Your heart is free

Chapter 263 Can't guess the process

Chapter 263 Can't guess the process

Xiao Rong didn't know if a woman could use the word "shocked" when she saw a man.But that's the word that's flashing through her mind right now.


Among the men she has met since she was a child, Xiao Wang can be said to be a good-looking talent. One of her younger brothers is handsome and the other is sunny. The most beautiful one is Prince Yu.And what I saw recently, although she hates the Seventh Young Master, she has to admit that the Seventh Young Master has another kind of good-looking and delicate.And his two guards are also handsome.

But these are actually not her favorite types.

Xiao Rong felt that she finally saw her favorite man today.

Tall, stern, with profound and handsome features but not evil, with deep eyes, even the line of thin lips is cold and hard, which makes people feel that the heart is beating wildly.

Such a man is not only good-looking, but also makes people think he is very powerful at a glance!Some women have a maternal psychology and will love and pity those men who seem to make people feel distressed, but most women have a hero complex and prefer a strong man who can make themselves a little bird and let them admire.

Xiao Rong has always thought that she is very smart, and she is different from other stupid women. She feels that she is different from those women who foolishly married under the advice of their parents and matchmakers. She knows what kind of man she wants .

In a way, this is indeed a progressive thought, if she doesn't overestimate herself too much.

"Rong'er, are you going?" Xiao Wang stood up and looked at her.

He was not in a hurry, so he let those people go to die first, and he would go again when the time was almost up.What he wants to guard against is Young Master Qi, and now there is another man who looks very stressful beside Young Master Qi, so he can't wait any longer, he has to seize this time, after those people, Young Master Qi before these people.

It's just that he now regrets bringing Xiao Rong here in a moment of soft-heartedness. He always feels that Xiao Rong will make him do bad things.

"Brother, can you wait any longer? I was too tired from running just now, and I haven't rested yet." Xiao Rong actually likes Xiao Wang a little bit, after all, he grew up together, and Xiao Wang has always shown her that way. Xiao Wang was already very powerful in her previous experience.

Although she doesn't like it now, Xiao Rong has a sense of vanity to be able to grasp his liking for her, and sometimes she can use him to do something, so Xiao Rong still maintains what she used to be at home in front of Xiao Wang. Kind of intimacy.I just didn't dare to let my family know.It was just an excuse to say that her younger sister got separated from her. Her idiot younger sister is now hiding her coming out from her at home.

Xiao Wang glanced at Lou Qi, just in time to see that stern man in black was wiping off a bit of dirt around Mr. Qi's mouth with his hands, he was so stunned that he forgot to answer Xiao Rong's words.

Xiao Rong followed his gaze, but happened to see Lou Qi making a face at the man.Suddenly, a strange feeling rose in her heart, followed by a burst of anger.

This damn shameless seventh son!He actually seduced that young master!
Xiao Rong felt this way, but Shen Sha also felt it.

Except for Chen Shi, Lou Qi and Ziyunhu, the others were not hungry, so the deer was basically eaten by the two of them and the fox.

Yue just kept reminding Lou Qi to pay attention to his manners, Lou Qi rolled his eyes at him, grabbed a large piece of meat, took a hard bite, and even tore it, a little bit of barbecue meat got stuck on his mouth. firewood ash.

Shen Sha sat diagonally across from her, and didn't want to pay attention to her at first, but seeing that she didn't realize it, the dirty things around her mouth kept sticking there, and finally couldn't help reaching out her hand, and wiped it off for her with the pulp of her fingers. up.

Lou Qi looked up and made a face at him, "I thought you were going to continue to sulk. Do you want to eat?"

Her mouth was covered with oil, and it was shiny, but her smiling eyes were even brighter.Shen Sha felt that this woman was seducing him.It's been so long since I saw him, and he hasn't kissed her yet.

But what she said before, the indifference when she said those words were still clearly imprinted in his mind, stinging him one after another, he stood up abruptly, strode to the other side, not looking at her, not looking .

Lou Qi was stunned for a moment, damn it, she was really still sulking.

"Coax the master after eating and drinking." Yue said to her in a low voice.

"Master Yuewei is one of the four personal guards, why don't you coax him?" Lou Qi rolled his eyes.

Men are really troublesome, awkward and domineering men are even more troublesome, awkward, domineering, stuffy and jealous men are the most troublesome!

She glanced at another batch of people who ran into the sea of ​​flowers, probably because of the lessons learned from the previous batch. The big reduction, but it passed quickly.

But Lou Qi always felt that things were not that simple, why those mutated evaders stayed on those huge flowers, she had never been able to figure it out.

At this time, she saw Xiao Rong who was walking towards Shen Sha, and couldn't help but sighed.

Hey, Miss Xiao Wu, if you want to die, can you wait for me to finish eating?
She had a hunch that Miss Xiao Wu's death would probably interrupt her meal!
"Chen Shi, eat quickly, eat quickly." She hurriedly told Chen Shi, and then, looking no further, grabbed the barbecue and devoured it.

