Chapter 256

The ghost clan, how did the ghost clan appear, she actually doesn't remember very clearly, because she was still young when the old man told her about it, and what she remembered were those elements that sounded novel and incredible.For example, the old Taoist said that although the ghost people seem to be cursed by the heavens, they are actually born with a lack of blood. The blood is very strange, so it makes their skin look gray and gray like ghosts, and they cannot directly contact the sun.

If you can't directly contact the sun, you must find the most gloomy place to live.She heard that the ghost clan lived in a mountain where a murderous tyrant made a mass grave in the past.Mass graves are not completely buried, and if you walk a few steps, you may trip over a dead hand exposed outside.Take a few steps, and you may kick a dead man's head with one kick.

After living in such a place for a long time, people's psychology is distorted, so the last thing the ghost people fear is the dead. All kinds of distorted, hideous, and terrifying corpses, in their clan, even three-year-old children are not afraid of death. will feel scared.

For example, they have nothing else to play with, and the normal human world is afraid that they will reject them, so they have almost never interacted with outsiders, so they have nothing to play with, so they can only play with dead people and corpses.

So Lou Qi now remembered that the sacrifice last night was also a method they evolved to play with corpses.

As for refining corpse oil, maybe they didn't make it here at the beginning, but they saw that there are still people using corpses to refine oil, so they continued this practice.Or, they found a way to use corpse oil.Shouldn't it be used as a skin care product?
It's just that what the ghost people did had nothing to do with her, but they should never have listened to Nalan Huaxin's words and wanted to attack her!It's fine to attack her, but to attack the people around her!
So, it wasn't Chen Shi and the others who caused her trouble, but she brought them disaster.Of course, Lou Qi won't dig into the corners in this aspect, since they are partners, because of her, or because of the troubles and dangers she caused because of them, no one needs to complain and no one needs to blame themselves, just rush through together!

As for Nalan Huaxin, Lou Qi made another note for her!She didn't expect that a woman who had no grudges before could be so cruel to others.

There are very few women in the ghost clan, and they all have a cold body, so it is difficult for them to have children, even for men and women.Therefore, the women in the clan are generally shared by several men. They will do that kind of thing frequently, hoping to have more times and more chances to conceive a child.

However, many women with a cold physique can't stand such hard work, so they will be sick all over. Some of them are constantly pregnant, and then continue to shed, and this is repeated all the time.If there is one who can bear children, then she must sleep with the men of the whole clan, and every man hopes that she can give birth to his own child.

From a certain point of view, the ghost clan is still very pitiful, but there is a saying, poor people must have something to hate.They don't seek solutions from other aspects, but they treat women like this, killing innocent people like this, no matter how pitiful they are, they deserve to die.

Nalan Huaxin wanted her to become the bone soldier of the Yinyue leader in the valley of the gods.

Now this time, she is going to be a production machine that sleeps with all the men in the ghost clan.Every time is more poisonous.

Then does she have to think about how she will torture Nalan Huaxin when she falls into her arms?

"Father, if you want to go, let's go together. Take that Lou Qi. I heard from the holy lady of Tianshan that that woman is a famous doctor and she is in excellent health. She should be able to give birth."

The old patriarch said: "Well, it is best to be alive."

Lou Qi was furious.Live, live!Fuck your sister's life!

Damn!She killed the patriarch and the young patriarch of the ghost clan first, and then, let's talk!
Feeling angry, Lou Qi couldn't bear it anymore, and she didn't hear anyone else's aura over there, if it's just the father and son, that's just right, she will kill them first!

Lou Qi pulled out his soul-killing whip and rushed out. Just as he was about to turn to the back, a woman carrying fruit came in front of him.When she saw the woman, she stopped in her tracks.

"Little silk?"

When Xiaosi, who lowered her head slightly, heard Lou Qi's voice, she raised her head abruptly, and the red and swollen eye sockets instantly turned a little red again.

"Little master!"

Hearing the volume of her shout, Lou Qi couldn't help but roll his eyes, what about the age of 35?You have been living in vain for so many years, have you not?In this case, calling so loudly is to attract people completely, isn't it?

Sure enough, there was no sound from behind the wall.

Lou Qi dodges over - grabs the fruit on her tray.

Hungry, starving to death, if you want to fight, you have to fill your stomach first! "Woooo, eat quickly!" While stuffing fruit into her mouth, she still didn't forget to greet Wuwu.

In fact, Wuwu had already gnawed on the fruit without her calling.

Xiaosi opened her mouth wide and looked at her in disbelief.

No, no, shouldn't the master and servant cry at this time to express the joy of reunion?At least it should be dragging and running, right?
"little master"

Lou Qi groaned, dropped the core, took another one, and gnawed.

