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Chapter 259 The Crazy Couple

Chapter 259 The Crazy Couple
Didn't the ghost family have a hard time?Aren't the sons and daughters greyed with hardship?Then go to hell!
"Go to death." Lou Qi said a word, and the breath of the whole person changed instantly.After knowing that they belonged to the ghost family, she already understood what Xiaobao did to the baby that night.

The old man said that the ghost people have researched many methods of harming people. They used the little ghost voodoo to control the child, and then used the child to find the baby with yin, and fed the voodoo blood to the baby. He imprinted a mark on the baby and controlled the baby. When he was about ten years old, he became a puppet of the ghost clan. When he grew up, he would be driven by them, just like the most loyal servant.

Because of their special nature, there are many things they need servants to do, but they only believe in this kind of domestic slaves who have been raised since childhood.

And some of these children have not been called into the ghost clan when they grow up, and they will still marry wives and have children, just because their bodies already have the Gu blood and yin energy deliberately left by the ghost clan, and their children are also ordinary. They will all have a body of cold and yin, and they will continue their old path at that time.

Therefore, this method will harm several generations, or in other words, every generation, every generation will become the family slaves of the ghost clan.

This kind of person's body has been invaded by Gu blood since he was a baby, and his life will be very short, generally he will not live past 40 years old.

It's just that the ghost people have always done these things in a covert manner, and children who have been poisoned with little ghosts have the ability to make people fall asleep. Generally, no one will find out when they do this kind of thing.

Therefore, very few people know this.

"Just the three of you? Want us to exterminate the clan? Hahaha! It's so ridiculous!" The old woman laughed arrogantly, flicked her wide sleeves and said, "You don't have to be afraid of being tongue-tied if you talk big! Kill them for me. "

"Yes! Madam!"

Hundreds of male ghosts moved towards the three of them in unison.

Lou Qi saw their chests wriggling slowly with sharp eyes, and immediately said to Lou: "Pay attention to the Gu worms in their arms!"

Lou Xin replied loudly: "Your subordinate understands!" He held the smasher, kicked his foot, and the man was killed among the ghosts. "Come on, you disgusting bastards who are neither human nor ghost, I will send you to heaven!"

Lou Qi laughed loudly, "Okay, kill ten of them, and I will treat you to flower wine after I go out!"

Lou Xin, who was full of fighting spirit, staggered on his feet, his face was full of pain, "Miss, please don't harm your subordinates!"

Dijun is still there, if he really dares to follow the girl to drink flower wine, Dijun will have to skin him?When the emperor met him just now, the look in his eyes was already full of evil spirits.

The interaction between the master and the servant made the old woman's face distorted, "How dare you be crazy when you are about to die!"

"Old witch, whoever is about to die will know right away!" Lou Qi jumped into the ghost man, flicked his wrist, and the soul-killing whip immediately turned into a hard whip. With the needle, she swiped the whip horizontally, and a flash of black light and shadow swept out an afterimage, which stunned the ghosts and forgot to be prepared.

"Back off!" the old woman yelled anxiously.

Lou Qi snorted coldly, "It's late."

The whip hit three people at the same time. No. 1 was pierced by the sharp knife at the end of the throat, and the second neck was pulled by the sharp needles so that he tilted his head and hit the other person next to him.Before they could react, the hard whip turned into a soft whip in an instant. With a bang, the whip body flexibly wrapped around the necks of both of them at the same time, and then one tightened, and the two were strangled together. Dozens of bloody eyes were pierced by sharp needles.

Kill three people with one whip.

Shen Sha praised: "What a whip."

"Of course my things are the best!" Lou Qi was proud, proud.

Seeing her smug look, Shen Sha said, "Keep your eyes open, your husband is also the best."

Lou Qi followed in the footsteps of Lou Xin, staggered suddenly, the second whip unexpectedly missed the point, intended to slit someone's throat with a sharp knife, but ended up cutting off his nose.

Shen Sha was suddenly in a good mood, and he stretched out both hands, and his five fingers clasped the throats of the two people who rushed forward at the same time, and the two clicks overlapped at the same time, and he crushed the throats of the two people in an instant, and then threw them out , knocked down four or five people respectively, and the person who fell on top of each other tripped two people who rushed over, and there was a space around him immediately.

Big killer! Big killer!
A frightened look finally appeared on the old woman's face.

Seeing that the two masters were so ferocious, Lou Xin did not show any weakness, so he sipped and rushed towards the ghost man again.

"Gu formation!" the old woman called out.

They should have been prepared for a long time. When she just called out these two words, dozens of Gu worms flew out of their arms at the same time. They were all exactly the same Gu worms with small black wings on their bodies. The ground formed a circle, enclosing the three of them underneath.Dozens of winged Gu worms flapped their wings together, and there was a fluttering sound.

At first, Lou Xin felt that the sound was unbearable, but after listening to it for a while, his head suddenly hurt so badly that he almost lost his head and put his hands on his head.

