Chapter 257
Lou Qi couldn't help but glared at him, can you guys be a little less loyal?ah?

What about the relationship between master and servant?
Woohoo you little traitor!What about never giving up? !
Shen Sha walked very slowly step by step, but he was not far away, but within seven steps, he was already in front of her.Lou Qi is really not short among women, but Shen Sha is still tall among men, so as soon as he approached, Lou Qi felt a pressure from his height.

She pouted, well, what excuse?The pressure on her height is obviously because she is timid.

Strange to say, Lou Qi also thinks this is very unscientific, why?She, Lou Qi, was able to fly a plane and shoot a gun in modern times, and in ancient times, she was able to break Gu and undo curses. She has never seen anything in the world, so why would she be timid towards a man?

Isn't it bullying that she has never been in love before, so now she feels like a cat scratching in front of the man she likes?

Shen Sha just looked at her, kept looking at her, her thin lips were tightly pursed, her chin was drawn into a cold line, her eyes were dim, and she didn't speak.

Don't talk, what's going on?Anyway, she was very uncomfortable not talking.Lou Qi felt that his whole body was limp and weak, and his head was in a mess all of a sudden.

"Shen Sha, that, long time no see—"

As soon as she finished speaking, someone smiled coldly. The smile and sarcasm on the corner of her lips made Lou Qi really want to——

Bite it.

"Are you planning to disappear forever?"

His words sounded very calm, really calm, as if he couldn't hear any anger, but Lou Qi thought she knew this man quite well, the character of Shen Dakiller, the four words she had said before.

The meaning of his words already carries the meaning of condemnation and investigation.Lou Qi took a step back, hehe laughed and said, "How could it be possible?"

"Oh? Is there still business dealings?" Shen Sha took a step closer.

"Well, don't you think I'm already very affectionate?" Lou Qi took another step back, "I won't sell it if others want to buy it."

Shen Sha went further, "Well. Now that the emperor has given himself to you, you plan to accept it." He paused, narrowed his eyes slightly, and continued word by word, "Or don't accept it? "

Lou Qi looked up at his cold and expressionless face, and couldn't help blinking.She wanted to say, is this a forced sale?Unexpectedly, he said: "It's useless to tease this emperor at this time."


She just blinked her eyes, what kind of tease? !Where is the tease!
Xiaosi covered her eyes not far away, embarrassed to look, embarrassed to look, blinking her big watery eyes in front of the man who is full of love for her, isn't it just teasing? !
Can you not abuse a 35-year-old single woman?
"Can we talk about our matter later?" Lou Qi shook his head.No, she can't act ungratefully, Lou Xin, Lou Xin and the others are still waiting for her to save them.

Shen Sha already knew the general situation here in the letter. It originally said that something happened to Chen Shi and Lou Xin. Chen Shi had seen it above, and that was to save Lou Xin.

He didn't know Tu Ben and other people. Although Du Wen's picture letter had mentioned the existence of a few of them before, he naturally didn't take them to heart if he didn't know them.


He grabbed her hand with one hand and pulled it so tightly that she couldn't break free.Just when Lou Qi thought he was going to drag her away, he grabbed her and threw her on his back, making her almost cry out.

Lying on his broad back, Lou Qi was in a trance for a moment.

I can't believe it, he came, and she was carried by him again.

After being in a trance, she twisted, "Why are you carrying me, I have feet—" Xiaosi is still there, and she is someone else's little master, so what's the matter with being carried like this.


With a crisp sound, Lou Qi froze, with an expression of disbelief, damn it!He even spanked her ass!
"do not move!"

Shen Sha was still holding back her anger, and she didn't have time to vent it right now, but she still dared to be awkward with him!After leaving for a few months, he is not allowed to recite it?
When he couldn't see that she was getting hungry?Carrying her on the back can immediately feel that she is much lighter than before!

Lou Qi took a breath, endured, she endured, there is no time to argue with him now.She turned her head, looked at Xiaosi who was holding Ziyunhu, and then glanced at her wearing a black robe like the ghost clan.I didn't even have time to ask just now, why is she okay, why is she bringing fruit to the old and young patriarchs.

"Xiaosi, do you know where Lou Xin and the others are?"

Xiaosi nodded immediately: "Little master, I know."

"Lead the way."

Xiaosi still felt a little nervous when she walked in front of Shen Sha.Just now he crushed the young patriarch of the ghost clan with one hand, swung his old man's body until he passed out, and nailed the old patriarch to death like nails in a coffin.

Does her little master have such a strong taste in finding men?Although the person is very good--

This is too fierce!

Along the way, Xiaosi told Lou Qi about their situation, the journey was not long and it was impossible to start from the beginning, only an old witch said that all of their men were strong and strong, and the ghost clan was 200 Nothing has changed over the years, it's time to try and find a new way.And her so-called new way is to let women in the clan try with men outside to see if they can have children.

