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Chapter 266 The Person Who Shouldn't Be Saved

Chapter 266 The Person Who Shouldn't Be Saved

Lou Qi and the others had already walked to the front, breaking some distance from them.The master glanced at it, but still felt that something was not right, Tu Ben frowned, and called out: "Idiot, if you say you can't save me, then we won't save you! It's fine if you can't wake up, let's go!"

"I'll just save her alone." As the fool said, he bent down and carried the woman on his back.The woman's soft body pressed against his back, making him feel sweet and so happy.

The woman's weight is really nothing to him, he smiled, and ran over quickly with her on his back, "Look, it's not difficult to walk with her like this!"

The monkey leaned over to look at the woman's face, and said, "Idiot, don't tell me, this woman is really pretty!"

"Go away, monkey, don't touch it." The fool walked away a few steps with his back on his back.

The monkey snorted, "She's not your mother-in-law, you're just covering it up, you're really thick-skinned."

The stunned man poked his neck and blushed and said, "Don't talk nonsense, even if she isn't my mother-in-law, I want to save her!"

Although he likes to want this woman, if she wakes up and refuses to marry him, he can't force her.Now they are not bandits anymore, if they do something like marrying a woman by force, the son will definitely not spare him.

"Okay, let's go." Monkey said with a grin.

Tu Ben saw that he had already carried someone out, and now it seemed a bit cruel to leave him behind, so he had no choice but to sigh and said: "Go quickly, young master and the others have gone a long way!"

They quickly chased after it. The path was winding like a snake. Sometimes it was empty on both sides, and sometimes there were huge stones covered with green vines.

After walking for a while, the terrain began to go up, and the path became wider.They went underground before, so it is normal for the terrain to go up now.But they walked for a long time, but they still didn't catch up with the people before them, and they didn't hear a sound.

"I don't know how urgent they are and where they are going now." Lou Xin said.

As soon as the words fell, there was a huge boulder in front of him, which cut off his vision all of a sudden.The road took a sharp turn and drifted out for a short distance. There was no shelter at the bend, because it was already climbed very high, and looking down there, it was already a height that would break a person's bones.

"Du Wenhui, be careful." Lou Qi raised his voice and said to Du Wenhui who was walking in the front.

Du Wenhui turned around, and was about to respond, but suddenly his face changed, and he shouted loudly: "Who is behind, how did you carry a woman on your back?"

He was standing at the end now, looking back and looking down, just in time to see the idiots who were the last in the line.

After shouting this sentence, Lou Qi immediately turned around and looked back, but Lu Dali's figure happened to block her sight.

"Lu Dali, get out of the way, who carried the woman?"

She remembered that it was Tu Ben who walked last, but she didn't know which of the five brothers carried it.

"Girl, go down and have a look." Chen Shi said.

Lou Qi nodded.

Chen Shi turned around and squeezed past Lu Dali.

Shen Sha didn't care about the situation behind, he suddenly frowned, walked forward quickly, walked to the side of the curved road that floated out, poked his head out slightly to look down.

There are just a few sharp stalagmites below, and the stalagmites are very close together. He can't see what is there, but he always feels a little bloody smell, which is coming from below.

"Be vigilant, something is wrong." He said in a deep voice.

Du Wenhui and others immediately noticed.


Suddenly, a shrill scream came from behind, shattering the previous calm.Everyone was shocked, and Qi Qi looked behind.But Lu Dali's figure is too burly, with him in the way, the situation behind cannot be seen at all.

Shen Sha hugged Lou Qi's waist, tapped her toes, and flew onto the boulder, only then did she see the situation behind her clearly.Yue also flew up, but when he turned around, out of the corner of his eye, he saw the other side of the boulder, the situation in front of him, and he gasped.


Shen Sha saw what was going on behind him, but before he recovered from his shock, he heard Yue's cry again, he turned his head and saw Yue pointing at the front.

He looked down his fingers.

A lake, a huge lake, a beautiful lake, like a green jade pendant falling on an entire colorful carpet, sparkling, mist on the lake, flowers blooming by the lake, like a fairyland.

If there were no corpses floating on the water!
Yes, there are many corpses floating on the lake near this direction!Because they were not close, they couldn't tell whether those were the people who came here before.

Moreover, it is impossible to see how many there are for a while.

At this time, three or four people rushed towards the corner of the road ahead, and one of them was a woman, crying as she ran back, "I want to go back! I want to go back! I don't want to stay in this damn place!"

"It's Miss Xiao's family." Yue said.

There is a situation behind, and there is also a situation ahead. For a while, everyone's hearts were raised.

However, Lou Qi had already climbed onto the boulder before and flew back when she saw the situation behind her. Her toes touched Lu Dali's shoulder, and she used her strength to fly away again. When she reached Chen Shi's side, her body was still When he fell, he first reached out and grabbed his back collar, grabbed him with force, and led him to jump backwards before falling to the ground.

