Your heart is free

Chapter 253 Human Sacrifice

Chapter 253 Human Sacrifice
"You—" Lou Qi caught the purple cloud fox that had jumped into her arms, but couldn't speak, and could only sigh and rub its head.

I didn't expect Ziyunhu to be so affectionate, and he would never leave her.


Wuwu children's shoes looked up at her with those watery eyes, looking very aggrieved.

Is it really good to leave people behind?It is agreed to give it barbecue.

Lou Qi pressed her face against it and rubbed it, "Okay, this girl has decided, even if I meet old man Jin again in the future, I will not give you up to him, and let his granddaughter-in-law hold a hot water bottle or a heater Come on, you are mine!"


"You also agree, don't you? Then it's settled. In the future, we will share the blessings and share the difficulties. Uh, now it is estimated that the blessings will not be enjoyed, and it will be difficult."

Her eyes fell on the things in front of her that seemed to be a mass of blackness, and she hugged her tightly.Damn, damn, shouldn't this be something that should appear in Tomb Raiders?Why is she not a tomb robber or Jindou, but she has to face these things?

They are all cyan-colored, ugly and disgusting, corpse weeters.

So many, so many, tens of thousands, crawling over quickly, like a swarm of insects.

Lou Qi is not sure whether the magic raccoon gall has any effect on this kind of thing, because it is not a bug in the traditional sense.Maybe it also works, but seeing so many corpses, should she stand here and wait to test the effect of the magic raccoon gall?If not, then she must be covered all over?

It's disgusting to think about it!
run, run.

Lou Qi hugged Ziyun Fox, turned his head and ran, his speed was as fast as lightning, and he threw away the large group of corpses without a trace.

One person and one fox exhaled at the same time.

"It's so evil here, they think it's more dangerous than good." Although Lou Qi's heart was extremely sore, his expression was calmer.She would not give up until she saw it with her own eyes, and it was not her habit to announce the death of her partner without confirmation.

She continued to walk forward, the chants were getting closer and closer, Lou Qi's attention was focused on the direction where the voices were coming from, suddenly her feet were empty, and she fell down.

At this moment, the voice of chanting was very clear, and she immediately recognized that if she fell, she must be approaching those who chanted, and falling would be too passive!

In the blink of an eye, Lou Qi pulled out the Soul Slaying Whip, shot out the sharp knife at the end, flung it out, and inserted it into the mountain wall beside her. She followed suit, Ziyun Fox cooperated very well, and rushed to her shoulder On the ground, let her free the other hand, barely grabbed a protruding stone, and her whole body stuck to it like a gecko.

Do all this, silently.

Presumably she stepped on the mechanism by mistake, and no one noticed her, so no movement was introduced.The chanting sound was still going on, Lou Qi came down lightly, and saw a door made of hard soil, with dim candlelight shining through it.

She thought she finally saw the person who was playing tricks inside, she thought she would finally see Lou Xin and others, but when she poked her head out to look, she was shocked to find hundreds of people kneeling inside, all of whom were dressed in black. clothes, and all of them are old children, women and children!

There were even babies held in their arms, and some pale-faced and unusually thin children.

They all had their backs to her and knelt on the ground.This is a hall built with hard soil, without any furniture, there is a round soil platform in the middle, and a rectangular soil bed is built on it, and a woman is lying on it now.

Because of the distance, she could only see a woman on it, but she couldn't see who it was, and she couldn't even see the color of the clothes.

There are simple candlesticks on the surrounding walls, with candles on them, but the candlelight is very dim, and they cast black shadows, making the hall full of kneeling women and children in black look even more gloomy.

Lou Qi's heart was stabbed for a moment, although she felt that she should have no feelings for the unfamiliar Xiaosi, but if she just found someone related to her master and died like this, Lou Qi would feel that she It's really useless, and I'm sorry for the old man who didn't do what he promised.

That woman, other than Xiaosi, Lou Qi really didn't know who it was.

She approached quietly, and with a flick of her figure, she floated over the heads of these kneeling men in black who bowed their heads and chanted, without disturbing anyone.

Her heart clenched together, and she looked towards the woman.

Huh?It's not Xiaosi!
However, that woman is alive!It's just that her mouth was sewn up with black needles and blood, and it looked like a centipede had crawled on her lips.

Her eyes were open, revealing the fear and despair of the deep bathroom, the kind of despair that makes people feel shivering when they see it.