What manners, all go to hell.You have been starving for four or five days and only ate a few sour fruits and chewed a few bitter leaves to try!

Seeing Shen Sha leaving Lou Qi and walking to the other side, Xiao Rong was overjoyed.He told Xiao Wang to wait, and then walked towards Shen Sha.

When she was ten steps away from him, she paused, then slowed down, adjusted her expression and walking posture, and then walked towards him with her waist twisted.

When she was still five or six steps away from Shen Sha, Shen Sha had already glanced over, the coldness in her eyes was like an arrow pointing at her, which made her stop involuntarily, and she didn't dare to approach her again. .


Shen Sha said a word coldly.

Women, except for one that made his teeth itch and wanted to bite down, the rest were the ones that he wanted to slap away when he saw it.

Xiao Rong was a little bit shocked, but in fact she was a little psychologically prepared. When she saw Shen Sha at first, she thought that this should be a cold man who was not easy to get along with, but she felt that this was the only way to challenge him. One thing, she thinks, only when such a man is really emotional can he be so passionate that a woman can melt!
"This son, the little girl Xiao Rong, whose father is Xiao Huo, the foundry master of Nora City."

Xiao Huo's daughter?
Shen Sha glanced at Lou Qi, seeing that she was eating the barbecue at a faster speed than before, she couldn't help frowning.I heard from Du Wenhui that she lived in Xiao's mansion before, and her soul-killing whip was made by Xiao Huo.So is it possible that she can still get along with Xiao Huo's daughter?
Look at her face.

"En." He gave Xiao Rong a one-word response.

Xiao Rong was overjoyed, this is a good start, isn't it?Although her father is a little old-fashioned, this reputation is still quite useful!
"It's fate to meet here. I wonder if Rong'er can know the name of the young master?"


Want to know his name?How dare she call him by his name!Shen Sha looked at her coldly.Qiqi shouldn't be able to get along with this kind of woman, right?

Seeing that he didn't answer, Xiao Rong bit her lower lip and changed the subject again. "Young Master and Seventh Young Master are good friends, right? Seventh Young Master lives in the Xiao Mansion, and Rong'er's two younger brothers also like him very much—"

"Your brother? How old is it?"

Xiao Rong couldn't believe it for a moment, did he speak?His voice is so nice, so intoxicating——

Seeing that this woman suddenly showed an obsessed look, Shen Sha was sure that it was absolutely impossible for Qiqi to befriend this woman, they were two completely different people!
However, he was very fond of what she said just now!feel!prosper!interest!

He was willing to start chatting with her, which made Xiao Rong very happy, and immediately said: "Xiao Qing, Rong'er's second brother, is twenty-two this year, and is now the heir of his father, and his craftsmanship is also very good, so seven The young master also praised him very much—”

Before Xiao Rong finished speaking, Shen Sha's eyes suddenly darkened, and he looked at her with a heavy tone: "Oh? The seventh son praised your brother very much? Young master Xiao is a good-looking talent?"

"Hehe, Brother Qing and Rong'er are siblings of the same mother, and their appearance is at least five points similar. Young Master, you should be able to imagine Brother Qing's appearance by looking at Rong'er." Xiao Rong walked closer to him as she spoke. , she used what she thought was the most beautiful angle, raised her chin slightly, and looked at Shen Sha with wandering eyes.

In the next second, she flew up, "Ah!"

Tu Ben handed the last few pieces of roasted meat to Lou Qi, and Lou Qi was about to reach out to pick it up, when suddenly a gust of wind blew over, accompanied by Xiao Rong's scream.As soon as they looked up, they saw Miss Xiao Wu smashing towards this direction.

Lou Qi and Tu Ben were startled at the same time, then jumped up, and each took two steps back.Tu Ben thought that Lou Qi had already caught the meat, and Lou Qi thought that he would continue to hold it, but both of them withdrew their hands at the same time, and the few skewers of roast meat fell to the ground.

Miss Xiao Wu happened to fall face down heavily on those few skewers of barbecued meat.

Reverse large glyphs.

Miss Xiao Wu's image——

Everyone stroked their foreheads together.

Lou Qi stared, stared, those skewers of meat happened to be suppressed by Miss Xiao Wu's chest!

Well, her hunch came true.But she guessed the ending, but not the process.Who would have thought that those few skewers of meat would end up feeding Miss Xiao Wu's chest.

Xiao Wang walked over quickly and helped Xiao Rong up.Except for him, none of the people here came to help her.

After Xiao Rong was helped up, Lou Xin was the first to burst into laughter.

There was a large area of ​​oil stains on her chest, with some meat foam, that's all. The worst thing is, those skewers were made of cut wooden branches, and now a section was broken by her, and there were small pieces of wood. It was stuck on her chest, with a piece of meat attached to one end.

Xiao Rong really wanted to die now, she couldn't cry, but her whole body was trembling.

That man is a devil!How could he shoot her away so suddenly?How could this be!

Lou Qi was pulled over by someone. "I heard that Qi Qi praised the young master of the Xiao family very much. After I get out, I will live with you in the Xiao mansion and meet that young master, how about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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