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Chapter 260 I Will Kill You Too

Chapter 260 I Will Kill You Too

This whip is like being whipped on the old woman's body. When it comes to raising Gu, how can these people have any talent? They are not from southern Xinjiang, and she doesn't have so much time to teach them one by one. They, to put it bluntly, almost all these bugs were raised by her, she raised them!
Do they know how much time and energy it takes to raise hundreds of such aggressive Gu worms?She actually killed her like this!
The old woman was trembling all over, and the angry words burst out from between her teeth, "I want you to die, I want you to die!"

"You seem to have said this more than once, old witch, now I want you to die!" Before Lou Qi finished speaking, Shen Sha had already slapped the old woman with her palm.

Lou Qi yelled anxiously: "Don't smash her head!"

Shen Sha was really going to slap her head, but after hearing her words, he immediately changed direction, changed his palm to a blade, and slashed across the horizontal direction.

A blood mist sprayed out from the old woman, and she looked down at a wound on her abdomen in disbelief, "You, you can condense your breath into a knife——"

Those with deep internal strength can shoot an inch with the flick of a finger, but when the palm turns into a blade, and then cut horizontally, it is as sharp as a knife. The internal strength can cut wounds through the air like the blade of a blade. Extraordinary control ability!
Shen Sha is only in his twenties, yet he already has such attainments!This kind of martial arts talent shocked the world!But the world seems to only know that his martial arts are very high, but they don't know that he has reached such a level!Everyone in the world knows that the Saintess Wen Tianshan is a martial arts genius, but compared with Shen Sha, what kind of genius is she!

The old woman regretted it at this time, she regretted it, and she was also afraid. Before her eyes, nearly a hundred men of the same clan she brought with her had all died, and almost all of them died horribly, most of them had their necks wrung directly. , and some had their heart veins shattered by a palm, and some had their entire arms ripped out.

Their ghost clan was already withered, and now the young and middle-aged men are all dead here, and her husband and son are also dead. Just now, she always thought that she had a chance to win, but now she just Finding that she was likely to die, she was terrified.Although she is old, she still wants to live, she still wants to live.

She suddenly knelt down on the ground and burst into tears: "Master! Miss Lou! You adults have a lot, let the old lady go, the old lady will never dare again! All this is to ask the Tianshan Saintess!" The idea is that she sent someone to find us, we owe Wen Tianshan a favor, there is no way! Please forgive me, I kowtow to you two!"

Shen Sha stepped forward and was about to slap her to death, but when he heard this, he stopped suddenly, "What did you say?"

Although Lou Qi already knew the truth, but now that she clearly heard the confirmation from the old patriarch's wife, the anger that had been suppressed in her heart erupted like a volcano, and she couldn't suppress it. .

Because she had never met such a woman who had no resentment or enmity, but had such vicious thoughts towards her, and it was endless, endless, and more vicious and vicious each time.

She walked over, stretched out her hand and pushed Shen Sha hard, causing him to stagger.

"You don't have to tell me, I'll tell you, it's your future empress, she wants my life! She found the ghost clan, let them catch them, warm the bed for the men of the clan, and give birth to them! Then torture me to death! Dear Lord Dijun, are you satisfied?"

After she finished speaking coldly, she raised her voice and called out, "Lou Xin, kill me!"

Lou Xin rushed over immediately, offering a smash with both hands.

He didn't know what Lou Qi was going to do, but after hearing what Lou Qi said, he immediately yelled: "Nalan Huaxin, you bastard! He killed the girl in the Valley of Gods and Demons, and he didn't expect that after he came out, he would still think about it." Want the girl's life! Dijun, do you still want to make that bitch a queen?"

Lou Qi waved his hand to prevent Lou Xin from continuing, and turned to Shen Sha with a cold face, "Tell you, not only are you moody, but this girl is also moody sometimes, and also, this girl likes to vent anger, like to punish the nine clans, whoever offends me, Everyone who has made friends with him is included in my blacklist. Do you know what it means? Before you married, we were still friends. Be a concubine or concubine, or be a friend, a younger sister, a senior sister, or a concubine, no matter what kind." She paused, and continued clearly: "Then we are eternal enemies! Here I might as well be with you. Tell me, Nalan Huaxin's life is decided by me! If you marry her, then I will take your life too."

Nalan Huaxin completely pissed her off. She never said that she is a kind person. She usually has a playful smile on her face, laughing and scolding. , but that doesn't mean she's a sheep.

