Your heart is free

Chapter 249 Ghost Palace

Chapter 249 Ghost Palace
It was dawn, and the city of Nora was bustling again. Everyone’s life was going on. The stalls selling breakfast were set up very early. The steamed stuffed bun shop that the master visited a few times was doing very well in the morning, and the owner of the shop was smiling happily. Mimi.Finally, there were fewer guests, he leaned comfortably outside the door, his eyes just looked towards the place where the notice was posted, but he saw a woman wearing a smoky blue veil that was as long as her chest and back, standing next to the Poyu Emperor. Before the contract was issued, he seemed to be a little fascinated.

"Tsk tsk, even a woman would look at that contract with envy, but it's a pity, there is only one Emperor Breaking the Territory." He was shaking his head and sighing, when he saw the woman stretch out her hand and tore off the contract with all her strength. The ground was torn into pieces a few times, and with a wave of his hand, the pieces were thrown out.

The store owner's eyes widened, and he secretly cried out, "Hey, darling, isn't this guy too jealous?"
The woman turned around and walked out, got into a carriage parked nearby, the driver gave a scolding, and drove towards the main road in the city.

In Xiao Xiao Mansion, Xiao Wang rushed out to greet the woman, the woman got out of the car, Xiao Wang stepped forward to help her, but she didn't seem to see his outstretched hand, and walked into the gate by herself.

Xiao Wang withdrew his hand and stepped forward to lead the way, "This way, please."

He took her to his own door, and when she entered the study, Xiao Wang followed him in, then looked left and right, and closed the door tightly.

He walked over quickly and knelt down in front of the woman: "See Your Highness the Princess."

The woman took off the smoky blue curtain she was wearing, and she had an extraordinary bright face, which was none other than Bei Furong, the great princess of Bei Cang.

Bei Furong glanced at him, sat down behind his desk, and said, "Get up."

"Thank you, Your Highness, Princess." Xiao Wang hurriedly got up, glanced secretly at Bei Furong, and felt a little admiration in his heart, their Princess Furong was really beautiful and enchanting.

If you can marry her, she will be too beautiful, power, status, wealth and beauty, then you have everything.

But Xiao Wang knew that this was impossible, fearing that Bei Furong would see his greed, he quickly straightened his face, lowered his eyelids slightly and dared not look at her again.

"Caomin never expected that Her Highness the Princess would really come to Caomin's humble house. It is a great honor."

Bei Furong took a look at this study room. Although it was not luxurious, there was a brocade of flowing clouds on the side with gold silk embroidery, a painting by famous Bei Cang masters on the wall, and jasper ornaments on the rosewood table in the corner. It does not reveal the thoughts and financial resources that the owner of the study has spent.

"Xiao Wang, you seem to have forgotten that this humble house of yours was bought with the money of this princess." Bei Furong's eyes revealed a mocking look.If she needs this man, there is still the possibility of using him. She really despises this man.

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Xiao Wang's face, and he immediately said yes in a low voice.

Bei Furong sent someone to look for him two months ago, hoping that he could leave the Xiao family and make a name for himself, and gave him a large sum of money. With this money, he was able to buy a house here, and Confront the Xiao Mansion.

"How are you doing what the princess asked you to do?"

Xiao Wang felt a little bitter in his heart, "Princess, that old man Xiao Huo hid the thousand-year-old Ice Profound Iron very secretly, and the grass people couldn't find it. He kept saying that he regarded me as his own son, but the most important secret room of the Xiao family But never told me, never led me in."

"Don't make so many excuses with this princess." Bei Furong interrupted him impatiently, "It's fine if you can't get the Millennium Ice Profound Iron, even if Xiao Huo creates a magic weapon, this princess will go get it herself .What about the other thing?"

"I beg the princess to forgive me!" Xiao Wang said, "They are all idiots under Cao Min, who offended the Seventh Young Master before the Cao Min had time to do anything, and the Seventh Young Master has already lived in Xiao Huo's Mansion—"

"It's you who are stupid!" Bei Furong slapped the table and glared at him angrily, "This princess sent someone to send a message early in the morning, asking you to win over the seventh son. Has your brain been eaten by dogs?"

Xiao Wang was so reprimanded that he didn't dare to look up, his face turned blue.

"The seventh son is like a person who appeared out of nowhere. His fame spread from Dongqing to Beicang overnight. He has a streamer Ziyunhu, and he may have a secret grass on his body. His martial arts are unpredictable. This kind of person may not have any knowledge behind him. This princess absolutely does not believe in a hidden master, but because he may be from the Eastern Qing Dynasty, it is inconvenient for the princess to come forward in person, and it is also inconvenient for the royal family to come forward in person, so this princess asked you to do this. It's a great achievement! Who knew that you were so stupid that you offended him as soon as he came! Xiao Wang, Xiao Wang, this princess now feels that the decision to support you was a mistake! This princess never expected that you would be so careless! brain!"

Bei Furong was really angry.

