Chapter 250
Not only did those people not come out, but they didn't even make any noise.The ruins of this palace are too large, and after an earthquake, some terrains have changed, many gullies and gullies have appeared, and some places have even collapsed and created some holes. No one can tell what is going on inside. It is also possible that someone fell to death in it, or fell into a hole and could not get out.

Some people actually saw the will-o'-the-wisps at night, but so many people were so courageous, and the rewards were so tempting, they all stayed behind.

Du Wenhui and others set up a few tents, holding his head worriedly and thinking hard, what should we do?What if the imperial concubine cannot be found after entering?
At this time, a subordinate rushed in with a big stride, holding a letter in his hand, and hurriedly said: "My lord, a letter from the emperor!"

Du Wenhui jumped up immediately, "Bring it quickly!"

Five days ago, he had written a letter to send back the situation here, because now the three hundred post offices have been laid out, and pigeons can be used to send letters between each section, so the letter can be sent quickly, but he did not To think that Dijun could reply so quickly!

Only after reading the letter did he realize that the emperor had already left Poyu and came towards Beicang!The letter was sent out on the way in three days, and it is estimated that he will arrive here almost soon!
The letter was written by Shen Sha himself, and the strokes are very powerful, sharp and wild.

"The Emperor is here!" Du Wenhui trembled slightly holding the letter paper.All the subordinates were also inexplicably excited.In fact, this is their first mission, if other things are fine, regarding the concubine, the emperor said that if something happened to her in front of their eyes, they would all be buried with her.

Now that the emperor himself has come, they can be regarded as having a backbone.

The floor was irritatingly slippery and sticky, stuck to the bottom of my boots, and couldn't be removed no matter how hard I tried.What's even more frustrating is that she has been around this place for three full days.

Lou Qi has never felt so useless before.

Of course, if someone knew what these things she was stepping on all the time and her face remained unchanged, they would feel that she was actually against the sky.

This is corpse oil.A lot of corpse oil.

An unknown moss grows under the corpse oil, that kind of moss covers the entire ground, as soon as one steps on it, a thick juice will flow out, mixing with the corpse oil above, It became this kind of debilitating thing.And imagine the smell.

She didn't know how there was such a large amount of corpse oil here, because she didn't know the origin of this palace, and she didn't know anything about what Du Wenhui and the others had inquired outside.But now she at least knows that there is a lot under the ruins.

Knowing is knowing, it is useless to keep spinning around this place and not getting out.

Moreover, the ground of this place was covered with corpse oil and strange moss, and nothing else could grow at all, so she had nothing to eat.Fortunately, she still has a large bottle of pills that Wuwu takes as snacks. She and Wuwu have taken two pills a day for the past three days, which can maintain the energy needed by the body.But I can't get enough to eat. This stuff nourishes qi, blood and spirit, but it can't fill my stomach.

There are two or three small dwarf trees growing on the high wall above the head, and the water is replenished by chewing the leaves, which are very astringent, but somewhat liquid.

In such a harsh environment, she could eat anything.Just like she had nothing to eat in the rainforest before, she even bit a crocodile and drank its blood.

"Wuwu, you've become stupid anyway, hurry up and find a way out, we'll work separately!" Lou Qi chewed two more leaves and patted Wuwu's head.


Classmate Ziyunhu Wuwu is almost too hungry to growl these days.It jumped out of Lou Qi's arms, ran across the stone wall, and didn't even want to touch those things on the ground.Lou Qi was wearing boots, at worst, he would take off the boots and throw them away, it would not work.

Lou Qi also turned around and went to the other side.

She doesn't believe that there is no exit from this place, no, it should be said that she hasn't even seen the entrance again in the past three days, or else she would have gone out long ago.

Chen Shi and the others naturally didn't come to this place, otherwise they would have met each other long ago.She now feels that the open door above was deliberately opened by the person behind Xiaobao's control, in order to attract people to this place, trap people here, and prevent him from destroying his life. good thing.

If he really had this intention and really wanted to do something to those people, then Chen Shi and the others probably would have died long ago during the few days she was trapped.

Thinking of this, Lou Qi wished that someone would be in front of her right now, and let her Napo kill Ling Chi to give away a thousand pieces of meat.

As she thought about it, she groped and slapped the walls beside her to see if there were any traps, although she had almost slapped the high stone walls on the left and right in the past three days.At this time, she walked to the higher platform, which can also be said to be the highest terrain in this space. There is a huge stove with a huge pot inside. It is estimated that the stove below can be filled at one time. Enter a hundred catties of firewood.Now the stove is full of ashes.

