaobao! Xiaobao, are you awake?"

The child named Xiaobao slowly opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was Lou Qi standing in front of him on the left.The setting sun slanted in and hit her on the face. Xiaobao felt that this was the most beautiful person he had ever seen.She was smiling at him: "don't be afraid, it's all right."

Suddenly, Xiao Bao's eyes turned red, and he slid off Big Lu's back, kneeling in front of Lou Qi in a proper manner, with his hands on the ground, and gave her three head-kowtows in a proper manner.

"My lord, please save me."

The smile on the corner of Lou Qi's lips slowly faded away.

This is definitely not an ordinary child who has been wandering and begging outside since he was a child.He knew what was wrong with him, and he knew that he hadn't been completely cured yet.

He lied to Big Lu and told Big Lu that he had such a disease because he dreamed of ghosts every day. Maybe he knew that Big Lu couldn't understand the truth, or he didn't dare to say it. Afraid of being discovered.

But no matter what, this is a child who is so sensible that it makes people feel distressed.Although Big Lu is stubborn, but for this kind of person, it is always good for you to let him never leave you, unless you have touched his mind, or given him some kind of help or companionship.

A simple-minded person will not be surrounded by a big villain, unless they are together from the beginning.

"Get up." Lou Qi didn't personally go over to help him up because she thought he was distressing, she still stood there, even with a slightly cold face.

The child stood up obediently, his figure swayed, Lou Qi could see that his legs were trembling slightly, he was fine for the time being, he should be hungry.After being in a coma for three days and not waking up, Big Lu must not be able to think of any way to feed him.

Big Lu looked at him with an incredulous look on his face, "Xiaobao, you're all right!"

The child stood upright, looked up at him and said, "Brother Dali, everyone says my name is not Xiaobao anymore, my name is Xiao Tianbao."

"Call Xiaobao easy to remember." Big Lu grinned.

Lou Qi looked at Xiaosi, "Where do you live?"

"It's the inn in front." Xiaosi looked at her in confusion and expectation.


Lou Qi felt that there was some kind of fate in the dark, and Xiaosi actually lived in the inn they used to live in.

"My lord, are you here?" The shopkeeper was very impressed with Lou Qi, because not only did she dare to provoke Xiao Xiao's family, but now she has moved to the original Xiao's house, which made him feel that Lou Qi must be a great person.But how did Lou Qi end up with these people?

Because Xiaosi wanted to go back to the inn, she put on the mask again so that the shopkeeper would not recognize her, and her luggage was still in the inn.

And Big Lu had already found this inn with Xiao Tianbao behind his back, clamoring to find Dr. Zou, and the shopkeeper was also deeply impressed by this big guy.

Lou Qi hugged Ziyunhu and nodded to him, "Shopkeeper, serve a table of delicious dishes, not too greasy."

Hearing the good food, Big Lu couldn't help swallowing his saliva three times in a row.

Xiao Er took them to the private room, which was also the one where Xiao Qing saw her last time. The first Lu was a little at a loss when he came in, as if he was a little afraid that he would damage the things inside with his rough hands.Lou Qi saw it, and suddenly felt that Big Lu was really not stupid. He was rampaging outside, probably because he was too anxious and wanted to save Xiao Tianbao, but now Xiao Tianbao seemed to be fine, he He also calmed down, stopped rampaging, and knew that if he broke these things, he would not be able to pay for them.

Lou Qi pointed to the Eight Immortals table and said to him: "Sit next to it."

Lu was so angry that he didn't dare to say anything, so he obediently went over and sat down.

Xiaosi said in surprise, "He seems a little afraid of you."

In fact, this is not fear, but a kind of awe.In fact, Big Lu knew that Xiao Tianbao might be difficult to revive. In the eyes of ordinary people, Xiao Tianbao's expression before was that of a dead person. He just didn't want to give up.However, Lou Qi saved Xiao Tianbao's life, and his complexion suddenly improved. At that time, he had an aura that made him dare not defy him. Therefore, in Big Lu's heart, Lou Qi was a very special person. He felt that I should listen to her.

In fact, Lou Qi had already smelled a sour smell coming from the two of them, and he didn't know how long the two of them hadn't bathed and changed their clothes.She asked Xiao Tianbao to sit down as well, and she took Xiaosi to the tea table and sat down.Chen Shi started the small charcoal stove to boil water and make tea.


Xiaosi sat down, looked at Lou Qi intently, and finally couldn't help asking: "Are you the little master?"

little master?
Lou Qi raised her eyebrows, but didn't deny it, and asked instead: "My adoptive father has been away from you for so long, and you have only been master and servant for three years, why do you keep looking for him?"

After hearing her words, Xiaosi was confirmed. "Sure enough, it's the little master!" She immediately stood up and saluted Lou Qi, "Xiao Si has met the little master!"

"All right, all right, sit down." Lou Qi stroked his forehead.

"Little master, you are the master for one day and for the rest of your life. Although I have only been with the master for three years, I will always remember the master's great kindness to me for saving my life. Moreover, the master has taught me a lot in those three years. If Without those three years, I simply would not have the ability to survive alone."

This little silk is a thank you.

"Then you don't blame him for abandoning you?"

"I don't complain. At that time, I vaguely felt that the master was unhappy, as if something was about to happen. I thought he might be afraid that I would be in danger if I followed him. Little master, how is the master now? Where is he?"

Lou Qi raised her eyebrows, thinking that this little silk may not be just a master-servant affection for the old man.When he was young, the stinking old man was very good-looking, and he was her savior and her hero. After that, the two got together day and night for three years, and the girl's mind sprouted, which was also normal.

"I don't know how he is now. I haven't seen him for a long time, and I won't see him for a while. It should be fine. Tell me about your situation over the years."

Xiaosi was a little disappointed to hear her say that, sighed lightly, and talked about her experiences over the years.

Xiaosi, who was only 20 years old 15 years ago, waited for Xuanyuan in that city for a full year after he found out that Xuanyuan had left.During this year, she made some money for mending. After a year, she found out that he was indeed gone and would not come back, so she went around looking for him with the money she had saved.She worked as a maidservant and a tailor, but in the end she really supported herself by relying on the knowledge of medicinal materials taught to her by Xuanyuan. A thick cloth is wrapped around his body to cover his graceful figure, and then he digs up medicinal materials to sell.After a long time, she accumulated some money, and she also learned some deceptive skills of catching ghosts and curing diseases from a charlatan. Sometimes she couldn't find the medicinal materials, so she used this to go to the rich people's house to cheat and abduct.It may be that she was lucky and clever, so nothing happened to her.

After searching for more than ten years, Xiaosi felt that she might never find her master again, so she settled down in a mountain village not far from Luoyang City. Living in a mountain village felt that it would not cost so much money, and that There are few people in the village, and no one cares about her.But she hadn't completely given up yet, so she came out every once in a while to inquire about the news, to see if she could hear some rumors about Xuanyuan Que.

Zou, was her original surname, and her original name was Zou Xiaosi.

"Why didn't you find a man to marry?" Lou Qi felt that it really takes a lot of courage for a woman in this era to have the determination not to marry, because unmarried women of a certain age, or else they have strong martial arts, Otherwise, they are rich and powerful, and there is another kind, that is, nuns.

"I don't want to, I just want to find a master. If I'm married, how can I find a master?"

Lou Qi was speechless. "I don't need to look for it in the future."

"Okay, then I will follow the little master." Xiaosi said immediately.

Lou Qi was about to speak when the food had already been delivered. Xiao Tianbao was hungry and ate fast, but Lu Da's appetite scared them to death.

(End of this chapter)

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