Xiao Wang regretted bitterly.At that time, he received an order to win over the seventh son, but he didn't take it seriously in his heart, maybe he was spoiled by Xiao Huo since he was a child, and he was a little ignorant.He felt that the rumors about the seventh son were just rumors, he was just a brat, and when he came to Nora City, it was better to let him hang out, and if he came to the door to invite him, wouldn't it appear that he was despondent too low?
Besides, among the warriors in the world, which one needs weapons?Shouldn't outstanding weapon smiths be the ones they should take the initiative to befriend or even curry favor with?Where does it need to be turned around and let the foundry master please.

When Xiao Wang was at Xiao's house before, he saw Wen Tianshan's envoy be polite to Xiao Huo, even Wen Tianshan was so polite, he came to ask for a sword for the saint Nalan, what is a Seventh Prince?
Just because he thought so, he didn't pay attention to when the Seventh Young Master arrived in Nora City, and he didn't think that his idiot butler would accidentally arrest and beat his subordinates, and let him go with the Seventh Young Master. There was a grudge from the beginning.

"Princess, please calm down!" Naturally, he didn't dare to tell Bei Furong these thoughts, so he hurriedly reported another news. "The grass people ignored the Seventh Young Master, but the grass people have already found out the whereabouts of Cun Youguo!"

Bei Furong, who was full of anger, immediately calmed down when she heard this. In the final analysis, winning the seventh son was secondary, and Cun Youguo was her goal.

"Is this true?"

Xiao Wang quickly responded: "Don't dare to deceive the princess." In fact, after offending the seventh son, he knew that if he didn't quickly complete another order from the princess, he would definitely end badly, so he didn't pay any attention to it these days. Lou Qi and Xiao Fu put all their energy on inquiring and tracking down Cun You Guo.

Speaking of which, he was lucky. He never thought that the grandfather of that silly woman who had a deep affection for him would have told her about Cun Youguo, and it was not in vain that he had treated her well all these years.

"Where is it?" Bei Furong couldn't help showing some urgency.

Xiao Wang said: "Cunyouguo is in the former palace of King Yi!"

Bei Furong's expression changed: "It's actually there!"

The current emperor of Bei Cang seized the throne back then. The former King Yi was actually his uncle, but before he seized the throne, King Yi had already been transferred away from the capital with an excuse by the emperor at that time. from Nora.King Yi didn't say much, and left with his relatives and guards.But it was three years later that the royal family got the news that King Yi built a palace outside Nora City. Signs of being king.

Naturally, the emperor could not tolerate this kind of behavior, and was about to take action when King Yi's palace suddenly burst into flames. The fire burned for three days and three nights, and there was even a small-scale earthquake during the burning process, which collapsed the entire palace.The strange thing is that none of the people inside escaped at that time.

Afterwards, many people saw ghost fires in the palace at night, and there were always mournful wailing, which made people feel very scary.There are also some bold people who went to explore the secrets, but some came back frightened, and some did not come back at all.Over time, in the eyes of the Beicang people, the Xinggong was equivalent to the place of ghosts. The people called it the ghost palace, and no one dared to set foot in it.

Because it was originally built not close to the city, no one walked that road, and it was covered by weeds after so many years, and outsiders never needed to pass there, so this Yiwang Palace was gradually forgotten by people.

In the past two days, Du Wenhui finally inquired about the situation of King Yi's palace, but the result made him very uneasy.When asked about the people in King Yi's palace, the young people were a little at a loss, some were horrified and said that they couldn't go to the ghost palace, and most of the older people were so pale when they heard about it that they didn't even want to mention it.

Leaving aside the weird fire, the earthquake is terrifying.Most people think that the earthquake was caused by gods and gods, some people think that the underworld will arrest souls on a large scale, and some think that monsters are about to appear. In short, it is definitely not a good thing.There was an earthquake at the pavilion, so no one dared to say anything more.

His people searched the palace for two days during the day without finding anything, but what they tracked down was that the imperial concubine had indeed entered the palace!

In case something happens to the imperial concubine, he has to hold his head up to see the emperor!

Before Du Wenhui could come up with a solution, the Beicang royal family suddenly issued a notice, saying that the royal family had confirmed that the exotic treasure Cunyouguo was in the ruins of King Yi's palace, and offered a reward for finding Cunyouguo.Whoever gets the Cunyou fruit and submits it to the royal family, those who have merit can be promoted to ranks and rewards. Commoners or people from the rivers and lakes can reward tens of millions of gold and hundreds of hectares of fertile land.

As soon as the reward announcement was released, it caused a big wave of waves.

Birds die for food, and humans die for wealth.Regardless of the reputation of the ghost palace, there must be a brave man under the reward.In less than three days, a large number of people gathered around the palace.It was the first time that the quiet palace ruins were so lively.

Fearing that there would be trouble if there were too many people, the Beicang royal family sent troops to surround the entire ruins of the palace, and only 15 people were allowed to enter a day.The next day, regardless of whether anyone came out, another 15 people were put in.Therefore, many people who hadn't had time to line up to enter set up camps outside the ruins. Every day, hawkers picked up some food and hawked back and forth. It was so lively that it looked like a temporary market.

The ghost palace has never been so lively. In such a bustle, many people forgot to be afraid, and also forgot that three days had passed, and none of the 45 people who entered in the three days had ever come out.

(End of this chapter)

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