Since it is very difficult for the men of the ghost clan to conceive with women outside, otherwise they would not have spread to the present and the population is getting more and more withered.

But it's never been tried before to get a woman in the clan to have sex with a man outside - well, maybe this one will work?
There is always such a concept in the world that the blood of the man is the blood of their own clan. Now they think of this method, but they are forced to do so.

"So, what do you mean to say, Lou Xin and the others have been entertained with delicious food and drink these days, and just waiting for their sacrifice to end, they will be asked to beg ghost wives?"

Lou Qi almost vomited blood.

If Chen Shi knew, he would probably vomit blood too.

They didn't dare to think about the life and death of these people, and deliberately forgot the possible deep pain before seeing them. Who knew that they were regarded as bridegrooms and were being raised in captivity!
Daringly, the priest she touched and destroyed last night was prepared for the wives of ghost beggars!
The old witch Xiaosi mentioned was probably the old woman who controlled Xiaobao.

"Xiao Bao brought you here?"

"Little master, don't blame Xiaobao, he can't help himself."

As soon as Xiaosi finished speaking, there was a light in front of her.Shen Sha carried Lou Qi on his back all the way without saying a word, but walked extremely steadily.

I only met two people along the way, but before they had a chance to make a sound, their necks were twisted by someone.Lou Qi always felt that his neck was itchy, and he didn't know if he would twist his own neck because of this matter.

"Those ghosts can't see the sun, and they seldom come out during the day, but Lou Xin took the opportunity to ask to stay there, so there is no one guarding it at this time." Xiaosi said.

In the sun, leaning against the hillside, there is a thatched pavilion, which is ventilated on all sides, but the pavilion is still relatively large.Lou Qi immediately saw Lu Dali sleeping on the rocks outside.

"Big Lu is the most popular here. They all think that maybe stronger and taller men are more likely to impregnate women." Xiaosi said in a low voice.


Lou Qi sprayed, "Obviously our family, Lou Xin, is the most handsome here! Of course, if Chen Shi is here, he will be killed in seconds, Chen Shi is the most handsome." Because seeing them all is fine, Lou Qi immediately fell in love with him. Relaxed.

But as soon as she said this, she knew that she had relaxed too much and said the wrong thing.Because the whole body of the person carrying her tensed up in an instant, he was already chilled, but now he was freezing to death.

Lou Qi cried, "Of course, you are several times more handsome than Chen Shi, no, dozens of times!" She was thinking of Chen Shi and Lou Xin, don't wait to get out, and take them under the knife.She knows how stingy this man is.

"I seem to hear the girl's voice!" Lou Xin, who was racking his brains in the pavilion to think of a way, suddenly jumped up.

The monkey beside him shook his head. "How is it possible, where can the young master come to such a place?"

"My son is really here."

At this moment, everyone jumped up, the monkey bumped into the master's chin, and the master stepped on Tu Ben's foot.They didn't bother to cry out in pain, they all looked at the place where the sound came from outside the pavilion.

Xiaosi was there, and there was a tall and stern man——

Lou Xin almost fell to the ground.

"Emperor, Emperor?"

Shen Sha glanced at him coldly, and Lou Xin almost fell to the ground again.Why did the emperor look at him with evil spirit?
"Emperor?" Tu Ben and the others were confused at first, and then a flash of inspiration flashed, their expressions changed, and they knelt down uncontrollably.

They are actually used to imperial power. When they were beggars, they were in awe of officials. There is only one person who can be called an emperor in this world, and that is the one they listened to as a drama along the way, the emperor who broke the domain .

Lou Xin wouldn't make fun of this, so the person who came here must be the Emperor of Breaking the Territory.

Tu Ben gritted his teeth, raised his head and asked, "Where is our young master?" But he didn't dare to ask Shen Sha, only Xiaosi.

Lou Qi weakly emerged from behind Shen Sha, "Are you all okay?"

Tu Ben and the others seemed to have been struck by lightning.

Their young master, who is handsome and extraordinary in martial arts, is like a god in their eyes, but he was carried on his back
Although they knew that Lou Qi was a woman early in the morning, she always dressed as a man and acted more freely than many men, so they were already used to calling her a son, and they were also used to treating her as a son.Seeing such a scene, everyone was a little flustered.

Lou Qi also felt that this was really detrimental to her demeanor, "Well, put me down—"


She immediately glared at Tu Ben and the others: "Damn! My feet are so hungry that I haven't eaten for a few days to look for you. What's wrong with memorizing it? You all eat fat, and you have the nerve to call me !"

Lou Xin turned his face away speechlessly.

Who eats too much, girl, don't you make a big noise at Dijun, is it interesting to yell at us?

At this time, the stupid Lu Dali said very seriously: "You can't walk anymore? Then I will carry you on my back, which is more comfortable than that person."

Lou Xin immediately moved away, stay away from him, and stay away.Looking for death?To snatch a woman from Dijun?

(End of this chapter)

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