Your heart is free

Chapter 255 The girl is the heaviest

Chapter 255 The girl is the heaviest

The people around the ruins were in a mess.

Someone said, "Crazy, these people are crazy."

Isn't it crazy?Obviously, only one person escaped so horribly just now, what was the last sentence he said?
Don't cook me.

Is there a hell in there?Is there a frying pan to fry people?
In any case, from these three words, it can be heard that there must be something terrifying inside, and it must be extremely dangerous.

They all plan to discuss it further, or to see if they can bring more weapons and the like, and some people plan to go together. The number of people is strong, and the rewards will be divided equally at that time!

Under such circumstances, someone actually wanted to rush in.

The soldiers stopped: "You can only go in at dawn!"

"Go away!"

With one palm, Yue Wei sent the person flying, and flew in.He couldn't be too late, if he slowed down a little bit and couldn't catch up with the Lord God, the matter would be serious.

"Who are you? You still want to force your way in, don't you?" Seeing that Yue couldn't be stopped, the remaining soldiers didn't dare to go in and chase after them, so they all stopped Du Wenhui and others.

Du Wenhui kicked the man to the ground and shouted, "Go!"

go, go.The imperial concubine didn't let them follow, but now people don't know what's going on inside, if something happens, he can't absolve himself of the blame.What's more, now that the emperor and Lord Yuewei have entered, what reason do they have to stay outside?
Ten people rushed in after him.

Charge, whoever blocks kills whoever.

Seeing that they were approaching menacingly and bravely, those soldiers finally let go.

"Let them go, let them go! Once you enter this gate, life and death are at your fingertips! Don't blame us for what happens!" A general shouted at the top of his voice.

Du Wenhui pretended not to hear, led ten of his men, and chased towards Yuewei at their fastest speed.

The sky was about to dawn, and Chen Shi didn't know how he survived the night. He stood there all night, looking at the deep ravine, motionless, and his whole body was almost frozen into an icicle.

But he was afraid that if he walked away or turned around, he would miss Lou Qifei's figure.He wants to watch, keep watching!

"Chen Ten."

Chen Shi shuddered and couldn't believe it.Whose voice did he hear?
His stiff body wanted to turn around, but he almost fell to the ground. He hadn't eaten for a few days, and he experienced such emotional ups and downs yesterday, plus standing like this all night, Chen Shi had almost reached the limit of his body. A will is holding on.

A strong hand supported him and helped him up.


When Chen Shi saw the person who could not have appeared here, he almost cried bitterly.He didn't have time to say anything else, didn't even bother to say anything, he just pointed to the deep ravine immediately, and hurriedly said: "Young lady, go down!"

At this moment, Chen Shi wasn't thinking about Shen Sha's safety, he was only thinking about Lou Qi's safety, the emperor came, so he had to find a way, find a way to save her!
But how did he know that as soon as his words fell, Shen Sha let go of his hand, and strode towards the deep ravine.The tumbling black mist seemed to be telling everyone who saw it that this is hell, and there is no return here!
It was cold to the bone.dead air.

Shen Sha just glanced at it, and then jumped down.


Chen Shi rushed over in shock, but Shen Sha was no longer in sight.

He really didn't think about Shen Sha's safety, but he also didn't expect Shen Sha to jump down without even thinking about it!

The voice of Yue came from behind, and it was approaching quickly.Yue was horrified by the situation in front of him. When he saw Chen Shi lying on the ground, he asked anxiously, "Chen Shi, did you see the emperor?"

Chen Shi is here, and Lou Qi must be here too, but I don't see anyone now, could it be——

Yue stared at the billowing black mist in amazement, his complexion suddenly changed.

Dijun shouldn't be!

Chen Shi breathed a sigh of relief, and pointed to the front: "The girl is below, the emperor is going down to save the girl." Yes, with the emperor going down, the girl's chance of escape should be much higher, right?
He is not thinking about other people now, although the possibility of Lou Xin's death also makes him feel a dull pain, but he believes that if Lou Xinquan knows, he must hope that the girl is safe and sound.

Yue gasped, "Why didn't you stop Dijun?"

Chen Shi raised his head, "Why should I stop the emperor?" He used to call himself a subordinate in front of Yuewei in Poyu, but now he is no longer the bodyguard of Poyu, he is not Yuewei's subordinate, his master It was Lou Qi, so he didn't claim to be his subordinate in front of Yue.

Yue said angrily, "Don't you know the danger here?"

"I know!" Chen Shi also raised his voice, "I know! But the emperor is going to save the girl!"

As long as he went down to save the girl, no one would stop him from going there!

Yue looked at Chen Shi in disbelief, only then did he realize that he had changed. "What if the emperor is in danger?"

Chen Shidao: "No matter how dangerous it is down here, you should save the girl! The girl is all for the emperor, so what if the emperor takes the risk to save her?"