Even if there was food in this pot, she would not dare to eat it, because this is a pot for cooking corpses and refining oil. There is a thick layer of corpse oil in the pot, and when it is half tilted, a large pot of corpse oil will flow out one place.And beside the stove, there were several large earthen pottery jars, some of which were overturned on the ground, and some of which were completely cracked. They were supposed to be full of corpse oil at first, but now they are all gone.There were still a lot of white bones piled up nearby, and several skeletons rolled around and were stuck to the ground by corpse oil.

Ordinary people would probably be scared to death seeing such a scene, it feels like a pass in the [-]th floor of Avici Hell.Of course Lou Qi will not be very comfortable watching it, she is not afraid, but she will feel a little uncomfortable.In modern times, she once went to a very evil chemical factory, where corpses were boiled slowly to refine corpse oil. Those corpse oils were used to make skin care and beauty products. It is said that after using them, the skin was extremely moist and smooth. It's expensive for a small jar.Of course, it is definitely a secret that corpse oil is added in it, and those consumers who buy it do not know that there is such a thing in the skin care products that they put on their faces and bodies every day.What is written on their packaging boxes are all kinds of professional terms that ordinary people don't know.

Many women only look at the effect and don't pay attention to the ingredients.This kind of attention is useless.

So much corpse oil has been refined here, and I don't know how many corpses have been boiled, and what will the oil be used for.Could it be that they also want to make corpse ointment and sell it as skin care products?
Lou Qi has passed by this place many times in the past three days. With daily checks, she would just take a look and leave the next time, but this time she stopped.

If there is any place that has not been carefully inspected in the past three days, it is only this place.

Lou Qi approached the cauldron again and inspected it carefully.She even got into the stove and pulled the thick ash inside, making herself look like a big cat.

No no.

After standing still, her eyes fell on a large tank in the corner.The big tank was two meters high and had a big belly, but most of it was broken, and the inside was empty.It was precisely because it was broken that she hadn't paid attention to it.Now it seems that the tank on the side of the wall is still in good condition, at least you have to take a look.

She walked over, picked up her skills, and opened more than half of the broken vat with one hand.Behind the original vat, a door was exposed.

Lou Qi slapped his forehead and sighed.

The more she lived, the more stupid she became, for such an easy-to-find exit, she had been ignoring the past, so much so that she wandered around in it for three days!

People are not stupid or dead.She was so stupid.

"Woo, woo, come here!" She hurriedly called woo, she had to go out quickly, don't really die of starvation and thirst in here, that smelly old man will definitely sever ties with her, lest she be so stupid and lose him face.

Wuwu ran over, also saw the door, jumped into her arms and groaned a few times with infinite grievances, as if crying.

"Okay, okay, I'm stupid, I've wronged you these few days, and I went out to give you barbecue." Lou Qi patted it on the head lightly.It's just that she's not too sure that this door is the exit.Maybe a gateway to a harsher environment?
But Wuwu trusted her very much, and lay down in her arms to rest after yelling twice.For the past three days, it has been helping to find the exit, jumping up and down, and has nothing to eat, so it is also exhausted.And the most important thing is that thanks to this little thing, she can still talk and interact with life a little bit, otherwise she would be crazy to be trapped in this space full of corpse oil and dead air.

She hugged Wuwu and walked out of the door without hesitation.

There is no other environment than she imagined, just a passage, surrounded by stone slabs, cold but clean, nothing else at all.The passageway is about 1.8 meters high, less than two meters wide enough for two people to walk side by side, and there is not much space.There are some lamps on the left and right, but they have already run out of fire. It’s okay to stand here at the exit. There is a little light, but looking forward, it’s pitch black, and you can’t see your fingers.

I knew she should have brought the night pearl from the blue sea with her, and it can also illuminate in this case.It seems that now we have to move forward in the dark, there is no danger in the dark, Lou Qi doesn't believe it.

She gave a wry smile, in fact, she had known for a long time that with such a desperate temperament, it was impossible for her to just travel around the mountains and play in the water comfortably and comfortably after washing her hands in the gold basin.In her previous life, a friend who later made snacks told her that she was born to be an adventurer, so she has never had any interest in such ordinary people, gentle and harmless, like a girly attraction, so she chose to fly a helicopter to explore Bermuda.

She only loves the precipitous ones in the mountains, and the magnificent ones in the water.What is it if this is not a temperament to die.

"Woo, woo woo." Hu woo jumped out of her embrace, landed lightly on the ground, suddenly raised her head and yelled twice, shaking her whole body, Lou Qi saw that the hair on its body suddenly became much brighter , the purple hairs are not bright, but the silver hairs mixed among the purple hairs are shining one by one. Because there are so many of them, they can probably illuminate a range of about one meter around it.

Such light is enough for her!Lou Qi picked it up in surprise, held it up in front of her, and couldn't help but kissed it on the head. "Wow, you are such a treasure!"

(End of this chapter)

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