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Chapter 248 Strange Disappearance

Chapter 248 Strange Disappearance

Lou Qi suppressed her smile, hugged Ziyun Fox and walked lightly into Xiaobao's room where it pointed.

The door was wide open, and there was no one in there, but Lou Qi smelled a bloody smell with a stinky smell.Her complexion changed slightly, and she immediately stepped out to slap Xiaosi and Lu Dali's room away, but there was also no one in it.

Lou Qi subconsciously thought that they must not have gone out to play or eat. When she came up, she had already glanced at the lobby, but she didn't see them at all.

Besides, Chen Shi and Lou Xin definitely won't have dinner before she comes back. Xiaosi now says that she wants to be her maid, so she must wait for her. As for Lu Dali, if Xiaobao doesn't go down, he probably won't either. Go down to eat alone.

"Tu Ben!" She looked for Tu Ben and the others again, but she didn't see any of them.

"Du Wenhui!" Du Wenhui said that he would always follow her, and she knew he was always there.

Du Wenhui quickly stepped out, "Emperor Concubine?"

"Send all your people out first, and find Chen Shi and the others!"


Du Wenhui sent two signals out the window.

Lou Qi re-entered Xiaobao's room and checked carefully.During this inspection, she found traces of many people.Her sense of smell is amazing. In this room, she sinks her heart and smells carefully, and she can distinguish many kinds of smells. Although the stronger one is the bloody smell with a bit of smell, but under this, there are still smells. There is a powdery smell, which is the smell of Xiaosi.In addition, the more obvious smell is the smell of Lu Dali. It may be that he hasn't scrubbed himself clean last night, so his body still has the sour smell of not having a bath and changing clothes for a long time.

Then there is the taste of a little meat bun.She boldly guessed that Master went to buy steamed stuffed buns again, but not everyone here likes to eat steamed stuffed buns, so they should have bought a lot of steamed buns and other steamed stuffed buns, then it is very likely that Tu Ben and the others will also come up.

After everyone finished eating the buns and steamed buns, something happened.

Maybe it was an accident that shocked them all, and it was an accident that made them too late to react.There are two possibilities, they both ran out by themselves, and not through the door.The second is that they were all taken away, and they still went out through the door.

But Lou Qi felt that it was impossible for so many people to be arrested at the same time.

The greatest possibility is that something happened to Little Treasure, and they all followed him out.

Because the most obvious smell she could smell was the stinky smell of blood, a smell that only Xiaobao's blood could emit.Lou Qi's face suddenly changed again, she thought of another possibility.

Could it be that the person who bewitched Xiaobao followed here?

"Emperor Concubine, the shopkeeper and the store waiter both said that they didn't see them go out, and they also said that Chen Shi and everyone were eating buns in Xiaobao's room before." Du Wenhui went to the first floor to ask after sending out the signal just now. people.

Sure enough.

"Then you asked them if anyone suspicious came up?" Lou Qi asked, walking to the window to check.

There were two drops of blood dripping on the window sill, it was already half-dried, and they had been away for a while.

"The subordinates have asked, but the shopkeeper said that no one came in, and they didn't hear any noise."

Lou Qi was silent.There should be no outsiders coming in. In fact, if the person who tricked Xiaobao chased him to Nora City, he could summon Xiaobao to go outside.

"Has everyone been sent out?"

Du Wenhui said: "They have all been sent out. The emperor established the three hundred post offices, and all of them are good at finding people to get news. Please rest assured."

Lou Qi nodded, and suddenly looked down at Wuwu: "Can you find them?" She went out to see the baby last night, so she left Ziyunhu in Chen Shi's care, maybe It was because Ziyunhu realized something was wrong, so Ziyunhu avoided it by himself, or Chen Shi left Ziyunhu behind in an emergency to give her information, or because he was afraid of going out and hurt Ziyunhu.


Wuwu threw its front paws towards the window.

Lou Qi's eyes lit up, guessing that it really wanted to lead the way, so he let go of it.Wuwu rushed out of the window all of a sudden.

"Follow." Lou Qi immediately followed with Du Wenhui.

She has a good sense of smell, but I believe that Ziyun Fox's sense of smell is far better than hers. With Xiaobao's obvious smell, it shouldn't be difficult to track it down.

Wuwu seemed to know that their speed could not be as fast as his own, so he slowed down. Lou Qi had no pressure to chase, but Du Wenhui was under a lot of pressure.

He was shocked, he was very confident in his lightness kung fu, but he never thought that he would be inferior to the imperial concubine at all!

Lou Qi could only say to him: "Go back, I'll just go after it by myself, and I'll send out a signal flare if something happens. If I reach a place where I think it's beyond the visible range of the signal flare, I'll send one."

"Emperor Concubine, the duty of this subordinate is to follow you—"

Lou Qi said very bluntly: "The problem is that you can't keep up now."

