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Chapter 247 Her Divine Weapon

Chapter 247 Her Divine Weapon
Lou Qi nodded.That's right, Po Sha is indeed looking like it has exhausted its brilliance now, of course, except for its very gorgeous sheath.

"The dragon and phoenix sword in Xiao's hand is now in the imperial palace, and the world can't tell the truth, but I'm ashamed, the pair of dragon and phoenix swords, in fact, Xiao has not been able to forge the soul of the magic weapon, so they It can’t be called a magic weapon yet. There is another one, which is now in the hands of the Saintess of Tianshan Mountain.” Xiao Huo didn’t look arrogant when he said this, but he was a little ashamed when he talked about the weapons he had built before. No, it seems, because he now finds them not good enough.

"You mean the Phoenix Yin Sword?" Lou Qi recalled the sword that Nalan Huaxin had in the Valley of Gods and Demons before.

Xiao Huo nodded and said: "That's right, I didn't expect the seventh son to hear about it. The attributes of the Fengyin sword are arrogant and gorgeous. Once the sword is out of the sheath, you will immediately feel that it is the sword soul that the sword itself wants to express. "

Lou Qi raised her eyebrows, that's right, when Nalan Huaxin drew out her sword, what she felt was arrogance and showing off, just like Nalan Huaxin himself.Perhaps it was because of that that Nalan Huaxin liked the Fengyin Sword, but she didn't.Lou Qi never felt that she was arrogant, and she didn't like to show off deliberately, of course, she never tired of slapping others in the face.

She felt that she was actually a little mean.

"For humans to use magical weapons, it is best to find one with the same attributes as yourself. Ask Tianshan Saintess and Feng Yinjian, ahem, they have the same attributes."

What Xiao Huo said made Lou Qi want to laugh.

It seems that he also thinks that Nalan Huaxin is a proud peacock.

"If you can't find one with the same attributes, it's better to find one with similar attributes or mild attributes. That way, the person who uses the magic weapon will not be swayed by the magic weapon in turn. If you choose a completely different attribute, and it is extremely A powerful and domineering magic weapon, if used for a long time, will affect the mind and spirit of the holder, and in severe cases, it will even change the temperament." Xiao Huo said very cautiously.

"So," Lou Qi was a little surprised: "You mean, not everyone can become even more powerful once they have magical weapons?"

"There are good and bad." Xiao Huo nodded.

"Then you now think that this whip is not suitable for me?"

Xiao Qing, Xiao Cong and others were stunned, but Xiao Qing looked at the whip that exuded a dark, mysterious and chilling feeling all over his body, and felt a little bit in his heart.

Sure enough, I heard Xiao Huo say: "This whip is the best weapon I have ever forged in my life! I didn't even think it would be so good! But please see, Seventh Young Master, it kills darkness and is ruthless. This whip has ice A bone-chilling and powerful soul! A handsome and elegant person like the Seventh Young Master is afraid that he will be suppressed by this kind of toughness and austerity, and it will make the Young Master's temperament change drastically, or he may become a murderous person!"

Everyone around gasped.

Xiao Qing couldn't help but took two steps closer to Lou Qi, he always felt that she was slender and graceful, although her kung fu was excellent, but it would make people think that she was a weaker kind——

No, why would he use an adjective like delicate to a man?

If the seventh son knew what he was thinking, he would probably not like it——

But Xiao Qing still looked at Lou Qi worriedly: "Seventh Young Master, how about this whip—"

He wanted to say not to use it for the time being, and let his father see if there is any other solution, but Xiao Huo suddenly gritted his teeth and said, "Why don't you wait another two days for the sword to come out, and then look at the attributes of the sword. At that time, let the Seventh Young Master choose!"

That millennium-year-old ice black iron plus Liuguang Ziyun fox, I don't know what kind of peerless sword will be created, but Xiao Huo is willing to hand it over and let Lou Qi choose by himself. I have to say that his personality is also Bright enough and generous enough.

Following his gaze, Lou Qi turned his gaze to another furnace that was still forging swords, faintly, above the furnace fire, there was a trace of purple light.She was slightly shocked in her heart, and she was also looking forward to the appearance of that sword.

However, she likes this whip.

Lou Qi smiled slightly, stretched out his hand again, and grabbed the handle of the whip.

Xiao Huo didn't expect that after he said so much, Lou Qi would dare to pick up the whip, and was stunned for a moment.

The handle of this whip is simple and unpretentious, it can be held in the palm of your hand, engraved with thin lines, it looks mysterious and simple.The black color of the whip seems to contain something inside, as if it can swallow all the light.The streamer inside is shining like stars in the vast night sky.

Actually, very beautiful.really beautiful.

With a slight movement of Lou Qi's wrist, the long whip waved out as if spiritually, phew.

The shadow of the whip brought a dark light.

Everyone took a step back at the same time, looking at her and the whip in her hand in horror.

"Suppression." Xiao Qing said two words in a daze.In fact, it was due to the suppression of the momentum, as soon as the whip was swung out, they felt fear in their hearts, and they felt cold in their eyes.

Looking at Lou Qi again, her expression is slightly cold, her eyes are deep, her breath is cold, she looks different from before, but she feels that she is very harmonious like this, as if she should be like this in the first place.Xiao Qing was a little distracted for a moment.