Lou Qi's expression froze, he squinted his eyes slightly and looked up at those Gu worms, feeling a little surprised in his heart.

She didn't know this kind of Gu worm, she searched all over her memory, but she didn't remember that Old Daoist once explained it.

Shen Sha kicked a ghost out with one kick, and with a movement of his body, he flew to Lou Xin's side, picked him up with one hand, and threw him far away to the outside.He could see that Lou Xin couldn't hold on.

Lou Xin fell ten meters away, and stepped back a few steps in embarrassment and gratitude.Following Lou Qi, they learned when to retreat and when to rush.

He couldn't handle this situation, what he could do was not to hold them back.

"Don't even try to run away, quack." The old woman waved her sleeve robe, and the scarlet beetle that Lou Qi had seen before was about to fly towards Lou Xin's direction.

She yelled angrily, "Damn old witch, whoever dares to touch me!" She was about to swipe over to block her toes, but someone grabbed her hand and dragged her back. As soon as she stood still, he was already moving towards the red dog. The beetle shot at it at an extremely fast speed, blocking it in front of it.

The old woman laughed sinisterly: "When the spikes on my bug's head hit a person, the whole thing will go into it—"

Before she could finish her sentence, she saw that the bug seemed to be frightened suddenly before it was about to slam its head into Shen Sha's arms.

"Want to run?" Shen Sha said heavily, reaching out to grab the bug.

Seeing this, the shocked old woman relaxed again: "If you dare to grab my bugs with your bare hands, I'll see how you die—"

Before he finished speaking, Shen Sha had already grabbed the bug with one hand, and squeezed it hard without hesitation.

"Squeak." Lou Qi jokingly dubbed his movements synchronously, the bug's carapace shattered and its body was smashed to pieces.

The old woman trembled like a leaf falling in the wind, and she didn't know whether it was from shock or anger.

"Impossible, impossible, how could anyone dare to squeeze and explode my poisonous Gu worm?"

Lou Qi giggled: "Old witch, I heard it's not easy to raise a Gu worm. If you really can't stand the stimulation, just vomit blood. I like to see people vomit blood when they are so angry!"

"You all deserve to die!" The old woman's face twisted, "Kill, kill, kill them for me!"

Those Gu worms flying above their heads flapped their wings rapidly, and the sound became louder.The rest of the ghosts surrounded her and Shen Sha, who retreated to her side, walked around in a hurry, chanting in unison, as if they were assisting the Gu insects.For a while, there was a complex sound in the ears. That kind of sound should have a stimulating effect on people and can affect people's nerve center, making people feel a splitting headache, unbearable, and loss of combat effectiveness.

The old woman's complexion was a little pale, and she was a little proud, showing an expression of waiting to see how they would lose and how they would fall into her hands.But when she took a closer look, she saw Shen Sha and Lou Qi standing there idly, Shen Sha was stern and silent, Lou Qi was the most irritating, she pointed at the ghosts walking around them from time to time , evaluated this and evaluated that.

"Hey, that crooked mouth, you're obviously not on the same frequency as your little friend!"

"Short man, you are walking too slowly, the little friends behind you will hit you, hurry up!"

The ghost clan was about to vomit to death, the murderous and sinister Gu formation, but disturbed by her like this, turned out to be so ridiculous!
Shen Sha indulged in watching her play around and piss off these ghosts to death, if anyone couldn't help but attack her, he snorted coldly and slapped the person out.

After Lou Qi figured out the weakness of this Gu, her playful smile was put away immediately, and she whipped the soul-killing whip violently in her hand, "Old witch, open your eyes wide and see who will kill who!"

She raised the whip high above her head and waved it. The gust of wind from the whip whipped the dozens of Gu worms to the wounds of the dead and wounded, and they fell down one after another, like a rain of Gu worms.

Originally, if this kind of Gu worm landed on the body, it would probably sneak in, which was very dangerous, but these two people showed disgusted and disgusted expressions at most, but they were not afraid at all!No!
She kills Gu insects, while Shen Sha kills people.He didn't use any weapons, just his hands, but his hands were too terrifying, if they were held by his five fingers, there would be no way out.Even if it's just being buckled in the shoulder, do you think it's okay?No, if he hit the shoulder, an arm would be torn out immediately, and it would become a weapon for him to hit the next unlucky ghost.As long as he dunks one person, at least two people will fall.

This kind of massacre shocked the ghosts who were used to torturing corpses and the dead.

Lou Qi touched his waist, and sprinkled a handful of ghost grass powder on the twenty most powerful Gu worms. At the same time, he bit his fingertips, squeezed out two drops of blood, flicked his fingers , two drops of blood turned into countless foams, chasing after those ghost grass powders, sticking together, and sprinkled on those Gu worms.

Those insects that flapped their wings so hard stopped their wings almost instantly, and fell to the ground one after another like a crashed plane.

Lou Qi waved the whip in his hand, and whipped it on the ground intensively.Clap, clap, almost aroused.

(End of this chapter)

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