Your heart is free

Chapter 264 Don't Want Your Respect

Chapter 264 Don't Want Your Respect

In the deep voice, Lou Qi could hear raging anger and murderous intent.

She scolded Xiao Rong dozens of times in her heart.It's enough for Miss Xiao Wu to die by herself, so why drag her along?

When a woman acts to death, the lethality is really not small!

"When did I praise Young Master Xiao more?" She clenched her hands into fists against his chest and was tightly held in his arms. Only then did she recall that the two of them shared the same bed, but such a small heart Or what is going on with the pounding?

Lou Qi deeply felt that a rookie in love couldn't afford to be hurt.

If she had experienced many battles, she must be immune to such intimacy.It's a pity that she herself doesn't want to experience many battles in these areas.What does it mean to be experienced in a relationship?
One is numb, and the other is bruises all over the body.

"No?" Shen Sha locked her waist with iron arms, but his heart relaxed slightly, she said no, she didn't, he believed it, he believed it.

"No, no, no! Absolutely not!" Lou Qi shook her head so much that she almost fell off, and added: "It's a puppy who lied to you."

Although she thinks that Xiao Qing is not bad, but it's not up to the level of her praise.Besides, she wears men's clothes, one man always praises another man, don't wait for people to think she has broken sleeves——

and many more!

Lou Qi came back to his senses, turned his head to look at the crowd, Chen Shilouxin, Du Wenhui and the others clearly understood the principle of indecent indecentness, they had already turned their heads away, but what is the meaning of pulling weeds one after another?It's meaningful to pretend to be busy, right?

There was also a big Lu who opened his mouth wide enough to stuff an egg, staring at them without moving.

Well, this simple, simple, can be ignored.

The most people can't ignore are Xiao Wang and Xiao Rong, and not far away, Xiao Wang's eight subordinates.

They all looked at them as if they had seen a ghost, as if they had been tapped, and the fear and doubt on their faces remained.

She forgot that she is the seventh son now.

"Still not letting go? You are a majestic emperor, do you want people to think that you have broken your sleeves?" Lou Qi glared at him.

"If a man grows into such a pink face and red lips, it will only make people sick." Shen Sha snorted, his face was full of contempt for those people's eyes.

A bunch of idiots, how does she look like a man?

Maybe Lou Qi didn't notice it herself, she couldn't control her beauty in front of Shen Sha, and Shen Sha always had her in her heart, so she would subconsciously notice her every frown, smile, and eye movement. It is natural to see her as beautiful as a woman.And when Lou Qi wore men's clothes in front of others, she was just free and easy, sometimes a bit deserted, and her expression was naturally not as vivid, so it's not surprising that others couldn't see through her real female body.

As long as there is a slight change in the expression of a person's eyes, it will have a great impact on the temperament and demeanor of the whole person.

"You say I'm disgusting?" Lou Qi provoked deliberately.

Shen Sha narrowed her eyes slightly, her eyes fell on her red lips.He does not speak, but expresses the meaning very clearly.Whether or not this emperor means it, can be proved by a certain method.

Lou Qi was defeated.

He really dared to kiss her in front of so many people, he dared.But she dared not.

"Hey, I'm just kidding. If you don't leave, the Inch Youguo will be picked."

"It doesn't matter if someone picks it off, just grab it." Di Junda said calmly.

Lou Qi slipped and almost fell.

Dijun, how are you doing?There is another person here who obviously regards Cun You Guo as something in his pocket.

She glanced at Xiao Wang's eight subordinates indiscriminately.She knew the kung fu of those house slaves and guards raised in Xiao Wang's mansion, half of them were embroidered with fists and legs, and the other half were similar to Tu Ben and others, and some of them were slightly better.Last time, most of them were abolished by her. If he rehired these eight people, she——

I really don't believe it.

The martial arts of these eight people are very high, and she even dared to say that they are higher than the two hundred people who rushed past just now.Of course, it's not surprising that kung fu is high. Maybe he is willing to spend a lot of money to hire these masters?

However, there is a problem with the momentum of these eight people.

They were very proud in front of Xiao Wang, and even had a faint feeling of superiority, but it seemed that Xiao Wang wanted to follow them in turn, especially the rough-looking young man in the lead.

The man looked like he was only 27 or [-], but he gave off the feeling that he had experienced countless winds and frosts, he was very stable, and his momentum was stronger than the others.

These people can't be the kind of people who would succumb to serving as bodyguards for an ordinary person for a little money.

Xiao Wang came back to his senses, and looked at Lou Qi with complicated eyes. Could this Seventh Young Master be the male favourite?
He said that the Seventh Young Master's appearance was too beautiful, and he would really believe it if it was said that he was this man's favorite.

"This one—" He didn't know what to call this one, so he paused before continuing: "My lord, you hurt my sister like this for no reason, don't you have any apologies?"

younger sister?

