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Chapter 245 Little Ghost Gu

Chapter 245 Little Ghost Gu

"Xiao Er, another bucket of rice!"

The waiter in the shop thought that so many of them would have to eat, so he used a small wooden bucket to fill a bucket of white rice and brought it up. How did he know that after it came up, Big Lu used two small bowls to fill Xiao Tianbao with two small bowls, and then Just use the bucket as a bowl, and put the whole bucket into your stomach, and then you need a second bucket!

Lou Xin stared at him dumbfounded, and said in a daze, "What kind of big guy is this? Why don't you just call it a rice bucket."

Big Lu actually heard this sentence, stuffed a piece of tofu into his mouth, and then replied, "How do you know my nickname?"

Lou Xin was taken aback, "Isn't your nickname called Big Lu?"

"Yeah, I have a few nicknames, one is Big Lu, one is Lu Fantong, and the other is Shagen."


Xiaosi burst out laughing. "Then do you have a name?"

"Yes, why not, my name is Lu Dali!"

Lou Qi shook his head.

"Lu Dali, when people ask you what your name is, you don't need to mention those nicknames, just say your name is Lu Dali."

"Yes, I, I listen to you." Lu Dali looked at Lou Qi, scratched his head suddenly, and asked a little embarrassedly: "Little master, can I follow you too?"

When he heard what Xiaosi said just now, his heart became active. Of course, Lu Dali's mental activity was very simple.This son is very powerful, he will save Xiaobao, let Dr. Zou follow him, and make him full!
Xiaosi glared at him: "This is my little master, not your little master!"

"Anyway, I call him little master." Lu Dali insisted.

Xiao Tianbao turned his head to look at Lou Qi, and said, "My lord, Tianbao is also following you."

Chen Shi and Lou Xin were stunned, no way, this means that their girl is going to accept someone again?It’s good to say that those who took Tu Ben before are not very skilled, but they are diligent and clever in doing things. They drive and feed horses, find inns and restaurants, and do everything.What's going on with these three now?

Women, children, big fools.

The problem is that this big stupid guy has an amazing appetite.

"Young master?" They all looked at Lou Qi.Lou Qi raised her eyebrows and smiled slightly, "All right, follow me!"

No matter how much Lu Dali can eat, she won't be able to overwhelm her. She has plenty of money.

But Lu Dali's brute strength, and his ability to find someone who can keep an eye on him no matter where he is, is what she wants.

As for Zou Xiaosi, she also promised that the old man would take care of her.There is no woman around her, they are all rough, and now it is good to have more women.

After Lu Dali and Xiao Tianbao finished eating, Lou Qi asked Lou Xin to take them to a clothing store to buy three sets of new clothes.Lu Dali was so tall that the clothing store had to make changes and lengthen the clothes.What is unexpected is that Lu Dali, who is clean and tidy, does not seem to be low-value, and because of his tall stature, he looks like a general.

It was impossible for Lou Qi to bring them into Xiao's mansion, so he opened another room for them in this inn and let Xiao silk watch them.She directly put 100 taels of silver at the shopkeeper, where Lu Dali and the others had been deducting the money for their meals these days.

"What did you follow me for?" Lou Qi suddenly looked at Xiaosi.

Xiaosi thought she had forgotten about it, but when she asked her, she felt guilty and sweated. "Uh, don't be angry when you say it, my little master. I just smelled good medicinal herbs on my little master, and I was wondering if I could—"

"Can you steal a little?" Lou Qi took it for her.

Xiaosi blushed, she was a woman in her thirties, but because she had never experienced a man before, she always had only one belief in her heart, so she was still a little shy like a girl.Seeing her like this, Lou Qi always felt that she was that old woman in her thirties.

"Let's not talk about it, little master. I guess I can touch one of the medicinal herbs on your body, and I won't have to go out to earn money in this life." Xiaosi laughed.

Lou Qi rolled her eyes, she really has eyesight.

"Who gave you that mask?"

"The mask? Master Shu from Luoyang City gave it to me. He saw me applying medicinal herb juice on my face once. He said that although the medicinal herb juice is non-toxic, if I use it too much, the color will inevitably seep into the skin." It might really turn black in the future. So he gave me a mask. Speaking of which, Mr. Shu is really a good person."

Lou Qi's heart skipped a beat.She thought Yunfeng only had multiple masks, and Master Shu Zhongzhou Shu also had this kind of mask?It's a pity that I really didn't have the chance to meet that Mr. Shu Zhongzhou last time.

She can't go back to Xiao's house tonight, but she doesn't have to rest either. She will stay in Xiaobao's room this night.Chen Shi and Lou Xin also accompanied them.

"Girl, what's wrong with Xiaobao? Isn't he sick?"

The night was long, and it was not a problem to sit all the time. Lou Xin picked out the wick and decided to listen to their girl's storytelling.Well, in their opinion, everything their girls say is nice.

