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Chapter 261 Encountering Mutant Varieties Again

Chapter 261 Encountering Mutant Varieties Again
"Is it Cun Youguo?" He asked deeply.

Lou Qi nodded, "Yes, do you think you're lucky? It's not a bad time, right?"

"No more."

"...Well, now I also feel that I am your lucky star. Wait, what did you say?" Lou Qi was stunned for a moment, then turned around to look at him in surprise.Did she hear wrong?What did he just say?
Shen Sha repeated: "I don't want it anymore, I don't want any Cunyouguo or medicines." After speaking, he walked up the mountain and didn't look at her anymore.

Xiaosi and the others saw their tough appearance on the mountain just now, and when they saw him coming up, they were about to say something in the style of looking up to the mountains, but they didn't dare to speak when they saw his cold expression.

Lou Qi was stunned for a while, then asked Lou Xin beside him, "Lou Xin, why do I feel that Dijun is angry with me now?"

"Girl, obviously."

"Hey, no, what can he be angry about?"

"Girl, you just said you wanted to kill the emperor." Lou Xin reminded her kindly.

Lou Qi opened his eyes wide, angry, didn't he even want his own life-saving medicine?Really don't? "Did I say I'm going to kill him now? Then he just told me that he has nothing to do with Nalan Huaxin, so it's over?"

Lou Xin nodded, that's right, he thought so too, but Dijun didn't know what he thought.Should he remind Dijun?
Lou Qi waved his hand, "It doesn't matter how old he is, if he likes to get angry, let him get angry, let's find out."

It doesn't matter if he wants it or not, since the other person has come by himself, he can find it or not.

Lou Xin watched helplessly as Lou Qi went to the other side and walked with Xiaosi, while Dijun walked in the front in a cold and arrogant manner, separated by Tu Ben and his brothers, the two of them ignored each other, he couldn't help but Sighed.

What is this!

Lou Xin was about to move towards Lou Qi, when he heard Yue Wei's cry, he stopped immediately, turned his head and looked down condescendingly, and sure enough, he saw Yue Wei rushing towards here with a dozen people, But not far behind them, there are more people rushing towards this side desperately.

"What's going on?" Lou Xin muttered to himself.

"Girl!" Chen Shi's voice also came over, and soon, someone came in front of them.

Chen Shi was out of breath, and when he saw Lou Xin, he showed ecstasy, reached out and punched him in the chest, "I knew you boy would not die so easily!"

Good, good, good, I thought they all died here, who knows that they don't need any of them now.

When Chen Shi saw Dijun and Lou Qi who were far away, he was stunned immediately, and looked at Lou Xin with questioning eyes, Lou Xin spread his hands helplessly.

It's hard for him to say this, besides, it's a long story.

"Chen Shi, why did you come down?" Lou Qi turned around and saw Yue and Du Wenhui, and looked down, oh my god, there are at least a few hundred people rushing here, billowing dust and smoke. "Why are there so many people here?"

Could it be that all the people around outside came in?Is the black mist deep valley gone?She couldn't believe that so many people were able to jump from there.

Chen Shi said in a hurry: "Girl, let's go quickly. I don't know who released the map. The exact location of Cun Youguo is marked on the map, and almost everyone has a copy of the map, so everyone is going crazy now." They rushed in as if they were rushing in, trying to be the first to attack! The black mist dissipated inexplicably, and a path was found on the other side leading directly to the bottom of the ditch!" So, all these talents came down!

Lou Qi really wanted to scold, how could this be unreasonable, why didn't the fog clear when she was coming?This is bullying. "Cun Youguo's is in this position?"

Chen Shi nodded, "Yes, there is a hidden exit ahead. After going out, you will pass a small mountain range, and then you will see a lake. Cunyouguo is beside that lake."

"Then let's hurry up too." Lou Qi hugged Wuwu, pulled up the little silk, and immediately ran forward as if flying.

"Lou Qi—"

Yue was about to greet her, but was a step behind.Lou Xin turned around and took a look at him, but he didn't even say hello. He dragged Chen Shi, calling the girl to wait for us, and also chased after him like flying.

"My lord, wait for us!" Tu Ben and the others also ran wildly.

For a while, only a bodyguard he brought from Jiuxiao, Du Wenhui and others were left on the mountainside.Yue looked at Dijun's back in a daze, and immediately realized something was wrong.

"Master, Lou Qi—" Lou Qi's name was spoken, and he realized that now Lou Qi was the imperial concubine conferred by the emperor himself, and he really shouldn't call her by her name directly.

Shen Sha didn't speak, because he was clenching his teeth, looking at the back of the woman who just ran away, he was furious, his heart was pierced, but he couldn't move forward or retreat.

"Let's go." Holding back until the end, he only uttered one word, and then performed lightness kung fu and chased after Lou Qi.

Yue frowned, really didn't know what happened between Dijun and Lou Qi when they came all the way killing the ghost clan.

But he can clearly find that Lou Qi is very cold to him now, no, it's not cold, or unfamiliar, as if he is not familiar with him.

