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Chapter 246 Too Cruel

Chapter 246 Too Cruel
The people in this room were sound asleep, and Xiao Bao had already opened the door and entered without anyone noticing.

The moonlight shone into the room, and they saw Xiaobao walk to a small bed, stand on tiptoes, bend down to pick up a baby from the small bed.

Chen Shi and Lou Xin looked at him in amazement, and couldn't help but wanted to take the baby back, but Lou Qi stopped them, she pointed at the baby, and said via voice transmission: "Have you seen the baby? look?"

The moonlight came in and hit the baby's face vaguely, and they were even more shocked to find that the baby was awake!is awake!
But he didn't cry or scream, he just looked at Xiaobao blankly.

The baby's eyes were very pure, they should have been very clear and clear, but now they saw that the baby's eyes turned out to be dull eyes, and the eyeballs didn't even move, which looked a bit creepy.

But what now?
Lou Qi fluttered towards the big bed, opened the curtain, a young man and woman were sleeping on the bed, Lou Qi took a closer look and found that it wasn't because they didn't hear the sound that they didn't wake up, their breathing was also very subtle.This was because of Xiaobao, because of Xiaobao, they couldn't wake up at all.

At this time, she saw that Xiaobao suddenly bit his index finger, and then he was about to stuff the index finger into the baby's mouth.

Although she really wanted to see what the consequences and purpose of Xiaobao's actions would be, after all, she couldn't help but watch him attack a baby who was only a few months old. It's definitely not a good thing, it's too cruel.

She slipped, and the whole person slid to Xiaobao's side, with one hand spread out, three fingers pinched the index finger he stretched out to the baby's mouth, squeezed lightly, and his blood dripped into her palm .

Sure enough, Xiao Bao didn't even notice when she was doing this, he didn't even seem to see her existence in his eyes, this set of actions may have just been done before, so it became a mechanical habit.

He probably thought the baby had sucked his blood, so he put him back on the bed, walked out the same way, walked all the way back to the inn, climbed up the second floor, and went back to bed.

After a while, his breathing became normal.

Chen Shi and Lou Xin who followed all the way looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling incredible.

When he woke up the next day, Xiaobao just felt very tired, and his body had no strength, but he had no memory at all.Lou Xin asked him if he slept well last night, and he said it was fine.

Lou Qi left Lou Xin and Chen Shi to watch him in the inn, and went to the family last night by himself. The child had a fever, but it was only a low-grade fever, and there was no major problem, and his eyes also returned to purity.

I just don't know what will happen if Xiaobao's blood is sucked by him.

Lou Qi decided to find some animal to try.

But before she could find her, Xiao Qing found her.

"Seventh Young Master, I found you."

"What's the matter?" She couldn't help casting at Xiao's house, and now Xiao Qing came to her in a hurry, could something have happened?Looking at Xiao Qing again, he was a handsome man, he hadn't seen him for three days, his face was thin, his dark circles were darker than national treasures, his whole body seemed to be boiled dry, and his lips were peeling.

"Seventh Young Master, hurry up, follow me back to the mansion, your whip has been forged!" Only then did Xiao Qing's eyes reveal a kind of extreme excitement.

Lou Qi was also overjoyed. "Finished? Let's go."

She wants to go back and have a look, go back and have a look.This is her own weapon!

Because of their impatience, the two actually used lightness kung fu on the road.But soon Xiao Qing realized that he couldn't catch up with him, and Lou Qi disappeared all of a sudden.He couldn't help smiling wryly, people can't compare with others.

Xiao Huo has been sleepless for the past few days, and with his two sons and a few apprentices, he has devoted himself to the casting of the two divine weapons.Yes, he had a premonition, he had a premonition, and this time he would definitely create two magic weapons!
Thousand-year-old ice black iron plus Liuguang Ziyun fox, such heaven-defying casting materials, if he can't create a magic weapon, then he might as well thank the world with his death!

Furthermore, the rarest treasure in the world, the Black Golden Vine King, coupled with the exquisite design, if he still can't create a magic weapon, then he will simply kill himself in front of Lou Qi.

Xiao Qing and Xiao Cong also held their breaths, the betrayal from their elder brother made the two brothers more united.

They must do well, they must do their best, they must show that ungrateful person that they are the Xiao family, the Xiao family that has been praised for a hundred years, the Xiao family of casting masters!

That man just stole their glory!

The whip was done first, because there was already an exquisite design drawing, and the sword still needed to be crafted countless times.

The two forging furnaces are together, and the fire is fueled by several apprentices that Xiao Huo has recruited over the years. Although they are not his adopted sons, Xiao Huo has also taught him other knowledge besides the most critical unique skills. took them.As long as they are willing to study hard, they will definitely be able to support their family with this skill after graduation. If they have a high understanding, they may not have the chance to become famous.

