Chapter 252
A deep voice sounded at the same time as she smelled the familiar scent, "Girl, it's a subordinate!"

Lou Qi's heart that had been on his mind was put down for a moment.

Chen Shi got out from a hole in the soil next to him. Obviously, he also relaxed when he saw Lou Qi.The tense heart these past few days, the uncontrollable despair and the little fear in his heart dissipated instantly when he saw Lou Qi.

He knew that this was not pure dependence, but that Lou Qi had become a lamp in his spirit, with her there was light.At this moment, Chen Shi was convinced that he would follow her for the rest of his life.

Lou Qi grabbed his hand and pulled him back, and didn't stop until he exited the bone-piercing ice.At this time, she looked at Chen Shi and saw that he was only dirty and not injured, so she really felt relieved.But there was only him alone, and she felt that she couldn't relax.

"Girl, that day we—"

Lou Qi interrupted him, "Tell me first, what about the others?"

Chen Shi pointed to the deep ravine in front of him, his voice was rough, "They were all arrested, and so was Lou Xin."

"Who was caught?"

There was a little fear in Chen Shi's eyes. Recalling that scene, he still feels chills in his heart, "It's not a person, it's not a person, it's like a thick black fog, black and gray, and then it turns into a human head. The mouth was so huge that they all fell down and were swallowed by that thing. After the thing swallowed them, they sank slowly, but the subordinates could still hear their voices, so it was judged that they were not dead yet. It's just that the subordinates don't know how to get down, girl, the ravine is very deep, looking inside, it looks like a black river filled with black mist, and you can't see what's going on below at all!"

Lou Qi nodded: "Chen Shi, it's very good that you didn't go down rashly. It shows that you listened to what I usually said. Did you hear the chanting after they were arrested?"

Hearing her question, Chen Shi was stunned, "What recitation?"

Lou Qi was also stunned, "Can't you hear?"

Chen Shi shook his head.

"Maybe the skill of the subordinate is far inferior to the girl, so I can't hear it."

This may be the reason, but Lou Qi thinks it may not be the reason. "You wait here, I'll go and have a look."

Although she had heard Chen Shi's narration, but she hadn't seen it with her own eyes in the past, she still didn't know that she didn't have intuitive cognition.

"Be careful girl."

Lou Qi walked forward, then suddenly turned around and asked, "Where's Xiaobao?"

Chen Shi gritted his teeth, "Little Treasure disappeared as soon as he entered the underground palace, and he couldn't find it no matter what."

It can be seen that although he doubts Xiaobao, he doesn't want to kill him easily. There is no evidence yet, so he can only tell her the truth.

Lou Qi nodded, "If you see Xiaobao again, guard against him first."

Chen Shi breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately agreed.He was a little worried that Lou Qi would be the same as Xiaosi before, he felt that he could not hurt Xiaobao's heart before there was no evidence, he felt that he was just a child, and under such circumstances, he would probably go crazy with fright, and if he was excluded by them , that was too cruel for him.

Lou Qi never thinks that way, sometimes, taking precautions first isn't about harm, it's just about reducing the damage.

She walked towards the deep ravine with Wuwu in her arms, approaching step by step, the further she walked, the colder it became.Lou Qi thought of the Yinyue leader, and her bone refiner also had the same chill.Therefore, there must be countless dead people or skeletons at the bottom, maybe all the bones picked out from the corpse that boiled the corpse oil before were thrown here.

She squatted down on the edge, and the voice of the chanting became clearer, but she couldn't recognize the language, so she couldn't understand the content of the chanting.Carefully sticking her head out, although Chen Shi's description made her mentally prepared, she still took a deep breath when she saw the thick black mist rolling in the entire deep ravine.

The mist is not thin and light, but more like thick black water, which has almost become a substance, flowing and tumbling, like a torrent of rivers, but it is black!

No matter what the situation is, normal ordinary people will definitely be harmful to their health if they stay there for a long time.If there are too many dead people, the poisonous substances emitted by the corpses will also make people feel uncomfortable, and in severe cases, they will die.

So we have to rescue Lou Xin and the others as soon as possible.

She retreated back and said to Chen Shi: "If you want to go down to save people, you stay here and I go down by myself, in case something happens, I can take care of it."

Chen Shi didn't believe the answer at all, "Girl, my subordinates don't agree with you going down alone!"

"You have grown up, and you need to agree to this girl's decision?"

Lou Qi gave him a sideways glance, but Chen Shi still said stubbornly: "No matter what the girl says, we have to do it together."

He knew that she didn't want him to take risks. The situation below was unpredictable, but it seemed more dangerous than the few times they had experienced before.Perhaps, it cannot be said to be dangerous, but it should be said to be thrilling.Thrilling, they can overcome it by force, but sometimes thrilling things are not something they can overcome if they want to.

