Chapter 262

Yue sadly performed lightness kung fu and climbed up the ditch to find food for Lou Qi and Ziyunhu.Lou Qi rested her chin on Shen Sha's shoulder, looking at the crowd who quickly ran to this side.

Big Lu Tu Ben and the others stood in front, while she and Shen Sha were a little further back, so those people might not have seen the two of them for a while, but she saw a few familiar faces.

Chen Shi also saw it, and was about to approach Lou Qi to talk to her, but Shen Sha suddenly glanced over with fierce eyes, which startled him.

He didn't offend the emperor, did he?

"Speaking like this can be heard, even if you are a guard, you should always remember the difference between men and women!"

Shen Sha's words were very cold, and Chen Shi was taken aback for a moment.

Why did Dijun suddenly mention this to him?Before in the Valley of Gods and Devils, they all sat very close to the girl in order to prevent Nalan from being aggressive and to keep warm. He didn't have dirty thoughts in his heart, okay?
Chen Shi was a little aggrieved.

Xiaosi tugged at his sleeve quietly, stood on tiptoe, and whispered in his ear: "Do you know why Dijun doesn't like you?"

Chen Shi shook his head in a daze.

"It's very simple. The little master said in front of him before that you are the most handsome! Handsome, does it mean good-looking?"

That's it!

Chen Shi suddenly realized, and then his face was darkened.

It shouldn't be a good thing to make the emperor jealous, right?no?
"Hey, why are you here? Could it be that the Seventh Young Master is also here?"

A female voice sounded, and someone came towards them.When Chen Shi and Lou Xin saw this person, they were really speechless. Could she also come to this kind of place?But when they saw the person she was following, they were even more speechless. Didn't the two families have become enemies?
That's right, it was Xiao Wang and Xiao Rong who walked in front of them.In the past, it was normal for the Xiao family brothers and sisters to be together, but now that Xiao Wang has broken away from the Xiao family, the two sides have already torn their skins, why are these two people still together?Moreover, it turned out to be in such a place.

"Miss Xiao Wu came alone?" Chen Shi and Lou Xin subconsciously moved a step at the same time, trying to block the emperor behind.They didn't forget that they heard from Xiao Huo that day that she was a woman with high eyesight, and now she has taken a fancy to Dijun!
But Shen Sha was already taller than them, so he couldn't stand it.

"I came with Sixth Sister and the guards, but they got separated, so I'm alone now." Xiao Rong originally wanted to keep a straight face and not answer them, but it was the two guards of the seventh son, if she kept following them Talking will really lower her status.But her eyes were sharp, and she saw the tall man in black and brocade robe standing behind, with only one side face, her heart was pounding suddenly.

She didn't want to lose her grace in front of him, so she answered Chen Shi's words softly.She thought with a hot face that maybe the young man would be curious about her appearance when he heard her soft voice, and then turned around.

However, Chen Shi found that when she was talking about being alone now, a gleam of light flashed in Xiao Wang's eyes.It seems that the relationship between Xiao Wang and Xiao Rong is not easy.

Xiao Wang poked his head and looked behind them, without turning around like Xiao Rong, he raised his voice and asked directly: "Is the Seventh Young Master behind?"

Lou Qi sighed, patted Shen Sha on the shoulder and slid off his back, straightened her clothes, and was about to go out, but Shen Sha reached out and grabbed her waist, not letting her go out at all.

She glared at him, and said loudly: "I'm just here for a walk, Patriarch Xiao, you are busy with your work, so there is no need to exchange pleasantries."

Xiao Rong was in a bad mood when she heard Lou Qi's voice, she felt that she and Lou Qi might have been enemies in the previous life.But the young man turned around just now, and she saw the charming forehead, long eyebrows like swords, and downcast eyes. Looking at it from such an angle, it was so beautiful that her heart jumped from beating to intensifying. Boom, boom, jump around.

Miss Xiao Wu wondered in a daze, is she destined to meet the most suitable man in her life in the wilderness connected to the bottom of this ghost palace?

Miss Xiao Wu, Xiao Rong didn't really believe in love at first sight, but at this moment, she believed it.She hadn't even seen the man's full face yet.

Xiao Wang glanced at Xiao Rong's expression, and knew what she was thinking without even thinking about it.Xiao Rong is a nympho, but sadly, he just likes her.

Xiao Wang has liked Xiao Rong for 15 years, and he has liked her since he was a child.The most outrageous thing he has ever done was sneaking into Xiao Rong's room at night and spraying her with incense, then climbed into her bed and slept with her in the middle of the night.

He has touched every inch of her body, the ridiculous thing is that Xiao Rong still doesn't know about it.

One of the most important reasons that forced him to make up his mind to break with the Xiao family was that he and Xiao Huo also asked Xiao Rong to marry him. When he was his own son, Xiao Rong regarded him as his own brother, how could siblings marry?