When she saw Lou Qi, her eyes widened all of a sudden, her body twisted without twisting, as if her whole body was fixed on it, she couldn't speak, couldn't move her hands, and a group of men in black faced her. She didn't know what the hell she was chanting, and she was still in such a weird and terrifying place. If this woman came from outside and was a normal person, then it would be very rare for her not to be scared to death or go crazy. !
The woman looked at Lou Qi, her eyes flashed light quickly, Lou Qi could see her begging for help, but there was nothing she could do at the moment.She is selfish, the purpose of her coming down is to save her own people, before she finds them, she really doesn't want to startle the enemy.

However, she was willing to give her a little help, and it was up to her whether she could save herself.

She moved over very lightly.

The woman thought she was really coming to save herself, her eyes were ecstatically excited.

Those people who were kneeling did not raise their heads, they just maintained a posture, kneeling and lowering their heads, chanting continuously.

The voices they chanted were flat and unwavering, and their tones were almost flat. The feeling of reciting was stiff and weird.But this hall is rare without that kind of cold place, as if that kind of coldness has been isolated.

When Lou Qi got closer, he saw that the woman's wrists were fixed by two iron rings embedded in the soil bed, and she also had a similar iron ring around her neck.

She raised her index finger to her lips to signal the woman to keep quiet, and took out the killing machine, and cut all the iron rings that were holding her in place.Just as she was about to cut the thread on her lips, the woman suddenly got up like crazy, jumped off the soil bed and rushed out towards the door.

Lou Qi retreated in an instant, flew to another corner, and pressed his body tightly against the sunken wall, minimizing his sense of existence.

She looked at the woman like a monster.

Miss, do you have a brain?ah!
Have no brains!This is simply not wanting to live, okay?
Even if you're quiet and sneaky, it's okay to rush out like this, and you have to pass through hundreds of men in black. Do you think you didn't die fast enough?

Even she didn't dare to underestimate these people. Although they were old, young, women and children, in such a place and on such occasions, it was obvious that they were abnormal and weird, okay?

She knew that most people would be so frightened that they lost their minds, but she was really speechless about this act of sending her to death. Moreover, if she hadn't flashed fast just now, she would have been implicated and her whereabouts would have been exposed.

If you are not stupid, you will not die. This is the kind of person you are talking about.

"What is the crime for destroying the sacrifice?"

A gloomy voice sounded, and then, several old men among the hundreds of people stood up and surrounded the woman at the same time, and they stretched out their hands that had been hidden in the black robes to grab the woman, Only then did Lou Qi realize that their hands were all skinny and their nails were extremely long, making them look like zombies.

The woman was caught immediately. The skinny old men looked weak, but in fact they were extremely powerful. They lifted the woman up flat and sent them back to the earthen bed. Without any further discussion, he lifted her up high, and at the same time threw her forcefully onto the soil bed.With a bang, Lou Qi's teeth softened when he heard the sound.

She heard the sound of the woman's entire spine being broken.

The woman's mouth was slit and she couldn't cry out, but the painfully distorted face could let people know how much pain she was in.

She seemed to have become a rubber figure, her whole body was limp and unable to move.

One of the old men seemed to glance at the cut iron rings, but he didn't say anything strangely.

The cold voice just now sounded again, "The sacrifice is not obedient, go to the next step directly."

What's next?
Before the chanting stopped, an old woman walked out of the crowd leading a child. Lou Qi was shocked to find that this child was Xiaobao!
Xiao Tianbao!
Right now, he looks like he was sleepwalking when he was looking for that baby that night, but his face is pale with a little gray. If he fell asleep like this, he would be no different from a dead person.

Xiaobao walked over, and the old woman handed him a knife, and he took it mechanically, and then cut a wound on the woman's wrist, and blood flowed down.

Lou Qi opened his eyes wide, watching Xiaobao in amazement performing such a living sacrifice.

The blood flowed down, and the old woman grabbed her hand, and soon a woman came forward with the baby in her arms, pinched the baby's mouth, and let him catch a few drops of blood.

This is--

Everyone stepped forward one by one, each took a few drops of blood with their mouths, and the rest continued to chant.

And Lou Qi also saw these people clearly, just because she could see clearly, she was even more horrified in her heart, these people had no blood color, their eye sockets were black, like dead people.

Everyone drank the blood, but the woman was strangely still breathing, and she was not dead yet.

Xiaobao raised the knife again, pierced the woman's eyebrow with one knife, and cut it down with force.Then the old woman took the knife in his hand and started to cut the flesh and bones in front of so many people
Lou Qi really wanted to scold her for being a damned pervert, but just as her breath was disturbed, she saw the old woman suddenly stopped and looked towards her.

(End of this chapter)

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