Your heart is free

Chapter 268 There Are Water Ghosts

Chapter 268 There Are Water Ghosts

Shen Sha didn't even look at her, glanced at Lou Qi, and only said in a deep voice: "No need to test, it's just you, this emperor is almost bored to death." After speaking, he turned and walked away.

Lou Qi pointed at himself with a black line: "I'm annoying?"

What's the meaning!Damn, make it clear!

If you think she is annoying, you still don't let her go, and if you think she is annoying, you still chase her all the way from the broken domain to catch her?

wrong!What he said made her look like a bitter and jealous wife, as if he was deliberately blocking him with words!She didn't mean that at all, okay? !
"Hey, come back and explain it to me!" Lou Qi immediately chased after him aggressively.

Yue reluctantly took over the interrogation work.

"Since you all came to look for Cun Youguo, why did you all run back?"

Upon hearing this sentence, the faces of Xiao Rong and the other three men turned pale.

"There are monsters in that lake! No," a man stammered, "No, there are water ghosts, there are water ghosts in the lake!"

There are water ghosts in the lake?
Lou Qi does not believe that there are water ghosts in the lake, but if there are mutated fish or mutated amphibious animals in the lake, Lou Qi still believes it.

From what the three men said, Xiao Rong didn't have much skill, and she seemed a little afraid of water, so she never got close to the lake. The three of them were hungry and happened to find a few dwarf wild fruits. Picked wild fruit to eat.As a result, the three of them just avoided a catastrophe.

When they found that something was wrong on the other side of the lake, they all suddenly realized that this inch fruit is not so easy to get. One batch after another, maybe it will be their turn next. They were frightened and didn't want inch fruit , so he ran away.Those people in the lake were thumping and shouting all the time, don't eat me, don't kill me, I don't want to die, they were terrified when they heard it.After running for a while and turning around, they found that the people who were thumping and screaming a moment ago were suddenly floating on the water, without making any sound at all.

Such a strange scene almost frightened them out of their wits, for fear that the things in the lake would come up to chase them, so they ran so fast and screamed so miserably.

"They talked so much but they didn't explain clearly what's in the lake, and why those people are floating on the water and won't sink?" Lou Qi frowned and thought.

These people should not have drowned. If they really drowned, more or less people would sink to the bottom of the water. Then, they were bitten to death by something, or choked to death by being entangled.But there must be something wrong with that lake.Moreover, they were all screaming at first, but they all died and became quiet in the blink of an eye. What's so weird about it?

"Imagination is useless, you can tell it just by looking at it." Shen Sha said in a deep voice, walking around the boulder with one step.

Lou Qi suddenly stopped before he was about to follow, turned his head and glanced at everyone, especially when they fell on the faces of Tu Ben and the others, and said in a condensed tone: "Come on, I know you are all feeling uncomfortable now. , but in such a dangerous place, put away all emotions for me! What you want is calmness, and you can be meticulous when you are calm, and you can stay calm when things are in danger! Do you understand?"

Tu Ben and the others were shocked, and subconsciously straightened their backs, "I understand!"

"Also, follow orders in all actions! Unless you want to die here, in the future, I don't want anyone to make decisions without authorization and obey others!"

"Yes, son."

Lou Qi's eyes stayed on the monkey's face for a while, the monkey's eyes were red, and he said: "My lord, this subordinate also understands."

The idiot Xiaobai is dead, no matter how sad they are, they will never come back.

Xiao Rong and the other three men didn't dare to go back at first, but after Shen Sha and the others left, the place was empty again with a chilling silence. Looking at the way they came, they thought of the more than 100 people who fell under the huge boulder in front of them. , They were thrilled in their hearts, and immediately followed.

Xiao Rong followed them, "You promised to protect me. When you return to Nora City, I will give each of you a sword made by my father."

She used this condition before to let them escape with her, and now she can only repeat these words again.She no longer dared to think about being attached to Shen Sha, even though she already knew his identity now.

But she was afraid, really afraid of such a cruel and ruthless man who was about to kill someone!

Several people hung at the end of the line and followed cautiously.Seeing them like that, Lou Xin must be thinking that if he finds something wrong again, he can run back as fast as possible.

Night has fallen, but they dare not stop at such a place, it is not suitable to stop and rest here.They lit torches, one in each hand, and the large fire could illuminate the surroundings, but the night itself was more frightening than the day, let alone the night in this dangerous mountain.

Xiaosi followed closely beside Lu Dali, and this big Lu could give her a sense of security.

After walking this mountain road, there is a large green field in front of you.There are very few trees in this area, but occasionally there are one or two trees in the distance, and they are all short.

The weeds under the feet are thick and soft to step on, and small flowers grow out wantonly. Although the flowers are small and low-profile, compared with the huge and gorgeous flowers before, such ordinary wild flowers are simply too kind to people. Wonderful.