Chen Shi's eyes went straight.

Lou Xin also rushed over, pulled out the sword he had picked up next to those fainted people before, and was about to stab the fool in the chest with one sword.

"What are you doing!" The monkey flew over suddenly, and in a hurry, he reached out and grabbed his sword. His palm was cut immediately, and blood dripped down.

"Let go, are you crazy?" Lou Xin was startled.

The monkey's eyes were red, "You are crazy! This is my brother, my brother! Why did you kill him! Why!"

Lou Xin pointed at the fool, and shouted angrily: "Look at him now! The girl said that those people are not allowed to save, why didn't you listen? Why didn't you listen!"

Lou Qi didn't care about this side, she was quickly injecting needles on Chen Shi, with more than twenty long needles in her hand, all of them were aimed at his head and pierced into his chest.

She didn't look back, but her voice was cold, she gritted her teeth and said, "Lou Xin, kill!"

"Subordinates understand!" Lou Xin's expression tightened immediately, and he shouted at the monkey, "Let go!"

"I won't let it go, I won't let it go, no matter what the idiot becomes, he's still my brother——huh——" the monkey burst into tears.

Tu Ben and the master stood in front of the fool, and before them, there was another brother of theirs who had always been taciturn, and he was also the younger brother that the fool had recognized since childhood. Bai has always been the two of them relying on each other for life.Compared with the fool, he is much fairer, so they always call him Xiaobai.Xiaobai was also the first to find out that something was wrong with the fool.

He is now trembling and calling the stunned man, "Brother? Brother, I'm Xiaobai, do you still recognize me?"

Now the stupefied, both ears have been bitten off, his face and shoulders are covered with blood, and his eyes have turned green, dark green, you can't see his eyes at all, just straight Yes, it seems that those two eyes are not eyes, but two stone beads.

On his back, the dazed woman had already woken up, her hands were pressed on the fool's shoulders, her mouth was full of blood, her eyes were also green, her expression was dull, but she smiled foolishly, Teeth were stained red with blood.

At this moment, she suddenly opened her mouth again, and bit down on the stupid man's shoulder.

As if he didn't feel the pain, the stupefied took another step forward with her back behind his back.Xiao Bai's whole body trembled, but he stood there firmly. "Brother, I'm Xiaobai, do you remember—"

Before he could finish his words, the fool suddenly rushed over, hugged his head tightly, and opened his mouth to bite his left ear.


Tu Ben and the master yelled, one of them grabbed Xiao Bai's arm and was about to pull him back.But the fool hugged Xiaobai's head so tightly that they couldn't pull it away for a while.

"Let go, fool, let go!"

Both Shiye and Tu Ben's eyes were red, they were reluctant to kill the fool, but now they couldn't save Xiaobai, seeing the two brothers who depended on each other killing each other like this, their hearts were about to explode.

Lou Xin kicked the monkey away, but the monkey jumped up again and hugged his leg tightly, "You can't kill the idiot, you can't kill him!"


Xiaobai screamed.

The fool bit his ear and spat it out.

When the monkey saw this scene, he was stunned, and he was in a bad mood.

"Ahhh!" Xiaobai's face was full of tears, and he turned his head with all his strength: "Brother Xin, Jian—"

He knew that none of these brothers could do anything.

Lou Xin also gritted his teeth, these brothers are not without feelings, they have been together for so long, how could they have no feelings?

He turned his head and saw that Lou Qi had withdrawn the needle and was slowly standing up, while Chen Shi was still awake, "Girl, he—"

Lou Qi shook her head slowly, seeing the idiot who hugged Xiao Bai's head and tried to bite his other ear, she suddenly felt a pang of sadness in her heart.

"I can't help it."

Lou Xin gritted his teeth, passed the sword past the master, thrust it into Xiaobai's hand, and then turned his head.

Xiaobai held the sword, gritted his teeth, and without hesitation stabbed hard at the stunned man's stomach, then pulled it out forcefully, and slashed at the neck of the woman on his back.This sword wasn't a precious sword, it wasn't that sharp. He tried his best to cut it down, but the sword got stuck in the woman's neck, and he couldn't pull it out no matter how hard he tried.

"Brother!" Xiaobai broke free from the hands of Tu Ben and the master, hugged the stunned man and the woman tightly, shouted and pushed them towards the edge, leading them to jump off the cliff.



The heart-piercing cry echoed, Lou Qi closed his eyes.

This is the price paid by fools, and there are always some prices that cannot be paid.

"Don't blame yourself." Shen Sha put his arms around her waist and led her away.His heart was colder, so he wasn't much touched by the deaths of those two people. Even if they were his subordinates, they would be punished if they didn't die because they disobeyed orders.

Those people, they said they couldn't be saved.

He even felt that the few people she took in were too loose and undisciplined, even if there was no this time, there would be a next time.There was a tragic lesson, a lesson that will never be forgotten by those who survived.

(End of this chapter)

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