"Little master" Xiaosi's voice raised a little.

"We'll talk about it after I finish eating." Lou Qi continued to gnaw, and Wuwu continued to gnaw.No matter how big the emperor of heaven and earth is, he is not as big as eating at this time.Although it is still a fruit, it is better than having meat and juice. I am starving to death and thirsty to death.

Xiaosi finally couldn't help crying out loudly. "Little master! They're out!"

The voice of the young patriarch just now sounded from the front, "I never expected such a beautiful woman—"

"Whether this girl is beautiful or not, it's none of your business?" Lou Qi swallowed the flesh in her mouth, raised her eyes and turned sideways to the two men who turned out in front.

The old man was also the same as those old men she had seen before, skinny and grey.Come to think of it, the older the ghost people get, the thinner they become, without exception.

The young one is actually not particularly young, he seems to be almost forty, but because he looks normal, but his complexion is a little paler than ordinary people, so he should be regarded as a handsome man in this ghost clan Bar?
Lou Qi just gnawed fruit, of course it wasn't because she didn't know how to live or die, but because she didn't want to leave in the first place. Before she saw Xiaosi, her purpose was to kill these two people.

When she choked on these words, the face of the young patriarch's white face became a little angry and reddened.He can probably understand what a few cents means, how many pennies?
But he had never met anyone who dared to talk to him like that.When they went to ask Tianshan, even the elders of Tianshan would be afraid of them. Of course, he knew what kind of fear it was, but Lou Qi, a woman with no power and no power, dared to talk to him like that, it was simply reckless .

"It's none of my business. You are going to be my slave wife. You look better. I can pity you a little more. I will reward you to other tribesmen after you have a child," said the patriarch Yin of the ghost young man. Cece said: "If you are not good-looking and disobedient, I will reward you to all the clansmen after playing with you every time—"

"You dare to touch this emperor's woman."

A voice that was cold enough to make one's heart chill interrupted his words. In an instant, the air pressure in this space seemed to drop a lot, making it difficult to breathe.Xiaosi's legs even went limp, and she fell to the ground with a plop, looking up at the person coming in horror.

Lou Qi was stunned when she heard his voice. She stared blankly at someone flying towards her, and instead of looking at her, she just stretched out her hand and clamped the throat of the patriarch of the ghost patriarch like lightning. Such a powerful feeling almost makes people feel that he can crush everything with just this hand.

This moment may be the most bloody face of the ghost patriarch.His eyeballs were about to pop out, but he found that he didn't have any ability to resist.

The ghost patriarch quickly drew out his long sword, "You dare to kill my son, you—"

What interrupted him was a "click".

The entire throat of the young patriarch of the ghost was severely crushed, and his head limply turned to one side, resting on his shoulder.

Lou Qi: "."

Xiaosi: "."

The head of the ghost patriarch's eyes were about to burst.

But Shen Sha didn't let go, lifted the body of the young patriarch, and swung it towards him. The long sword stabbed by the ghost patriarch retreated hurriedly, and couldn't bear to stab his son. , Shen Sha had already swung his son's entire body towards his head.


The ghost patriarch was directly smashed to the ground.

Lou Qi clicked his tongue, will he have a concussion?
Shen Sha threw the corpse in his hand casually, raised the long sword of the patriarch of the ghost, and threw it up, and the long sword was nailed straight down. He raised his hand and patted the hilt, and the sword was nailed Into the heart of the ghost patriarch.

The battle is over.

No, it can't be called a battle, it's just a one-sided massacre.

The time did not exceed 30 seconds, and it was simply overwhelming.There was no chance for Lou Qi to make a move.

Lou Qi didn't know why, but suddenly felt a little creepy in his heart.Well, I want to run, what should I do if she wants to run?Who would have thought that the big killer would chase after Bei Cang?Will come to Nora City, will appear here.

But on second thought, she straightened her back again.What are you running?What could she be guilty of?She didn't owe him anything, and she paid back a lot.

Shen Sha turned around, locked her deep eyes tightly, and walked towards her slowly.

One step, two steps.

Boom, boom, boom.

When Lou Qi found out that her heartbeat was unconsciously in sync with his footsteps, she felt a burst of sadness in her heart. She didn't expect that after a few months of absence, his influence on her seemed to be even greater.Is this a bad thing?

She could feel his boundless anger.But he was a little uncertain for a while, was this anger directed at her, or at the patriarch of the ghost clan, young and old?
Lou Qi wanted to hug Ziyunhu, as if she would be more comfortable with something in front of her.But only then did he realize that Ziyunhu had jumped into Xiaosi's arms, and Xiaosi had already retreated to a corner where he could no longer retreat.

(End of this chapter)

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