Your heart is free

Chapter 254 The emperor is here

Chapter 254 The emperor is here
Lou Qi felt like being watched by a ghost.

The old woman slowly raised her hand, pointing at her with a finger with long pointed nails, and said hoarsely, "She's here, do it."

Here she comes, do it.

Lou Qi only guessed from this sentence that these people knew her, no, maybe their original target was her.Chen Shi and the others were just bait, to lure her here.

But she doesn't know them, and besides, she doesn't seem to have offended these people.

Or is there something they want in her?

No matter how you think about it, those old men who grabbed the woman just now have rushed towards her again.Lou Qi saw that Xiaobao retreated into the crowd, the others were still chanting, only Xiaobao's mouth did not move, he was more like a controlled puppet.

When these people rushed over, Lou Qi smelled a bad smell, but they were human, real people.

It's not that there are ghosts here, it's the atmosphere created by these people, and it's the things they do that make people feel horrible.

"Do you want to catch me or kill me?"

Standing up quickly, Lou Qi stepped lightly on those old men, retreated to the other side, and couldn't help asking loudly.She was holding the Soul Slaughter Whip, she never thought that there would be a chance for it to show its might so soon.

The old woman looked at her with a very stiff face, but if she insisted on showing a smile, it would be unbearably ugly.

"kill you."

Depend on.The purpose is so clear, it shouldn't be for her things.

"If you want to kill me, can you let me be a sensible ghost?" People are willing to talk, and she is also willing to ask a few more questions. As for why these people are trying to find her, Lou Qi feels that she must ask clearly.

"Understood ghost," said the old woman: "Ghost, you can't do it for the time being, let's multiply and plant for our people first. Catch her."


go to your sister.

Lou Qi threw out his long whip, and wrapped up an old man who was rushing towards him, then rolled him up all of a sudden, and ruthlessly threw it towards the others.

Sweep one.

But she felt that these old men should not be the main force of these people, what about young people?Where are all the young men?
Also, what about Lou Xin and the others?

Her eyes were condensed, and she didn't show any mercy in her strikes. She saw a black light sweeping out the place she passed, and the long whip seemed to have life, flexible and sturdy.


An old man was thrown out with a scream, and his head hit the corner of the bed, bleeding profusely.

"It turns out that you both suffer from pain and bleed. I thought you would become ghosts if you pretended to be ghosts for a long time." Lou Qi sneered.Ziyunhu rushed out, and grabbed the face of a woman behind who wanted to sneak attack.

Want to sneak attack, no way, no way!
One person and one fox were so tough that they showed shocking expressions.

"Set up formation, use Gu formation." The old woman didn't seem to have thought that Lou Qi would be so strong, she dug and dug in her sleeve robe, and even pulled out a bug.

The worm was crimson, very big, with a hard armor, and a long, sharp thorn on the top of its head, which was still twisting and twisting in her hands.

Lou Qi really didn't know how she hid such a bug in her sleeve pocket, but now she was almost certain that this old woman was from Nanjiang, or she had worshiped a Nanjiang person as her teacher.

The southern Xinjiang people she hates the most are those who feed bugs.

She happened to know the Gu array, that is, these people have a natal Gu, and the formation formed by herself and the natal Gu is very powerful, and those Gu insects will be directed to fill the small gaps that people can't notice, and People will force the people in the formation to panic and show their flaws as much as possible, creating opportunities for Gu worms to attack.

She understands how powerful the Gu formation is, so she doesn't want to fight, she just wants to find Lou Xin and the others quickly.

So when their formation was not completed, Lou Qi suddenly swung his whip, and the sharp knife at the end popped out, stabbing fiercely towards the old woman's chest.

The old woman tried to block it, but she suddenly retreated, and her figure quickly flashed into a small door she had spotted just now.

"Damn it, let her run away!"

"Grandma, do you want to chase?" A woman asked timidly.

The old woman glanced at her: "She went in the direction of the patriarch and the others. That's a sheep in the mouth of a tiger. Can you escape? You all stay here and continue to sacrifice."


The old woman grabbed the scarlet beetle, and showed a stiff and creepy smile again, she said to herself: "Lou Qi, the road ahead is still long, you have entered the place where my ghost clan is, I hope you can enjoy it." Longer." She slowly entered through the small door that Lou Qi just entered.Xiao Tianbao lowered his head and followed her mechanically.

It's weird and vicious, like ghosts and ghosts laughing in the dark night.

In the dark night, there were still people travelling, their black hair covered in dew, rushing to the ruins of Prince Yi's palace.

In the silence, someone suddenly screamed.

A woman who got up late at night and wanted to come over and try to see if she could get a million dollars was frightened by a man covered in blood.

The torches were quickly lit all around, and people who had not slept soundly got up one after another and came out of the tents, fearing that they would miss something important.

The firelight illuminated the man.