Running down from the other side of the hillside, I saw a deep natural ditch. There was only such a road here, so Lou Qi, who was walking in the front, didn't hesitate much, and entered the ditch directly.The ground and both sides of the trench are covered with weeds and wild flowers, so that looking forward, it looks like a colorful ribbon.

Lou Qi took out a small bottle of pills from his waist, and asked Chen Shi to distribute one to each of them, "The wind blowing in front seems to have an overly strong floral fragrance, so each person should take a detoxification pill first. If there is something wrong Remember to tell me if you feel comfortable."

"Yes, girl."

Chen Shi distributed the anti-drug elixir, he and Lou Xin, the big one, the small silk one, the five Tuben ones, and even Wuwu had one. After distribution, he capped the medicine bottle and stuffed it back. into his arms.


Dijun is invulnerable to all poisons, but what about him?What about Du Wenhui and others?He couldn't help but say: "Chen Shi—"

Chen Shi turned around and said apologetically to him: "Yuewei, I'm sorry, the girl only asked me to distribute medicine for my own people."

Does this mean that they are two people now?Stranger?

Yue glanced at the cold and silent emperor, sighed secretly, speeded up, and caught up with Lou Qi who was at the front.

"Emperor Concubine."

Lou Qi looked at him sideways as if seeing him just now, and smiled like a flower: "Hey, Lord Yuewei has also come to Nora City?"

After a month's delay, they had been running together for half an hour, not to mention that she hadn't seen him before!

"If the imperial concubine is upset, the subordinates will accept the punishment." He said with a wry smile.

Lou Qi blinked and shook his head: "Master Yuewei, please call me Lou Qi. If Lord Yuewei wants to discuss the sale of medicinal materials, why not wait until you get out of this place, get the Cunyouguo, and go back to Nora City to talk about it?" .” She said without stopping.

But to take care of Xiaosi's Tu Ben and others, her speed has slowed down.

Yue glanced at their emperor, whose eyes were almost covered with frost, and was about to speak again, when a gust of wind blew over, and the fragrance was indeed overwhelming, and it also had a slightly sweet feeling.He swallowed the rest of the words for a while, turned his head to look at Chen Shixiang to continue asking him for the detoxification pill, but he didn't see Lou Qi suddenly stop, he almost bumped into her back.

Shen Sha stretched out a hand, and pulled Lou Qi into his arms.

Lou Qi struggled to leave his embrace, but he grabbed him and threw him on his back. His tone was cold, "Aren't you most afraid of snakes?"

Yue Wuyu rubbed his forehead, master, it's normal for you to be angry and awkward, but since you care about it, why do you want to speak so coldly?
Not far in front of them appeared a large area of ​​flowers and trees, those flowers were very colorful, red, pink and white, but such a color system can transition to different levels of color, so the flowers look very very special gorgeous.

But if you look carefully, you will find four-legged snakes with equally gorgeous colors coiled among those huge and gorgeous flowers.

"This isn't a snake, it's a reptile. It's a reptile of the lizard suborder Reaperidae, and its common name is a chameleon." Lou Qi felt heartbroken when he saw the small remnant with different colors in the cores of different colors but the same color as the flower it was in. It was a bit uncomfortable, so she didn't struggle anymore, and leaned on Shen Sha's back, she narrowed her eyes slightly looking at those things.

As far as she knows, most of the refugees live underground, on the surface, or in tall vegetation, there may be more in deserts and islands, but it is rare to see such a entangled flower core!What is this?Banquet among flowers?Let's compare beauty?Let's see who has a more beautiful flower color and can become more gorgeous?
Give me a break.

Furthermore, these flower plants are also strange. Many flowers of different colors can bloom on one flower plant. What kind of variety is this called?

Two words kept flashing in her mind.


She has some experience. In this world, if the word "mutation" is used for animals and plants, nothing good will happen.

"Let's all move to the side and wait and see." She heard footsteps behind her and made a decision immediately.Shen Sha didn't speak, but just carried her to avoid a relatively flat place on the wall of the ditch.

Seeing this, Yue and the others hurriedly moved aside.

After staying for a while, the people behind have already caught up.

A large group of people, estimated to be as many as two or three hundred by visual estimation, almost filled the trench.Lou Qi lay on Shen Sha's shoulder, sighed weakly and said, "Does it look like ham?"

The trenches are stuffed with human flesh.

"Very hungry--"

Yue was sweating at the side, and asked casually: "You have to wait around, how about I go get you something to eat?" When he said this, he was thinking that she was so alienated from him just now. , I guess it's still right now, I will say that I don't need to bother him.If you want to call, you have to call your own people, right?
Just thinking about it, Lou Qi responded cheerfully: "Okay! I want to eat meat, not wild fruit."

When Ziyunhu Wuwu Children's Shoes heard the word "meat", it also immediately whined, as if to say, I want to eat meat too!

Yue Mo fell silent, and then Shen Sha said, "Go, as soon as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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