Chapter 265
Shen Sha frowned and looked at the chameleon, and after hearing her words, she raised her eyes and squinted lightly, "You can also call me Husband."

"Don't bark." Lou Qi turned his head away.Husband and wife, why does it feel like singing an opera.

Shen Sha approached her, and suddenly raised the chameleon, "Look, this thing is not dead."

Lou Qi was taken aback when she heard the words, and turned back quickly, but she didn't expect that Shen Sha was waiting with her head down, she turned her head as if sent to the door, her lips touched lightly, they were very close.

Shen Sha instantly felt that the world was beautiful.

Most of the sulking and anger that had been held back for a whole day dissipated like this miraculously.He didn't understand why this happened?Because of this soft and intimate contact, he was in a good mood, but also because he was a little puzzled by this inexplicable instant change of mood, so Di Junda's expression at this time was very strange.

Lou Qi was also a little messy.The main reason is that she really didn't expect Shen Sha to make such a move! ! !
Isn't this something that men who are used to playing small romances will do?This was done by the cold and boring Dijun, but she couldn't react anyway.

The two remained in this position for a while without moving.

Then after Shen Sha came back to his senses, he opened his thick white teeth and bit her lips, bit... bit!bite!Not heavy, but enough to leave a row of teeth marks on her lips, and sure to hurt.

Lou Qi, who was stunned by his tenderness just now, didn't react at all, his next move turned out to be to bite her, it turned out to be to bite her!There was a slight pain on her lips, causing her to push him away immediately, staring at him angrily and cursing: "Are you a dog?!"

Damn, if you want romance, just follow the normal version, okay?After kissing her, shouldn't he gently say something like "Qiqi, I like you so much"?
How could it be followed by biting!

There is no such thing!
She refuses to accept, refuses to accept!I really want to shout: Dynasty Ma Han, Zhang Long Zhao Hu!Drag people down for education!
Shen Sha's eyes were deep, but the corners of her lips couldn't help evoking a smile. She stretched out her hand and gently stroked the tooth marks on her lips with her fingertips, and said in a low voice: "Well, let's see who dares to come and talk to this emperor. Rob."

Lou Qi: "."

Looking back, I saw that everyone was not pulling weeds this time, but picking flowers.Picking and picking, they plucked all the few flowers left on the flower plants.

Yue Sweep came over with a sad look, as if to accuse them of being so carefree before the important event, that Cun Youguo would be picked off by someone——

Nonsence!Lingering size, she is the victim of being bitten!
"Ahem!" She cleared her throat and decided to ignore the matter. "You said the chameleon is not dead?"

She looked at the chameleon in his hand, only then did she notice a slight ups and downs under its neck.

Sure enough, he is not dead!

"Dizzy." Shen Sha held it up in front of her.

"Hold it and don't move, I'll take a look." Lou Qi doesn't like snakes, insects, zombies, these things, he is naturally disliked and afraid, so there is nothing he can do.When her life is threatened, she can kill it, but try not to touch it if she can, and avoid it as much as possible.

She took out a silver needle and quickly pierced it into the chameleon's neck. When she took a look, she didn't see the black and blue, but a layer of red and pink.

Shen Sha frowned slightly, "What is this?"

Lou Qi said: "Drugs with hallucinogenic properties sometimes produce various colors." But she has never seen such a beautiful red-pink.

It seems that it is not very poisonous.But she dared not draw this conclusion too early.It is precisely because this place is very strange, and she has not figured it out for the time being, so she would rather slow down, figure it out or be more careful before going there, rather than rushing into the dangerous situation rashly.

Is the fruit important or the life important?

Well, both are important, but you have to save your life before you can get things.

Shen Sha glanced at it, and said: "These chameleons seem to be rushing to the flower in front from the flower bushes over there."

They walked over, and were surprised to see a few more lively and discolored flowers on the flower. "How are these all right?"

A flash of inspiration flashed in Lou Qi's mind: "I see, the flowers over there were all destroyed. They had no choice but to climb here, but they couldn't hold on on the way and passed out. And these few It climbs faster, so it's fine."

Yue came over and said in surprise, "You mean, these flowers can cure that kind of medicine?"

Lou Qi nodded. "Besides, that kind of medicinal property should not have always been there before, otherwise these chameleons would have gone to live in other places a long time ago, and they would not stay here forever. It may be that something happened over there in the past two days that caused such a confusion -Xiang, the chameleons have found such a place of refuge for the time being." She pointed to the big bowl of flowers and said.

"Then why is the person who went in just now okay?" Du Wenhui couldn't help asking.

Lou Qi rolled his eyes: "How do you know they're okay? Chameleons are small in size and may be much weaker in resistance to medicines, so if they inhale a little bit, they will be hit. But those who go in are all martial arts practitioners, and if they inhale just a little bit, they may be killed." It’s all right. But don’t forget, the mist comes from over there with the wind, so it might be fine here, but what about after it passes? What if it happens to arrive at the place where the mist is produced?”