That person escaped from the ruins, this is the first person to come out of it in four days, but he is also too terrifying, one eyeball protruded, hanging in the eye socket, precariously.One arm was severed at the wrist, the clothes on his upper body were so torn that he could not cover his body, and there was a bloodstain on his chest, which was very straight, as if someone was going to cut him straight from the middle of his chest, and one of the wounds was deeper, and the blood continued Oozed out.

Everyone gasped in unison.

"What the hell is in here?"

"How did he become like this? Someone killed someone inside?" I have to say, this one is the truth.

"Don't forget, this is a ghost palace." Someone said quietly, successfully making the noisy crowd fall silent at the same time.

Yes, this is a ghost palace!They all forgot, and they all only thought about Cunyouguo, ten million gold, and one hundred hectares of fertile land.

The man rushed out, and the soldiers guarding the entrance didn't dare to stop him, so they stepped away one after another.

He seemed to have persisted here with a will, stepped out of the set door, fell to the ground, twitched a few times, and remained motionless.

"Quick, Master Bing, see if he is dead." Someone called out.There are generals guarding here, and they are still safe.But calling Bing Ye at this time is just because they feel a little guilty in their hearts.

A soldier stepped forward and stretched out his finger to reach the man's breath. Just as he stretched out his finger, the man suddenly raised his head, yelled "Don't cook me" in horror, and then snapped his finger Bite.

"Ahh! Pain! Let go!" the soldier screamed, desperately trying to pull out his finger, but he pulled it out, but the finger had already been bitten off!
"Fuck!" The soldiers next to him were startled, and subconsciously drew their swords and stabbed at the man. Three swords in a row, the man died instantly.

And the soldier whose finger was bitten off covered his wound with horror on his face, raised his head and asked everyone: "Will he be poisonous? Will I die?"

Everyone: "."

Du Wenhui led his men to stand on the periphery. Seeing this, his complexion became even worse.What is the situation here? 45 people went in and only one came out!And the person who came out was so terribly injured, and he was so frightened out of his mind, he really couldn't imagine what it would be like for the imperial concubine to be a woman inside!
He didn't say it out, but one of the subordinates standing beside him couldn't help but whispered: "Boss, the imperial concubine should be more ominous than ominous, right?"

Du Wenhui's heart trembled, he didn't dare to imagine the imperial concubine becoming this man, if she had such injuries all over her body——

Before he had time to reprimand that subordinate, he said another sentence: "What if the imperial concubine is also injured like this?"

Several people suddenly felt that the surroundings became colder, and some even stroked their arms subconsciously. Just as they were about to say something really fucking evil, a voice as cold as ice came into their ears.

"Who do you say is more dangerous than good? Who is hurt?"

Du Wenhui almost jumped up!
Dijun's voice!
He turned around abruptly, and saw the tall and stern man coming towards the night, carrying a cold air.

Du Wenhui instinctively wanted to kneel down and salute, but reason told him that this place was not suitable.The emperor actually brought only two people here!


Shen Sha not only gives people the feeling of being cold, in fact, even his heart is cold now.Wearing the stars and wearing the moon, he flew all the way, and rushed to the cold dew covered in such a way, and what he heard were these two sentences.

The emperor and concubine are more fortunate than fortunate.

The imperial concubine was injured like this.

He wants to kill.His heart almost stopped just now, and he thought he couldn't keep up!This man, damn it.

"Du Wenhui, why don't you answer quickly! The emperor asks you, how is the imperial concubine doing now?" Yue who came after saw Shen Sha's appearance and knew that the man had violated his taboo.

Lou Qi's ability is very strong and they all know that Dijun doesn't allow anyone to say that something happened to her, that she was injured, that it's a bad luck.

No guesswork.

Dijun does not allow anyone to curse her.It can also be said that he himself can't listen to her bad words at all.

If he doesn't make a sound, the Yi Cheng who dared to say a few words will be killed. Although the skills of the three hundred Yi Cheng are not necessarily very high, they all have their own abilities, and it would be a pity to die.

Du Wenhui quickly responded: "Go back to the emperor, the emperor and concubine have marched into the ruins for four days, and there is no news yet!"

When Shen Sha saw the utterly dead body about to be carried away, his face was instantly covered with a layer of frost, his figure flashed, and before everyone had time to react, he swept in like a bolt of lightning, instantly The figure disappeared behind a ruined wall.


Du Wenhui: "."

Dijun, can you not be in such a hurry?What should they do?It's dangerous inside!

Yue gritted her teeth: "Let's go, let's all follow!"

Go in and catch up quickly.It will be fifteen in two days, has Dijun forgotten this!At that time, there was no one around him, even if he took Lou Qi's blood and drank it, it wouldn't hurt, but he couldn't move, what should he do if he encountered any danger?
"Quick!" Quick, quick.

(End of this chapter)

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