Your heart is free

Chapter 251 Missing 1 Footprint

Chapter 251 Missing One Person's Footprints
After being appreciated and kissed, Wuwu is very proud, which can be seen from its suddenly plucked hair and tail that shakes from time to time.


Right, right, it is the most invincible!
Lou Qi walked into the passage holding the Ziyun Fox Wuwu children's shoes that served as lighting.

The sound of her footsteps has always been very light, but it is still very clear in this passage, one by one, after being transmitted out, it is echoed back, as if with a little echo.

This channel is very long, and it is not a straight line.

She didn't know how long she had been walking, but Lou Qi felt that she was really going to faint from hunger, she stopped, and her eyes suddenly went dark.


Lou Qi lowered her head, and found that Wuwu was sluggish and limply nestled in her arms, dying, as if she had lost most of her vitality.


Wuwu couldn't lift her head up, so she let out a weak cry.

Lou Qi turned around in his mind and deduced that it was due to excessive use of energy, and suddenly he was angry and distressed, "You fox, it takes so much mental energy to make your hair brighten, and you still don't want to lose it? Dare to use it?" This stupid fox really lost money just to give her light.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo " this weak cry resembles newborn kitten.

Lou Qi felt sour and soft in his heart.This time, he took out a handful of pills and fed it to it without hesitation, and then stopped it from doing stupid things, hugged it tightly, and continued to move forward in the passage by himself.

She didn't know how long she had been walking, but she stopped when she heard a few small rat calls.She can still insist on not eating or drinking. After all, she has deep internal energy now, but Ziyunhu has consumed too much just now, and the pills alone are probably not effective.

She quietly touched a few silver needles from her waist, and stood motionless in the darkness, blending herself into the darkness, her eyes were easier to use, and she could vaguely see the outline of some passages.


The needle in Lou Qi's hand flew out, and accurately shot a huge wild mouse.

She walked over, picked up the wild mouse, smashed it, and the blood of the mouse flowed out. "Woo hoo."

Wuwu originally ate other small animals raw in the Valley of Gods and Devils. Mountain rats and the like are probably his favorites. He only started eating cooked meat after following her, but there is no condition for roasting or other things here. It's delicious, drink some rat blood, it's better than dying of starvation and thirst.

Wuwu seemed to know that she couldn't drink the blood of the rat, and didn't give it to her. Gulu Gulu greedily sucked the blood of the rat.Drink, why don't you drink, you'll die if you don't drink.

There wasn't much blood from a field mouse, but it was enough to slow Wuwu down a bit.

Lou Qi knew that with the appearance of wild rats, there should be other exits or other spaces nearby, so she raised her vigilance even more.

At this time, her hand suddenly touched a tiny bump, and just about to observe it again, the bump was surprisingly sensitive, and she pressed it down with just a slight movement of her palm.


There was a sound of stone slabs being rubbed open, and then, a piece of light came in.It's like a door opened a new world. Outside the door is a mountain, a stone wall covered with green moss, an old tree that grows crookedly and its trunk is entangled with vines, and spider threads hanging from it. Huge reddish-brown spiders crawling, rocky rocks, some brightly colored flowers growing, a road that doesn't look like a road——

There is a series of footprints of one size.

Lou Qi immediately suppressed the ups and downs of his heart, and went forward to observe calmly.She can recognize the footprints of Chen Shi and Lou Xin. After all, they are partners who have experienced life and death together. This is her habit. Every partner, she usually subconsciously observes some of their habits and characteristics, because there are Sometimes when she is in distress, these characteristics can give her the opportunity to save them, or consider who can help herself more effectively when she is in distress.It has almost become an instinct of hers.

In addition, Chen Shi and Lou Xin have been with her for the past few months, even if she doesn't deliberately pay attention to them, this instinct can make her remember them.

Lou Qi's heart was beating wildly, hoping that she could find the footprints of Chen Shi and Lou Xin here.

Sure enough, she saw the footprints of the two of them!There is also a particularly large footprint, which must belong to Big Lu. He is very tall and has a large footprint at the same time.

There is also a smaller one, which is Xiaosi.

The other five groups are all adult men's footprints, so it should be Tu Ben's.

Sure enough, all of them are here, what is going on?Lou Qi sighed and was about to stand up when suddenly she felt something was wrong, but at this moment she suddenly remembered that she had seen everyone's footprints, so what about Xiaobao's?
Where are Xiao Tianbao's footprints?
Logically speaking, he is the only child here, and his footprints should be the most recognizable with those of the only woman, Xiaosi, but everyone's footprints are there, except his.

Lou Qi frowned, ignored the others, and chased forward along the series of footsteps.