No matter what he said, Xiao Huo just refused to agree, and later became furious, saying that he wanted to marry Xiao Rong off quickly.

He wanted to leave Xiao's house and do a great job, and that old man Xiao Huo would regret it.

If Xiao Rong only regarded him as her own brother, how could she still come to the appointment when he asked her to meet her in the depths of the garden in the middle of the night on the Mid-Autumn Festival that year when he drank too much?Moreover, that night he pretended to be so drunk that he couldn't stand still, and when he pretended to fall, he held her in his arms and kissed her earballs lightly. The voice said to him, brother, don't you?
Knowing that he was coming here to look for Cun Youguo, she went to look for him without telling Xiao Huo, and begged him to bring her here, and even took the initiative to snuggle into his arms, saying that since he left home, she had been thinking about him every night!
Now this flirtatious woman is looking at another man again.

Xiao Wang suppressed the sharpness and sarcasm in his eyes, and stepped aside.

Seeing him retreating, Xiao Rong felt unwilling, but she had no choice but to get closer, so she also retreated to the side.That fellow, the Seventh Young Master, clearly knew that it was her, the Fifth Young Miss of the Xiao family, yet he didn't hurry up to bring that master out to introduce them, it was simply unreasonable.

A few more people turned towards them and asked loudly: "Hey, why didn't you stop here?"

They also saw the patch of flowers and the shelter on the flowers, some people rushed to go there first, but they were more suspicious when they saw Lou Qi and the others stopped here without previous lives.

Lou Xin snapped: "Can't we wait for someone? Take care of the sky and the earth, and you don't care when we leave!"

Those people were a little upset when they heard Lou Xin's tone, and many people dispelled their suspicions. Maybe they were really waiting for someone, and they didn't know the danger ahead and didn't go there.

Lou Qi looked at the people outside through the gap in front of Chen Shi and the others, and smiled sarcastically.Just now I ran desperately, wanting to be first-come-first-served, but now I just think it's a little dangerous and I'm afraid, it's really the bad nature of people.

"Let's go, let's go first. If this drags on, it will be dark. How can we find Cunyouguo when it's dark?" There was a group of people who wanted to make a fortune. The sea walked over.

Some people hesitated for a moment, afraid that they would be too slow to go, and if they were found by the people in front, they also followed.

"Let's go, let's go too, the evil sect here is so disgusting, so many people died on the way here, and a person looks like a ghost, even if you can't find Cunyouhua, it's better to go out first!"

The third group of people followed suit.

Soon, there were only 30 people left here.

At this moment, Yue floated down from above, holding a wild roe deer in his hand.

When Tu Ben saw it, he was overjoyed immediately, his young master had something to eat.He took the roe from Yue and went to deal with it. Ziyunhu was so hungry that he rushed over to drink a few mouthfuls of blood first, and then bite a few mouthfuls of raw meat.

But as soon as it jumped out, someone saw its figure, and immediately someone gasped and shouted: "Liuguang Ziyun Fox! The legendary Liuguang Ziyun Fox!"

"If this thing can be caught, its value will not be lower than that of Cunyouguo." Not far away, a man and a woman leaning against each other lowered their voices, and naked greed flashed in their eyes .

"That thing belongs to the Seventh Young Master. I heard that the Seventh Young Master's martial strength is unpredictable. Most people are not opponents. Just the two of us are definitely not enough." The woman said.

Just as the man was about to continue talking, there was a sudden wail of ghosts and wolves in front of him.

Everyone's attention was drawn to them, and the people who rushed over just now were all crazy, jumping and twisting one by one, as if something had jumped onto them and was biting them.

"Hahaha, could it be those four-legged snakes? How old are these people, and I'm afraid that those little things will fail." The people watching here began to gloat.No one would take those chameleons seriously, let alone people with kung fu, even if they didn't, what's there to be afraid of such little things?

"That's right, it's still screaming like hell, haha, I dare to come here to look for Cun Youguo with this little courage, I'm really crazy about money."

"Yo yo yo, look at a little girl over there, the four-legged snake has got into her arms, haha, she is so anxious that she is digging into her arms."

A group of men laughed loudly.

Lou Qi looked over there, finally someone rushed over, rushed past the sea of ​​flowers, and there was no one to be seen.

Seeing that there were many people passing by, the others couldn't sit still any longer, picked up their weapons and followed.

In the end, there were only a few people left here, and no one from Lou Qi's side left.

The meat was fragrant, and Tu Ben had already roasted some sliced ​​roe deer meat, and quickly handed it to Lou Qi.Lou Qi cheered, "Save!" He stuffed the roe deer meat into his mouth.

Yue couldn't help but say: "Manner, manner." How can you eat so rudely?She is no longer a maid, she is now the imperial concubine, the imperial concubine!
When Lou Qi walked away, Chen Shi and the others also went over to help her cut and barbecue meat, and there was no one standing in front of Shen Sha, Xiao Rong looked up and saw Shen Sha's front, she was stunned for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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