When she should be ruthless, she can be ruthless than anyone else.

Endless fury accumulated in Shen Sha's eyes, he stared closely at Lou Qi's eyes, his tone was astringent: "You want my life?"

Although he knew that the situation she said would not happen, but when he heard her personally say that he would die, his heart still seemed to be gouged out with a broken killing, blood dripping, pain Can't breathe.At this moment, he completely forgot about other words, and only that sentence echoed in his mind.

I will kill you too.

She said it so definitely, so coldly, without hesitation.

He had never seen her look at him with such a cold and ruthless look. At that moment, he thought he saw the look in his own eyes when he killed someone.

He really couldn't believe that after the two of them had experienced so much together, after he had made her his concubine and said that she was the only one in this life, she could still say so coldly that she would kill him.

Shen Sha has never tasted this kind of heartache.At that moment, his mind was blank, but the feeling of heartache was like a maggot attached to the bone, like a sharp drill, piercing his heart one by one.

He was able to endure the pain when the Gu poison took hold without even frowning, but now he found that he was unable to bear the pain at all, the pain that was involved even when he took a breath.

Lou Qi's face was still so cold, her eyes didn't hide, she met his, nodded cruelly and said: "Yes, that's right, that's what I mean."

She is a vengeful person, and she is an unreasonable person.If she wants to be nice to someone, she can be nice enough to pay her own life, but if she hates someone and wants someone's life, she can be ruthless enough to kill a lot to achieve this goal, and doesn't care whether the person implicated is innocent or not.

The smelly old man said that there is a lunatic in her bones.


After saying this sentence, she flicked her hand and shot it out, right into the old woman's back vest.The old woman thought that no one was paying attention to her when they were confronting each other, and was about to sneak away, but she didn't expect that Lou Qi was actually the calmest at such a time, extremely calm, so how could her movements be hidden over her ears.

Lou Qi didn't look at Shen Sha any more, walked over, stepped on the old woman's back shoulder, and pulled out Posha, her face remained unchanged, her eyes didn't even blink, and with a sudden wave of Posha, her head was pulled out. cut it down.

Blood gushing out, she grabbed the hair on her head and walked to Lou Xin: "Hold it. Find a box to pack it later."

Lou Xin was frightened by her remarks just now, he kept his mouth open and couldn't recover, when Lou Qi raised the head to face him, facing the ghostly gray old woman's face, he was shocked. With a bang, he took a big step back, not knowing what Lou Qi meant.

"I told you to carry it, find a box to put it in later!" Lou Qi rolled his eyes at him, why was he in a daze.

Lou Xin mechanically stretched out his hand to take the head, and asked in confusion, "Girl, what do you want to keep this for? It's so disgusting." As he spoke, he glanced at Shen Sha sympathetically. glance.

Did Dijun get hit too hard?Why do you keep looking at the girl like that?How long has it been, without blinking, are your eyes tired?

However, he felt that he would be very sad, but the problem is that this matter is easy to solve. The girl said that she would kill him. Shi Ji, I still think of her as my younger sister, my senior sister, my friend, and my confidante. That girl will break with Dijun. At this time, Dijun just needs to express his position quickly and say that he will never have any relationship with Nalan. If you draw a clear line, you'll be fine, right?
What Lou Xin knew, Shen Sha didn't know at the moment, and his mind was still filled with that heartless sentence.And after the endless pain, a trace of fear suddenly appeared in his heart.

He thought that he and Lou Qi had an inseparable bond, but now it's obviously not the case.

Lou Qi walked a few steps towards the hillside, then suddenly turned around and said to him: "That's right, Shen Sha."

Shen Sha looked at her coldly.

"There is Cun You Pill in it, did Du Wenhui tell you?"

When Lou Qi said those words, she was expressing her own position, not that she would break with him now, and would never stop with him now, so after she finished what she had to say, her anger dissipated a bit. In fact, she He didn't know that those words would have such a big impact on Shen Sha.

After she finished asking, and found that Shen Sha didn't react at all when she heard her other medicine elicited, she realized that his mood was a little bit wrong, no, it wasn't a little bit wrong, it was very wrong.

"Shen Sha? Dijun?" She walked over and patted him on the shoulder boldly, "Hey, there's no need to do this, haven't we broken up yet? You haven't had anything to do with Nalan Huaxin .”

Shen Sha watched her expression turn from cloudy to sunny so quickly, and finally discovered one more thing.

This woman, this woman is obviously much more chic than him!
(End of this chapter)

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