Lou Qi looked at the bed, Xiao Tianbao's little classmate was sleeping deeply, but she knew that this kind of deep sleep was not so normal.His breath was very weak, and his breathing was very weak, and he had to get closer to see the slight rise and fall of his chest.

"He's not sick." Lou Qi said slowly, "He's got a Gu."

Both Chen Shi and Lou Xin were startled, "Curved by a Gu?"

"Well, and this kind of Gu," she glanced at their faces, and seeing their solemn expressions, she suddenly felt a little bad, and turned her head, her voice suddenly lowered, and she spoke at an extremely slow speed. Word by word, he said gloomyly: "This-kind-gu, called-little-ghost-gu—"

As she spoke, she slowly turned her head again, her eyeballs were gone, only the whites of her eyes were left, her tongue stuck out, her face lost all color, her face was stiff and expressionless, and she quickly approached them.



Chen Shi and Lou Xin's shock was no small matter, they jumped up and overturned their chairs.Lou Xin even staggered and almost fell to the ground.

The two handsome guards were terrified.

Lou Qi's eyeballs turned back to normal, rubbed his face, and tapped his neck, his pale face suddenly turned pale and rosy.

She pointed at them and laughed.

"Haha, you guys are so timid!"

Only then did Chen Shi and Lou Xin realize that they had been played. They couldn't laugh or cry, and were extremely helpless.

It just turned into a helpless and sad sigh, "Girl, why are you—"

Lou Qi giggled, "I'm afraid that you guys won't be able to bear it after staying up late, how about it, do you feel refreshed all of a sudden?"

Not only the spirit, but it almost scared them out of their nerves, okay?

How can there be such a master in the world, who even pretends to be a ghost to scare them!

At this time, Xiao Bao suddenly uttered a few words, as if something was wrong with his nose.Lou Qi suddenly restrained his playfulness, and waved his hands, "Chen Shi guards the door, Lou Xin guards the window, don't stop him later, follow him!"

Chen Shi and Lou Xin didn't quite understand what she meant, when they saw Xiao Bao, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly sat up straight, then mechanically moved one leg out of the bed first, put down the other leg, and stood up .

And his eyes were half-opened and half-squinted, as if he had woken up at all.He stood there for a while, then walked towards the window.

Lou Xin stared at him blankly, then remembered what Lou Qi said, and quickly stepped aside.But he still doesn't believe it, this is the second floor, this kid looks like he has no martial arts, how can he get down?

But the next scene simply refreshed Lou Xin's cognition.

I saw Xiaobao climbed onto the window sill, and then jumped straight to the window!


He almost screamed out in shock, and almost couldn't help reaching out to grab him, it was because he firmly remembered Lou Qi's words in his heart that he forced himself to control himself not to make a move.

He poked his head out to look, but saw that Xiao Bao was lightly landing on the ground with both feet, and he didn't make a sound at all.

"God, what's going on?"

Little Treasure didn't have light skills, he just jumped down so simply and rudely, that he landed silently?Still standing upright?
"Don't be dazed, keep up." Lou Qi ran over, raised his hand and patted his head, jumped out of the window first, and chased after him.

Xiaobao was wearing new shoes, yes, new shoes, before going to sleep, Lou Qi asked him to wear clothes and shoes to sleep at night, he didn't ask her why, just obeyed.

Otherwise, he would come out barefoot now, wearing only a suit of jacket.On a spring night, it was still very cold in the city of Nora in Beicang. If he went out without shoes or a cotton coat, he would freeze to death overnight.

Xiaobao seemed to be walking aimlessly, Lou Qi and Chen Shilou Xin followed slowly behind.

"Girl, what is he doing?" Lou Xin asked in a low voice.

Lou Qi looked condensed, shook his head and said: "I've only heard about this kind of thing from my adoptive father, and I've never really seen it, but if you see anything next, don't scream loudly, don't be surprised To Xiaobao."

She wasn't sure whether Xiaobao would really do those unacceptable things that the old man told her before, so she didn't want to tell them for the time being.

At this time, Xiaobao suddenly stopped outside the door of a family.

He turned stiffly, and began to climb the fence.His movements were weird, obviously a little stiff, but his speed was very fast, using both hands and feet, he climbed up without any obstacles, and then jumped straight down.


Lou Qi and the other three lightened their toes, and they flew up to the wall lightly.They saw Xiaobao walking towards the inner courtyard. At this moment, Chen Shi and Lou Xin realized that he was also walking silently.

For some reason, they all shuddered, feeling that everything was terribly weird.

Lou Qi had already followed, and they also hurriedly followed.

This is not a very rich family. It seems that they are just a small family. The concierge heard breathing just now. They should still have a janitor. There are a few light or heavy breathing sounds in the front yard. She is a house slave and rough envoy.But because Xiaobao didn't make a sound when he came in, and Lou Qi and the others' lightness kung fu had reached their peak and they didn't make any noise, so the family still fell asleep soundly.

Xiaobao entered the inner courtyard and walked straight to a wing without thinking about it, as if he was familiar with this place.

(End of this chapter)

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