Xiao Cong couldn't help swallowing, and asked Xiao Huo in a low voice: "Father, the seventh son is like this, has he been suppressed by the soul of the divine soldier?"

"Don't talk nonsense." Xiao Huo reprimanded in a low voice.Lou Qi's appearance doesn't seem to be suppressed or influenced at all. Her eyes are brighter and clearer than before, which shows that this is her calmest state.Xiao Huo was the one who forged the magic weapon, so he could tell the difference clearly.

Lou Qi flicked his wrist again, and the soft whip came out fiercely, with a bang, a deep whip mark was drawn on the wall.

Her fingers found a small protrusion on the handle of the whip, and when she pressed it down, the soft whip in her hand suddenly spun around and turned into a hard whip.

Whips can be divided into soft whips and hard whips. Hard whips are like maces, such as Qin's whip and Leishen whip, which are all hard whips.After synthesizing the hard whip, its cold and hard momentum is a bit stronger, which makes people daunting.

She held the handle of the whip and twisted it again, a sharp knife suddenly popped out from the tip of the whip, shining coldly, and turning it one more time, countless iron hooks shot out from the whole body, and the hooks were sharp and shining coldly at the same time.

"Patriarch Xiao's craftsmanship is really extraordinary." Lou Qi pressed the mechanism, turned the whip into a soft whip, wrapped it around her waist neatly, and wrapped it around her waist.

"What does Seventh Young Master mean?"

"I mean, this whip is very well made, I like it very much." Lou Qi really likes this whip, but she won't try it out here, the many uses of the whip must be the third father and son of the Xiao family who made it I don't really understand it, because they are not good at whipping.

She smiled slightly, and looked at Xiao Huo: "From now on, this whip will be called the Soul Slaughter Whip. You say it is ruthless, so why not call it a more ruthless name?"

Soul Killing Whip—

Killing intent is awe-inspiring!
Xiao Huo was shocked in his heart, the attribute of this whip is so cold and cold, being able to control it easily means that Lou Qi also has such a side in his character.

It seems that the Seventh Young Master they met these days is not the complete Seventh Young Master!

At this moment, Xiao Huo has a deeper understanding of Lou Qi, and she is still so young, what height will she stand in a few years?
As soon as this thought came to his mind, Xiao Huo suddenly felt that what he should do was rely on the seventh son.

On that day, the three father and son of the Xiao family were finally able to relax. They went back to wash and wash comfortably, had a good meal, and rested for a day.

In the evening, Xiao Huo seriously said to the children at the family banquet: "From now on, you must remember to befriend the Seventh Young Master. If she is in trouble temporarily, you must also extend your hand to help her, never leave her, and treat her with affection and courtesy." .”

Xiao Qing didn't speak, but he was relieved in his heart. He also wanted to be close to that person, not far away.

Xiao Cong didn't quite understand. Just as he was about to ask, Xiao Rong yelled, "Why? Dad, are you tired and confused? Why do you treat him so well? Even if the Ziyun fox blood she gave is very precious, but You have been making whips for her without sleep these days, are you still a magic weapon? Isn’t that enough?”

"Rong'er! You are not young anymore, can you be more sensible? You have younger sisters and younger brothers under you, can you be a good example for them?" Xiao Huo said angrily: "It's all your mother's fault for spoiling you, I don't know The sky is high and the earth is thick!"

Mrs. Xiao was taken aback for a moment: "Why is it all about me?"

"Isn't it? Don't pretend that I don't know. Over the years, you have been intentionally or unintentionally expressing in front of Xiao Wang that he should be grateful to the Xiao family, repay the family by being a cow and a horse, and respect Qing." Er Cong, Rong Er and the others, because they are the serious masters of the Xiao Mansion who want to come here! Do you dare to say so?"

Mrs. Xiao's face turned red all of a sudden: "Now you blame me for everything, right? That ungrateful person has nothing to do with me? I told you not to be too nice to others, but you just don't listen!"

"What do you know? Treat people with kindness and righteousness, and people will treat you with kindness and righteousness!"

"Does Xiao Wang treat you kindly?" Mrs. Xiao said lightly.

Xiao Huo choked in his throat, unable to get up or down.

Xiao Qing hurriedly said: "Father, I remember your words."

Only then did Xiao Huo breathe a sigh of relief, "Qing'er, Cong'er, the Xiao manor will still be handed over to you brothers in the future, as long as you understand what father means." He glared at his wife and two daughters again, He snorted and said: "You should hurry up and find a husband's house for Rong'er and Qiao'er, they are so old, and everyone outside is saying that Xiao's family has raised two old girls!"

Why is she an old girl.Xiao Rong never felt that she was old. She was even younger and more beautiful than many girls. With her beauty and family background, how could she marry an ordinary man?

Lou Qi got the Soul Slaughter Whip, and he was in a good mood.Xiao Huo said that it would take at least ten days before the sword was cast, and she couldn't just sit around in these ten days, she had to find something to do.In fact, Lou Qi is a person who can't stay idle.

Back at the inn, a purple shadow fell into her arms, Ziyunhu Wuwu children's shoes seemed a little irritable, and her claws kept poking her arm.

"woo woo woo woo!"

"I said woo, I don't understand what you said. Could it be that Chen Shi bullied you and you want to sue me? However, I am on the side of our handsome Chen Shi."

(End of this chapter)

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