So they are grateful to Xiao Huo and to the Xiao family.Especially after experiencing Xiao Wang's betrayal, Xiao Huo was still willing to let them come when casting such two magical weapons, which was also an encouragement and trust for them.

When they thought that they would participate in the manufacture of the two magic weapons, they were all excited, and they also couldn't sleep for days.

These members of the Xiao family worked together, and no one complained of suffering or tiredness. Only then did they create one of the magic weapons within three days.

"Patriarch Xiao!"

"The seventh son is here, open the door and let him in!"

The high temperature in the casting room must be strictly controlled. It is cold outside now, so every time you open the door, you must pay attention to it, the speed must be fast, and the width must be small, so as not to let the cold wind blow in.

It is precisely because Xiao Huo has such strict requirements on every detail that he can stand tall in this industry.

Just as the door was opened a crack, Lou Qi had already rushed in quickly, and closed the door casually.And the little apprentice standing by the door didn't see her clearly until she stood still. He thought it was just a shadow coming in.

"Seventh Young Master, come quickly, wait for you to reveal the cloth!"

There was a trace of uncontrollable excitement in Xiao Huo's voice.

The Black Golden Rattan King can be forged in a furnace, and the more it is burned, the darker and brighter it will be.

Just now he took the Black Gold Vine King out of the last step of the thin fire, put it in a jade plate, used the jade to nourish its luster, covered it with a black cloth, and waited for it to cool down.

The unveiling of the last step is an extremely important ceremony for them, which means the appearance of a magic weapon.

He handed over this ceremony to Lou Qi.

This was also Lou Qi's stuff.

On a stone case, the jade plate was completely covered by a thick black cloth.

Lou Qi walked over, feeling a little excited, she knew what a good weapon meant to a warrior, it was something that increased attack and defense power, and these were all related to life preservation.

Of course, what she was more curious about was what the Black Gold Vine King would look like after it was built.

"Seventh Young Master, please reveal the cloth." Xiao Huo led everyone to the side.Lou Qi glanced at them, three days of sleepless nights made them all look as thin as Xiao Qing, with serious dark circles, but there was one thing, their eyes were exceptionally bright, under the reflection of the fire, It seems to have a little bit of red.

Xiao Qing rushed back and hurriedly stood beside Xiao Cong, seeing that he could still catch up, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.He saw Lou Qi stretch out his hand slowly, and gently pinched the corner of the black cloth.

Although it was such an exciting and exciting moment, for some reason, he still noticed Lou Qi's hands. Her fingers were longer than the average woman's, and she looked very slender and beautiful, jade white like green onions, set off by black cloth , is more conspicuous.

Xiao Qing never knew that he was a person obsessed with hands, but he really liked such hands.

Lou Qi suddenly made a big movement, opened the black cloth, raised his arms, the black cloth fell to the ground, and in front of everyone's eyes, a black glow suddenly shone, making them close their eyes slightly uncontrollably.

Lou Qi looked closely at the whip on the jade plate.

The whip is very black, extremely black, but if you look closely, you can see a dark glow slowly flowing inside the entire whip body.There was an indescribable chill rushing over his face, with a kind of coldness that made people silence unconsciously.

Xiao Huo cried out: "How could it be such an attribute?"

"Father, is it a magic weapon?" Xiao Cong was more concerned about this.

Xiao Huo didn't answer, Lou Qi answered him.

"The magic weapon, it deserves it." Although I haven't tried the whip yet, but a whip can bring such a feeling, there is nothing else to think about except the magic weapon.

She stretched out her hand to get the whip, but Xiao Huo suddenly stretched out his hand to stop her. He said solemnly: "Seventh Young Master, have you ever heard of the attributes of this divine weapon?"

Lou Qi raised her eyes and raised her eyebrows, temporarily withdrew her hand, and said indifferently: "I would like to hear more about it." She had indeed never heard of the attributes of the divine weapon.That group of guys who are obsessed with cold weapons may know, but she never had time to listen to them talk too much about this. In modern times, she used more daggers and pistols.Speaking of which, she is still a sharpshooter, and she is not bragging, but now she has no chance to touch the gun.

Xiao Huo said: "The reason why the magic weapon is called the magic weapon is not only because it has super power, but also because it has been forged with its own soul. The soul of the magic weapon is its attribute. Seven Young master, have you ever heard of the broken killing in the hands of the Poyu Emperor?"

"Hmm." Not only have you heard of it, but she has been using it to kill fish and chop vegetables, okay?It's still on her now.But she was embarrassed to say these words.

"Posha turned out to be a magical weapon that made people feel a little chilly. Everyone in the world thought that it would deepen the coldness in the hands of the equally ruthless Emperor Poyu, but they didn't expect that after Posha was used by him, But there are signs of introversion and anti-plain. Today's smashing, presumably there is nothing special at first glance."

(End of this chapter)

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