"Chen Shi, do you really think that you are only from Lou Qi? Have you forgotten your loyalty to the emperor?"

"I haven't forgotten! But, I'm just the girl's bodyguard now! In my heart, the girl is the most important thing!" Even the emperor has to stand aside!
Chen Shi was decisive.

Yue Xin was shocked, she never thought that Chen Shi would become like this now.At the beginning, Chen Shi, Lou Xin, these people all followed the emperor to fight, broke into the broken field wasteland, captured the broken domain city, and conquered the country.They are the bravest and most loyal bodyguards around Dijun, and they only have Dijun in their hearts!
But in just a few short months, his heart has already turned towards Lou Qi. In Chen Shi's eyes, Yue saw a cluster of burning and jumping flames!That's her utter desperation towards Lou Qi!Lou Qi is the flame in his eyes!
What did Lou Qi do to win Chen Shi's heart like this?What exactly did Lou Qi do to make Chen Shi, who used to be quiet and showy, now seem to be infected with a kind of enthusiasm?
"Emperor, Emperor Concubine, we all have to save, you tell me what you know." Yue compromised, in fact, he also wanted to save Lou Qi, but he was different from Chen Shi, in his heart, the emperor was the most important thing. .

Lou Qi exhaled lightly, feeling restless for a while.

One night passed, and she hadn't found Lou Xin and others, but she saw a lot of corpses.Those people seemed to have just come from outside. She didn't know why these people died here, but it looked like they fell to death one by one, and they fell to pieces.

What she didn't know was that the old woman had indeed opened the door for her on purpose.Those clothes rags were also hung up on purpose by her.The purpose was to lure her into the place where the corpse oil was boiled. She thought it was impossible for Lou Qi to come out. She thought that Lou Qi would be locked up inside for a few days, and she would be half-starved to death. Anyway, she still has some important things to do.

And after she came in, the door was sealed.What they opened were other doors, which could lead outsiders in. Some of them guarded everywhere, hunting and killing those outsiders who wanted to break in. After killing, someone transported them to the other side of the deep ravine, and threw their bodies down directly.

The inside is bigger than Lou Qi imagined, but many roads are going around in circles, she found a slightly safer stone cave suitable for rest after going around in the middle of the night, and huddled inside to rest for an hour.One thing to be thankful for is that because of the large space here, the dead air is very thin in the back. If Lou Xin and the others are brought to the back, it should be fine.Just hope they don't get murdered.

Lou Qi felt that she was about to faint from starvation. Ziyunhu ate most of the pills, and she also ate some. If she couldn't find any more, she would starve to death here together.

It's just that after practicing martial arts and gaining internal strength, it is impossible to live without eating whole grains like the legendary cultivator.

She was about to come out of the cave when she suddenly heard voices coming from the other side of the stone wall.She immediately withdrew her foot and put her ear against the stone wall to listen carefully.

"Father, I don't know who spread the news about the Cun Youguo here. Now there are so many people around outside, and people come in every day. It's not a solution for us to kill them all. We can kill 15 people at a time. What if he came in together?"

Lou Qi was a little surprised to hear this, this was the first time she heard outside information in a few days.

Could it be that there are so many people outside the ruins looking for Cun Youguo?Cun You Guo, Cun You Guo, why does she think this name sounds familiar?

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in Lou Qi's mind, and he was pleasantly surprised.

Cun You Guo, one of Shen Sha's medicine guides! ! !

Heaven, did she owe Shen Sha in her previous life?Hearing that there is an inch you fruit here, will she be willing if she doesn't find it?
Lou Qi suppressed his emotions, and continued to listen with his breath held.

It seems that this question is really embarrassing. After a while of silence, an old voice continued, "If there is no other way in the end, we can only give up this place and go to another place to settle down."

"I don't want to go!" The young voice raised its voice, unwilling and angry: "It's not what we want to do. Who knows why we are so inhuman? Back then, we were I found out that I was forced to leave the mountain village where my ancestors lived for generations, and it was hard to find such a place suitable for us. Now we have to move again, where do we want to move?"

"Isn't this something that can't be helped? In our situation, even Ask Tianshan can't help you. In order to save your life, you owed Wen Tianshan a favor. Now the saint promises that if this wish is fulfilled for her, in the future I will try my best to find a way to cure our ghost clan. So, son, hurry up to find that Lou Qi, reward her to the young and powerful clansman, perform the ceremony first, and then you all rush to the secret exit with your people. If People from outside are pouring in, so you go away."

Lou Qi was shocked when he heard it.

Ghost family!
How could she forget this!When she was a child, the old man told her!
However, thinking about the ghost clan, she was even more shocked by the news that Nalan Huaxin entrusted the ghost clan to kill her.

In addition to the shock, there was boundless anger.

Nalan draws his heart!

It turned out that all of this was Nalan Huaxin's intention!Nalan Huaxin wants her to become a production machine for the ghost clan!

(End of this chapter)

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