Chapter 267
"I know." Lou Qi whispered.She didn't blame herself, she never got into a dead end, she was just sad.

In fact, this is not the first time someone has died around her.It happened in modern times, but she didn't want to recall it, but after that, she always subconsciously tried to learn more, hoping that she could be stronger, and no matter how strong she was, she would be able to give her partners a chance of survival in times of danger.

But this is another world, she really doesn't know such a poisonous person!She felt that something was wrong from the very beginning, and she had always had a bad premonition, that's why she waited outside for so long, hoping to find out more and come here with greater confidence.

Who knows what happened.

"Those chameleons are also mutated chameleons. They are poisonous, but it may not be a big problem to be bitten by them. After inhaling the aroma of the giant flowers in the stone forest, the two interact with each other, and it becomes another drama. Poison. The woman on the back of the idiot was bitten on the chest by a mutated chameleon before, and it may be because of this that her poison developed faster and more severely."

Lou Qi recalled that when those people were bitten and jumped, it was this woman who was bitten on the chest, and then those men were still booing.

Unexpectedly, she became like that in a blink of an eye.

That kind of poison will attack the brain and invade the memory area, making people murderous. The venom rushes to the eyes and corrodes the eyeballs, which is why they turn green.

At this time, Lu Dali came over suddenly and said to her solemnly: "Girl, I will listen to you from now on." When he first asked whether he wanted to save those people, he felt that he was stupid and didn't know what to do and what not to do, but he made up his mind that from now on, he only had to listen to Lou Qi, as long as he listened to her.

"Okay." Lou Qi didn't say anything to him, just said: "Go and carry Chen Shi on your back for a while."

Chen Shi was bitten by the woman when he went over to look at it, but he moved quickly and blocked it with his arm, and the poison was not much, so Lou Qi was able to cure him.

As expected, Lu Dali took the order and left.

The three of Tu Ben still looked dazed, unable to recover from the shock of losing their two brothers all at once.Especially Houzi, he blamed himself very much, because originally the master and Tu Ben wanted to persuade the fool not to save the woman, but he spoke for the fool, and he was the one who supported the fool to carry the woman out.

Xiaosi had gained some knowledge and courage after following Xuanyuan before, but now she can only offer a few words of consolation in vain, without much effect.

It's just that at this time, in this kind of place, there is not much time left for them to grieve, and the road still has to be rushed.However, there are mishaps ahead.

"My lord, help!" Xiao Rong's terrified scream came from the front.She ran and stumbled, in a panic.The hair has all been scattered, and the jewelry such as Jinbuyao that was inserted in it has fallen out of nowhere, and the dress has been pulled and pulled, dirty and torn.

She saw Yue standing on the boulder from a distance, and recognized that this handsome man was that bodyguard, and immediately cried to him.

"Let them come over and ask what's going on." Yue said to Du Wenhui.

Because of the stupid thing, and seeing the corpse floating on the lake in front, they all raised their hearts and wanted to be more cautious.

Du Wenhui nodded, and Tingyue added: "Pay attention to whether they have any wounds on their bodies, or whether their eyes have changed color." I'm scared, I'm really scared.


Of the four people who came back, three were men with good lightness kung fu, only Xiao Rong was a woman, and the other was a woman who could only do superficial kung fu.This makes people a little confused.

Generally speaking, in a group of people who don't know each other and there is competition, the woman who runs the slowest and has little skill must be the first to be abandoned. These three people are not the guards of the Xiao family, so how could they lead Xiao? Rong ran all the way back?

Seeing that they had no problem, Du Wenhui let them come over.After running past the boulder, Xiao Rong only relaxed when she saw Lou Qi, Shen Sha and the others, and fell to the ground, crying loudly.

Seeing this, Lou Qi was a little speechless, and couldn't help asking: "Since Miss Xiao Wu has no guts or skill, why did she come to such a dangerous place?"

Xiao Rong, a woman who has always been good at killing, will continue to walk on the road of dying under such circumstances.Hearing Lou Qi's words, she just felt that Lou Qi was mocking her, despising her, and in front of the man she admired, this was too embarrassing for her!What's more, she already felt very ashamed for making herself like this, but now she puts all this anger on Lou Qi.She suddenly raised her head and glared at Lou Qi, and shouted angrily: "Why does this lady come here? It's none of your business? You have the guts and skill, I think you are just relying on that young master to protect you! A man who looks so Bai Nen, how many men have you hooked up to dote on you along the way? It's just a man who is an Israeli servant, how noble is he pretending to be?"

Lou Qi blinked at her, feeling admiration in her heart!
Miss Xiao Wu, how did your father raise you up to such a safe age, if you risk your life like this?