Of course, most of the men here didn't pay attention to these flowers and plants, even the three women, Xiao Si, Xiao Rong, and Lou Qi, didn't pay much attention to those flowers.

The lake was only a hundred meters away from them.

The lake is very big, and you can still see [-]% to [-]% of the whole picture from the boulders. Now when you get closer, you realize that you can't see that end at all.In the dark night, the surface of the lake looked calmer, except for the large corpses floating on it.

Shen Sha stopped, "You wait here."

Lou Qi also happened to turn his head to look at Tu Ben Xiaosi and the others. "Wait here."

The more people you bring, the better.These people's skills are far from being able to deal with such dangers, and they won't be able to help if they go there.

How could Tu Ben and the others dare to disobey now, they all nodded.

"Woooo." Ziyunhu, who was hugged by Chen Shi before, jumped out of his arms and jumped into Lou Qi's arms.

"You want to go too? Okay, but if it's dangerous, remember to run quickly, you know?" Lou Qi patted it on the head.

Shen Sha glanced sideways, and found that Ziyunhu was lying on Lou Qi's chest, and his handsome face turned dark all of a sudden.He squinted his eyes slightly, staring at Ziyun Fox, and said in a calm tone: "Go, or die?"

There are three black threads hanging from Lou Qi's forehead, aren't you, Dijun, you have to care about a little fox?Just as she was about to speak, Ziyunhu let out a weak cry out of aggrievedness and did not dare to disobey, and jumped out of her arms, jumping into Yue's arms involuntarily.

There is no way, this place is the closest to Yue, besides its owner and this terrifying man, it is also the most handsome, it can only choose him, it can only choose him.


Lou Qi was in a mess in the wind.She has seen whimpering. At the auction of Ziyun Fox in the medicine store in Luoyang City, a man who just killed a snow fox wanted to kill it. It was so bad that even the eyeballs were pulled out.

Looking at it now, it seems to be a little afraid of Shen Sha?
Lou Qi was thoughtful, and suddenly remembered that someone looked at Shen Sha and said that he looked like the Duanchen sect's suzerain.Ziyunhu is not necessarily afraid of Shen Sha because of his own martial arts strength, and it is not that it has never encountered someone with strong martial arts and viciousness, like the man in black who caught it and auctioned it at the medicine store. Didn't show any timidity.

She suddenly felt that her fate with Shen Sha could also be reflected in their backgrounds.There are problems with the same, and there seem to be some intersections.

After thinking about it, Lou Qi suddenly realized that the feeling under his feet was a bit wrong.

"Has the lake overflowed here?" She stopped.Only she, Shen Sha, Yuewei, Chen Shilouxin, Du Wenhui and others stayed behind.

Now they have come not far from the lake, about 20 meters away from the lake.The flowers and plants here are obviously more abundant and very plump.

But what made her feel wrong was that there was water in the grass.

The water on the grass beach was soaked by about one centimeter. The grass was soaked in water, and it was so wet and soft when I walked on it that my boots were soaked.

Shen Sha looked up at the lake and frowned. "The lake didn't overflow to the shore, the water didn't overflow from the lake."

These words made everyone a little stunned, where did the water come from?Obviously it hasn't rained these days.In fact, if they went to the ordinary wilderness, a piece of water in the grass would definitely not attract their attention and doubts, but it was different here, this place was too weird, and so many people died, they could not be ignored under any circumstances.

But now this large puddle of water made them all puzzled.

Lou Qi inspected the water, and found nothing wrong with it at first. The clear water is colorless and odorless, no different from ordinary clear water, and the flowers and plants growing in the water are not special, but she And let them back off, back on the dry grass, and take off their boots to check.

"Look, those corpses have suddenly floated away!" Lou Xin shouted suddenly, pointing at the lake.

Because it was night, it was very quiet here, his words were very clear, and everyone who stayed not far away heard them, and those who had just sat down to rest who were so tired all of a sudden jumped up.

Everyone looked towards the lake.

It used to be that the bodies floating on the water were all accumulated near the shore of the lake, but now they all floated towards the lake. Although the speed was slow, they were indeed moving.

Shen Sha jumped up, in mid-air, and blasted towards the water with both palms out.

His internal strength is no small matter, these two palms made a lot of splashes.

Lou Qi also noticed the clue, and with a hey sound, he quickly took out a handful of needles, flicked his wrist, and the silver needles shot into the water like a rain of needles.

"Girl?" Chen Shi and the others were at a loss.

"Someone in the water is pretending to be a ghost!" Lou Qi said coldly.

While speaking, more than a dozen figures suddenly flew out of the water, and water droplets splashed all over everyone.

Over there, Xiao Rong, who couldn't see clearly, screamed in fright, "The water ghost has come out!"

(End of this chapter)

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