"Then you want this girl to knock you out here?"

Chen Shi: "."

Girl, you are ruthless!
It's not that Lou Qi doesn't want him to go down, she still smiles with him now because she doesn't want him to think it's scary, but in fact, this smile is a fake.This may be the most deadly place she has ever seen!If you don't have a strong enough mind and a strong enough physical condition, you won't be able to go very far if you go down.It’s okay to save one person, but it’s very difficult to save so many people!
So, she has already made the worst mental preparations, maybe this time, she just went down to see how Lou Xin and their lives went on the last journey, and then, to avenge them.Therefore, she couldn't let Chen Shi go down and lose his life in vain.

"Wuwu, stay here with Chen Shi." Lou Qi handed Ziyunhu to Chen Shi, "Remember, if I haven't come up in three days, let Wuwu take you away."

Chen Shi's heart twitched suddenly.


"Don't mother-in-law waste my time." Lou Qi waved her hand, and flew out of the deep ravine without any hesitation, flying down like a beautiful butterfly.

Chen Shi watched her figure disappear from his field of vision, and suddenly tears blurred his vision.He was a little confused. He and Lou Xin chose to follow the girl out, and chose to follow her as her bodyguard. Was this decision wrong?
It seems that along the way, as the master, she has done more for them and saved them more.Wouldn't she be safer if she was the only one?
Chen Shi has lived for more than 20 years, and he has never been so tearful and heartbroken like this moment.

He decided that if the girl didn't come up after three days, he would jump off too, and life and death would be together.

At this time, he was shocked to hear a clear chant from the deep ravine to his ears, and the black mist suddenly rushed up like a monster, as if covering the deep ravine, non-stop Rolling, there is a tendency to gallop.The endless coldness hit his face again, his whole body trembled uncontrollably, his teeth were chattering up and down non-stop.

He couldn't resist this kind of cold.

His whole body seemed to be frozen, and he couldn't lift his legs even if he wanted to take two steps back.It's already so cold above here, so what about below?Into the deep ravine?For a moment, he was almost desperate.

At this time, Ziyunhu in his arms suddenly vibrated, and then, a warm feeling spread from his arms to his whole body, and the coldness dissipated a lot at once.

"Woooo." Wuwu pushed his head against his chest.

"Are you telling me to back off?" Chen Shi choked on his voice.


Back, back, back.This kind of coldness is unbearable for ordinary people.

Chen Shi retreated seven steps before he escaped from the cold range.

But the purple cloud fox in his arms suddenly jumped out of his arms, flew out like a ray of purple light as fast as lightning, and jumped into the thick black mist in the blink of an eye!

Lou Qi didn't know that Ziyunhu also jumped down.After jumping down the deep ravine, she felt the chill, and immediately used her internal energy to resist, and at the same time sprinted down the ditch wall in a sliding manner.Shen Sha could do this before, but she couldn't, but now she can too.

The thick black mist surged up violently, submerging her whole body at once.This mist tide is poisonous, she can distinguish it, but those people probably didn't think that she is invulnerable to all poisons, right?

She couldn't see her fingers in the fog. To prevent the fog from hurting her eyes, she simply closed her eyes and continued to leap down relying only on her hearing, intuition and senses.

Stepping on flat ground under her feet, Lou Qi knew she was in the end.

That chanting was extremely clear at the moment, but it still sounded a little far away from her.She felt that there seemed to be no dense fog around her, so she opened her eyes, sure enough.

Looking up, the thick fog continued to roll in the air three to five meters above the head, but now it looked like a dark cloud covering the top.

She looked at the top of her head thoughtfully.

Could this be what the old man once told her, a kind of reciting ability of a foreign race?She couldn't explain this kind of thing, but being unknown didn't mean being afraid.

As long as there are people below, she feels that she is fighting with people, not with nature.

At the bottom of this deep ravine, not a single blade of grass grows, and there are gravels under the feet, and there are some black gravels.She is now in the middle section, and she can't see anything in the front and back. It should be almost night now, and with the black mist covering the roof, it is even darker below, and the visibility is extremely low.

What Chen Shi said, the scene of the black mist turning into human heads and swallowing so many people did not happen to her. From this, Lou Qi guessed that it was because Xiaobao brought them with them when they came, and the people below She was already prepared, but no one knew when she came down, she was not prepared.Even if I know it now, it's too late.

It was really dead under here.

Lou Qi formed a hand formula and was about to track Lou Xin and the others when she suddenly felt something falling from her head. She was about to fly away to avoid being crushed to death, but she heard a whining sound.


Lou Qi looked up in disbelief, and sure enough, she saw Wuwu falling straight towards her.

(End of this chapter)

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