Think he is stupid?Where are they like brother and sister?Shen Sha glanced at it, and nodded calmly, just when Xiao Wang thought his nod meant to apologize, Shen Sha said two words calmly and very calmly, "No."


Lou Qi almost burst out laughing.

Xiao Wang froze for a moment, and then a fire surged in his chest, what else did he have to say, Xiao Rong already said sadly: "Brother, let's go."

She gave Shen Sha a sad look and lowered her head.I am so embarrassed, how can I still have the nerve to stay in front of him.

Xiao Wang snorted, and helped her hurried towards the eight guards.

Before Xiao Rong left, she gave Lou Qi a venomous look, making Lou Qi a little puzzled.It was Shen Sha who slapped her flying, not her!

They left quickly, and they were the only ones left in the trench.

"Master, it's time to go." Yue walked to Shen Sha's side.

They came here for Lou Qi this time, Cun Youguo was a surprise.

They are all together, so naturally they walked together, although Shen Sha was still angry with Lou Qi, but this time he did not separate from her and left.Yue walked in front, followed by Shen Sha and Lou Qi, Chen Shi and Lou Xin, and another guard from Jiuxiao Palace, followed by Xiao Si, Tu Ben and others, and Du Wenhui and the others.

From this point of view, their team is not small.

When he came to the flower forest, Lou Qi suddenly sniffed, and then his complexion changed a bit. "No, no, the scent I just smelled did not come from these flowers."

Her words stunned everyone.Here is this piece of flowers, and it blooms so colorfully and beautifully, and it is at the outlet of the wind. If the fragrance you smell is not from these flowers, where does it come from?

This flower forest has been almost destroyed by those people who went there before. It may be that someone hacked with a knife and a sword, the flower branches were broken, and the flowers fell into pieces.There are very few intact flowers hanging from the branches.

"Girl, look!"

Chen Shi suddenly pointed to a flower that was a little farther away. That flower was not crowded here, but grew independently, so it escaped being hacked, and now the branch is still in full bloom for a few days. flower.

But what Chen Shi wanted Lou Qi to see was the ground.The distance from here to the middle of the flower is only a few meters, but on the road between these few meters, many chameleons died.

In fact, because it is not very close to where they used to stay, the chameleon in the flower core can only be seen clearly by those with deep internal skills. Shen Sha and Lou Qi could see it clearly. Before, there were a few people who were only vaguely aware of it. see.

Lou Qi originally thought that there was something wrong with these chameleons, and she also guessed that those who were bitten by them might be poisoned or something, but now seeing so many chameleons dying here, she realized that she guessed wrong again.

If these chameleons were as powerful as she had imagined, why would there not be a few dead bodies left under the flowers, and no one would say anything about chameleons being poisonous.

The people are gone, but the chameleons are all dead.

"The exit is here." Yue passed through this small flower forest, where there was a mountain wall, which was so small that only one person could walk across it. "Master, let's go."

Yue is a little anxious, so many people have passed by, even if the lake is big, it will take time to walk around the lake, but there are so many people, if Cunyou really grows by the lake, it will soon be killed Removed.

If it is said that they still have to go back, it is okay to say, the big deal is as Dijun said, when they come back, they will grab them.But the trouble is that there is no need to turn back here. I heard that there is a way to go out there and go back to Nora City.If someone obtained the Cunyou fruit in a very low-key manner and then left quietly, where would they find it?
"What is Master Yuewei always doing in such a hurry?" Lou Qi said flatly, "I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry."

"Emperor Concubine, this sentence is inappropriate here." Yue said helplessly.

"It's rough and not rough." Lou Qi had already ordered Chen Shi and others to step aside, then dragged Shen Sha to the flower not far away, and added a little gloatingly, "Also, if you continue to stand There, don’t say I didn’t remind you later, the poisonous wind came from that exit, and you stood there, and it happened to suck up all by yourself.”

Yue's face changed slightly, and she immediately backed away.

There is a wind blowing over there, and the sweet aroma they smelled before is sandwiched in the wind.But the wind is not blowing all the time, but it seems to be intermittent, and it blows occasionally.

Lou Qi tapped Shen Sha's arm, "Dijun, check to see if those chameleons were poisoned to death."

She used to be his maid, and she followed Yue and Ying to call him master, and occasionally called him by name when she was angry, but now she is not called master, but Dijun, which he doesn't like.

"The word Dijun is called by outsiders." He bent down to pick up a chameleon, and said in a deep voice.

Lou Qi was taken aback, "I didn't do this to show my respect to you." It's hard to be a good person.

"This emperor does not need your respect."

No matter how she hears the word respect, she uses it on him, it makes her feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

Lou Qi secretly made a face at him, expressing that this one is too difficult to serve.

"Then I'll call you by your first name from now on?"

(End of this chapter)

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