Du Wenhui immediately shed two tears.

"Go back and let people look at my horse. You still have a task to look at the Xiao family. I'm very interested in the sword they produced. Let's keep an eye on it."

"Something is going to happen to the Divine Soldier, and the subordinates have sent the news back three days ago."

"Okay, you go back first." Lou Qi didn't say any more, and increased his speed, surpassing Wuwu all of a sudden.

"Woo, hurry up."

Seeing that Lou Qi was able to overtake it, Wuwu immediately increased his speed, and flew out like a purple shadow with silver light in it.

Seeing that one person and one fox soon disappeared, Du Wenhui had to turn around sadly and go back.He must continue to practice lightness skills hard, this is too shocking.Why didn't Lord Yuewei tell him that the imperial concubine's qinggong is so good?Could it be that he deliberately wanted to see him embarrassing?
In fact, he wronged Yue, and Yue didn't know that when Lou Qi went to the Valley of Gods and Demons, she used the natal blood curse to activate the thousand-year-old stone marrow in her blood that had not yet fully fused, so her skill soared.Also, practicing with Ziyunhu is equivalent to the skill she has practiced for more than a year.

So Yue didn't know her current strength.

Lou Qi used ten levels of skill to catch up to Wuwu.Seeing that it was running out of the city, she felt a sudden in her heart, if even Tu Ben and the others followed, then they should have gone out before the city gate was closed.

Ziyun fox ran up the city wall in a few strokes.Lou Qi also used the vertical ladder to fly up.

One person and one fox left the city without a sound. The Ziyun fox continued to fly fast. It was so fast that its four feet could hardly touch the ground, and it flew over almost all at once.

Lou Qi only managed to catch up with it when he mentioned ten successes, so he felt a little pressure.The speed of this purple cloud fox is really outrageous.

Ziyunhu didn't stop until he could see a continuous mountain range from a distance, and then rushed back to Lou Qi's arms, looked up at her, then lay on her arm and vomited softly. Panting with his tongue out, that little appearance is really a bit pitiful.

Lou Qi also took pity on it for running so far, so he took out a pill.As soon as Ziyunhu saw the pill in her palm, he immediately leaned over happily and ate it.

Because Ziyun Fox used to eat Tianji grass in the cave of God and Demon Valley, although its staple food is mainly cooked meat now, Lou Qi still used a plant of Tianji grass and other medicinal materials that nourish blood and nourish Qi to make it. He took hundreds of nourishing pills, and occasionally gave him one as a jelly bean.

This kind of medicine can quickly replenish mental and physical strength for Ziyunhu. If it is injured, it is also a holy product for healing, and it is even more effective for humans. If she is willing to sell it, then these pills are Can be sold for a fortune.If anyone knew that she took such a precious pill as jelly beans for a little fox, they would have to vomit blood.

In front was a pile of chaotic stone forests, because of the darkness at night, Lou Qi couldn't see anything, but when she approached a stone and found some ancient writings on it, she immediately knew that these were definitely not useless stones.

She took a closer look and was shocked to find that it was a ruin!Moreover, it seems that the scale is not small.Such a large area of ​​ruins is here, but not in the city, so who owns it?
Holding Ziyun Fox in her arms, she walked through the ruined walls and half of the abandoned stone pillars, and finally found a small piece of cloth on the side of a section of the wall, which seemed to be hooked out unintentionally.

Picking up the strip of cloth, she recognized that it was the cloth on Xiaosi's body.There are so many people, but there is only one woman, Xiaosi, who can remember Xiaosi's clothes without trying to remember them.

But only a small piece of cloth was found, but no one was found.

She had already sent a signal on the way here, if Du Wenhui and the others were not idiots, they should be able to find this place if they wanted to find her.

The situation was a bit weird, and she didn't know if she could find those people quickly.

To be frank, she just met Lu Dali, Xiaobao, and even Xiaosi for the first time, and she didn't have any feelings at all. If something happened to them, she could try her best to search rationally, but other people couldn't. Especially Chen Shi and Lou Xin, she had already determined that they were her partners, if something happened to them, she would have to turn the day over.

She really didn't expect the situation this time, who would have thought that in such a bustling city, living in an inn, so many people would run out strangely at the same time.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Lou Qi saw an entrance.It turned out to be a secret door, but now the door is a bit incomplete. There is a stone door panel lying on the ground in front of it. It seems that the door was tightly sealed at first, but now it was discovered that it was opened.

At the broken door, she finally saw a mark.It was she who taught Chen Shi and Lou Xin the Arabic numeral 7.

Lou Qi breathed a sigh of relief, at least when they arrived here, Chen Shi or Lou Xin were sober, and there should be no accidents.

"Wuuuu, let's go in and rush in." Lou Qi frowned, and finally hugged Ziyunhu and slipped into the not-so-high broken door.And she didn't know that after going in, she couldn't get out for such a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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