Everyone's expressions were slightly condensed.

"Your detoxification pill didn't work?" Shen Sha asked.

Lou Qi shook her head, "Some incense is not poisonous, so the detoxification pills made now are not effective for this incense." She did have some medicines that could work, but she didn't bring them.

"This flower is useful." Shen Sha said.

"Yes." Lou Qi plucked a flower, put it up to her nose and smelled it, there was a very light smell in the flower core, and the pink yellow pollen in the flower core was emitting this smell.It seems that the pollen is still working.

"Do it yourself and collect the pollen. If there is something wrong with it later, just suck the pollen in with your nose and don't eat it." If they could eat it, these chameleons would have eaten it long ago.

Everyone started their hands one after another, cut some cloth for their clothes, carefully collected the pollen, wrapped it into a small cloth bag and put it in their bosom.Lou Qi asked them all to pick some flowers and take them with them. "It's okay to confuse others later." Anyway, they had taken all the useful pollen.

After getting ready, everyone walked into the aisle.

The narrow road was not long, and they passed through it in no time, and there was a slight turn at the exit.

This time Du Wenhui led his men to walk ahead, and when he reached the exit, Du Wenhui gasped.

The flower over there just now was as big as a big sea bowl, which surprised them all, but compared with those flowers in front, it is really petite!
The green grass is luxuriant, a small road winds out, and there is a stone forest in front of it. In the stone forest, there are occasional flower plants, a single flower, and only one flower blooms on each flower plant. The flower is pink and in full bloom. One of the flowers is almost as big as the arms of an adult man, and the petals are layered on top of each other, and there are countless petals.

That flower has a strange beauty.

As soon as the wind blows, the sweet and greasy aroma in the air becomes stronger.

But the reason why they were all stunned was because under that patch of flowers, there were a lot of people lying down in disorder, some of them were even stacked on top of each other.There are at least a hundred people in this area!
Surrounding the strangely beautiful flowers, there is such a large group of people falling backwards. This kind of picture is really indescribable.

"Suck pollen." Lou Qi said immediately. More than 200 people, half of them fell here, and I don't know how many will fall later!

Where there are treasures, there are unknown dangers. This should be regarded as common sense, but in many cases, greed for treasures or overestimation of oneself will always make people blind.

Everyone hurriedly took out the pollen and inhaled it into the nasal cavity one after another.

"Go." Shen Sha said in a deep voice.

They all quickened their pace and hurried along the road.No
Lu Dali suddenly said loudly: "Don't you save them? If you don't save them, they will die."

Tu Ben and the others were also taken aback.These people are not dead, not dead.And their expressions are not painful, some people are even smiling, some are very calm, as if they are asleep.

Xiaosi hesitated for a moment, then asked: "Is it possible to wake them up?" They were so calm, as if they could open their eyes and wake up if they called out and shook them.

Lou Qi glanced at Shen
Shen Sha put his arms around her waist and said coldly, "Go on."

These people have no acquaintance with them, and they are still competitors for an inch of fruit, what are they doing to save them?Besides, if it is said that they will wake up if they really scream, then it will be fine for them to sleep again, and they will wake up naturally when there is movement.If you can't wake up, is it useful to save?waste time.

These more than a hundred people should be the first batch to come in. With them falling here, the people who came later will naturally be careful. Maybe some people brought medicine, some people can hold their breath, and some of them have already passed.

Everyone stopped talking and rushed forward.

Tu Ben walked for a while and felt that something was wrong, "Where's the idiot?" The five brothers have been walking together, but now one of them is missing.

The master was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously turned his head, just in time to see the stunned man standing in front of a woman who was leaning against a big rock, staring at her blankly.

He was about to call out, but the fool turned around and raised his voice to them, "Brothers, can I just try to save this one? This little lady is so beautiful, it would be a pity if something happened here! I will save her." Save her, maybe she will be willing to be my wife!"

The idiot has no other shortcomings, except that he can't walk when he sees a woman he likes.

The master subconsciously felt that it was inappropriate, but the monkey stopped him, "Just let him try."

The master also swallowed back the words that stopped him.

The stunned man walked over to the woman, stretched out his hand and patted her face, "Little lady, little lady? Wake up, you can't sleep here, hurry up and leave."

The woman didn't move.

The idiot yelled a few more times, but she still didn't move.He stroked her face lightly with his hand, and couldn't help swallowing. They were beggars since they were young, poor, and couldn't even afford to go to a brothel. They had never touched a woman in their life, and now they saw this woman so beautiful , with such a slippery face, just lying here like this, he really felt that it was too wasteful.

The fool turned around and said to them, "I'll carry her out!"

(End of this chapter)

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