She is being covered by someone now, and the person who is covering her has a bad temper.Since someone could use it, Lou Qi himself didn't make a move, but took a step back to the side.

Sure enough, as soon as Xiao Rong finished speaking, she felt the air pressure around her suddenly drop, and she felt chills all over her body.Her heart trembled, she raised her head and met Shen Sha's cold eyes.

"Who do you say hooked up with men? Who served them with sex?"

Xiao Rong secretly thought it was bad at this time, didn't she scold this one too?But when she saw that Lou Qi was looking at her with a smile that was not a smile, with a clear look of confidence on her face, her head became hot and she couldn't help but yelled out again. "He is! Young Master, you are tall, powerful and imposing, why do you favor men? Young Master, Rong'er knows that it must be Seventh Young Master who hooked you up and confused you—"

Before she could finish her words, a terrifying force slammed down towards the top of her head.A cold voice sounded next to her ear, "I like her to hook up with you, and I like her to confuse me. Do you have an opinion?"

Xiao Rong felt as if her head and heart had been slammed down by a heavy hammer. There was a stabbing pain in her head and her heart seemed to be broken. Her eyes, ears, nostrils and mouth were bleeding all at once.

But before that, it was the three words she heard that struck her like lightning.


There is only one person in the world who claims to be so, the one she has been hearing about these days, the one she wants to marry!
With a puff, she spurted out a mouthful of blood, but just like a sudden surge of endless courage, she struggled and screamed.

"Dijun, Dijun! Rong'er came here to find something for you! Dijun, Rong'er knows where Cunyouguo is!"

Shen Sha originally wanted to torture and kill her, so he slapped her on the head, but he didn't want to slap her to death. How could a woman who dared to insult him like that die so happily?He just wants her to bleed from seven holes, and die after experiencing more pain and fear!
When he was about to slap another palm in the void, a slender and white hand stretched out, and the palm was pressed into his palm.He immediately withdrew his internal energy, held that hand, and glared at the woman beside him with a bit of anger, "Aren't you afraid of accidentally hurting you?"

How dare you block him with your bare hands when he strikes!
Lou Qi really didn't care whether Xiao Rong was dead or alive, but when she heard her last cry, she felt that there should be some valuable information, so she stopped Shen Sha from killing her.

"Are you willing to hurt me?" She raised her chin slightly, and gave him a charming look.She didn't miss what this man said just now, and she even said that she likes her to hook up with her, and she likes her to confuse him!Then she will try to seduce her once.

But she regretted it in the next second, some people really did not hook up!

The slender waist was suddenly locked by a pair of iron arms, and a powerful man's aura was enveloped in an instant. She immediately stretched out her hand to block him, and said hurriedly: "Listen to what she said, listen to what she said."

Just kidding, she doesn't want to be bitten in front of everyone, okay? !
Shen Sha snorted, but did not continue.

Yue breathed a sigh of relief, he was really afraid that this woman Xiao Rong would be shot to death by their master all of a sudden, and he still had something to ask.

"Miss Xiao Wu better think clearly about what to say and what not to say." He spoke in a somewhat helpless way, this woman scolding Lou Qi like that really doesn't want to live.

If Lou Qi hadn't stopped him just now, no one else would have been able to stop their master's murderous intentions.

Xiao Rong fell on the ground and shivered, she was not afraid, just walked around in front of the ghost gate, she was scared to death!
This time she really felt Shen Sha's killing intent towards her, such a man is too scary, too scary, she dare not try again, dare not!

Stumbling and trembling, she told the story.

"Yes, I overheard a woman talking to her subordinates. She said that Dijun Poyu would definitely need Cunyouguo. When she got the things, she wanted Xiao Wang to come forward and make a request with Dijun! At that time, I was Thinking about it, if I got the Cun You Guo, would I be able to follow the emperor, that's why I begged Xiao Wang to bring me here!"

Lou Qi raised her eyebrows, she didn't expect Miss Xiao Wu to be quite courageous and willing to sacrifice her life for Shen Sha. "Do you know who that woman is?"

"I don't know. She came out of Xiao Wang's mansion at that time. I happened to see her and followed her secretly. I wanted to see who it was, but she was wearing a curtain all the time. I didn't see her appearance. It is certain that she must not be from Nora City."

"What else did she say?"

"No more, no more. Later, I was afraid of being discovered by them, so I hurried away."

Lou Qi looked at the corner of Shen Sha's eyes and said: "Look, there are many women who are interested in you, have you accepted them as concubines?"

As soon as she said this, Xiao Rong's eyes lit up immediately, and she looked at Shen Sha eagerly.

(End of this chapter)

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