There are ruins on the top, and most of the underground palaces below are well preserved, and some of them are just cracked on the ground.In fact, although there is nothing to find out about this place, Lou Qi can also come to a conclusion after observing that there was an earthquake here.It's just that the earthquake has been going on for a long time, and grass has grown on those fault surfaces that have been broken, and some have grown trees.

When she was in Nora City, she still felt that the spring was cold, and there was a lot of snow that had not yet melted. As expected, spring came first in the wild, and the inside was already lush.But lush doesn't seem to be a good adjective here, because although these plants seem to be alive, but for some reason, Lou Qi feels a little dead and gloomy inside.

This feeling became stronger and stronger as she walked.

Lou Qi began to get anxious, she had a premonition that there must be some appalling situation ahead, and there must be great danger, she didn't know how long Chen Shi and the others had passed, but she hoped that things could get out of hand before things got out of hand. stop them before.

At this time, although she was extremely hungry, she didn't care about looking for something to eat, but she just happened to see a wild fruit tree growing beside the road. She didn't care whether it was poisonous or not, so she grabbed a few in a hurry. I gnawed on one while rushing on the road, and after finding out that there was no problem, I gave two to Wuwu, and ate the remaining two in a hurry.

It is a very sour wild fruit, and the flowers will bloom in spring. These wild fruits are left over from last autumn and winter season, and the taste must not be much better.But with these few fruits, it is already a life-saving for one person and one fox, and there is finally something in the stomach.

Along the way, she rushed past in a hurry, and the mosquitoes would automatically avoid the places she passed, which saved her a lot of trouble.At such a time, Lou Qi was glad that he got the magic raccoon gall.

Thinking of Moracula, Lou Qi couldn't help but think of that extremely domineering man, he just wanted to hold her firmly in his hands, regardless of everything, but in many cases, he was really not selfish.It's like the magic raccoon gall, although she got it, but she didn't know what it was at the beginning, he told her, and then he didn't even think about taking it for himself.Although his reason was that he was already poisoned by the poisonous Gu, and he was not afraid of these things, but what if one day his poisonous Gu was cured?
People who have been hit by the poisonous Gu and have been tortured will want to have the ability to resist these two things even more. The magic raccoon gallbladder is the best, but he only remembers to let her eat it quickly.

And millennium chalcedony.At that time, the thousand-year-old stone marrow should be what he needed most. He was tortured by the poisonous Gu. If he took all the thousand-year-old stone marrow, his internal strength would be greatly increased, and his physical fitness would at least be enhanced. When tortured by Gu, it has more energy.

But he also gave her all of it, and she insisted on giving him back a sip.

There are also Posha and Taxue, the former is No. 1 in the list of the best soldiers in the world, and the latter is a bloody horse with a strong spirituality. He gave it to her without even frowning.

Not to mention the love that at the beginning in the Valley of Lost, when she fell into the abyss, he immediately let go and jumped down.At the bottom of the water in Yunfeng Mountain Villa, among the creatures laughing fiercely, he desperately broke through the confinement to save her life.

He is domineering and strong, but objectively speaking, he never hesitates to give to her.

The difference in emotional outlook is related to the overall environment. She is just too lazy to forcibly turn him around. She will be disappointed, and her heart will be somewhat sad and uncomfortable, but one thing she is free and easy is that she will not turn him around because of this. This person vetoed it all.

This may also be the reason why she still wanted to help him as much as possible after she left.They lived and died together, in Lou Qi's view, even if they can't become lovers and couples, Shen Sha will still be one of the most important people in her life.She is willing to do everything she can to help him and help him achieve great things, and she has always believed that if she needs it, he will come without hesitation.

This is the tacit understanding between them.

A bone-piercing coldness suddenly hit his face, Lou Qi's expression turned serious, and he stopped his forward steps hastily.

She took a step back, and only then began to observe the environment she was in.There were no trees, the ground was covered with grass, and there was a deep gully in front of it. There was a huge drop in the ground, and she couldn't see what was ahead.And the place where she is standing now is also a deep longitudinal ditch. She is standing in the ditch about two people high, and there are occasional hollows that collapsed on the left and right.

How has this piece of land been ravaged by nature?

The footprints at this place are already somewhat blurred, because some areas are covered with grass, and some areas are hard soil and stones, so the footprints cannot be seen.But she knew that they must be heading in this direction all the way, because there was only one way to go.

At this time, she heard a faint chant.

I couldn't hear the content of the chanting, just the high and low voice, the voice was like a magic voice, and it kept drilling into my ears.Her complexion changed a little, and she was about to take two steps closer to take a look, when a hand stretched out from the side and grabbed her arm, Lou Qi turned her other wrist, Po Sha was already in her hand, her figure twisted Moving, Po Sha slashed at that hand with a cold light.

(End of this chapter)

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